Using a constant random variable in a randomly generated component - javascript

I am building a solar system app that automatically generates stars. My stars are a React component that accept a couple of props. When the user clicks the star, I need the system state to update and also I want the navlink to point to the same value.
let randomTypeVariable = starList[Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 1)];
return (
onClick={() => props.setSystem(`${randomTypeVariable}`)}
However at the moment the to= prop and the onClick function are giving different results. I know that this is because the randomTypeVariable is running each time and giving different results.
These components are being randomly generated so I cannot have the variable be a constant value.
How can I assign both of these properties to be the same randomly generated variable?
For context here is the full star component
let randomTypeVariable = starList[Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 1)];
const makeStars = (Count = 5) => {
if (Count > 0) {
return (
onClick={() => props.setSystem(`${randomTypeVariable}`)}
starPosition={positionList[Math.floor(Math.random() * 9 + 1)]}
starType={`${starList[Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 2)]}`}
{makeStars(Count - 1)}

It shouldn't give a different result as randomTypeVariable is not a function, I tried this also.
Maybe I am missing something but still useMemo can solve your problem
const makeStars = (Count = 5) => {
let randomTypeVariable = useMemo(() => starList[Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 1)], []);
if (Count > 0) {
return (
onClick={() => props.setSystem(`${randomTypeVariable}`)}
starPosition={positionList[Math.floor(Math.random() * 9 + 1)]}
starType={`${starList[Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 2)]}`}
{makeStars(Count - 1)}

So I wasn't able to solve this as much as get around it.
The first thing I did was remove the onClick from my component
let randomTypeVariable = starList[Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 1)];
if (Count > 0) {
return (
starPosition={positionList[Math.floor(Math.random() * 9 + 1)]}
{makeStars(Count - 1)}
And considering I was still able to use the navigation path of to={/${randomTypeVariable}} I was able to gather the information I needed from the URL of the page instead of the state.
let url = window.location.href
let modifiedUrl = url.split('/')
At last, the randomly generated components are consistent. However this is more of an avoiding the problem than actually solving it. If anyone has an actual solution please let your voice be heard here.


How can I evaluate each element in array and use useState() on one condition?

I'm making a blackjack hand simulation and I've encountered an issue with my code.
The game goes like this: users gets two random cards and a total of the points, clicks 'hit' to get another random card from the deck. Now that's all working but there's one more rule: if that card is an Ace, user chooses if they want to get 1 or 10 points. I implemented it before when I only had one card at a time with useEffect, however now I refactored my code and the total isn't kept in useState + the array has two cards that need to evaluated, not the most recent one.
I've tried putting my loop and if statement in a useEffect and conditionally render the Popup to let the user decide (with and without dependencies), but when I put the useState() to trigger the condition, it throws an error that there have been too many renders and I'm not sure why that is.
Here's my Home component:
import {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import Card from '../components/Card';
import Total from '../components/Total';
import Popup from '../components/Popup'
import {shuffle} from '../hooks/shuffleCards'
import {deckArray} from '../utils/data'
export default function Home(){
const startHandSize = 2
const [starterDeck, setStarterDeck] = useState(shuffle(deckArray))
const [howManyDealt, setHowManyDealt] = useState(startHandSize)
const [triggerPopup, setButtonPopup] = useState(false)
const deal = () => {
const hit = () => !bust && setHowManyDealt(prev => prev + 1)
const usersCards = starterDeck.slice(-howManyDealt)
var total = 0
usersCards.forEach(function (arrayItem) {
if(arrayItem.card === "A"){
alert("you have an ace")
total += arrayItem.value
const bust = total > 21;
<button onClick={deal}>DEAL</button>
<button disabled={bust} onClick={hit}>HIT</button>
<button disabled={bust}>STAND</button>
<Total total={total} usersCards={usersCards}/>
<Card usersCards={usersCards}/>
{triggerPopup && <Popup total={total} setButtonPopup={setButtonPopup}/>}
and my Popup:
export default function Popup({total, setButtonPopup}){
const handleClick = (points) => {
total += points
<div className="popup">
<div className="popup-inner">
<h4>You've got an Ace. Would you like to collect 1 or 10 points?</h4>
<button className=".btn-popup" onClick={() => handleClick(1)}>1 POINT</button>
<button className=".btn-popup" onClick={() => handleClick(10)}>10 POINTS</button>
Any help much appreciated!
Good attempt. However, there seems to be a general misunderstanding about state. Consider this code:
const handleClick = (points) => {
total += points
total is a purely local variable to Popup, so this += pretty much does nothing. To change state in the caller, you'd normally pass a callback that can trigger a setState and move the new value for total into state.
Remember: any data change must happen immutably, and if you want to trigger a re-render, you have to set state. Of course, there are ways to circumvent this flow using refs and so forth, but these are escape hatches you shouldn't use if you don't have to.
However, a design with total kept in state strikes me as redundant. We already know the total based on the cards in play. A better strategy seems to be having ace values individually settable via the popup modal, assuming you don't want to auto-compute these ace values to be as high as possible without busting or use a toggle switch instead of a modal.
I kept going with my code from your previous question and added the modal. I'm treating high aces as 11 per the rules of Blackjack, but you can easily make that 10 if you want.
As before, I'm hoping you can apply the techniques here to your code. The keys are the handleAceSet callback and the new piece of state aceToSet, which is a ace the user has picked, or null if the user hasn't chosen an ace. aceToSet is like your setButtonPopup, but tracks an object or null rather than a boolean. When aceToSet isn't null, the user has selected an ace and we show the modal to let them pick a value for it.
handleAceSet may seem a bit complex, but it has to be due to immutability. It finds the index of the ace the user wants to set in the deck array, then creates a new object at this index with the new value and glues the subarray slices before and after the index back together.
// utility library "import"
const cards = (() => {
const shuffle = a => {
a = a.slice();
for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = ~~(Math.random() * (i + 1));
const x = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = x;
return a;
const frz = (...args) => Object.freeze(...args);
const suits = frz([..."HCSD"]);
const faces = frz([..."AJQK"]);
const pips = frz([...Array(9)].map((_, i) => i + 2));
const ranks = frz([...pips, ...faces]);
const cards = frz(
suits.flatMap(s => =>
rank: r,
suit: s,
str: r + s,
value: isNaN(r) ? (r === "A" ? 1 : 10) : r,
const shuffled = () => shuffle(cards);
return {shuffled};
const {Fragment, useState} = React;
const AceSetterModal = ({handleSetLow, handleSetHigh}) => (
<button onClick={handleSetLow}>Set ace low</button>
<button onClick={handleSetHigh}>Set ace high</button>
const Card = ({card, handleAceSet}) => (
{card.rank === "A" && (
{" "}
<button onClick={handleAceSet}>
Set ({card.value})
const Game = () => {
const startHandSize = 2;
const goal = 21;
const lowAce = 1;
const highAce = 11;
const [deck, setDeck] = useState(cards.shuffled());
const [cardsDealt, setCardsDealt] = useState(startHandSize);
const [aceToSet, setAceToSet] = useState(null);
const handleAceSet = value => {
setDeck(deck => {
const i = deck.findIndex(e => e.str === aceToSet.str);
return [
...deck.slice(0, i),
{...aceToSet, value},
...deck.slice(i + 1),
const deal = () => {
const hit = () => !bust && setCardsDealt(prev => prev + 1);
const cardsInPlay = deck.slice(-cardsDealt);
const total = cardsInPlay.reduce((a, e) => a + e.value, 0);
const bust = total > goal;
return (
{aceToSet ? (
handleSetLow={() => handleAceSet(lowAce)}
handleSetHigh={() => handleAceSet(highAce)}
) : (
<button onClick={deal}>Deal</button>
<button disabled={bust} onClick={hit}>
{ => (
handleAceSet={() => setAceToSet(e)}
<div>Total: {total}</div>
<div>{bust && "Bust!"}</div>
.render(<Game />);
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>

why is useEffect rendering unexpected values?

I am trying to create a scoreboard for a quiz application. After answering a question the index is updated. Here is the code for the component.
export const ScoreBoard = ({ result, index }) => {
const [score, setScore] = useState(0)
const [total, setTotal] = useState(0)
const [rightAns, setRight] = useState(0)
useEffect(() => {
if(result === true ) {
setRight(rightAns + 1)
setTotal(total + 1)
if(result === false) {
setTotal(total + 1)
}, [index]);
return (
When it first renders the values are
score = NaN
rightAns = 0
total = 0
After clicking on one of the corrects answers the values update to
score = NaN
rightAns = 1
total = 1
and then finally after one more answer (with a false value) it updates to
score = 1
rightAns = 1
total = 2
Score is no longer NaN but it is still displaying an incorrect value. After those three renders the application begins updating the score to a lagging value.
score = 0.5
rightAns = 2
total = 3
What is going on during the first 3 renders and how do I fix it?
You shouldn't be storing the score in state at all, because it can be calculated based on other states.
All the state change calls are asynchronous and the values of state don't change until a rerender occurs, which means you are still accessing the old values.
export const ScoreBoard = ({ result, index }) => {
const [total, setTotal] = useState(0)
const [rightAns, setRight] = useState(0)
useEffect(() => {
if(result === true ) {
setRight(rightAns + 1)
setTotal(total + 1)
if(result === false) {
setTotal(total + 1)
}, [index]);
const score = right/total
return (
Simpler and following the React guidelines about the single "source of truth".
Your problem is that calling setState doesn't change the state immediately - it waits for code to finish and renders the component again with the new state. You rely on total changing when calculating score, so it doesn't work.
There are multiple approaches to solve this problem - in my opinion score shouldn't be state, but a value computed from total and rightAns when you need it.
All of your set... functions are asynchronous and do not update the value immediately. So when you first render, you call setScore(right/total) with right=0 and total=0, so you get NaN as a result for score. All your other problems are related to the same problem of setScore using the wrong values.
One way to solve this problem is to remove score from state and add it to the return like this:
return (
{total > 0 && <div>{right/total}</div>}
You also can simplify your useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
setTotal(total + 1);
if(result === true ) setRight(rightAns + 1);
}, [index]);
With how you have it set up currently, you'd need to make sure that you are updating result before index. Because it seems like the useEffect is creating a closure around a previous result and will mess up from that. Here's showing that it does work, you just need to make sure that result and index are updated at the right times.
If you don't want to calculate the score every render (i.e. it's an expensive calculation) you can useMemo or useEffect as I have shown in the stackblitz.
Although there are many other ways to improve how you work with hooks. One is to make sure to pay attention to the eslint react-hooks/exhaustive-deps rule as it will forcefully show you all the little bugs that can end up happening due to how closures work.
In this instance, you can easily calculate score based on total and rightAns. And total is essentially just index + 1.
I'd also modify the use effect as it is right now to use setState as a callback to get rid of a lot of dependency issues in it:
useEffect(() => {
if (result === true) {
setRight(rightAns => rightAns + 1);
setTotal(total => total + 1);
if (result === false) {
setTotal(total => total + 1);
}, [index]);
setScore(rightAns / total ||0);

React JS Card Game, counting values in state

I am making a card game in React JS that requires 3 sets of unique cards.
The way the format works is there are ingredient cards that can create potions. The ingredients are dealt in the Top Row of the game, so I have the component called TopRow.
Since these are not normal playing cards I had to generate arrays with 10 of each of 5 different cards for the deal. ( shuffle(a) )
Then I am splicing the deal to only get 5 cards ( a.splice(5); )
So I want the value of the ingredients to increment based on the number of times the ingredients appear, example: function handleHoneyIncrement should increase countHoney by 1.
I've tried a couple different things and I guess I am having a brain fart on how to make a for loop for this.
function TopRow(props) {
let a=["Honey0", "Bone0", "Herbs0", "Mushroom0", "Seeds0",
"Honey1", "Bone1", "Herbs1", "Mushroom1", "Seeds1",
"Honey2", "Bone2", "Herbs2", "Mushroom2", "Seeds2",
"Honey3", "Bone3", "Herbs3", "Mushroom3", "Seeds3",
"Honey4", "Bone4", "Herbs4", "Mushroom4", "Seeds4",
"Honey5", "Bone5", "Herbs5", "Mushroom5", "Seeds5",
"Honey6", "Bone6", "Herbs6", "Mushroom6", "Seeds6",
"Honey7", "Bone7", "Herbs7", "Mushroom7", "Seeds7",
"Honey8", "Bone8", "Herbs8", "Mushroom8", "Seeds8",
"Honey9", "Bone9", "Herbs9", "Mushroom9", "Seeds9"
function shuffle(a) {
for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]];
return a.splice(5);
let imageIngredients = => {
return <img key={image} src={require(`../pngs/${image}.png`)}
alt="ingredients" className="img-responsive"
style={{width:"15%", float:"left"}}
let handleHoneyIncrement = () => {
if (shuffle.length= "Honey0" ||"Honey1" ||"Honey2" ||"Honey3" ||"Honey4" ||"Honey5" ||"Honey6" ||"Honey7" || "Honey8" || "Honey9" ){
this.setState({countHoney: this.state.countHoney + 1})
return (
<div className="row" id="topRow"
style={{WebkitBorderRadius:2, WebkitTextStrokeColor: "red", width:"90%", maxHeight:"30%", padding:0}} >
<div className="col-6-md">
<img src={require('../pngs/IngredientBacks.png')} alt="ingredientsBack" style={{width:"15%", float:"left"}} />
<div className="col-6-md">
export default TopRow;
Not 100% sure if this is what you were going for, but it sounds like you just need to turn the ingredients list into a collection of ingredient/count pairs?
const ingredientCounts = a.reduce((obj, curr) => ({
[curr]: obj[curr] ? obj[curr] + 1 : 1
}), {})
ingredientCounts["Honey0"] // 1
If you're looking to count all Honeys together like Honey0 + Honey1, etc., this should work:
const ingredientCounts = a.reduce((obj, curr) => {
const keys = ["Honey", "etc"]; // maybe this list should be somewhere else, IDK
const key = keys.find(k => curr.includes(k)); // missing null check :)
return {
[key]: obj[key] ? obj[key] + 1 : 1
}, {})
ingredientCounts["Honey"] // 10
Then we can set state for all of them like:
counts: ingredientCounts
And have a state of counts like:
Honey: 10,
etc: 0
I'm not 100% sure that I understand your goals correctly, but I think a simplified version is that you want to show:
5 random cards from your deck
A button or trigger that shuffles the deck and displays a new hand of 5 cards from the same deck
A count of the total number of honey cards accumulated as the hand is updated
There are a number of confusing things in your code sample, so rather than try to make corrections I threw up a quick demo of how I would approach that problem with some comments explaining what I did differently, given these assumptions.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
// The deck of cards is probably a constant whose values never change directly.
// It's possible that I'm wrong and the deck *does* change, but even so I imagine
// it would come from a prop or context from a parent component. Either way the
// cards array should not be mutable.
const CARDS = [
"Honey0", "Bone0", "Herbs0", "Mushroom0", "Seeds0",
"Honey1", "Bone1", "Herbs1", "Mushroom1", "Seeds1",
"Honey2", "Bone2", "Herbs2", "Mushroom2", "Seeds2",
"Honey3", "Bone3", "Herbs3", "Mushroom3", "Seeds3",
"Honey4", "Bone4", "Herbs4", "Mushroom4", "Seeds4",
"Honey5", "Bone5", "Herbs5", "Mushroom5", "Seeds5",
"Honey6", "Bone6", "Herbs6", "Mushroom6", "Seeds6",
"Honey7", "Bone7", "Herbs7", "Mushroom7", "Seeds7",
"Honey8", "Bone8", "Herbs8", "Mushroom8", "Seeds8",
"Honey9", "Bone9", "Herbs9", "Mushroom9", "Seeds9"
const initialCards = [];
function TopRow(props) {
// Keep the current hand of cards in state rather than mutating an array
// directly in the function body. React function components should be pure,
// with all side effects occurring inside of effect hooks.
let [cards, setCards] = useState(initialCards);
let [honeyCount, setHoneyCount] = useState(
countSubstrings(initialCards, "Honey")
let imageIngredients = => (
style={{ width: "15%", float: "left" }}
function shuffleCards() {
// Reset your hand of cards with the original array (the deck)
// Return all state to initial values
function reset() {
setHoneyCount(countSubstrings(initialCards, "Honey"));
// Any time our cards are updated, we want to increment the number of Honey
// cards in our hand. useState accepts a lazy initializer to access the
// previous state, which is very useful for effects like this!
useEffect(() => {
setHoneyCount(count => count + countSubstrings(cards, "Honey"));
}, [cards]);
return (
WebkitBorderRadius: 2,
WebkitTextStrokeColor: "red",
width: "90%",
maxHeight: "30%",
padding: 0
<button onClick={shuffleCards}>
{cards.length ? "Shuffle" : "Deal"}
<button onClick={reset}>Reset</button>
<hr />
<div className="col-6-md">
alt="Back of ingredient card"
style={{ width: "15%", float: "left" }}
<div className="col-6-md">
<hr />
<strong>TOTAL HONEY COUNT:</strong> {honeyCount}
export default TopRow;
// I put these utility functions outside of the component body since there is no
// real reason to recreate them on each render.
* #param {any[]} array
function shuffleArray(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
// Use slice instead of splice here to prevent mutating the original array
return array.slice(0, 5);
* #param {string[]} array
* #param {string} subs
function countSubstrings(array, subs) {
return array.filter(card => card.includes(subs)).length;

JS Filter/Map to get objects between

I am attempting to create a pager for an array of objects in a ReactJS project. I have a component changing the state with the 'page' of the objects that are being displayed.
I am attempting to use filter to grab the number of total objects between two numbers (the start and the limit)
My code:
this.state.items.filter((item,i) => i > page && i < (page + 12)).map( (item, i) => {
<div className="col-lg-3 mb-4" key={i}>
there are 100 items in the items array and the page is set to 0 initially which should evaluate the filter to i > 0 && i < 12 (which I imaging is 0-11). Which seems to work....but when I click the second 'page' it should say i > 12 && i < 24 ( which I image is 12-23) but its not filtering the way I expected.
What am I missing. Thanks!
As Heretic Monkey mentioned, your math is off - you need to multiply the page number by the number of items per page to get your beginning index, and add the number of items per page to that to get the ending index.
const pageItems = 12;
const beginIndex = pageItems * page;
// Cap the end index at 100
const endIndex = Math.min(100, beginIndex + pageItems);
this.state.items.filter((item, i) => i >= beginIndex && i < endIndex).map((item, i) => {
return (
<div className="col-lg-3 mb-4" key={i}>

React Map Operator

I am trying to declare a variable "ratingVal" which is assigned a random no inside a map operator. I want to use the variable in the rating component and also display it on the screen. However I get an error
Parsing error: Unexpected token
What is the correct syntax for declaring a variable in this case?
(product, i) =>
let ratingVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1
<Rating initialRating={ratingVal} readonly></Rating>
You can't have a declaration statement within an arrow function with an implicit return. In order to do so, use the explicit return syntax. Also, you cannot return multiple elements from within the map method. Wrap them within <React.Fragment>:
(product, i) => {
let ratingVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1
return (
<Rating initialRating={ratingVal} readonly></Rating>
or evaluate it while assigning
(product, i) =>
<Rating initialRating={Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1} readonly></Rating>
Two issues :
Missing brackets after arrow => : you can only omit brackets if you do an implicit return in one line.
Floating JSX in your code : i'm not sure what you want to do. There is 2 lines of JSX floating at the end of the map method. You currently don't return anything. But i guess you want to return a Rating component.
renderProductsCardsList(products) {
(product, i) => {
let ratingVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1
return <Rating initialRating={ratingVal} readonly></Rating>
Use a function to return the product inside the map function:
function renderProductsCardsList(products) {
let rating = () => {
let ratingVal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1
return (<>
< Rating initialRating={ratingVal} readonly ></Rating >
return => rating())
