I am trying to capture the Sound Frequency value from the Device Microphone from a Web Browser, utilizing the Web Audio API. The Instructions only covers how to play a sound file and manipulate its output, ect.
I need to listen to a Humming Sound from a person and figure out the Sound frequency, which I will then convert to a musical note. I need to build an array with all the frequencies that are generated from a Single Musical Note that I play from a digital Piano keyboard. I will then get the mode of all the frequencies to get the actual Musical note.
I am able to display the frequency and notes that I detect onto the Console.log(), however, I am not able to build the array, get the mode, and then clear-out the array when I play a new note. My array remains active because the code is on an event listening mode and remains active to listen for the next note.
This is my code:
var arrayList = [];
function getModes(array) {
var frequency = []; // array of frequency.
var maxFreq = 0; // holds the max frequency.
var modes = [];
for (var i in array) {
frequency[array[i]] = (frequency[array[i]] || 0) + 1; // increment frequency.
if (frequency[array[i]] > maxFreq) { // is this frequency > max so far ?
maxFreq = frequency[array[i]]; // update max.
for (var k in frequency) {
if (frequency[k] == maxFreq) {
return modes;
function updatePitch(time) {
var cycles = new Array;
var ac = autoCorrelate(buf, audioContext.sampleRate);
// TODO: Paint confidence meter on canvasElem here.
if (DEBUGCANVAS) { // This draws the current waveform, useful for debugging
waveCanvas.clearRect(0, 0, 512, 256);
waveCanvas.strokeStyle = "red";
waveCanvas.moveTo(0, 0);
waveCanvas.lineTo(0, 256);
waveCanvas.moveTo(128, 0);
waveCanvas.lineTo(128, 256);
waveCanvas.moveTo(256, 0);
waveCanvas.lineTo(256, 256);
waveCanvas.moveTo(384, 0);
waveCanvas.lineTo(384, 256);
waveCanvas.moveTo(512, 0);
waveCanvas.lineTo(512, 256);
waveCanvas.strokeStyle = "black";
waveCanvas.moveTo(0, buf[0]);
for (var i = 1; i < 512; i++) {
waveCanvas.lineTo(i, 128 + (buf[i] * 128));
if (ac == -1) {
detectorElem.className = "vague";
pitchElem.innerText = "--";
noteElem.innerText = "-";
detuneElem.className = "";
detuneAmount.innerText = "--";
} else {
detectorElem.className = "confident";
pitch = ac;
pitchElem.innerText = Math.round(pitch);
var note = noteFromPitch(pitch);
// Here is where I am converting the frequency to a note letter
var noteString = noteStrings[note % 12];
// This is where I am building the array range with the notes that I find
// I have a nice array, but it keeps building and I do not know how to clear it for
// the next session.
if (note >=36 && note <= 96) {
if (arrayList) {
else {
console.log("not note");
var MyNote = getModes(arrayList)
noteElem.innerHTML = MyNote;
arrayList = [];
// This function remains active and continues to listen for the next not to
// generate and new note letter
var detune = centsOffFromPitch(pitch, note);
if (detune == 0) {
detuneElem.className = "";
detuneAmount.innerHTML = "--";
} else {
if (detune < 0)
detuneElem.className = "flat";
detuneElem.className = "sharp";
detuneAmount.innerHTML = Math.abs(detune);
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
window.requestAnimationFrame = window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame;
rafID = window.requestAnimationFrame(updatePitch);
How do I clear the array and use a new array when I play a new note?
thank you for the support...
Coniser a variable list = ["A", "B",...] as list of strings. I want to use a Javascript programm that picks three strings from this list once a day and writes it into a HTML field.
Currently I use
function getRandom(arr, n) {
var result = new Array(n),
len = arr.length,
taken = new Array(len);
if (n > len)
throw new RangeError("getRandom: more elements taken than available");
while (n--) {
var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * len);
result[n] = arr[x in taken ? taken[x] : x];
taken[x] = --len in taken ? taken[len] : len;
return result;
smallList = getRandom(list, 3);
var htmlTags = [
for (var i = 0; i < htmlTags.length; i++) {
document.getElementById(htmlTags[i]).innerHTML = smallList[i];
Now this list gets new entries every time I refresh the website. Is there a way that smallList is only set once a day/hour/min/ in a pedriod of time only using javascript?
So you want to:
Pick three values from your list and show them on your web page
Each day, pick three new values to show for the whole day
Everyone who visits the page should see the same values regardless of client
As others have suggested, it would be a better candidate for a server-side task than client-side.
For example, you might have a server page which checks for the existence of a value stored in cache. The cache would be set to 24 hours. If the cache is not available, then a new cache object is created and given a half-life of 24 hours. Inside the cache, you could also store the values you wish to retrieve.
Then, you could retrieve the cache and output the values. The particular implementation of the cache would depend on your server-side language.
per user you'd have to use a cookie, session, or write to local storage in the browser.
for all users you'd have to use a server variable somewhere like a database, file, or memory.
you'd set the value to expire in a day and regenerate if expired. this is the answer you will get from most people because it is the only way they know how to solve this, single set value polled from all locations.
BETTER: Via Deterministic Pseudo-Random Number Generator Seeded with Date:
or if you are really ambitious and don't want to rely on a value that you set somewhere, you could use or write a:
deterministic pseudo-random number generator that you seed off of the date. Since deterministic pseudo-random generators produce reproducible "randoms" from the same seed, seeding the date gives you a unique seed per day, hence a unique random per day.
function RC4(seed) {
this.s = new Array(256);
this.i = 0;
this.j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
this.s[i] = i;
if (seed) {
RC4.getStringBytes = function(string) {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
var c = string.charCodeAt(i);
var bytes = [];
do {
bytes.push(c & 0xFF);
c = c >> 8;
} while (c > 0);
output = output.concat(bytes.reverse());
return output;
RC4.prototype._swap = function(i, j) {
var tmp = this.s[i];
this.s[i] = this.s[j];
this.s[j] = tmp;
RC4.prototype.mix = function(seed) {
var input = RC4.getStringBytes(seed);
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.s.length; i++) {
j += this.s[i] + input[i % input.length];
j %= 256;
this._swap(i, j);
RC4.prototype.next = function() {
this.i = (this.i + 1) % 256;
this.j = (this.j + this.s[this.i]) % 256;
this._swap(this.i, this.j);
return this.s[(this.s[this.i] + this.s[this.j]) % 256];
function RNG(seed) {
if (seed == null) {
seed = '' + Math.random() + Date.now();
} else if (typeof seed === "function") {
// Use it as a uniform number generator
this.uniform = seed;
this.nextByte = function() {
return ~~(this.uniform() * 256);
seed = null;
} else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(seed) !== "[object String]") {
seed = JSON.stringify(seed);
this._normal = null;
if (seed) {
this._state = new RC4(seed);
} else {
this._state = null;
RNG.prototype.nextByte = function() {
return this._state.next();
RNG.prototype.uniform = function() {
var BYTES = 7; // 56 bits to make a 53-bit double
var output = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < BYTES; i++) {
output *= 256;
output += this.nextByte();
return output / (Math.pow(2, BYTES * 8) - 1);
RNG.prototype.random = function(n, m) {
if (n == null) {
return this.uniform();
} else if (m == null) {
m = n;
n = 0;
return n + Math.floor(this.uniform() * (m - n));
RNG.$ = new RNG();
Date.prototype.yyyymmdd = function() {
var mm = this.getMonth() + 1; // getMonth() is zero-based
var dd = this.getDate();
return [this.getFullYear(), !mm[1] && '0', mm, !dd[1] && '0', dd].join(''); // padding
// Using the Date like so will give you the same random between 40 and 50 for the same day
var rng = new RNG((new Date).yyyymmdd()); rng.random(40, 50);
// Test with dates
var rng = new RNG('20180301'); rng.random(40, 50);
var rng = new RNG('20180302'); rng.random(40, 50);
var rng = new RNG('20180301'); rng.random(40, 50);
Store the list in localStorage or a Cookie. Also store the timestamp.
Use setTimeout(function(){...}, n) to examine the timestamp and update the values as needed.
If the page refreshes or is loaded anew, then perform the check on what is stored. If nothing exists, create your list and set the timestamp. If data does exist, then compare the timestamp and update the list as needed.
If you need the list to be consistent across users, then everything needs to be stored, examined and calculated on the server-side.
localStorage.savedData = {
timestamp: new Date(),
dataList: ['a','b','c']
To get the values from localStorage:
// you don't have to create variables, you can just use localStorage.[property] to get compare any value
let ts = localStorage.timestamp; // Date object
let dl = localStorage.dataList; // Array of values
For more information on localStorage see (or search the web) -> https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_webstorage.asp
i was trying to implement the A* algorithm and followed the wikipedia pseudo code to make this.
when i pass a predefined object pixel to the a funtion getG() it says that the object is null. I'm sorry if i am not pointing to a specific problem but i am not even sure how to really specify the problem by name. i have tried commenting out the code to increase readability.
git repository link of the whole project - https://github.com/NirobNabil/WhirlWind
(things are a little messy here because i didn't use github at first and i uploaded it just a little ago for posting the problem)
[ i'm actually making this to use a* to find path for my bot which is powered by arduino. thats why i'm using involt. ]
here goes the code,
$(function() {
// define the height, width and bot size in centemeter
total_width = 200;
total_height = 200;
bot_size = 20;
total_box = (total_height / bot_size) * (total_width / bot_size);
box_in_x = total_width / bot_size;
box_in_y = total_height / bot_size;
//populating the pixels array
populate(total_width / bot_size, total_height / bot_size, "UND");
pathfind(pixels, pixels[13], pixels[pixels.length - 1]);
var pixels = []; //an array to hold all the objects(the grid)
var obstacles = []; //array to hold the obstacles
function pixel(X, Y, obs) {
this.X_co_ordinate = X;
this.Y_co_ordinate = Y;
this.state = obs; //availale states OPN, UND, OBS, DIS, NULL
this.g = 0;
this.h = 0;
this.f = 0;
this.last = null;
} //every block in the grid is a pixel
function populate(height, width, obs_val = "UND") {
pixels[0] = new pixel(0, 10, obs_val);
for (h = height, i = 0; h >= 0; h--) {
for (w = 0; w < width; w++, i++) {
var temp_obs = new pixel(w, h, obs_val);
temp_obs.last = pixels[0];
pixels[i] = temp_obs; //saving temp_pixel object to pixels array
} //populating the grid AKA pixels with pixel objects or blocks
// this funtion is where the problem shows up
function getG(current, start) {
let g = 1;
while (current != start && current.last != start && current) {
current = current.last;
return g;
} //get the g val(cost to come to this pixel from the start) of the current pixel
function getH(current, end) {
let I = Math.abs(current.X_co_ordinate - end.X_co_ordinate) + Math.abs(current.Y_co_ordinate - end.Y_co_ordinate);
return I;
} //get the h val(heuristic) of the current pixel
function getF(start, current, end) {
let G = getG(current, start);
let H = getH(current, end);
return G + H;
} //get the f val(total) of the current pixel
function lowFinArray(arr, start, end) {
// here arr is the grid/pixel
let current_low = arr[0];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
let getF1 = getF(start, current_low, end);
let getF2 = getF(start, arr[i], end);
if (getF1 < getF2) {
current_low = arr[i];
console.log("current low");
return current_low;
function getneighbours(grid, current) {
let neightbours = [];
neightbours.push(grid[getIndex(current.X_co_ordinate - 1, current.Y_co_ordinate)]);
neightbours.push(grid[getIndex(current.X_co_ordinate + 1, current.Y_co_ordinate)]);
neightbours.push(grid[getIndex(current.X_co_ordinate, current.Y_co_ordinate - 1)]);
neightbours.push(grid[getIndex(current.X_co_ordinate, current.Y_co_ordinate + 1)]);
for(i=0; i<neightbours.length; i++){
neightbours[i].last = current;
return neightbours;
} //get the neighbour pixels of the current pixel
//main algo
function pathfind(grid, start, end) {
let closedSet = [];
let openSet = [];
let current = start;
//trying to debug
console.log("low F in arr");
console.log(lowFinArray(grid, start, end));
let x = 0;
while (openSet.length > 0) {
//trying to debug
console.log("executed " + (x++));
current = lowFinArray(grid, start, end); //assigning the pixel with lowest f val to current
if (current == end) {
let neighbours = getneighbours(grid, current);
for (let i = 0; i < neighbours.length; i++) {
let neighbour = neighbours[i];
if (closedSet.includes(neighbour)) {
if (!openSet.includes(neighbours)) {
let getg = getG(current, start);
let geth = getH(current, end);
let tGscore = getg + geth; //here getH is being used as a distance funtion
if (tGscore >= getg) {
neighbour.last = current;
neighbour.g = tGscore;
neighbour.f = getF(neighbour);
if (x > 10) {
return 0;
}; //the loop was running forever so i tried this to stop the loop after 10 iterations
function getPath(current) {
let path = [current];
while (current.last != null) {
return path;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
and here is what the console says,
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'last' of null
at getG (app.js:226)
at getF (app.js:241)
at lowFinArray (app.js:249)
at pathfind (app.js:292)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (app.js:92)
at mightThrow (jquery-3.1.1.js:3570)
at process (jquery-3.1.1.js:3638)
You're doing your checks in the wrong order:
while (current != start && current.last != start && current) {
There's no point in using && current after you've already used current.last.
Perhaps changing the order would solve the problem. It will at least get rid of your current error:
while (current && current != start && current.last != start) {
Regarding the title of this question:
In javascript, after i pass a non null object to a funtion it says the object is null
It may very well be non-null 100% of the time you pass it into the function, but you are repeatedly overwriting its parameter within the function, so all bets are off.
I'm interested in using the JavaScript WebAudioAPI to detect song beats, and then render them in a canvas.
I can handle the canvas part, but I'm not a big audio guy and really don't understand how to make a beat detector in JavaScript.
I've tried following this article but cannot, for the life of me, connect the dots between each function to make a functional program.
I know I should show you some code but honestly I don't have any, all my attempts have failed miserably and the relevant code it's in the previously mentioned article.
Anyways I'd really appreciate some guidance, or even better a demo of how to actually detect song beats with the WebAudioAPI.
The main thing to understand about the referenced article by Joe Sullivan is that even though it gives a lot of source code, it's far from final and complete code. To reach a working solution you will still need both some coding and debugging skills.
This answer draws most of its code from the referenced article, original licensing applies where appropriate.
Below is a naïve sample implementation for using the functions described by the above article, you still need to figure out correct thresholds for a functional solution.
The code consists of preparation code written for the answer:
reading a local file over the FileReader API
decoding the file as audio data using the AudioContext API
and then, as described in the article:
filtering the audio, in this example with a low-pass filter
calculating peaks using a threshold
grouping interval counts and then tempo counts
For the threshold I used an arbitrary value of .98 of the range between maximum and minimum values; when grouping I added some additional checks and arbitrary rounding to avoid possible infinite loops and make it an easy-to-debug sample.
Note that commenting is scarce to keep the sample implementation brief because:
the logic behind processing is explained in the referenced article
the syntax can be referenced in the API docs of the related methods
audio_file.onchange = function() {
var file = this.files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
var context = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
reader.onload = function() {
context.decodeAudioData(reader.result, function(buffer) {
function prepare(buffer) {
var offlineContext = new OfflineAudioContext(1, buffer.length, buffer.sampleRate);
var source = offlineContext.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
var filter = offlineContext.createBiquadFilter();
filter.type = "lowpass";
offlineContext.oncomplete = function(e) {
function process(e) {
var filteredBuffer = e.renderedBuffer;
//If you want to analyze both channels, use the other channel later
var data = filteredBuffer.getChannelData(0);
var max = arrayMax(data);
var min = arrayMin(data);
var threshold = min + (max - min) * 0.98;
var peaks = getPeaksAtThreshold(data, threshold);
var intervalCounts = countIntervalsBetweenNearbyPeaks(peaks);
var tempoCounts = groupNeighborsByTempo(intervalCounts);
tempoCounts.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.count - a.count;
if (tempoCounts.length) {
output.innerHTML = tempoCounts[0].tempo;
// http://tech.beatport.com/2014/web-audio/beat-detection-using-web-audio/
function getPeaksAtThreshold(data, threshold) {
var peaksArray = [];
var length = data.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length;) {
if (data[i] > threshold) {
// Skip forward ~ 1/4s to get past this peak.
i += 10000;
return peaksArray;
function countIntervalsBetweenNearbyPeaks(peaks) {
var intervalCounts = [];
peaks.forEach(function(peak, index) {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var interval = peaks[index + i] - peak;
var foundInterval = intervalCounts.some(function(intervalCount) {
if (intervalCount.interval === interval) return intervalCount.count++;
//Additional checks to avoid infinite loops in later processing
if (!isNaN(interval) && interval !== 0 && !foundInterval) {
interval: interval,
count: 1
return intervalCounts;
function groupNeighborsByTempo(intervalCounts) {
var tempoCounts = [];
intervalCounts.forEach(function(intervalCount) {
//Convert an interval to tempo
var theoreticalTempo = 60 / (intervalCount.interval / 44100);
theoreticalTempo = Math.round(theoreticalTempo);
if (theoreticalTempo === 0) {
// Adjust the tempo to fit within the 90-180 BPM range
while (theoreticalTempo < 90) theoreticalTempo *= 2;
while (theoreticalTempo > 180) theoreticalTempo /= 2;
var foundTempo = tempoCounts.some(function(tempoCount) {
if (tempoCount.tempo === theoreticalTempo) return tempoCount.count += intervalCount.count;
if (!foundTempo) {
tempo: theoreticalTempo,
count: intervalCount.count
return tempoCounts;
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1669190/javascript-min-max-array-values
function arrayMin(arr) {
var len = arr.length,
min = Infinity;
while (len--) {
if (arr[len] < min) {
min = arr[len];
return min;
function arrayMax(arr) {
var len = arr.length,
max = -Infinity;
while (len--) {
if (arr[len] > max) {
max = arr[len];
return max;
<input id="audio_file" type="file" accept="audio/*"></input>
<audio id="audio_player"></audio>
Most likely tempo: <span id="output"></span>
I wrote a tutorial here which shows how to do this with the javascript Web Audio API.
Outline of Steps
Transform Audio File into an Array Buffer
Run Array Buffer Through Low Pass Filter
Trim a 10 second Clip from the Array Buffer
Down Sample the Data
Normalize the Data
Count Volume Groupings
Infer Tempo from Groupings Count
This code below does the heavy lifting.
Load Audio File Into Array Buffer and Run Through Low Pass Filter
function createBuffers(url) {
// Fetch Audio Track via AJAX with URL
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('GET', url, true);
request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
request.onload = function(ajaxResponseBuffer) {
// Create and Save Original Buffer Audio Context in 'originalBuffer'
var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
var songLength = ajaxResponseBuffer.total;
// Arguments: Channels, Length, Sample Rate
var offlineCtx = new OfflineAudioContext(1, songLength, 44100);
source = offlineCtx.createBufferSource();
var audioData = request.response;
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(audioData, function(buffer) {
window.originalBuffer = buffer.getChannelData(0);
var source = offlineCtx.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
// Create a Low Pass Filter to Isolate Low End Beat
var filter = offlineCtx.createBiquadFilter();
filter.type = "lowpass";
filter.frequency.value = 140;
// Render this low pass filter data to new Audio Context and Save in 'lowPassBuffer'
offlineCtx.startRendering().then(function(lowPassAudioBuffer) {
var audioCtx = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var song = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
song.buffer = lowPassAudioBuffer;
// Save lowPassBuffer in Global Array
window.lowPassBuffer = song.buffer.getChannelData(0);
console.log("Low Pass Buffer Rendered!");
function(e) {});
You Now Have an Array Buffer of the Low Pass Filtered Song (And Original)
It's comprised of a number of entries, sampleRate (44100 multiplied by the number of seconds of the song).
window.lowPassBuffer // Low Pass Array Buffer
window.originalBuffer // Original Non Filtered Array Buffer
Trim a 10 Second Clip from the Song
function getClip(length, startTime, data) {
var clip_length = length * 44100;
var section = startTime * 44100;
var newArr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < clip_length; i++) {
newArr.push(data[section + i]);
return newArr;
// Overwrite our array buffer to a 10 second clip starting from 00:10s
window.lowPassFilter = getClip(10, 10, lowPassFilter);
Down Sample Your Clip
function getSampleClip(data, samples) {
var newArray = [];
var modulus_coefficient = Math.round(data.length / samples);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (i % modulus_coefficient == 0) {
return newArray;
// Overwrite our array to down-sampled array.
lowPassBuffer = getSampleClip(lowPassFilter, 300);
Normalize Your Data
function normalizeArray(data) {
var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
newArray.push(Math.abs(Math.round((data[i + 1] - data[i]) * 1000)));
return newArray;
// Overwrite our array to the normalized array
lowPassBuffer = normalizeArray(lowPassBuffer);
Count the Flat Line Groupings
function countFlatLineGroupings(data) {
var groupings = 0;
var newArray = normalizeArray(data);
function getMax(a) {
var m = -Infinity,
i = 0,
n = a.length;
for (; i != n; ++i) {
if (a[i] > m) {
m = a[i];
return m;
function getMin(a) {
var m = Infinity,
i = 0,
n = a.length;
for (; i != n; ++i) {
if (a[i] < m) {
m = a[i];
return m;
var max = getMax(newArray);
var min = getMin(newArray);
var count = 0;
var threshold = Math.round((max - min) * 0.2);
for (var i = 0; i < newArray.length; i++) {
if (newArray[i] > threshold && newArray[i + 1] < threshold && newArray[i + 2] < threshold && newArray[i + 3] < threshold && newArray[i + 6] < threshold) {
return count;
// Count the Groupings
Scale 10 Second Grouping Count to 60 Seconds to Derive Beats Per Minute
var final_tempo = countFlatLineGroupings(lowPassBuffer);
// final_tempo will be 21
final_tempo = final_tempo * 6;
console.log("Tempo: " + final_tempo);
// final_tempo will be 126
Here's what I'm trying to achieve. Draw a circle(first circle) on the screen on a mouse click. Then draw successive circles on successive mouse clicks and connect each to the first circle.
I've managed to get till here.
Now the task is if any of the circles have the same y-coordinate as the first one, the connection is a straight line, else it should be a s-curve/inverted s-curve depending on whether the next circle is above or below the first one based on its y-axis.
It may be assumed that all successive circle will be on the right of the first circle.
Here's my code
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainController', function($scope) {
var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
var cw=canvas.width;
var ch=canvas.height;
function reOffset(){
var BB=canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
var offsetX,offsetY;
window.onscroll=function(e){ reOffset(); }
var isDown=false;
var startX,startY;
var radius=10;
var lastX,lastY;
function drawCircle(cx,cy){
function handleMouseDown(e){
// tell the browser we're handling this event
Here's a link to the plunk that will demonstrate the behavior
Any help appreciated.
I don't know exactly which kind of s-curve are you interested in. As I understand it will be always only two points to connect, the first point and the rest, and you are looking for some sort of quadratic curve to do so. Under this situation you can build a s-curve by joining two ctx.quadraticCurveTo calls.
(lastX+cx)/2, lastY,
(lastX+cx)/2, (lastY+cy)/2
(lastX+cx)/2, cy,
cx, cy
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
To make each of your connectors avoid existing circles, you must use a pathfinding algorithm (A* for example).
Pathfinding algorithms will give you a set of points from Circle1 to Circle2 that avoid all other circles.
Then you can use that set of points to build a connector between those circles using a Spline. See this very good answer by Stackoverflow's Ken Fyrstenberg on how to draw a spline. Make sure you keep the tension on the spline tight (closer to zero) so that your spline connector doesn't stray too far from the unobstructed path:
how to draw smooth curve through N points using javascript HTML5 canvas?
This is a nice script implementing the A* algorithm by Brian Grinstead:
And here's a Demo of Brian Grinstead's A* script:
To avoid a link-only answer, I'm attaching Brian's script from GitHub below...
But seriously...if GitHub disappears many of us subscribers are in trouble!
// javascript-astar 0.4.0
// http://github.com/bgrins/javascript-astar
// Freely distributable under the MIT License.
// Implements the astar search algorithm in javascript using a Binary Heap.
// Includes Binary Heap (with modifications) from Marijn Haverbeke.
// http://eloquentjavascript.net/appendix2.html
(function(definition) {
/* global module, define */
if(typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
module.exports = definition();
} else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], definition);
} else {
var exports = definition();
window.astar = exports.astar;
window.Graph = exports.Graph;
})(function() {
function pathTo(node){
var curr = node,
path = [];
while(curr.parent) {
curr = curr.parent;
return path.reverse();
function getHeap() {
return new BinaryHeap(function(node) {
return node.f;
var astar = {
* Perform an A* Search on a graph given a start and end node.
* #param {Graph} graph
* #param {GridNode} start
* #param {GridNode} end
* #param {Object} [options]
* #param {bool} [options.closest] Specifies whether to return the
path to the closest node if the target is unreachable.
* #param {Function} [options.heuristic] Heuristic function (see
* astar.heuristics).
search: function(graph, start, end, options) {
options = options || {};
var heuristic = options.heuristic || astar.heuristics.manhattan,
closest = options.closest || false;
var openHeap = getHeap(),
closestNode = start; // set the start node to be the closest if required
start.h = heuristic(start, end);
while(openHeap.size() > 0) {
// Grab the lowest f(x) to process next. Heap keeps this sorted for us.
var currentNode = openHeap.pop();
// End case -- result has been found, return the traced path.
if(currentNode === end) {
return pathTo(currentNode);
// Normal case -- move currentNode from open to closed, process each of its neighbors.
currentNode.closed = true;
// Find all neighbors for the current node.
var neighbors = graph.neighbors(currentNode);
for (var i = 0, il = neighbors.length; i < il; ++i) {
var neighbor = neighbors[i];
if (neighbor.closed || neighbor.isWall()) {
// Not a valid node to process, skip to next neighbor.
// The g score is the shortest distance from start to current node.
// We need to check if the path we have arrived at this neighbor is the shortest one we have seen yet.
var gScore = currentNode.g + neighbor.getCost(currentNode),
beenVisited = neighbor.visited;
if (!beenVisited || gScore < neighbor.g) {
// Found an optimal (so far) path to this node. Take score for node to see how good it is.
neighbor.visited = true;
neighbor.parent = currentNode;
neighbor.h = neighbor.h || heuristic(neighbor, end);
neighbor.g = gScore;
neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h;
if (closest) {
// If the neighbour is closer than the current closestNode or if it's equally close but has
// a cheaper path than the current closest node then it becomes the closest node
if (neighbor.h < closestNode.h || (neighbor.h === closestNode.h && neighbor.g < closestNode.g)) {
closestNode = neighbor;
if (!beenVisited) {
// Pushing to heap will put it in proper place based on the 'f' value.
else {
// Already seen the node, but since it has been rescored we need to reorder it in the heap
if (closest) {
return pathTo(closestNode);
// No result was found - empty array signifies failure to find path.
return [];
// See list of heuristics: http://theory.stanford.edu/~amitp/GameProgramming/Heuristics.html
heuristics: {
manhattan: function(pos0, pos1) {
var d1 = Math.abs(pos1.x - pos0.x);
var d2 = Math.abs(pos1.y - pos0.y);
return d1 + d2;
diagonal: function(pos0, pos1) {
var D = 1;
var D2 = Math.sqrt(2);
var d1 = Math.abs(pos1.x - pos0.x);
var d2 = Math.abs(pos1.y - pos0.y);
return (D * (d1 + d2)) + ((D2 - (2 * D)) * Math.min(d1, d2));
node.f = 0;
node.g = 0;
node.h = 0;
node.visited = false;
node.closed = false;
node.parent = null;
* A graph memory structure
* #param {Array} gridIn 2D array of input weights
* #param {Object} [options]
* #param {bool} [options.diagonal] Specifies whether diagonal moves are allowed
function Graph(gridIn, options) {
options = options || {};
this.nodes = [];
this.diagonal = !!options.diagonal;
this.grid = [];
for (var x = 0; x < gridIn.length; x++) {
this.grid[x] = [];
for (var y = 0, row = gridIn[x]; y < row.length; y++) {
var node = new GridNode(x, y, row[y]);
this.grid[x][y] = node;
Graph.prototype.init = function() {
this.dirtyNodes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
Graph.prototype.cleanDirty = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.dirtyNodes.length; i++) {
this.dirtyNodes = [];
Graph.prototype.markDirty = function(node) {
Graph.prototype.neighbors = function(node) {
var ret = [],
x = node.x,
y = node.y,
grid = this.grid;
// West
if(grid[x-1] && grid[x-1][y]) {
// East
if(grid[x+1] && grid[x+1][y]) {
// South
if(grid[x] && grid[x][y-1]) {
// North
if(grid[x] && grid[x][y+1]) {
if (this.diagonal) {
// Southwest
if(grid[x-1] && grid[x-1][y-1]) {
// Southeast
if(grid[x+1] && grid[x+1][y-1]) {
// Northwest
if(grid[x-1] && grid[x-1][y+1]) {
// Northeast
if(grid[x+1] && grid[x+1][y+1]) {
return ret;
Graph.prototype.toString = function() {
var graphString = [],
nodes = this.grid, // when using grid
rowDebug, row, y, l;
for (var x = 0, len = nodes.length; x < len; x++) {
rowDebug = [];
row = nodes[x];
for (y = 0, l = row.length; y < l; y++) {
graphString.push(rowDebug.join(" "));
return graphString.join("\n");
function GridNode(x, y, weight) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.weight = weight;
GridNode.prototype.toString = function() {
return "[" + this.x + " " + this.y + "]";
GridNode.prototype.getCost = function(fromNeighbor) {
// Take diagonal weight into consideration.
if (fromNeighbor && fromNeighbor.x != this.x && fromNeighbor.y != this.y) {
return this.weight * 1.41421;
return this.weight;
GridNode.prototype.isWall = function() {
return this.weight === 0;
function BinaryHeap(scoreFunction){
this.content = [];
this.scoreFunction = scoreFunction;
BinaryHeap.prototype = {
push: function(element) {
// Add the new element to the end of the array.
// Allow it to sink down.
this.sinkDown(this.content.length - 1);
pop: function() {
// Store the first element so we can return it later.
var result = this.content[0];
// Get the element at the end of the array.
var end = this.content.pop();
// If there are any elements left, put the end element at the
// start, and let it bubble up.
if (this.content.length > 0) {
this.content[0] = end;
return result;
remove: function(node) {
var i = this.content.indexOf(node);
// When it is found, the process seen in 'pop' is repeated
// to fill up the hole.
var end = this.content.pop();
if (i !== this.content.length - 1) {
this.content[i] = end;
if (this.scoreFunction(end) < this.scoreFunction(node)) {
else {
size: function() {
return this.content.length;
rescoreElement: function(node) {
sinkDown: function(n) {
// Fetch the element that has to be sunk.
var element = this.content[n];
// When at 0, an element can not sink any further.
while (n > 0) {
// Compute the parent element's index, and fetch it.
var parentN = ((n + 1) >> 1) - 1,
parent = this.content[parentN];
// Swap the elements if the parent is greater.
if (this.scoreFunction(element) < this.scoreFunction(parent)) {
this.content[parentN] = element;
this.content[n] = parent;
// Update 'n' to continue at the new position.
n = parentN;
// Found a parent that is less, no need to sink any further.
else {
bubbleUp: function(n) {
// Look up the target element and its score.
var length = this.content.length,
element = this.content[n],
elemScore = this.scoreFunction(element);
while(true) {
// Compute the indices of the child elements.
var child2N = (n + 1) << 1,
child1N = child2N - 1;
// This is used to store the new position of the element, if any.
var swap = null,
// If the first child exists (is inside the array)...
if (child1N < length) {
// Look it up and compute its score.
var child1 = this.content[child1N];
child1Score = this.scoreFunction(child1);
// If the score is less than our element's, we need to swap.
if (child1Score < elemScore){
swap = child1N;
// Do the same checks for the other child.
if (child2N < length) {
var child2 = this.content[child2N],
child2Score = this.scoreFunction(child2);
if (child2Score < (swap === null ? elemScore : child1Score)) {
swap = child2N;
// If the element needs to be moved, swap it, and continue.
if (swap !== null) {
this.content[n] = this.content[swap];
this.content[swap] = element;
n = swap;
// Otherwise, we are done.
else {
return {
astar: astar,
Graph: Graph
I am using the Web Audio API to create a web audio recorder that is based on Recorderjs. Currently, my recorder seems to work pretty well on Firefox. The problem I am having is that on Chrome, my program seems to record the audio (or at least is recording for the correct amount of time), but when I try to play back the recording, after encoding it into a WAV file, the audio seems to be a continuous loop of the very last sound of the recording, but still plays for the correct amount of time.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Here is the relevant code:
//toggle recording
function recordButton() {
//if not currently recording already
if (recording === false) {
//if this is initial recording
if (!somethingRecorded) {
arrayPos.push(0); //recLength at 0 sceonds is also 0
//check if dictation is being played
if (playing) {
//if it is, then first pause audio
playing = false;
//if need to record over previous audio
if (timeBar.value < timeBar.max) {
console.log("In rewound block");
seconds = Number(timeBar.value); //convert to number since timeBar.value is a string
//erase buffers after place where rewound to
var index = timeBar.value / 0.1; //calculate index in arrayPos that the value for the current time will be, since values are pushed into arrayPos every 0.1 seconds
for (var i = numBuffers; i > arrayPos[index]; i--) {
recLength -= recBuffersL[i - 1].length;
console.log("Start Record");
recording = true;
timeBar.max = 300;
intervalID = setInterval(updateTime, 100);
somethingRecorded = true;
//disable buttons
disableButtons([0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]);
else {
console.log("Stop Record");
recording = false;
timeBar.max = timeBar.value;
window.document.getElementById("maxtime").innerHTML = Math.floor(timeBar.max / 60) + ":" + ("0" + Math.floor(timeBar.max % 60) ).slice(-2);
//disable buttons and save audio
disableButtons([0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]);
//save audio file
function saveAudio(fileType) {
fileType = fileType || 'audio/wav';
//flatten out the input channels
var mergedL = new Float32Array(recLength);
var mergedR = new Float32Array(recLength);
offset = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < recBuffersL.length; i++) //both arrays should have same length
mergedL.set(recBuffersL[i], offset);
mergedR.set(recBuffersR[i], offset);
offset += recBuffersL[i].length;
//combine two channels of input into one single sample
var combined = new Float32Array(mergedL.length + mergedR.length);
for (var i = 0; i < mergedL.length + mergedR.length; i += 2) {
combined[i] = mergedL[i / 2];
combined[i + 1] = mergedR[i / 2];
//encode sample into WAV format
var dataview = encodeWAV(combined);
//final binary blob, then call functions to set up playback and download
var audioBlob = new Blob([dataview], { type: fileType });
var blobURL = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(audioBlob);
// doneEncoding(audioBlob);
//helper function for writing strings into DataView
function writeString(view, offset, string) {
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
view.setUint8(offset + i, string.charCodeAt(i));
//encode into WAV file
function encodeWAV(audio) {
//create buffer and view to create WAV file
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(44 + audio.length * 2);
var view = new DataView(buffer);
// RIFF identifier
writeString(view, 0, 'RIFF');
// file length
view.setUint32(4, 32 + audio.length * 2, true);
// RIFF type
writeString(view, 8, 'WAVE');
// format chunk identifier
writeString(view, 12, 'fmt ');
// format chunk length
view.setUint32(16, 16, true);
// sample format (raw)
view.setUint16(20, 1, true);
// channel count
view.setUint16(22, 2, true);
// sample rate
view.setUint32(24, sampleRate, true);
// byte rate (sample rate * block align)
view.setUint32(28, sampleRate * 4, true);
// block align (channel count * bytes per sample)
view.setUint16(32, 4, true);
// bits per sample
view.setUint16(34, 16, true);
// data chunk identifier
writeString(view, 36, 'data');
// data chunk length
view.setUint32(40, audio.length * 2, true);
//write PCM samples
var index = 44;
for (var i = 0; i < audio.length; i++) {
view.setInt16(index, audio[i] * (0x7FFF), true);
index += 2;
return view;
just in case anyone had the same problem, I figured it out. The problem was actually in the inaudioprocess function. Since getChannelData actually returns a pointer instead of an actual array, it is necessary to clone the data into a Float32Array before pushing it into the array containing the buffers.