Is there any option that PDF can be protected from downloading? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to protect my website PDF files from downloading and snapshot or Ctrl+P. I read that it can be done by JavaScript but I'm unable do it.

Not possiable
In order for the client or user to see and read the PDF, your serve needs to server it. To send a copy of it to the clients broswer. The user can always download the PDF becuase you need to send it


Transfering large amount of data from backend db to browser [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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Hi I am transferring a large amount of data to my browser. I have a few methods in mind of doing this.
To accomplish this, I am writing it to a json/csv file and reading that from the browser. Can a browser parse remote json/csv urls - if so let us say I have "https://remote_file.json" how can I access the data in this file through my JS?

Detect if pdf has a password on clientside [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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in my application I want to allow the user to upload a PDF file. Before I send the file to the server, I want to validate with JavaScript that the PDF is not password protected. What is the best way to do this with Vanilla JS. I would like to avoid using a library if possible.

How to delete a file from the web server using js [closed]

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Closed 9 days ago.
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I want to delete a file from this website when its loaded and replace it with a different file and this different file will be gotten from a link. a image of where the file is below.The file (script.js)
i tried delete "script.js" and other things in the ""

How to know how long user spend on a web site? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I made a simple website using html and php.
How to save to a separate file:
IP address of user that came to the website
Time each user spent on the website
I think it's a good idea to use Cookies in PHP that unique user just has a unique cookie, not Ip.

Is there a function to gather the amount of memory used in a specific File Directory [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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If you can include Javascript so it automatically updates that would be awesome. I want it to gather the amount of space that is being used in directory /wy/ and display on the index.php file and automatically update whenever a file is added to file directory /wy/.
You cant achive this only with javascript as your tag implies. you may need to use any file APIs available. Better ways is to have a Server implementation for this and get the memory details from server using Ajax or any client-server communication techniques.
