Could not parse the remainder: '${profiles['user']}' from '${profiles['user']} - javascript

const data = '{{ search_user }}'
const rdata = JSON.parse(data.replace(/"/g, '"'))
const input = document.getElementById('user-input_products')
let filteredArr = []
input.addEventListener('keyup', (e)=>{
box.innerHTML = ""
filterMax = (fn, c) => x => c && fn(x) && c--
filter = profiles=> profiles['full_name'].includes(
max = 30
filteredArr = rdata.filter(filterMax(filter, max))
if (filteredArr.length > 0) {>{
box.innerHTML += `<li>${profiles['full_name']}</li>`
} else {
box.innerHTML = "No result found"
And when i want to pass id to django url inside of innerHTML it's give me this error:
Could not parse the remainder: '${profiles["user"]}' from '${profiles["user"]}'
How can i fix that?
"user": 28,
"full_name": "John"
"user": 35,
"full_name": "Robert"
"user": 37,
"full_name": "Mary"
"user": 38,
"full_name": "Jennifer"

You cannot mix server side Python code with frontend javascript code like this. Django Templates sees ${profiles['user']} as a simple string. To fix this you can store a path prefix in a JS variable and combine the user links with JS template literal:
const path_prefix = "{% url 'user_num' %}"
const data = '{{ search_user }}'
const rdata = JSON.parse(data.replace(/"/g, '"'))
const input = document.getElementById('user-input_products')
let filteredArr = []
input.addEventListener('keyup', (e)=>{
box.innerHTML = ""
filterMax = (fn, c) => x => c && fn(x) && c--
filter = profiles=> profiles['full_name'].includes(
max = 30
filteredArr = rdata.filter(filterMax(filter, max))
if (filteredArr.length > 0) {>{
box.innerHTML += `<li>${profiles['full_name']}</li>`
} else {
box.innerHTML = "No result found"
If the path for the user_num view function is user_num/, then ${path_prefix}${profiles['user']} will produce e.g. user_num/28. You may have to create a new URL definition if user_num function requires an argument, or you can just put in the actual path directly, e.g.: user_num/${profiles['user']}.


How can I add View count and Subscriber Count?

This Google Apps Script code Search YouTube results by keywords. I want to add View Count and Subscribes Count too.
Output Data
function youTubeSearchResults() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
const values = sheet.getRange("A2:A" + sheet.getLastRow()).getValues();
const modifyResults = values.flatMap(([keywords]) => {
const searchResults = YouTube.Search.list("id, snippet", { q: keywords, maxResults: 10, type: "video", order: "viewCount", videoDuration: "short", order: "date" });
const fSearchResults = searchResults.items.filter(function (sr) { return === "youtube#video" });
return (sr) { return [keywords,, `${}`, sr.snippet.title, sr.snippet.publishedAt, sr.snippet.channelTitle, sr.snippet.channelId,`${sr.snippet.channelId}`, sr.snippet.thumbnails.high.url] });
sheet.getRange(2, 2, modifyResults.length, modifyResults[0].length).setValues(modifyResults);
When your showing script is modified, how about the following modification?
Modified script:
function youTubeSearchResults() {
// 1. Retrieve values from column "A".
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
const values = sheet.getRange("A2:A" + sheet.getLastRow()).getDisplayValues().filter(([a]) => a);
// 2. Retrieve your current values.
const modifyResults = values.flatMap(([keywords]) => {
const searchResults = YouTube.Search.list("id, snippet", { q: keywords, maxResults: 10, type: "video", order: "viewCount", videoDuration: "short", order: "date" });
const fSearchResults = searchResults.items.filter(function (sr) { return === "youtube#video" });
return (sr) { return [keywords,, `${}`, sr.snippet.title, sr.snippet.publishedAt, sr.snippet.channelTitle, sr.snippet.channelId, `${sr.snippet.channelId}`, sr.snippet.thumbnails.high.url] });
// 3. Retrieve viewCounts and subscriberCounts.
const { videoIds, channelIds } = modifyResults.reduce((o, r) => {
return o;
}, { videoIds: [], channelIds: [] });
const limit = 50;
const { viewCounts, subscriberCounts } = [...Array(Math.ceil(videoIds.length / limit))].reduce((obj, _) => {
const vIds = videoIds.splice(0, limit);
const cIds = channelIds.splice(0, limit);
const res1 = YouTube.Videos.list(["statistics"], { id: vIds, maxResults: limit }){ statistics: { viewCount } }) => viewCount);
const obj2 = YouTube.Channels.list(["statistics"], { id: cIds, maxResults: limit }).items.reduce((o, { id, statistics: { subscriberCount } }) => (o[id] = subscriberCount, o), {});
const res2 = => obj2[e] || null);
obj.viewCounts = [...obj.viewCounts, ...res1];
obj.subscriberCounts = [...obj.subscriberCounts, ...res2];
return obj;
}, { viewCounts: [], subscriberCounts: [] });
const ar = [viewCounts, subscriberCounts];
const rr = ar[0].map((_, c) => => r[c]));
// 4. Merge data.
const res =, i) => [...r, ...rr[i]]);
// 5. Put values on Spreadsheet.
sheet.getRange(2, 2, res.length, res[0].length).setValues(res);
When this script is run, the following flow is run.
Retrieve values from column "A".
Retrieve your current values.
Retrieve "viewCounts" and "subscriberCounts".
Merge data.
Put values on Spreadsheet.
Videos: list
Channels: list

Reduce URL and label for breadcrumbs

I have
const url = "/aaa/222/ccc"
const label = "/aaa/bbb/ccc"
I need to show this in breadcrumbs with labels, but when click on /bbb call 222
I try to handle this
const url = "/aaa/2222/ccc"
const label = "/aaa/bbb/ccc"
breadcrumbs: any;
this.breadcrumbs = url.split('/')
.reduce((acc, cur, i) => {
const url1 = i === 0
? `${acc[i - 1].url1}/${label.split('/')[i]}`
: undefined;
const label1 = i === 0
? `${acc[i - 1].label1}/${url.split('/')[i]}`
: undefined;
const breadcrumb = {
return acc;
}, []);
var numbers = [175, 50, 25];
But this is output, and this is not correct
I need in UI aaa/bbb/ccc but in background aaa/222/ccc
It looks like you want to build up an array of objects containing a label and url section.
The following would do that for you.
const url = "/aaa/222/ccc"
const label = "/aaa/bbb/ccc"
createObject(url,label) {
const urlArray = url.split("/").slice(1);
const labelArray = label.split("/").slice(1);
return, index) => {
return {url: item, label: labelArray[index]}
Look up the previous accumulated url/label if i > 0, not when i === 0 in your OP.
const url = "/aaa/2222/ccc";
const label = "/aaa/bbb/ccc";
const urlPaths = url.split("/");
const labelPaths = label.split("/");
const snackbar = urlPaths.reduce((acc, urlPath, i) => {
let path;
if (i === 0) {
path = {
url: "",
label: "",
} else {
const { url, label } = acc[i-1];
path = {
url: `${url}/${urlPath}`,
label: `${label}/${labelPaths[i]}`
return acc;
}, []).splice(1);
"url": "/aaa",
"label": "/aaa"
}, {
"url": "/aaa/2222",
"label": "/aaa/bbb"
}, {
"url": "/aaa/2222/ccc",
"label": "/aaa/bbb/ccc"
EDIT: the .splice(1) trailing call removes the first snackbar path (which has empty strings for the URL/label).

How to Change json with Javascript
i am creating my project in this envorement .
I created friends.json file in the root folder .
"name": "Иван",
"lastName": "Петров",
"value": "5.24"
"name": "Иван",
"lastName": "Петров",
"value": "6.00"
"name": "Иван",
"lastName": "Петров",
"value": "4.54"
<div id="prev-results"></div>
<button id="loadButton">Load Results</button>
const loadButton = document.querySelector("#loadButton");
const result = document.querySelector('#prev-results');
loadButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
.then(response => {
if (response.status >= 400){
return Promise.reject();
return response.json();
.then(friends => {
result.innerHTML = '';
for (let friend of friends) {
const friendNode = createFriendNode(friend);
.catch(() => console.error('Что-то пошло не так'));
function createFriendNode(friend) {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.textContent = `${} ${friend.lastName}`;
const result = document.createElement("a");
result.textContent = `${friend.value}`;
const label = document.createElement("a");
label.textContent = "mL/min/1.73m²";
return div;
Now i can get objects from friends.json and add them to the DOM , but how do i change friends.json with javascript ?
The client can't write back to the static file it's being served. This would be the use case for a database. For a JSON-like document object store that can be manipulated, you can use something like MongoDB.

How to parse and run conditions contained in strings such as "condition1 and condition2"?

I have a JSON file from an external source containing a bunch of conditions I'd like to test. Either in realtime, or by somehow converting everything.
Let's say I have an instance of my class Person, containing {age: 13, country: "Norway"}, and that I have an external JSON file containing the following "helpers":
"is_child": "age < 16",
"is_adult": "age >= 16 and age < 67",
"is_senior": "age > 67",
"is_scandinavian": "country == 'Norway' or country == 'Sweden' or country == 'Denmark'",
and another file containing, for example, tickets I'd like to present, for example, "NorwegianTickets.json"
"childTicket": "is_child and is_scandinavian",
"flexTicket": "is_scandinavian and (is_adult or is_senior)"
How can I apply this logic to my code? If I want to run the condition "flexTicket" on my "Person", how should I map all the logic? How do I translate the "stringed" conditions, such as "and"/"or", and "()"?
You can easily achieve this using the eval function that execute a string as javascript.
So the logic will be:
Get the different conditions as a javascript string (is_child, is_adult, ...)
This function replace all variables (written as a string) by there value.
For that you will need to create a dictionary to list them all with the corresponding value:
const varsToReplace = {
country: 'Norway',
age: 12
Then you replace this variable in a given condition using the replace method. The only trick here is that you need to search for ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‎country‏‏‎ ‎ and not country (if you not add the extra space before and after, a variable like user_country could be replaced by ‏‏‎user_Norway). Also keep in mind that if you replace by a string you should wrapp the value in '':
const getConditionString = (condition) => {
let replacedConditon = ` ${conditions[condition]} `
Object.keys(varsToReplace).forEach((variable) => {
const re = new RegExp(` ${variable} `, 'g');
let replaceValue = ` ${varsToReplace[variable]} `
// If the value is a string we should add ''
if (typeof varsToReplace[variable] === 'string') {
replaceValue = ` '${varsToReplace[variable]}' `
replacedConditon = replacedConditon.replace(re, replaceValue)
return replacedConditon
Get the test as a javascript string (is_child and is_scandinavian, ...)
This function getTestString will replace all conditions key by the javascript string using the previous function:
const getTestString = (test) => {
let replacedTest = ` ${tests[test]} `
Object.keys(conditions).forEach((condition) => {
const re = new RegExp(` ${condition} `, 'g');
replacedTest = replacedTest.replace(re, ` ( ${getConditionString(condition)} ) `)
return replacedTest
Replace the different operators to be 'js valid':
const replaceOperators = (string) => {
const operators = {
or: '||',
and: '&&'
Object.keys(operators).forEach((operator) => {
const re = new RegExp(` ${operator} `, 'g');
string = string.replace(re, ` ${operators[operator]} `)
return string
Execute the js string using eval:
const evalTest = (test) => {
let testAsString = replaceOperators(getTestString(test))
return eval(testAsString)
Here is the full example:
const country = 'Norway'
const age = 12
const varsToReplace = {
const conditions = {
"is_child": "age < 16",
"is_adult": "age >= 16 and age < 67",
"is_senior": "age > 67",
"is_scandinavian": "country == 'Norway' or country == 'Sweden' or country == 'Denmark'"
const tests = {
"childTicket": "is_child and is_scandinavian",
"flexTicket": "is_scandinavian and ( is_adult or is_senior )"
const getConditionString = (condition) => {
let replacedConditon = ` ${conditions[condition]} `
Object.keys(varsToReplace).forEach((variable) => {
const re = new RegExp(` ${variable} `, 'g');
let replaceValue = ` ${varsToReplace[variable]} `
// If the value is a string we should add ''
if (typeof varsToReplace[variable] === 'string') {
replaceValue = ` '${varsToReplace[variable]}' `
replacedConditon = replacedConditon.replace(re, replaceValue)
return replacedConditon
const getTestString = (test) => {
let replacedTest = ` ${tests[test]} `
Object.keys(conditions).forEach((condition) => {
const re = new RegExp(` ${condition} `, 'g');
replacedTest = replacedTest.replace(re, ` ( ${getConditionString(condition)} ) `)
return replacedTest
const replaceOperators = (string) => {
const operators = {
or: '||',
and: '&&'
Object.keys(operators).forEach((operator) => {
const re = new RegExp(` ${operator} `, 'g');
string = string.replace(re, ` ${operators[operator]} `)
return string
const evalTest = (test) => {
let testAsString = replaceOperators(getTestString(test))
return eval(testAsString)
I would go for creating a DSL for that purpose. It's fun. I've written one to just give you some idea about it. Beware, its not fully tested, lacks basic functionality such as array access. I believe you may find better examples in the internet.
class Node_ {
children: Node_[];
constructor() {
this.children = [];
addChild = (node: Node_) =>
evaluate = (context: any): boolean | number | string => {
throw new Error('Missing implementation');
enum ExprType {
Eq = 'eq',
Gt = 'gt',
Lt = 'lt',
Gte = 'gte',
Lte = 'lte',
Get = 'get',
class ExprNode extends Node_ {
expr: string;
constructor(expr: string) {
this.expr = expr.toLowerCase();
throwIfInvalidExpr(expr: string) {
switch (expr.toLowerCase()) {
case ExprType.Eq:
case ExprType.Gt:
case ExprType.Lt:
case ExprType.Gte:
case ExprType.Lte:
case ExprType.Get:
throw new Error(`Unexpected expression: ${this.expr}`);
evaluate = (context: any) => {
switch (this.expr) {
case ExprType.Get:
return this.evaluateAccess(context);
return this.evaluateCmp(context);
evaluateAccess = (context: any) => {
const prop = this.children[0].evaluate(context) as string;
const newContext = context[prop];
const child = this.children[1];
if (child) {
return child.evaluate(newContext);
} else {
return newContext;
evaluateCmp = (context: any) => {
const left = this.children[0].evaluate(context);
const right = this.children[1].evaluate(context);
switch(this.expr) {
case ExprType.Eq:
return left === right;
case ExprType.Gt:
return left > right;
case ExprType.Gte:
return left >= right;
case ExprType.Lt:
return left < right;
case ExprType.Lte:
return left <= right;
throwIfInvalidOperands = () => {
if (this.children.length !== 2) {
throw new Error(`Invalid operand count ${this.children.length}`);
throwIfInvalidAccessOperands = () => {
if (this.children.length === 0 ||
this.children.length > 2) {
throw new Error(`Invalid access operand count ${this.children.length}`);
class ValueNode extends Node_ {
value: string | number;
constructor(value: string, str?: boolean) {
if (str) {
this.value = value as string;
} else {
const num = parseInt(value);
if (Number.isNaN(num)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid number: ${value}`);
this.value = num;
evaluate = (_: any) => {
return this.value;
function tokenize(value: string): Node_ {
let index = 0;
const nodeStack = [];
let token = '';
while (index < value.length) {
switch(value[index]) {
case '(':
const node = new ExprNode(token);
token = '';
case ')':
if (token) {
const node = new ValueNode(token);
token = '';
case "'":
case '"':
const str = consumeString(value, index);
index += str.length + 1;
token += str;
const node = new ValueNode(token, true);
token = '';
case ',':
if (token) {
const node = new ValueNode(token);
token = '';
case ' ':
token += value[index];
return nodeStack[0];
function consumeString(value: string, index: number) {
const delimiter = value[index++];
let ret = '';
while (value[index] !== delimiter) {
ret += value[index];
return ret;
function addToParent(nodeStack: Node_[]) {
console.assert(nodeStack.length > 0);
const last = nodeStack.pop();
if (nodeStack.length > 0) {
const parent = nodeStack.pop();
} else {
const ast = tokenize('EQ("origami", GET("name"))');
const context = { name: 'origami' };
const context2 = { };
console.assert(ast.evaluate(context) === true);
console.assert(ast.evaluate(context2) === false);
const ast = tokenize('EQ(5, 5)');
console.assert(ast.evaluate({}) === true);
const ast1 = tokenize('EQ("foo", "foo")');
console.assert(ast1.evaluate({}) === true);
const ast2 = tokenize('EQ("foo", "bar")');
console.assert(ast2.evaluate({}) === false);
const ast3 = tokenize('GTE(15, 10)');
console.assert(ast3.evaluate({}) === true);
const ast = tokenize('GET("info", GET("person", GET("age")))');
const context = { info: { person: { age: 21 } } };
console.assert(ast.evaluate(context) === 21);
const ast = tokenize('LTE(21, GET("info", GET("person", GET("age"))))');
const context = { info: { person: { age: 21 } } };
console.assert(ast.evaluate(context) === true);
const context2 = { info: { person: { age: 15 } } };
console.assert(ast.evaluate(context2) === false);
const ast = tokenize('EQ(GET("info", GET("person", GET("planet"))), "earth")');
const context = { info: { person: { planet: "mars" } } };
console.assert(ast.evaluate(context) === false);
const ast = tokenize('GT(GET("person1", GET("age")), GET("person2", GET("age")))');
const context = { person1: { age: 56 }, person2: { age: 21 } };
console.assert(ast.evaluate(context) === true);
const context2 = { person1: { age: 25 }, person2: { age: 44 } };
console.assert(ast.evaluate(context2) === false);
I omitted AND & OR expressions, but it should be clear how to add them.
In this scenario, the client should submit the data along with the constraints. For example:
"context": {
"person": {
"age": 44,
"planet": "saturn"
"constraints": {
"shouldFrom": "EQ('mars', GET('person', GET('planet')))",
"minimumAge": "GTE(40, GET('person', GET('planet')))"
And the receiver part takes the each constraints, tokenize them and evaluate them with given context.

Two sorting / filtering methods used at the same time Javascript

I have two methods - sort and more_than, Here is my JS:
const originalData = [{
"id": 2,
"title": "ASD",
"number": 50,
"src": ""
"id": 1,
"title": "FGH",
"number": 150,
"src": ""
const data = [...originalData]
const info_container = document.querySelector('.info-container')
const sort = () => {
const newData = data.sort((a, b) => parseFloat( - parseFloat(
const more_than = (e) => {
if (e) {
const newData = data.filter((a) => {
return parseFloat(a.number) > parseFloat(e)
} else return
const clear_filters = () => {
const radio = document.querySelector('input[name="sort"]')
radio.checked = false
const fetchData = (data) => {
info_container.innerHTML = "";
data.forEach((item, index) => {
const img = document.createElement("img");
const title = document.createElement('h3')
const node = document.createTextNode(item.src);
const node_title = document.createTextNode(item.title)
img.src = item.src
window.onload = function() {
<div><input type="radio" name="sort" onclick="sort()" />sort</div>
<div>More <input min="1" max="1000" oninput="more_than(value)" type="number" name="pages" /> than</div>
<div><button onclick="clear_filters()">Clear</button></div>
<div class="info-container">
I want to use them in the same time. Now my sort function disappears after more_than and vice versa. How to fix that?
Thanks for answers in advance!
You want to have a kind of "meta" instance which allows you to keep the application state intact. That means, you need a way to keep the user selection stored inside variables. In the example below, Store acts as a repository for your data which also knows how many "pages" should be displayed as well as if the data should be sorted by .id. Calling .getItems() returns you a list of sorted/unsorted values, optionally filtered by "pages". Please note that Store doesn't alter the original data. It instead returns a new copy of the original data every time you call .getItems().
const originalData = [{
"id": 2,
"title": "ASD",
"number": 50,
"src": ""
"id": 1,
"title": "FGH",
"number": 150,
"src": ""
const Store = data => {
let __sorted = false;
let __pages = 0;
const _Store = {
sorted() {
__sorted = true;
return _Store;
unsorted() {
__sorted = false;
return _Store;
setPages(num) {
if (typeof num === 'number' && !isNaN(num)) {
__pages = Math.abs(num); // ensure we have a positive number
return _Store;
unsetPages() {
__pages = 0; // revert back to default
return _Store;
getItems() {
let items = [];
if (__sorted) {
return __pages <= 0 ? items.sort((a, b) => Number( - Number( :
/* else */ items.filter(a => Number(a.number) >= __pages).
sort((a, b) => Number( - Number(
return __pages <= 0 ? items :
/* else */ items.filter(a => Number(a.number) >= __pages);
return _Store;
const dataStore = Store(originalData);
const $checkSort = document.querySelector('input[name="sort"]');
const $inputPages = document.querySelector('input[name="pages"]');
const $resetFilters = document.querySelector('#filter-reset');
const $output = document.querySelector('.info-container')
function onCheckSorted (event) {
if ( {
} else {
function onChangePages (event) {
let v = Number(;
if (v && !isNaN(v)) {
} else {
function onClickReset () {
$checkSort.checked = null; // update UI
$inputPages.value = null; // update UI
function show () {
$output.innerHTML = "";
dataStore.getItems().forEach((item, index) => {
const img = document.createElement("img");
const title = document.createElement('h3')
const node = document.createTextNode(item.src);
const node_title = document.createTextNode(item.title)
img.src = item.src
$checkSort.addEventListener('change', onCheckSorted);
$inputPages.addEventListener('input', onChangePages);
$resetFilters.addEventListener('click', onClickReset);
// kick off
<div><input type="checkbox" name="sort" />sort</div>
<div>More <input min="1" max="1000" type="number" name="pages" /> than</div>
<div><button id="filter-reset">Clear</button></div>
<div class="info-container">
