I wrote the following code in Node.js:
const axios = require("axios");
const prompt = require("prompt-sync")();
let numRepo = prompt("Welcome, How many repositories to search? ");
numRepo = parseInt(numRepo);
while (!Number.isInteger(numRepo))
numRepo = parseInt(prompt("Please insert integer: "));
let n;
if (numRepo < 100) n = 1;
else n = numRepo % 100;
.then((response) => {
let repo = [];
response.data.items.forEach((e) => repo.push(e));
.catch((error) => {
I used the GitHub Search APi, and my goal is to write a function whose purpose is to check for each repository how much unused packaged it has.
How can this be done?
I am using around 60000 + 10000 Images for creating the training and validation dataset using a generator
( Images used are the MNIST Images of Handwritten Digits in the PNG Format ).
But when I fit the model using them, "Cleanup called" message logs are constantly getting printed.
function* dataGenerator(type) {
const dataRoot = `MNIST/${type}-Data`;
const labels = fs.readdirSync(dataRoot);
for (let _idx = 0; _idx < labels.length; _idx++) {
const label = labels[_idx];
const files = fs.readdirSync(`${dataRoot}/${label}`);
for (let idx = 0; idx < files.length; idx++) {
const img = fs.readFileSync(`${dataRoot}/${label}/${files[idx]}`);
const imageTensor = tf.node.decodePng(img, 1);
const oneHotArr = new Array(labels.length).fill(0);
oneHotArr[label] = 1;
const oneHotTensor = tf.tensor1d(oneHotArr);
yield { xs: imageTensor, ys: oneHotTensor };
const trainingDataset = tf.data.generator(() => dataGenerator("Training"))
const validationDataset = tf.data.generator(() => dataGenerator("Validation"))
// Fitting the model
await model.fitDataset(trainingDataset, {
epochs: 5,
validationData: validationDataset
What am I doing wrong ?
nothing. message is info-only and comes from underlying tensorflow c library (where it was introduced at the wrong message level) used by tfjs-node.
planned upgrade of shared library from 2.7.3 to 2.9.1 will take care of that - it should be part of tfjs 3.21 once its released.
I am learning how to do pagination. So I got a task to use skip and limit and then on top of that sort it. I've used REST API and query parameters to pass the things required like skip limit sort.
Now, my logic gets me to skip and limit running when I hit the GET API but sorting doesn't work. Can anyone provide a workaround and also explain why mine isn't working?
const getAliens = async (req, res) => {
try {
const skip = parseInt(req.query.skip);
const limit = parseInt(req.query.limit);
const sort = req.query.sort;
const sortOn = {};
if (sort != null) {
const key = sort.split(":")[0];
const value = sort.split(":")[1] == "asc" ? 1 : -1;
sortOn[key] === value;
const startIndex = (skip - 1) * limit;
const endIndex = skip * limit;
const response = await Alien.find()
return ResponseUtils.success(res, response);
} catch (e) {
return ResponseUtils.error(res);
I want to access shopify api using Node.js with request method. I get first 50 items but i need to send the last id of the products i get as a response so it can loop through all the products until we don't have another id (i check that if the last array is not 50 in length.)
So when i get the response of lastID i want to feed that again to the same function until the Parraylength is not 50 or not 0.
Thing is request works asynchronously and i don't know how to feed the same function with the result lastID in node.js.
Here is my code
let importedData = JSON.parse(body);
//for ( const product in importedData.products ){
// console.log(`${importedData.products[product].id}`);
lastID = importedData.products[importedData.products.length-1].id;
let lastIDD = lastID;
console.log(`This is ${lastID}`);
importedData ? console.log('true') : console.log('false');
let Prarraylength = importedData.products.length;
return lastIDD;
You can use a for loop and await to control the flow of your script in this case.
I'd suggest using the request-native-promise module to get items, since it has a promise based interface, but you could use node-fetch or axios (or any other http client) too.
In this case, to show you the logic, I've created a mock rp which normally you'd create as follows:
const rp = require("request-promise-native");
You can see we're looping through the items, 50 at a time. We're passing the last id as a url parameter to the next rp call. Now this is obviously going to be different in reality, but I believe you can easily change the logic as you require.
const totalItems = 155;
const itemsPerCall = 50;
// Mock items array...
const items = Array.from({ length: totalItems}, (v,n) => { return { id: n+1, name: `item #${n+1}` } });
// Mock of request-promise (to show logic..)
// Replace with const rp = require("request-promise-native");
const rp = function(url) {
let itemPointer = parseInt(url.split("/").slice(-1)[0]);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
let slice = items.slice(itemPointer, itemPointer + itemsPerCall);
itemPointer += itemsPerCall;
resolve( { products: slice });
}, 500);
async function getMultipleRequests() {
let callIndex = 0;
let lastID = 0;
const MAX_CALLS = 20;
for(let callCount = 1; callCount < MAX_CALLS; callCount++) {
// Replace with the actual url..
let url = "/products/" + lastID;
let importedData = await rp(url);
lastID = importedData.products[importedData.products.length - 1].id;
console.log("Call #: " + ++callIndex + ", Item count: " + importedData.products.length + ", lastID: " + lastID);
if (importedData.products.length < EXPECTED_ARRAY_LENGTH) {
console.log("Reached the end of products...exiting loop...");
I've been coding a Poll Command for my Discord Bot. It is in Discord.JS but when I am going to run the command, it does this error:
I've been trying to fix this issue for a while and it still does this issue. I've changed some lines of code, particularly line 65 and line 70-80.
const options = [
const pollLog = {};
function canSendPoll(user_id) {
if (pollLog[user_id]) {
const timeSince = Date.now() - pollLog[user_id].lastPoll;
if (timeSince < 1) {
return false;
return true;
exports.run = async (client, message, args, level, Discord) => {
if (args) {
if (!canSendPoll(message.author.id)) {
return message
.send(`${message.author} please wait before sending another poll.`);
} else if (args.length === 1) { // yes no unsure question
const question = args[0];
pollLog[message.author.id] = {
lastPoll: Date.now()
return message
.send(`${message.author} asks: ${question}`)
.then(async (pollMessage) => {
await pollMessage.react('👍');
await pollMessage.react('👎');
await pollMessage.react(message.guild.emojis.get('475747395754393622'));
} else { // multiple choice
args = args.map(a => a.replace(/"/g, ''));
const question = args[0];
const questionOptions = message.content.match(/"(.+?)"/g);
if (questionOptions.length > 20) {
return message.channel.send(`${message.author} Polls are limited to 20 options.`);
} else {
pollLog[message.author.id] = {
lastPoll: Date.now()
return message
.send(`${message.author} asks: ${question}
.map((option, i) => `${options[i]} - ${option}`).join('\n')}
.then(async (pollMessage) => {
for (let i = 0; i < questionOptions.length; i++) {
await pollMessage.react(options[i]);
} else {
return message.channel.send(`**Poll |** ${message.author} invalid Poll! Question and options should be wrapped in double quotes.`);
The reason some of the question is listed as choices is because you define question as args[0], which is simply the first word given. You can solve this by looping through the arguments and adding those that don't appear to be a choice into the question. See the sample code below.
const args = message.content.trim().split(/ +/g);
// Defining the question...
let question = [];
for (let i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i].startsWith('"')) break;
else question.push(args[i]);
question = question.join(' ');
// Defining the choices...
const choices = [];
const regex = /(["'])((?:\\\1|\1\1|(?!\1).)*)\1/g;
let match;
while (match = regex.exec(args.join(' '))) choices.push(match[2]);
// Creating and sending embed...
let content = [];
for (let i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) content.push(`${options[i]} ${choices[i]}`);
content = content.join('\n');
var embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
message.channel.send(`:bar_chart: ${message.author} started a poll.`, embed)
.then(async m => {
for (let i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) await m.react(options[i]);
The Regex used is from this answer (explanation included). It removes the surrounding quotation marks, allows escaped quotes, and more, but requires a solution like this to access the desired capturing group.
Note that you'll still have to check whether there's a question and if choices exist, and display any errors as you wish.
I have this firebase function which is properly deployed for testing on Firebase :
exports.testDataPoint = functions.database.ref('/testDataPoint/{uid}/{id}/')
.onCreate(event => {
if (event.data.exists()) {
return admin.database().ref("/test/"+event.params.uid+"/accumulate")
.transaction(current => {
return (current || 0) + event.data.val();
return Promise.resolve(true)
When I try to write a data of 10000 entries at once the function is not triggered at all. But if the number of entries is around 1000, function triggers perfectly.
Here is the script I'm using to write data:
function testGroupWrites() {
let users = {};
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
let id = shortId.generate();
let jobs = {};
for (let j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
let uid = shortId.generate();
jobs[uid] = 1;
users[id] = jobs;
.then(() => {
Is there any limit to how much data can be written at a point above which function will not gets triggered? I'm testing this scenario, because in my project firebase function will be doing the same thing to calculate values.
I'm using Admin SDK in my script to write dummy data.
Yes there is a limit, please check the below:
So the maximum is 1000 entries, more info here: