Because of another questions of mine (How to go to previous cell after pressing tab key?) I was learning how to use cell navigation
cell.navigateLeft(); //move focus left to next editable cell.
when I click "click me" cell I am expecting cursor to appear in Cell 3 becuse it is an input type of cell.
But whatever way I try it does nothing
table.on("cellClick", function(e, cell){
//e - the click event object
//cell - cell component
console.log("cell ", cell.getField())
console.log("cell ", cell.getField())
// console.log(cell.navigatePrev())
Could someone explain how to use cell navigation?
Working jsFiddle.
Cell navigation cannot be triggered on click, navigation lets you move the focus of the currently edited cell to another cell, if a cell isnt in focus (as would happen on a cellClick event) then it wont do anything. The navigation functions are primarily used to handle keyboard navigation round the table.
In your example you are also handling every cells click, not just the click on the "click me" column.
If you want to trigger the edit on a particular cell then you should call the edit function on that cells component. So for example in your example if we add a cellClick callback on the column definition for the click me column:
{title: "Click me", field: "c4", cellClick:function(e, cell){
Though from a usability point of view, the user can just click in the cell they want to edit so none of this really feels nessisary
Use case:
I have a table that users enter order lines into. The table is a list of products, they can page up and down in the table. If they've entered a quantity into one product and then page down they need to be focused on the input field in the same column they started from, but at the new row, the page down has moved to.
The page down changes the hover location. So I can get which row has the hover state and change focus to the correct column in that row. I need code to execute after the page down has completed and a new row has: hover.
But because page down is async, getting the row with the hover state in my event handler returns the current row, not the one that will have: hover when the page down completes. How do I write a page down event handler so that code is executed after the page down has completed?
Attaching a promise to the table with code that executes after the 'keydown' type event is complete doesn't work. It runs before the new row has: hover state.
You can use document.activeElement to get the element that has focus, get the column from that and set the focus using $(columnSelector).focus() to newly populated records column.
Another way is to have focus event handler and maintain the last focused column name in a variable.
I have a grid setup with multiselect: true because I need to be able to delete more than one row at the same time. On the onSelectRow event I am loading some data based on the ID and displaying it to the end user. So far so good.
This is the example where everything works fine, the data for ID=219109 is being displayed:
Now look at the following example:
In the example above the first row still highlighted and then I clicked a second one. Because of multiselect is enabled I was able to select both at the same time. The onSelectRow event still working properly which means is loading the data for the ID=282006 but visually it could be confusing for the end user.
What I want to do is to reset the previous selected rows and just highlight the last one I have clicked.
For example using the same images:
Load a fresh grid with no rows selected
Click on ID=219109: highlight and select this row
Click on ID=282006: clear the grid and highlight this row
However this should only happen when I click in any other place than the checkbox.
In the image above if I click on any column rather than the first one (the one having the checkbox) I should be able to clear the grid selection and choose the last one but if I click on the checkbox it does not matter because is the only way to delete more than one at the time.
I have tried the following:
onSelectRow: function () {
var rowid = $(this).jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
$(this).jqGrid("setSelection", rowid);
But it's not working since the behavior is not consistent. You can check the demo here.
Any ideas in how to achieve this?
It seems to me that you need just add the option
multiboxonly: true
and remove your current onSelectRow code. See If the user clicks multiple times on checkbox the rows will be selected. The click on another part of the row will deselect all previously selected rows and select only the clicked row.
This is a primefaces showcase on official website:
when you move your mouse over the datatable, and right click, you can not get the row object which you highlighted by mouse over, but if you really clicked specific row, then you right click, you can get the row object successfully.
I want to get the row object, and provide some functions in the context menu.
Is that mean there is no such an API that you can get row object by mouse over?
I have a panel that contains two grids, both of which are editable using the cell editing plugin. Within the grids, users can use the tab key to move between editable fields. However, I can not seem to find the right way to get the tab key to allow the user to move from the last editable cell in the first grid to the first editable cell in the second (there are no components between the two grids). The user is just stuck in the last editable field of the first grid.
I tried using FocusManager, but this made keyboard navigation far more complex, rather than less, requiring use of the arrow keys to get into and out of each form element and grid.
I added this code to the parent panel:
var nav = new Ext.util.KeyNav(Ext.getDoc(), {
tab: function(e) {
console.debug('TAB HIT!', arguments);
scope: this
just to see what tabs were detected, but it only activated when the tab key was clicked and a form element in the parent panel itself had focus.
I guess there are a few elements I need to learn, how to I pass focus from element to element, and how do I detect the first and last element in a grid? Or is there some way to do this built into ExtJS? Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I would use the new cellkeydown event for grid panels.
Implement a handler for that event which checks the key type, and whether the cell is the last column in the grid, then starts a cell edit in the first column of the corresponding row in the other grid.
You can find out if it was a TAB key from the 7th argument passed by this event.
You can find out if it is the last cell in the grid from the 3rd argument passed by the event.
The rowIndex is the 6th argument - use that so you know which row to start editing in the other grid.
Event handlers can be added to components using the on method by the way.
You can also look up the functions that need to be called to start cell editing in the API here.
If you had more code and maybe a bounty I might be able to get more specific but that's the gist of how I would do it.
I have a jqGrid which has a column called "Actions". In this column, each row has a number of buttons which are supposed to perform various functions on the data in that row.
Unfortunately, the only grid parameter I've found that remotely matches what I want to do is selrow. This gets the selected row. But if the user clicks one of the action buttons, this doesn't necessarily mean that row is "selected" (i.e., the user has clicked on it previously).
Is there a way I can get the row of the button the user presses? Or does it not make sense to have buttons inside of the jqGrid to begin with?
If you would use for example onCellSelect to detect which button is clicked you will have directly the rowid of the button which is clicked. The answer will get you more details about the implementation.
If you would prefer to implement custom click event handler you can just find the closest <tr> element. It's id is the rowid of the clicked button. So you can use something like $("tr.jqgrow").attr("id") where e is the event of the click handler.