How to understand the effectscope in Vue? - javascript

The offical RFC
There is a example for effect
function createSharedComposable(composable) {
let subscribers = 0
let state, scope
const dispose = () => {
if (scope && --subscribers <= 0) {
state = scope = null
return (...args) => {
if (!state) {
scope = effectScope(true)
state = => composable(...args))
return state
I know what it will do, it will force all components to calculate only once when we use useMouse API
But I can't understand the concept of effect, and how does it work?
Espeically some APIs for effect like getCurrentScope. I tried to see the return values of getCurrentScope, but i have gained nothing.
Please help me!

effect is a common term used in reactive frameworks (both VueJS and React) to refer to (I believe) side effect. If you are familiar with functional programming, you probably already know that it is called side effect because it is not "pure function", because it mutates shared or global state.
Ignore the academic terminology, effect in these systems merely refers to any application defined method that does something bespoke, like
const foo = () => {
// I do something bespoke
The meaning of effect is really that broad. What your method actually does in its body does not matter to the framework. All that the framework knows is foo does some unstructured things. What VueJS does in extra, is to monitor, through its reactivity system, if your effect depends on any reactive data. And if it does, VueJS will re-run your effect every time the data it depends on changes.
effect (or side effect) isn't something bad or special or advanced. In fact, your application is all about making effects/side effects. For example, the commonest effect in a VueJS application is DOM manipulation. It is so common that VueJS extracts it into a different abstraction: template. Behind the scene, templates are compiled to render functions - which look a lot like the foo above - that get re-evaluated every time some dependent reactive data changes. That is how VueJS keeps your UI up to date.
Another extreme of common effects are those really bespoke ones, e.g. you just want to do some old fashion imperative things (like the jQuery style) whenever your data changes. And VueJS let you do it through watchEffect: you give VueJS a lambda, and VueJS will blindly call it every time its dependency changes without asking what it is doing.
VueJS discovers your dependency on reactive data by running your effect. As long as your effect accesses any reactive data (say, during its execution, VueJS will notice that and record a dependency of your effect on
In its essence, the reactivity system is just the modern version of the good-old observable/subscriber pattern. Reactive states are the observables, and effects are the subscribers/observers. If you look beyond the magic layer and think of VueJS in the form of a subscriber pattern, there is one issue it cannot avoid: whenever you have subscribe, you will have to deal with unsubscribe, otherwise you will have memory or resource leaks simply because you keep holding on to subscribers (they in turn hold on to other things) and nothing can be freed. This unsubscribe part is what the RFC calls "effect dispose".
Typically you will have two challenges when dealing with this unsubscribing/disposing/cleaning up/cancelling business:
deciding when to unsubscribe/dispose
knowing how to unsubscribe/dispose
In a typical reactive framework, both of the above are application's responsibility. As the application dev, you are the only one who knows when a subscription is no longer needed and how to reverse the additional resource allocation (if any) you made at the time of creating the subscription.
But in a typical VueJS app you rarely need to manually deal with any kind of cleanup (stopping the DOM patching, watch, or computed etc). That is because VueJS takes care of it automatically. The reactive effects established within a component's setup method will be automatically disposed (whatever needed for a proper clean up) when the component is unmounted. How does that happen? Let's just say some other magic exists inside VueJS to associate all your effects with the life cycle of the corresponding component. Technically, as the RFC says, that magic is effectScope.
Conceptually, each component creates an effectScope. All your effects defined inside component setup method will be associated with that scope. When the component destroys, VueJS automatically destroys the scope, which will clean up the associated effects.
The RFC proposes to make effectScope a public api so that people can use it without using a VueJS component. This is possible because Vue3 is built with modularization. You can use Vue's reactivity module without using the entire VueJS. But without the underlying effectScope, you then have to manually dispose all your effects.

What would making a coffee look like in code?
// ...
Now imagine each morning I wake up and have a coffee. You could say I'm making
a coffee in reaction to waking up. How would I run this code repeatedly in
response to an isMorning variable becoming true?
This is what effect solves in Vue 3. It wraps around a chunk of
code that should be executed in response to reactive data being changed. In practise you most likely won't use effect directly, and instead rely on
things like computed and watchEffect (which use effect in their
In short: effect is one part of Vue's reactivity system and is Vue's way of
marking and locating code that should be re-run in response to data updates.
Here's how the initial code could be implemented to be reactive:
import { ref, watchEffect } from 'vue';
const isMorning = ref(false);
watchEffect(() => {
if (!isMorning.value) return;


Can you bypass state management for simple objects? (global shared state)

Can you globally instantiate a class and that will be reliable on react-native? i.e.
// logs.ts
const instance = new Instance()
export { instance }
// something.tsx
const Component = () => {
If method were to increment a property by 1 would that property always have been incremented the number of times method was called throughout the project?
The primary benefit here is simplicity. For example, it's easier to define
class SomeClass {
addProperty(key,value){[key] = value }
than it is to do the equivalent in redux. Why don't people do the above more often?
Just changing the value on some object will not result in state changes/cause a component to re-render. You still need a state provider to have the state set to. If you want to change the state of that Provider you'll need to run setState (or dispatch and useReducer) which means you'll need to pass the dispatch of that function around to all of its children. As your app grows larger you'll definitely want to/need to useReducer and perhaps even several providers, you'll be re-implementing redux which is only about 200 lines of code anyway. So the question will become why did you re-implement redux which is such a popular library that most people know exactly how to use and there is plenty of documentation for, in favor of your homegrown version of redux which doesn't provide much additional value?
In redux a primary benefit is the tooling like redux-logger, redux-thunk, redux dev tools and time travel and others etc which allows you to replay the changes made or undo them. Sure it is easy to modify an object but using redux allows you to testably and consistently see how an object (the redux state) changes over time and undo them. You can test that action creators return the correct actions. You can separately test that given specific actions the reducer behaves as expected and replay that with mockStore. In short, using redux you get the enterprise version supported by a large community of experts who have helped improve and implement essentially the simple class that you demoed.
Although you can do this, it breaks away from the point of redux. Redux is meant to be a centralized state management store, and therefore, allow components to
access shared state from a single location and analyze shared states, because it comes from one place.
track history and actions taken to get state there
makes maintaining, debugging and collaborating on a codebase
much easier.
Doing the first option, all these benefits are lost.
That said, if you have multiple components in one file, and you want them all to share that same global state (not exporting it), using the class constructor to do so isn't a big deal, as long as the project isn't being worked on by other developers.
However, it would make more sense in that case to make an overall component class, and pass state down, as that is the point of React. Declaring a class outside and trying to manage state in the first way, would be a declarative approach, which is what React doesn't want developers to do (i.e there is a better way, like creating a hierarchy of components). That way, components re-render on a change in value, and no weird bugs arise

Dealing with state in a realtime messaging app

I'm looking for some guidance with regards to managing state in a real-time messaging/chat app built with VueJS 2.
The app consists of several components which are outlined in the following diagram:
So far, I've implemented displaying (fake) conversations. The App component contains an array with conversation objects. For each child component, the relevant data is passed using props. This is really simple and works like a charm.
Now, I have to deal with actions/mutations from components deeply nested in the tree. For example, sending a message and appending it to the corresponding array of messages.
I figured it would be as easy as dispatching a (global) event in the AppConversationChatWindowInput component and handling it in the App component. Boy was I wrong. Apparently, this functionality was removed when Vue 2.0 was introduced in favor of Vuex. I'm not sure why it was removed, because in some situations this could be a perfectly reasonable way to deal with events.
I guess there are a couple of possible solutions:
Passing the websocket connection to each child component. This could technically work. The App would connect to the websocket server and pass this connection to its child components using props. When the user sends a message, it is echoed by the websocket server. The App component can listen for the message and append it to the array of messages.
Regardless of the technical feasability, this feels like a crappy and hard-to-maintain archicture to me. In my opinion, no component other than the App should be aware of the websocket connection, let alone its concrete implementation.
Manually bubbling up the event in each component in the chain.
This seems like a complete pain to maintain. Introduces a lot of needless complexity and failure points.
Using a global event bus.
This is possible, but why should an input field depend upon a global event bus? I don't like unnecessary dependencies and coupling. It adds complexity and makes things harder to test.
Using a global data store (Vuex).
See #3. Another dependency and added complexity. Also, if I would settle for Vuex, how would I retrieve data in my components? Do I pass it down using components (like I do now) or would a component deep down in the tree just grab it from the store directly? To me, it feels like the component knows a lot more than it should this way.
Any thoughts? What's the best way to handle state in my situation?
There's a bit of a disconnect between "I wanted to dispatch a global event" and "I don't want to use a global event bus." A global event bus is how you dispatch/broadcast a global event. It is, as you note, a good solution in some situations. It is not hard to set up when you need it, so there's no strong reason for it to be in core Vue.
You can create the bus as an instance property on Vue so it is available to every component:
Vue.prototype.$globalEventBus = new Vue();
Where you would have had vm.$dispatch(...) you would do vm.$globalEventBus.$emit(...) and the receiving component can set up vm.$globalEventBus.$on(...).
Alternatively, you could create a bus at the top level and pass it through the children as a prop. This avoids globals, and you don't have to worry about bubbling.
Finally, as I noted in my comment, native events bubble, and you can catch them at any component higher up the chain. You could catch the event(s) that send messages, or even roll your own events to catch.

Aurelia + Redux performance

I use Aurelia on a daily basis. Recently, I have been looking into using Redux (i.e. I built a couple of small trial apps using Aurelia+Redux) and have been really impressed (my development workflow and clarity of reasoning about my application is greatly improved). I have decided that I would like to start working it in to real-world applications.
With that said, I have a concern regarding performance (I have looked around at posts about performance but haven't seen my issue address directly). I think this question is not specific to Aurelia, more a question about Redux and using it with non-react libraries.
Let me preface my question with my understanding of Redux (perhaps my question is really arising from a flawed understanding?). Essentially, the way I understand Redux is that there is a store (a javascript object) and a reducing function. Now, the reducing function may be defined as a tree of functions (each responsible for modifying a specific branch of the overall store), however, in reality, Redux receives a single reducing function (it has no way of knowing how many functions were composed to create this single function).
The way I am using Redux is like so (just an example):
export class TodosListCustomElement {
constructor(store) { = store;
activate() {
this.unsubcribe =;
deactivate() {
update() {
const newState =;
this.todos = newState.todos;
toggleCompleted(index) {{
payload: {
values: {
isCompleted: !this.todos[index].isCompleted
Essentially, each component down the component tree, subscribes itself to store changes and refreshes the data it needs from the store.
My concern is that there seems to be a lot happening on each published action. For example, say I have a large application with a similarly large store and reducer tree. Suppose there is some throttled textbox that dispatches changes to a single text field (in one item of a list) in the store every 250 ms. That would mean that as a user types, the entire reducer function is executed every 250ms (which could mean executing quite a large number of its descendant reducers) as well as all the subscribing functions are executed as well. Basically, it seems like there is a lot of overhead to change even the smallest part of the store.
Contrast this with a standard binding (in Aurelia) where there is just a single bound function (mutation observer) that needs to execute every 250ms to update the model...
Since I am new to Redux, I guess there is a good chance that I am naively misunderstanding something etc. I apologize in advance and hope to be corrected/put on the right track (because my limited experience using Redux has been very enjoyable).
Thanks in advance
You're actually describing the situation pretty well, on multiple levels.
First, the React-Redux bindings do a lot of work to ensure that connected components only actually re-render when some of the data relevant to a given component has changed. This is done by having a connected component supply a function called mapStateToProps, which extracts the data that component wants from the store state. The wrapper components generated by connect will re-run their mapState functions after each dispatch, and do shallow comparisons between the latest returned values and the previous returned values to see if the data has changed. That cuts down on the amount of actual UI updates that need to be done.
There's also tradeoffs involved in how you handle connected forms. Yes, dispatching an action for every single keystroke is likely to be inefficient overall. I personally use a React form wrapper component that buffers those text input changes locally, and only dispatches a debounced Redux action after the user is done typing.
The React-Redux bindings were recently rewritten, and are now primarily based on memoized selector functions rather than having most of the logic inside of React components. I don't know how the Aurelia bindings are put together, but I suspect that they could probably leverage a lot of the work that's been done to optimize the React bindings.
You may be interested in some of the articles I have on Redux-related performance. See the Redux FAQ question at , as well as the articles in my React/Redux links list at .

Isn't Redux just glorified global state?

So I started learning React a week ago and I inevitably got to the problem of state and how components are supposed to communicate with the rest of the app. I searched around and Redux seems to be the flavor of the month. I read through all the documentation and I think it's actually a pretty revolutionary idea. Here are my thoughts on it:
State is generally agreed to be pretty evil and a large source of bugs in programming. Instead of scattering it all throughout your app Redux says why not just have it all concentrated in a global state tree that you have to emit actions to change? Sounds interesting. All programs need state so let's stick it in one impure space and only modify it from within there so bugs are easy to track down. Then we can also declaratively bind individual state pieces to React components and have them auto-redraw and everything is beautiful.
However, I have two questions about this whole design. For one, why does the state tree need to be immutable? Say I don't care about time travel debugging, hot reload, and have already implemented undo/redo in my app. It just seems so cumbersome to have to do this:
return [
...state.slice(0, action.index),
Object.assign({}, state[action.index], {
completed: true
...state.slice(action.index + 1)
Instead of this:
state[action.index].completed = true;
Not to mention I am making an online whiteboard just to learn and every state change might be as simple as adding a brush stroke to the command list. After a while (hundreds of brush strokes) duplicating this entire array might start becoming extremely expensive and time-consuming.
I'm ok with a global state tree that is independent from the UI that is mutated via actions, but does it really need to be immutable? What's wrong with a simple implementation like this (very rough draft. wrote in 1 minute)?
var store = { items: [] };
export function getState() {
return store;
export function addTodo(text) {
store.items.push({ "text": text, "completed", false});
export function completeTodo(index) {
store.items[index].completed = true;
It's still a global state tree mutated via actions emitted but extremely simple and efficient.
Isn't Redux just glorified global state?
Of course it is. But the same holds for every database you have ever used. It is better to treat Redux as an in-memory database - which your components can reactively depend upon.
Immutability enables checking if any sub-tree has been altered very efficient because it simplifies down to an identity check.
Yes, your implementation is efficient, but the entire virtual dom will have to be re-rendered each time the tree is manipulated somehow.
If you are using React, it will eventually do a diff against the actual dom and perform minimal batch-optimized manipulations, but the full top-down re-rendering is still inefficient.
For an immutable tree, stateless components just have to check if the subtree(s) it depends on, differ in identities compared to previous value(s), and if so - the rendering can be avoided entirely.
Yes it is!!!
Since there is no governance of who is allowed to write a specific property/variable/entry to the store and practically you can dispatch any action from anywhere, the code tends to be harder to maintain and even spaghetti when your code base grows and/or managed by more than one person.
I had the same questions and issues with Redux when I started use it so I have created a library that fix these issue:
It is called Yassi:
Yassi solves the problems you mentioned by define a globally readable and privately writable store. It means that anyone can read a property from the store (such as in Redux but simpler).
However only the owner of the property, meaning the object that declare the property can write/update that property in the store
In addition, Yassi has other perks in it such as zero boilerplate to declare entry in the store by using annotations (use #yassit('someName'))
Update the value of that entry does not require actions/reducers or other such cumbersome code snippets, instead just update the variable like in regular object.

Flux - components calling store directly

Having spent some time working with flux (both ‘vanilla' and with various frameworks including alt and fluxible) I am left with a question about best practice with regard to loading the initial state of components. More specifically about components directly accessing the store to do it.
The flux ‘model’ prescribes a unidirectional flow of data from Action>Dispatcher>Store>View in a loop, yet it seems this convention is eschewed when loading the initial state of components, most docs/tutorials contain examples where rather than firing an action to get the data, the component calls a function on the store directly (examples below).
It seems to me that components should have little/no information about the store, only about the actions that they can fire, so introducing this link seems both unintuitive and potentially dangerous as it may encourage future developers to jump straight to the store from the component instead of going via the dispatcher. It also runs counter to the ‘Law of Demeter’ which Flux is supposed to adhere very strongly to.
What is best practice for this? Is there a reason that this always seems to be the case? Its quite possible that I have missed out something fundamental, so please let me know if so!
Examples of components calling the store directly.
Flux React example from the fb flux repo example chat app (
getInitialState: function() {
return getStateFromStores();
function getStateFromStores() {
return {
messages: MessageStore.getAllForCurrentThread(),
thread: ThreadStore.getCurrent()
Another example from the same repo for the TODOapp
function getTodoState() {
return {
allTodos: TodoStore.getAll(),
areAllComplete: TodoStore.areAllComplete()
Example of the alt implementation of the above todo app: (
function getTodoState() {
return {
allTodos: TodoStore.getState().todos,
areAllComplete: TodoStore.areAllComplete()
and finally the alt specific tutorial:
componentDidMount() {
It depends on how the structure of you app looks like. Often you want to fetch some data before showing something to the user. What I have found to be a good practice is to have a high end component which fires on mount an action which fetches any initial data from an API. This means that when this action is done fetching it calls the store which caches the data and then emits a change.
This change emit then sets in motion the re-rendering of the whole application.
This way you keep the uni-directional data flow. The whole point with Flux is letting the user extract the data flow functionality out of components to keep them more clean, discourage components to directly communicate with each other and decrease the amount of unnecessary properties which has to be passed around the application.
In the examples the initial state fetches some initial value from the store. This is a common way to fetch the initial value, but you could set it in the component as well. Both ways I would say is a good practice. This does not mean that every component is free to fetch whatever they like from the store.
Anyway, the goal would be to keep the code and data flow as intuitive as possible with Flux. All of this are reasons why there are so many implementations of Flux.
