I'm working on angular project and I have a teams icon in .html. I need to redirect from browser to the teams app when the icon is clicked. Similar functionality is implemented for mail and phone number. When a user clicks on phone icon or mail icon, I'm doing this:
window.location.href = 'tel: 456****';
windo.location.href = 'mailto: example#gmail.com'
Tried for a while to know what should be assigned to window.location.href so that the redirection happens to teams app and didn't find any way for it. How do I redirect to teams using window location?
Take a look at the official documentation here:
There's examples for both if you have an email address and if you have a phone number. (You'll need that 4: part before the phone number.)
I have written a webapp with the ArcGIS JavaScript API and all is working fine. Now I am trying to add secured layers to the web app and the app starts asking for credentials via a default login screen. I could use that, just entering username and password, but most users don't know their user name and password for ArcGIS.
The company has implemented SSO with ArcGIS so users don't have to fill in their credentials. Users typically go to the main company.maps.arcgis.com site and get to a company specific login screen where they have the option to click this SSO button.
My question; how can I make the JavaScript API show this company specific login page with SSO button instead of the default one?
I tried registering oauthInfo and serverInfo setting but without success.
Did anybody else ever built this?
The SSO sign in prompt should occur as long as you're using OAuthInfo and registering it with the IdentityManager. You'll have to make sure that you:
Add and register an application in the organization where
the data is coming from. The redirect URI should point to the server
that's hosting the application URL.
Get the Client ID from the registered application and add it to the appId in OAuthInfo along with the portalUrl property (which should be https://company.maps.arcgis.com)
Set the popup property to false.
Verify all the data is coming from the same organization. If it's not, then you may get another prompt since it's not registered with the IdentityManager.
Here's an example of what the OAuthInfo should look like:
const info = new OAuthInfo({
// Swap this ID out with registered application ID
appId: "APPID",
portalUrl: "https://company.maps.arcgis.com/",
flowType: "auto", // default that uses two-step flow
popup: false,
I am building a chat bot in FB messenger that saves user profile data, food and calorie consumption. I am using Node/Express/MongoDB for the backend and want the user to be able to open a personal dashboard page inside the chat with a link. So that URL would be something like www.myapp.com/:id where :id is a personal key.
The problem I have is how can only the user belonging to this page and data open this without having to login? Normally you would go to a website, login and be able to see the page, but this not a step I want in a chat bot. I want the user just to open the page in the chat, whether that is results in opening a browser tab or a native webview. Any advice on how I can achieve this?
To verify if the user on the page is the facebook user you intend the page to be for, add FB Messenger Extensions to the page.
When clicking a webview in your bot, Messenger extensions will be able to tell who they are logged in as, and allow you to do whatever you want with that info. In your case, checking if the userid matches the one passed by your bot in the url. There are many ways to check this, like splitting query strings, but I stuck with the example route in your question.
Use the following on your dashboard page. The below will check with FB who the logged in user is, and if it doesn't match the ID of the link they followed, deny them access with a redirect.
function success(thread_context){
// User ID was successfully obtained.
var psid = thread_context.psid;
// Grab the user id from your url (assumes your url is /<USER_ID>)
var loc = window.location.pathname.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, '');
if (psid !=== loc) {
}, function error(err, errorMessage) {
// Error handling code
Docs on getting user id with Messenger Extensions
Try this:
Open Messenger, then open DevsConsole and go to Network tab. Now paste your link and click it. In the Network tab open the request details issued by the click. Under "Form Data" you should see this:
You can use this id to authenticate the user in your app - just couple it somehow with the authorized user in your app. This is just the first idea off the top of my head, it should be quite safe if you mix it e.g. with CORS security headers.
Working in Eclipse, & using the provided methods in Firebase' docs, I was able to setup logins for several providers such as Google and Facebook, using the redirect option. I basically click on a button for the provider on my web page, & it takes me to the login screen where I can enter a UID and password (e.g. Google sign-in)
However, once I authenticate properly with a valid account, and even if I sign-out, I get logged into the same account, without ever getting the screen prompting to log in. Where is this information persisted? Closing out Eclipse, or turning the computer off, does nothing to help, so I believe this is all being saved somewhere.
How do I "forget" previous attempts, so that I can see a provider's log in screen, each and every time?
You can use setCustomParameters on AuthProviders.
For example, in the case of Google: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider#setCustomParameters
var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
provider.setCustomParameters({prompt: 'select_account'});
This will not forget the previous attempt but it will prompt the user to select an existing account or a new one.
I am doing project in php. For email verification I am sending an email to user as ,
We need to make sure you are human. Please verify your email and get started using your Website account.
When user clicks on the given link he will redirect to a browser page with message as,
Your account is actived.
Click here to go back to application.
But now I am having trouble in redirection to my android application.
I don't know how to redirect user back to my application. For now I have tried to redirect user to facebook by using code as,
Click here to go back to application.
but it opens facebook in browser not facebook application.
Is there any way to do this?
I have done something like,
where EngageV1 is my application name
<div id="main" style="text-align: center; color: #787878">
<h2><?php echo $msg; ?></h2>
Click here to go back to application.
Click here to go back to application.
setTimeout(function () { window.location = "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=engage.app.v1&ah=yIEhKqv-vh5CnjQrIULLeVouxkA"; }, 25);
window.location = "EngageV1://";
You need to use App Links.
What you need to do is create a URL associating with activity of and Android application, so when User opens that link that can be opened in application itself.
Go through android docmentation for detailed information on how to add app links and attaching them up with web URLs.
Android 6.0 (API level 23) and higher allow an app to designate itself
as the default handler of a given type of link.
So users with API level lower then 23 will have to select the opening app of a Web URL. At least once.
I have a website that a lot of people view on mobile.
I have link for : Call and SMS and I want to add one for Whatsapp, so a user can click the whatsapp link I create and start a conversation with me.
If this is possible can someone point me in the right direction on how?
below link will open the whatsapp. Here "0123456789" is the contact of the person you want to communicate with.
Check this link out
Launching Your iPhone App Via Custom URL Scheme
and more on the whats up url scheme document
I did a quick mock up and tried it on my iphone with a link like this from a webpage and it opened the app on my iphone.
I could not try to send a message as I don't have a current Whatsapp account sorry.
Add user name using abid parameter
let's say your whatsapp username was username then it would be
once again sorry I can't test this. Also I have no idea what would happen if the username is the actual user of the current mobile device. eg. You try to whatsapp yourself.
Here is the solution to your problem! You just need to use this format:
In the place of "urlencodedtext" you need to keep the content in Url-encode format.
UPDATE-- Use this from now(Nov-2018)
Use: https://wa.me/15551234567
Don't use: https://wa.me/+001-(555)1234567
To create your own link with a pre-filled message that will
automatically appear in the text field of a chat, use
https://wa.me/whatsappphonenumber/?text=urlencodedtext where
whatsappphonenumber is a full phone number in international format and
URL-encodedtext is the URL-encoded pre-filled message.
To create a link with just a pre-filled message, use
After clicking on the link, you will be shown a list of contacts you
can send your message to.
For more information, see https://www.whatsapp.com/faq/en/general/26000030
This is possible by creating the following link:
whatsapp://send?text=Hello this has been opened from the browser&phone=+PHONENUMBER&abid=+PHONENUMBER
Thanks to:
I have tested this on iOS, Windows Phone and Android
I just posted an answer on a thread similiar to this here https://stackoverflow.com/a/43357241/3958617
The approach with:
and with
Only works if the person who clicked on your link have your number on their contact list.
Since not everybody will have it, the other solution is to use Whatsapp API like this:
Send Message
More details on this API here: https://www.whatsapp.com/faq/en/general/26000030
And observations on how to use it here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43357241/3958617
where YOURNUMBER is without the two leading 00.
For instance for +37061204312 you write:
This link seems to work on mobiles and on desktop computers.
To prefill the message with text you can use:
More in the Whatsapp FAQ: https://faq.whatsapp.com/en/android/26000030/
Rahul's answer gives me an error: You seem to be trying to send a WhatsApp message to a phone number that is not registered with WhatsApp..., even though I'm sending it to a registered WhatsApp number.
This, however works:
<li><a href="intent:0123456789#Intent;scheme=smsto;package=com.whatsapp;action=android.intent.action.SENDTO;end"><i class="fa fa-whatsapp"></i>+237 655 421 621</li>