Squares get stuck to each other during collision - javascript

for (var g = 0; g < cArray.length - 1; g++) {
if (h !== g) {
if (
cArray[h].x + cArray[h].size > cArray[g].x - cArray[g].size &&
cArray[h].x - cArray[h].size < cArray[g].x + cArray[g].size &&
cArray[h].y + cArray[h].size > cArray[g].y - cArray[g].size &&
cArray[h].y - cArray[h].size < cArray[g].y + cArray[g].size
) {
cArray[h].dirX = cArray[g].dirX;
cArray[g].dirX = cArray[h].dirX;
cArray[h].dirY = cArray[g].dirY;
cArray[g].dirY = cArray[h].dirY;
Instead of bouncing off, they no-clip to each other, causing their directions to combine.


Why my JS path-finder algorythm isn't work when I change the matrix

I've to make a code that run a matrix to find the sorthest path to '9' (only walking above the ones, and avoiding the zeros)
In the example below The result correct (5 steps), but if I change the matrix elements positions, the result came wrong..
What can I do? I appreciate any help.
var matrix =
function runMatrix(matrix){
newPos = 0;
var resultr;
var resultc;
for( var i = 0, lenR = matrix.length; i < lenR; i++ ) {
for(var j = 0, lenC = matrix[i].length; j < lenC; j++){
if( matrix[i][j] == 9 ) {
resultr = i;
resultc = j;
for( var i = 0; i < resultr; i++ ) {
var k = 0;
if(matrix[i+1][k] == 1){
if(matrix[i+1][k+1] == 9 || matrix[i+1][k-1] == 9){
newPos = newPos + 2;
newPos = newPos + 1;
for(k = 1; k < resultc; i++){
if(matrix[i][k] == 1 || matrix[i][k] == 9){
newPos = newPos + 1
if(matrix[i+1][k] == 1){
if(matrix[i+1][k+1] == 9 || matrix[i+1][k-1] == 9){
newPos = newPos + 2;
newPos = newPos + 1;
console.log("Steps: "+newPos)
this matrix doens't work, for example:
It returns 4

Recursion for matrix in JavaScript

I'm using recursion for finding neighbors of neighbors in a matrix (in a minesweeper game). Right now my function is finding and marking neighbors only from left till bottom right. What am I doing wrong?
function openAllZeroCount(elcell, i, j) {
for (var idxi = i - 1; idxi <= i + 1; idxi++) {
for (var idxj = j - 1; idxj <= j + 1; idxj++) {
if (idxi < 0 || idxi >= gSize || idxj < 0 || idxj >= gSize) continue;
if (gBoard[idxi][idxj].isMine === false && gBoard[idxi][idxj].minesAroundCount === 1) {
var elCountZero = document.getElementById('cell-' + idxi + '-' + idxj)
elCountZero.style.opacity = '0.8'
elCountZero.innerText = gBoard[idxi][idxj].minesAroundCount
if (gBoard[idxi][idxj].isMine === false && gBoard[idxi][idxj].minesAroundCount === 0) {
var elCountZero = document.getElementById('cell-' + idxi + '-' + idxj)
elCountZero.style.opacity = '0.8'
if (idxi < 0 || idxi >= gSize || idxj < 0 || idxj >= gSize) return;
if (gBoard[idxi][idxj].isMine === false) {
console.log('gboard i j:', gBoard[idxi][idxj])
openAllZeroCount(null, idxi, idxj)

Game over return

I am during writing game. When condition (playerlife < 1) is meet, game should stop. Whole game is in singlePlayer function. The problem is, I don't know how to end this function. Simple placing condition inside singlePlayer function doesn't work because it is checked only once during starting a game.
if (playerlife < 1) {
I also tried to put this condition in interval and check if condition is meet continously but I doesn't work and anyway it doesn't looks like a good idea.
Below is part of code where after moving player there are checked some conditions. Game is similar to old school "Frogger". When player jump in to the water then he lost 1 life. After loosing 3 lives game should be over.
$(function() {
function singlePlayer() {
checkPosition(x, y) {
for (var i = 0; i < raftsTab.length; i++) {
if (x == raftsTab[i].PosX && y == raftsTab[i].PosY) {
let thisRaft = raftsTab[i];
console.log(x, y);
for (var i = 0; i < raftsTab.length; i++) {
if (x !== raftsTab[i].PosX && y !== raftsTab[i].PosY && y !== 0 && y !== 5 && y !== 10) {
player1.lifes = player1.lifes - 1;
//player dead after loosing 3 lives - it would be perfect if game could be ended from here
$('.lifes').text("Player lifes: " + player1.lifes);
for (var i = 0; i < trophiesTab.length; i++) {
if (player1.trophie - 1 == i) {
player1.trophie = -1;
player1.PosX = 5;
player1.PosY = 10;
for (var i = 0; i < trophiesTab.length; i++) {
if (x == trophiesTab[i].PosX && y == trophiesTab[i].PosY && player1.trophie == -1) {
if (x == 5 && y == 0 && player1.trophie !== -1) {
tresure1 = tresure1 + player1.trophie;
player1.items = player1.items + 1;
$('.items').text("Gathered items: " + player1.items + "/3");
player1.trophie = -1;

Cannot read property of undefined caused by variables

I have a 2d array called 'map.curCellMap' storing 1's and 0's. I am using the function 'cells.getNeighbourCount' (below) to reference cells in this map.
Within the context of the 'cells.update' function (below) this is returning an undefined error. In firefox it reads 'TypeError: map.curCellMap[nextY] is undefined'. However, if I call 'cells.getNeighbourCount' with hardcoded values it does work.
What gives?
var cells = {
getNeighbourCount: function(x, y) {
/* [y][x]
/* Start a top and move clockwise
var neighbours = [[-1,0],[-1,1],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[1,-1],[0,-1]],
count = 0;
for(i = 0; i < neighbours.length; i++) {
var curNeighbour = neighbours[i];
//Skip this iteration if neighbour is out of bounds
if((y + curNeighbour[0] < 0) || (y + curNeighbour[0] > ROWS) || (x + curNeighbour[1] < 0) || (x + curNeighbour[1] > COLS)) {
var nextY = y+curNeighbour[0],
nextX = x+curNeighbour[1];
if(map.curCellMap[nextY][nextX] == 1) {
return count;
update: function() {
for(y = 0; y < ROWS; y++) {
for(x = 0; x < COLS; x++) {
var numNeighbours = this.getNeighbourCount(x, y),
if(numNeighbours >= 2 && numNeighbours <= 3) {
newCellState = 1;
} else {
newCellState = 0;
map.nextCellMap[y][x] = newCellState;
map.curCellMap = map.nextCellMap;
var map = {
curCellMap: null,
nextCellMap: null,
//Map functions
init: function() {
this.curCellMap = this.generateRandomMap(0.05);
this.nextCellMap = this.curCellMap;
generateRandomMap: function(density) {
/* Generates a random cell map
/* density = 0.00 -> No live cells, density = 1.00 -> All cells live
var map = helpers.create2DArray(ROWS, COLS);
for(y = 0; y < ROWS; y++) {
for(x = 0; x < COLS; x++) {
var rand = helpers.getRandomNum(0, 1);
map[y][x] = (rand <= density) ? 1 : 0;
return map;
The problem was
if((y + curNeighbour[0] < 0) || (y + curNeighbour[0] > ROWS) || (x + curNeighbour[1] < 0) || (x + curNeighbour[1] > COLS)) {
Needed to read
if((y + curNeighbour[0] < 0) || (y + curNeighbour[0] > ROWS-1) || (x + curNeighbour[1] < 0) || (x + curNeighbour[1] > COLS-1)) {

Javascript arrays (Image slider)(bug in Webkit?)

I've got a image slider on my website, it seems to work fine on IE, Firefox and Opera. But it doesn't work on Chrome and Safari. (Example: http://tommy-design.nl/ari/index.php)
<script type="text/javascript">
var data = [
["fotos/DSC_0055 (Large).JPG","Duitse herder","fotos/DSC_0055 (Large).JPG"],
["fotos/DSC_0154 (Large).JPG","Duitse herder","fotos/DSC_0154 (Large).JPG"],
["fotos/DSC_0194 (Large).JPG","Duitse herder","fotos/DSC_0194 (Large).JPG"],
["fotos/SSA41896 (Large).jpg","Duitse herder","fotos/SSA41896 (Large).jpg"],
["fotos/DSC_0143 (Large).JPG","Duitse herder","fotos/DSC_0143 (Large).JPG"]
imgPlaces = 4
imgWidth = 230
imgHeight = 122
imgSpacer = 0
dir = 0
newWindow = 1
moz = document.getElementById &&! document.all
step = 1
timer = ""
speed = 10
nextPic = 0
initPos = new Array()
nowDivPos = new Array()
function initHIS3()
for (var i = 0;i < imgPlaces+1;i++)
newImg.style.position = "absolute"
newImg.style.width=imgWidth + "px"
newImg.style.height=imgHeight + "px"
newImg.style.border = 0
newImg.alt =""
newImg.i = i
newImg.onclick = function()
containerEL = document.getElementById("container1")
displayArea = document.getElementById("display")
pic0 = document.getElementById("pic_0")
containerBorder = (document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat"?0:parseInt(containerEL.style.borderWidth) * 2)
containerWidth = (imgPlaces * imgWidth) + ((imgPlaces - 1) * imgSpacer)
containerEL.style.width=containerWidth + (!moz?containerBorder:"") + "px"
containerEL.style.height=imgHeight + (!moz?containerBorder:"") + "px"
displayArea.style.width = containerWidth+"px"
displayArea.style.clip = "rect(0," + (containerWidth+"px") + "," + (imgHeight+"px") + ",0)"
displayArea.onmouseover = function()
displayArea.onmouseout = function()
imgPos = - pic0.width
for (var i = 0;i < imgPlaces+1;i++)
currentImage = document.getElementById("pic_"+i)
if (dir === 0)
imgPos += pic0.width + imgSpacer
initPos[i] = imgPos
if (dir === 0)
currentImage.style.left = initPos[i]+"px"
if (dir === 1)
document.getElementById("pic_"+[(imgPlaces-i)]).style.left = initPos[i]+"px"
imgPos += pic0.width + imgSpacer
if (nextPic == data.length)
nextPic = 0
currentImage.src = data[nextPic][0]
currentImage.alt = data[nextPic][1]
currentImage.i = nextPic
currentImage.onclick = function()
timer = ""
function scrollHIS3()
for (var i = 0;i < imgPlaces+1;i++)
currentImage = document.getElementById("pic_"+i)
nowDivPos[i] = parseInt(currentImage.style.left)
if (dir === 0)
nowDivPos[i] -= step
if (dir === 1)
nowDivPos[i] += step
if (dir === 0 && nowDivPos[i] <= -(pic0.width + imgSpacer) || dir == 1 && nowDivPos[i] > containerWidth)
if (dir === 0)
currentImage.style.left = containerWidth + imgSpacer + "px"
if (dir === 1)
currentImage.style.left = - pic0.width - (imgSpacer * 2) + "px"
if (nextPic > data.length-1)
nextPic = 0
currentImage.i = nextPic
currentImage.onclick = function()
currentImage.style.left=nowDivPos[i] + "px"
timer = setTimeout("scrollHIS3()",speed)
function stopHIS3()
function his3Win(loc)
if(loc === "")
if(newWindow === 0)
location = loc
newin = window.open(loc,'win1','left = 430,top = 340,width = 300 ,height = 300')
I'm almost 100% sure that the problem lies in the array, but I can't seem to figure out what exactly the problem is..
Thanks in advance. :)
Try to use
and moving the first one from left to right / right to left(the others will follow accordingly as relative will tell em to follow the first image )
. i am pretty sure that that will start working on chrome then. as relative position tells it to use different positions. while opening your slider i found some bugs in chrome console : they all have the same left: thats getting changed together.
