is ajax a backend technology to fetch data? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to know if ajax is a backend technology to fetch data or it's only considered as a frontend technology. I've searched for it in google but did not get any clear and straight answer.

Ajax is not a technology.
It is terminology given to the act using JavaScript embedded in a webpage (client-side code) to make an HTTP request (to a backend) and processing the response without leaving the page.


Is there a way to protect my POST routes in my express.js app? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there any way possible that someone may know of to protect POST routes? I want to use fetch in my client side code, and make it so that the only code who can access my server post routes is my client code.
Currently, I am using CORS Middleware and also using the Host, Origin, and Referer headers, although they can be changed.
At the end of the day, the client is under the control of the user; you can make it more annoying, but you can never make it impossible or even difficult.

Javascript library for mysql interaction into the browser [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm creating a client side application that will rely only on a remote mysql database, all the project use vuejs. Is there any js library that can work into the browser to save and retrive data on the remote mysql db?
Well, the simplest answer is "you should never do it".
Because do this on the "client side" is not secure, you will expose sensitive information about your database, and this is not okay.
You can see here why
However, if you really want to (just don't), here is, is really old but is because is not a good thing to do, but you can try.

Find an easy web server framework for mobile game [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need a web server to provide api interface like login/ranking for a mobile game, which web framework should I use, I primary program C++ before.
You should try out Firebase ( if you're looking for something relatively easy to store game data with. If you're looking for something to manage logins and storing simple data, either Twitter's Fabric ( and AWS Cognito ( can also be used as well

ReactJS + Flux + PHP Sample? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm looking for an example that uses ReactJS+PHP (client-server side) which make uses at the same time of the architecture FLUX?
Any recommendation?
Thanks in advance.
The flux architecture can work with PHP without any problem, since all the flux architecture is implemented in the javascript at client side. And all the communication with the server can build in simple jsons.
So basically you can look for any flux example with Node.js & just implement all the data call in PHP.
The only problem with the PHP server approach is that you won't be able to implement server-side react rendering in PHP server. And if you interesting in this feature you should build your server in Node.js.

Is there a JavaScript API to send logs to a cloud logging service (like papertrail)? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have some key events that are captured on the client side, and I would like to aggregate them easily. Instead of sending them to my server and pushing to Papertrail, is there any service out there that has a RESTful API to send logs? (or a JQuery plugin for Papertrail?)
Here's the quick rundown of Google Analytics event logging from their site:
Basically it breaks down to category, action[, label, value]. So for an error:
_gaq.push("_trackEvent", "error", "login", "bad password", 1);
For a button, e.g. slideshow:
_gaq.push("_trackEvent", "slideshow", "next");
Make sure to read the documentation, it does a better job than I do. You could also wire up try..catch events to Google Analytics and send the error code.
