What is the purpose of #next/react-dev-overlay? - javascript

I am working on a NextJs project. In it, I have found this piece of code inside next.config.js:
const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')([
'some package',
'some package',
I was wondering what is the purpose of this #next/react-dev-overlay and was not able to find anything online. The only thing was this unanswered question in the nextjs github issues. When I remove it, it seems that the project is working as expected. My question is what is the purpose of this #next/react-dev-overlay package and should I remove it?

The #next/react-dev-overlay package is a development-only overlay for React apps. It's used internally by Next.js to display the error messages you see in development.
This is what the error overlay looks like when a client-side error occurs in a Next.js app:
As to why that package was included in next.config.js, I can only guess that it's being used directly in that app, and needs to be transpiled to be used. Most of the times you wouldn't need to install it or use it directly.


error "window" is not available during server side rendering [duplicate]

I have been trying to build my gatsby (react) site recently using an external package.
The link to this package is "https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/react-particle-animation".
As I only have the option to change the props from the components detail, I cannot read/write the package file where it all gets together in the end as it is not included in the public folder of 'gatsby-build'.
What I have tried:
Editing the package file locally, which worked only on my machine but when I push it to netlify, which just receives the public folder and the corresponding package.json files and not the 'node-modules folder', I cannot make netlify read the file that I myself changed, as it requests it directly from the github page.
As a solution I found from a comment to this question, we can use the "Patch-Package" to save our fixes to the node module and then use it wherever we want.
This actually worked for me!
To explain how I fixed it: (As most of it is already written in the "Patch Package DOCS), so mentioning the main points:
I first made changes to my local package files that were giving the error.(For me they were in my node_modules folder)
Then I used the Patch Package Documentation to guide my self through the rest.
It worked after I pushed my changes to github such that now, Patch Package always gives me my edited version of the node_module.
When dealing with third-party modules that use window in Gatsby you need to add a null loader to its own webpack configuration to avoid the transpilation during the SSR (Server-Side Rendering). This is because gatsby develop occurs in the browser (where there is a window) while gatsby build occurs in the Node server where obviously there isn't a window or other global objects (because they are not even defined yet).
exports.onCreateWebpackConfig = ({ stage, loaders, actions }) => {
if (stage === "build-html") {
module: {
rules: [
test: /react-particle-animation/,
use: loaders.null(),
Keep in mind that the test value is a regular expression that will match a folder under node_modules so, ensure that the /react-particle-animation/ is the right name.
Using a patch-package may work but keep in mind that you are adding an extra package, another bundled file that could potentially affect the performance of the site. The proposed snippet is a built-in solution that is fired when you build your application.

React App Not Loading When Using http-proxy-middleware

Alright, I've about reached the end of my sanity on this one.
So, I have a basic React frontend w/ an Express backend. React is running off of localhost:3000, the backend is running off of localhost:3030. Following along on a guide for setting up some Spotify integration, everything works fine up until I hit the portion on setting up a proxy. (I have a slightly different setup from the Spotify guide, all my stuff runs through /spotify/auth rather than /auth)
I installed http-proxy-middleware, created the setupProxy.js in my /src folder, and if I ever try to load up localhost:3000 as normal, I get nothing-- my app doesn't load at all.
The only way to have the app appear again is to remove the file. The one on the spotify guide is a bit out of date as far as I can tell anyway, but even using suggestions found elsewhere, I've gotten no luck. Here is the current setup I have for my setupProxy.js file:
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require("http-proxy-middleware");
module.exports = function (app) {
target: "http://localhost:3030",
changeOrigin: true,
I've even removed the actual fetch that would be making use of the proxy and still have no luck loading my page. I am also unable to use "proxy": "http://localhost:3030" in my package.json as it throws:
Invalid options object. Dev Server has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
- options.allowedHosts[0] should be a non-empty string."
Managed to solve my problem, though I am still unsure of why it works.
The issue I was running into stems from using "type": "module" in the package.json. I was using correct import statements in all of my backend, as well as tried to use it for the setupProxy.js as well, however this would always result in the issue from the question. After removing the line and swapping out the imports for requires in my backend, everything started working.
It seems like a strange compatibility issue, but there's probably a much better explanation.
Had the same problem as you where my react app wasn't loading because of http-proxy-middleware. Different problem/solution, but for people that also had this problem, and were following this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxyp_LkKDdk
The tutorial has
const proxy = require("http-proxy-middleware")
instead of
const {createProxyMiddleware} = require("http-proxy-middleware")
After I made that change, my issue was solved. Don't forget to change "proxy" to "createProxyMiddleware" in app.use() as well

Attempted import errors in react-native-web monorepo architecture

Hi there,
I am following this article to setup a react-native + web code sharing. Here is the repo link with bare-bone monorepo setup as described in above article.
I successfully did setup bare-bone monorepo app as described in above article, than i ported my existing react-native app code to this architecture(in the components folder) and got mobile app working and everything.
I am getting some errors when i try to run web app(which used react-native-web to convert react-native to web). Its not that i was not expecting some errors, i know react-native-web is yet not that stable and not that up to date for react-native version above 0.55 and all those gotchas.
But the errors i am getting here are more related to my webpack config i think. My config-override.js file is basically the same as original one except this part(which i changed in a hope to get through the errors i will mention below):
const appIncludes = [
Couple or errors i am getting on yarn workspace web start are:
import {
} from 'react-native-color-matrix-image-filters';
It gives:
Attempted import error: 'Grayscale' is not exported from
If i just remove this import and its use, i than get:
Attempted import error: 'react-native-cookies' does not contain a
default export (imported as 'CookieManager').
import CookieManager from 'react-native-cookies';
While playing around, i also got:
Attempted import error: 'TabBarBottom' is not exported from 'react-navigation-deprecated-tab-navigator' (imported as 'DEPRECATED_TabBarBottom').
I am pretty sure this is something wrong with my webpack/babel config(config-override.js file). And i certainly know i will get more errors after resolving these. And this setup might end up not working at all for us. But it worths a try and i must be able to get through these errors with your help.
You can probably not use these packages on the web since they're react native packages (Android and iOS) and not web packages.
Which means that you have to split the files that import and use these packages.
Example of creating a wrapper for CookieManager: cookieManagerWrapper.js(everything else: Android and iOS) and cookieManagerWrapper.web.js(Web only).
In the web specific js file, you don't import CookieManager but import an alternative web library instead to implement the same functionality as on mobile but with different code that works on the web.
Then you can import and use cookieManagerWrapper.js everywhere and react-native-web will automatically substitute it with the cookieManagerWrapper.web.js when available.
Some react native packages do work on web too when they're only consisting of platform independent JavaScript code. Also some packages have web implementations that can be aliased in webpack like react-native-gradients with react-native-web-gradients, sadly this is not the case with the packages mentioned in the question.
This file splitting with file.js, file.web.js, file.android.js and file.ios.js makes it possible to write different implementations for each platform. This is also great for some user interface code, you can use 3rd party react components on the web and 3rd party react native components on mobile that look similar to implement more complex user interactions since react native web supports all regular react code and jsx tags on the web.
I was able to get past this error by adding:
config.module.strictExportPresence = false in the config-override.js
Now i am stuck on further issues.
Original issue in the question is gone by this. I will post with any other related updates if i have any.

Webpack error, Loading chunk failed

Stack: Webpack 4.16.0, Node8, Vuejs2
I am seeing the below error, whilst serving my Vuejs application.
Error: Loading chunk 4 failed.
(missing: https://myapp.com/ui.chunk.bundle.js)
at HTMLScriptElement.s (demo:1)
This error is consistent across builds, the actual file itself is accesible via the URL.
I am using code splitting via import() and the initial app loads fine, but then the flow will break when another chunk is loaded, it can also vary between ui.chunk.bundle.js & vendors~ui.chunk.bundle.js.
When building for production, a new error is shown, but it seems related as also linked to loading modules:
demo:1 TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
at o (demo:1)
at Object.349 (ui.chunk.bundle.js:1)
at o (demo:1)
at o.t (demo:1)
I have tried upgrading webpack and babel, but am at a loss as to what this could be down to as it was working perfectly fine before.
When running the application on my local machine and not Google App Engine, everything seems fine.
How the app is loaded:
It is loaded into other website via a script tag, so domainA.com runs the script tag which calls myapp.com/js and the flow begins, i.e the app loads various chunks based on some logic.
When accessing the webpack generated index page bundle at myapp.com everything loads correctly.
Please help!
That is rather deep and surely not easily fixed in two steps, best you create a new project using cli, if convenient with recommended presets, and if it still persist check the npm packages you installed and make sure none of them are discontinued and are up-to-date at least according to your version of vue.
Its might be due to "webpack.config.js" where you can just try with updating output object
module.exports = {
output: {
chunkFilename: '[id].chunk.[chunkhash].js',
Hope it should work!
This might be a cross site scripting problem.
Make sure that myapp.com sets the correct headers.
On myapp.com, set this header:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://domainA.com
You should also make sure, that your script tag has async set to false:
<script async="false" …

Getting a 404 error when deploying production build

I'm getting an error about Application.js not being found once I've copied the application over to a web server.
http://site/app/Application.js?_dc=1404504339794 404 (Not Found)
But obviously, this is wrong since once you run sencha app build everything is minified to app.js.
I looked at the generated app.js and index.html and there is no mention of Application.js anywhere.
I'm running: sencha app build production and copying the content of the production build over.
I am also getting a C1009: Circular reference warning during the build. And here it is:
in /controller/MainContent.js at line 192
var w = Ext.widget('EditPortalUserWindow'); //this creates a widget defined in the MainContent.js VIEW
And within that view at some point in one of the widgets, I use this to define the URL of a form:
url: GlobalVars.contactPostApiUrl //if I comment this out, the warning goes away...
GlobalVars is defined in app.js
Ext.define('GlobalVars', {
singleton: true,
contactPostApiUrl: 'http://site/CustomerPortal.WebAPI/api/contact/post'
I want GlobalVars to be available from everywhere, which is why I put it in app.js.
Any ideas ? Thank you!
I have seen something similar already - the production build requiring files it shouldn't. The following should help:
run the development version and see if you get any synchronous loading warning, fix if yes.
run sencha app build --clean
If it does not help run this sequence
sencha ant clean
sencha app refresh
sencha app build
#Francis Ducharme Adding to the above coversation , i m sending u two links which i guess might help u with C1009 .
C1009 Link 1
C1009 Link 2
I "solved" this issue by actually creating the file it is looking for (an empty one) and this seems to work. Although I feel a bit uncomfortable with this fix.
