Create an array of objects, having an array of data in JavaScript - javascript

this time I come to you for the following, I want to create an object in JS with data that comes to me from an array, the array contains the following data:
const columnsTable = [
Really the problem is that when this happens in vuejs it returns me as follows and it is exactly the same code, any idea?
what is selected is the return of my computed method
My computed method is as follows:
method computed
My computer method has the same native js code and it returns me differently.
Would it be good to open another question with this topic?
The array of objects that I want to create with the above array must have the following structure:
columns: [
name: 'id', align: 'center', label: 'id', field: 'id'
name: 'name', align: 'center', label: 'name', field: 'name'
name: 'age', align: 'center', label: 'age', field: 'age'
Where each object represented in the object array has a value from the columsTable array in name, label and field.
I am trying as follows but I am not successful:
var columnsTable = [
var colums = [];
columnsTable.forEach((column) => {
name: column,
align: 'center',
label: column,
field: column
Since this at the end returns all the values of my array within a property of my object. From now on I thank you, any contribution would be very helpful.


create an array of objects in the computed method vuejs?

I already appreciate your advice and answers, this time I go to you for the next problem I pass context, I want to create a dynamic table with quasar and vueJS this table will change according to a select field I have managed to bring the columns of the Selected tables, what I can't do is paint them in the view, since for this I must generate the following structure to be able to paint the table:
columns: [
name: 'id', align: 'center', label: 'id', field: 'id'
name: 'name', align: 'center', label: 'name', field: 'name'
name: 'age', align: 'center', label: 'age', field: 'age'
I want to form the structure above from an array that comes to me from the database (the columns of the table), what I receive is the following:
const columnsTable = [
I am trying as follows in my computed method:
My computed method to generate the array of objects
The result of this is not what was expected since in each key of my object the entire array is entered in this way.
colums in the image
The variable colums is where I want to generate the array of objects described at the beginning of the question.
I appreciate your answers and opinions, anything would help me a lot, thank you very much.
Maybe something like following snippet:
const columnsTable = [
const res = []
columnsTable.forEach(c => {
res.push({name: c, align: 'center', label: c, field: c})

Extjs 6 - How to use DataIndex in a Grid for Nested Data

I have created a fiddle here. My question is how to assign the DataIndex for the Aircraft Name and the Operator Name column.
I do not want to do it this way
{name: 'operator', type: 'auto'},
{name: 'operatorId', type: 'string', mapping:''},
{name: 'operatorName', type: 'string', mapping:''}
then use operatorName as the DataIndex in the Grid because my original data is even more complicated with arrays and mode nested objects so that would be mean I need to flatten the entire Data structure.
You can use templatecolumn or renderer in grid to show what you need.
Using templatecolumn:
text: 'Aircraft Name',
tpl: '{}',
xtype: 'templatecolumn'
Using renderer:
text: 'Aircraft Name - Second Option',
renderer: function (v, record) {
return record.getAircraft() ? record.getAircraft().get('name') : null;
Example on fiddle:

Extjs 6 combobox values and display values not displaying correctly when setting values dynamically per row

Oof that was a long title.
In my current project I have a grid that holds a set of workshop records. For each of these workshops there is a set of rates that apply specifically to the given workshop.
My goal is to display a combobox for each row that shows the rates specific to that work shop.
I've got a prototype that works for the most part up on sencha fiddle, but there's something off about how the selection values are being created:
extend: '',
storeId: 'rates',
fields: [
workshop: 'test workshop 1',
rateArray: {
rate1: {show: "yes", rate: "105", description: "Standard Registration"},
rate3: {show: "Yes", rate: "125", description: "Non-Member Rate"},
rate4: {show: "yes", rate: "44", description: "Price for SK tester"}
workshop: 'test workshop 2',
rateArray: {
rate1: {show: "yes", rate: "10", description: "Standard Registration"},
rate2: {show: "yes", rate: "25", description: "Non-Member Registration"}
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
title: 'test combo box with unique values per row',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
text: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'workshop',
flex: 1
xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
text: 'Price',
width: 200,
xtype: 'combo',
store: [
// ['test','worked']
onWidgetAttach: function (column, widget, record){
var selections = [];
Ext.Object.each(record.get('rateArray'), function (rate, value, obj){
var desc = Ext.String.format("${0}: {1}", value.rate, value.description);
// according to the docs section on combobox stores that use 2 dimensional arrays
// I would think pushing it this way would make the display value of the combobox
// the description and the value stored the rate.
selections.push([rate, desc]);
name : 'Fiddle',
launch : function() {
var store = Ext.create('Rates');
Ext.create('MyGrid',{store: store});
In the grid widget that I'm using for the combobox I'm using the onWidgetAttach method to inspect the current row's record, assemble the rate data from the record into 2 dimensional array, and then setting that to the widget's store.
When I look at the sencha docs section on using a 2 dimensional array as the store, it states:
For a multi-dimensional array, the value in index 0 of each item will be assumed to be the combo valueField, while the value at index 1 is assumed to be the combo displayField.
Given that, I would expect the combo box to show the assembled description (e.g.
"$150: Standard Registration") and use the object key as the actual stored value (e.g. "rate1").
What I'm actually seeing is that the display value is the rate and I'm not sure how sencha generates the combobox selections to see how the selection is being rendered out.
Is my assumption about how the 2-dimensionally array gets converted to the store wrong?
Well, your question is suffering from the XY problem. Because what you really want to do is the following:
You want to create a decent store for your combo, using a well-defined model with the meaningful column names you already have in "rateArray", then you define displayField and valueField accordingly, and in onWidgetAttach, just stuff the "rateArray" object into that store using setData.
Sth. along the lines of
xtype: 'widgetcolumn',
text: 'Price',
width: 200,
xtype: 'combo',
store: Ext.create('',{
onWidgetAttach: function (column, widget, record){

Json data not showing in extjs grid

Given data in the form:
var grid_data = [ {Hello: 'World'}, {Jesus:'Navas'} ]
I wish to draw a grid like so:
The grid shows with 2 rows but with no data, I can't find the problem in the following code:
var grid_store = Ext.create('', {
fields: [
{name: 'Property'},
{name: 'Value'}
data: grid_data
// create the Grid
var grid_view = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
store: grid_store,
renderTo: 'info_panel',
stateful: true,
stateId: 'stateGrid',
columns: [
text : 'Property',
width : 100,
sortable : true,
dataIndex: 'Property'
text : 'Value',
width : 80,
sortable : false,
dataIndex: 'Value'
height: 350,
width: 600,
title: 'Array Grid',
viewConfig: {
stripeRows: true
Renders to:
<div id="info_panel"></div>
If you're wondering how I got the example image, I changed the store to an ArrayStore and re-formatted the data into arrays, but I'd prefer to miss out that step and insert the data as-is.
I think what I'm really asking for is a way to alert extjs to use the JSON keys as values, as opposed to most of the grid examples out there that take the form:
{value: 'Hello'}, {property: 'World'}
As one of the commenters and your edit suggested, your grid is built to consume a json with 'Property' and 'Value' being the keys for the json objects. I don't know if it's possible for you to change the source of the data to send in the reformatted json, but if not, you can always just run a quick loop to do so after receiving the data:
var new_data = [];
Ext.each(grid_data, function(obj) {
for (var prop in obj) {
Property: prop,
Value: obj[prop]
}, this);

Celleditor for object value Extjs4

I'm looking for a best solution how to do this.
What I have:
// model
Ext.define("User", {
extend: "",
fields: [
{name: "id", type: "int"},
{name: "name"},
{name: "description", type: "string"}
// store with data
var oStore = new{
model: "User",
data: [
{id: 1, name: {name:"John"}, description: "Fapfapfap"},
{id: 2, name: {name:"Danny"}, description: "Boobooboo"},
{id: 3, name: {name: "Tom"}, description: "Tralala"},
{id: 4, name: {name:"Jane"}, description: "Ololo"},
// and finally I have a grid panel
Ext.create("Ext.grid.Panel", {
columns: [
{dataIndex: "id", header:"ID"},
dataIndex: "name",
header: "Name",
renderer: function(value){return;},
editor: "textfield"},
{dataIndex: "description", header: "Description", flex: 1, editor: "htmleditor"}
plugins: [new Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing({clicksToEdit: 2})],
store: store,
renderTo: document.body
When I doublecick on a cell I see [object] Object in editor's field, and when I enter valid value than I see empty cell in the grid.
So, the question is – how could I setup celleditor to get data not from but from
You can override get and set methods on model, so the will support multi-level field names. Below is sample implementation.
Ext.define("User", {
extend: "",
fields: [
{name: "id", type: "int"},
{name: "name"},
{name: "description", type: "string"}
get: function(key) {
if (Ext.isString(key) && key.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
var parts = key.split('.');
var result = this.callParent([ parts[0] ]);
return result[parts[1]];
return this.callParent(arguments);
set: function(key, value) {
if (Ext.isString(key) && key.indexOf('.') !== -1) {
var parts = key.split('.');
var result = this.get(parts[0]);
result[parts[1]] = value;
this.callParent([ parts[0], result ]);
I am not sure if store detects change made to field. If no, you should also probably mark record as dirty.
Working sample:
The editor accepts whatever value is provided in the "dataIndex" field of the column. Since "name" is an object, that's what you're getting. After entering a name in the editor, value is equal to a string (not an object) and your renderer is trying to get the name property of the string.
The easiest way to fix this is to make the "name" field of your store a string instead of an object. However, I'm assuming there's a reason you want to do it this way.
The CellEditing plugin has three events it can listen for: beforeedit, edit, and validateedit. You can implement a beforeedit listener to get the "name" object from the column, then get the "name" property of that object and fill the editor with that value. Then on validateedit, get the value from the editor and set the "name" property of the "name" object in the record with that value.
For quick reference, here's the event definition: CellEditing events
An easier way is to modify your User Model object to map the "name" property differently:
{name: "name", mapping:''}
then everything else stays the same.
