How to properly handle reject in Promises - javascript

We have this function in our code that is used to log in a user
const userLogin = loginData => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
const res = await"/login", loginData);
} catch (error) {
// Calling function
const loginSubmit = async values => {
try {
const res = await userLogin(values);;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Catch: ", error);
But from this stackoverflow answer, try-catch blocks are redundant in Promises. I wanted to try and clean this code, so I changed the code above into:
const userLogin = loginData => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const res = await"/login", loginData);
if (res.status !== 201) {
reject(new Error("Error"));
However, when I tried to login with incorrect credentials, the console logs an Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 400
I'm not really familiar with creating my own promises, so I don't know how to do this properly.

Couple of problems in your code:
You are unnecessarily creating a promise; already returns a promise, so you don't need to create a promise yourself and wrap inside a promise constructor.
Another problem in your code is that executor function (function passed to the promise constructor) is marked as async; it should not be an async function.
Your function could be re-written as:
const userLogin = async (loginData) => {
const res = await"/login", loginData);
if (res.status !== 201) {
throw new Error("Error"));
return res;
You could also re-write your function as:
const userLogin = async (loginData) => {
return"/login", loginData);
Don't forget to use the catch in the code that calls this function.
You might want to read the following article to understand whether you need the try-catch block: await vs return vs return await

I think that in your case since you call to async function inside the constructor of the promise you need to use try catch.
The answer you referred is correct as long as the error happened while you are in the constructor (i.e. the Promise object is in the making), however in your case the rejection of the auth function happens long after the Promise was constructed and therefore it is not rejecting it.
BTW - You don't have to await in the promise. You may do the following:
const userLogin = loginData => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const prom ="/login", loginData)
.then((res) => {
if (res.status !== 201) {
reject(new Error("Error"));
Since you resolve the async auth call, any rejection by the auth call will be reflect as a rejection from you function


How to catch error in nested Promise when async/await is used [duplicate]

I'm using the async.eachLimit function to control the maximum number of operations at a time.
const { eachLimit } = require("async");
function myFunction() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
eachLimit((await getAsyncArray), 500, (item, callback) => {
// do other things that use native promises.
}, (error) => {
if (error) return reject(error);
// resolve here passing the next value.
As you can see, I can't declare the myFunction function as async because I don't have access to the value inside the second callback of the eachLimit function.
You're effectively using promises inside the promise constructor executor function, so this the Promise constructor anti-pattern.
Your code is a good example of the main risk: not propagating all errors safely. Read why there.
In addition, the use of async/await can make the same traps even more surprising. Compare:
let p = new Promise(resolve => {
""(); // TypeError
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e)); // Catches it.
with a naive (wrong) async equivalent:
let p = new Promise(async resolve => {
""(); // TypeError
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e)); // Doesn't catch it!
Look in your browser's web console for the last one.
The first one works because any immediate exception in a Promise constructor executor function conveniently rejects the newly constructed promise (but inside any .then you're on your own).
The second one doesn't work because any immediate exception in an async function rejects the implicit promise returned by the async function itself.
Since the return value of a promise constructor executor function is unused, that's bad news!
Your code
There's no reason you can't define myFunction as async:
async function myFunction() {
let array = await getAsyncArray();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
eachLimit(array, 500, (item, callback) => {
// do other things that use native promises.
}, error => {
if (error) return reject(error);
// resolve here passing the next value.
Though why use outdated concurrency control libraries when you have await?
I agree with the answers given above and still, sometimes it's neater to have async inside your promise, especially if you want to chain several operations returning promises and avoid the then().then() hell. I would consider using something like this in that situation:
const operation1 = Promise.resolve(5)
const operation2 = Promise.resolve(15)
const publishResult = () => Promise.reject(`Can't publish`)
let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(async () => {
try {
const op1 = await operation1;
const op2 = await operation2;
if (op2 == null) {
throw new Error('Validation error');
const res = op1 + op2;
const result = await publishResult(res);
} catch (err) {
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e));
The function passed to Promise constructor is not async, so linters don't show errors.
All of the async functions can be called in sequential order using await.
Custom errors can be added to validate the results of async operations
The error is caught nicely eventually.
A drawback though is that you have to remember putting try/catch and attaching it to reject.
Throws within an async promise callback can easily be caught.
(async () => {
try {
await new Promise (async (FULFILL, BREAK) => {
try {
throw null;
catch (BALL) {
catch (BALL) {
console.log ("(A) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
throw BALL;
}) ().
catch (BALL => {
console.log ("(B) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
or even more simply,
(async () => {
await new Promise (async (FULFILL, BREAK) => {
try {
throw null;
catch (BALL) {
}) ().
catch (BALL => {
console.log ("(B) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
I didn't realized it directly by reading the other answers, but what is important is to evaluate your async function to turn it into a Promise.
So if you define your async function using something like:
let f = async () => {
// ... You can use await, try/catch, throw syntax here (see answer of Vladyslav Zavalykhatko) ..
your turn it into a promise using:
let myPromise = f()
You can then manipulate is as a Promise, using for instance Promise.all([myPromise])...
Of course, you can turn it into a one liner using:
(async () => { code with await })()
static getPosts(){
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) =>{
try {
const res = axios.get(url);
const data =;
resolve( => ({,
createdAt: new Date(post.createdAt)
} catch (err) {
remove await and async will solve this issue. because you have applied Promise object, that's enough.

ReactJS Promise resolve() doesn't pass the value to .then() but reject() pass the value to .catch()

I am trying to make a project with ReactJS and AWS Cognito. I am using all auth functions in auth.js folder. In login screen, I am trying to get the session information from auth.js like this:
var getSessionInfo = async () => {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const user = Pool.getCurrentUser();
if (user) {
user.getSession((err, session) => {
} else {
and in login.js
.then(session => {
console.log("session:", session)
if (isAuth) {
.catch(err => {
console.log("err:", err)
In login.js, .then(session => {...}) this session is always undefined. None of the resolves returns the values, no matter what I write in it.
But the fun part is if I use reject() instead of resolve() and use .catch() instead of .then() the values passes perfectly. If I can't find the cause of it I might use Promises this way.
The promise await is not being returned.
Therefore, even though the value is resolved, it's not being returned to the callback.
Add return here:
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
The getSessionInfo forgets to return anything from the function, so the returned value is always undefined. You also don't have to await the promise as you are not using the result of the promise later on in the function.
Instantly return the promise and lose the async / await (which would make sense when you call the getSessionInfo function) to solve your issue.
const getSessionInfo = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const user = Pool.getCurrentUser();
if (user) {
user.getSession((err, session) => {
if (err) {
Down here async / await would make sense as you want to actually wait for the value from getSessionInfo before continuing.
(async () => {
try {
const session = await getSessionInfo();
console.log("session:", session)
if (isAuth) {
} catch(error) {
console.log("err:", err)

How can I use await fetch() in a promis so that it doesn't violate the eslint rule no-async-promise-executor?

My code is violating the eslint rule no-async-promise-executor but I'm not sure how to refactor it so that it doesn't have the async in the new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {});. My code is full of these and I guess it causes errors to bot be caught so I could use some help understanding how to approach this better.
Here's an exampe function:
updateUser = () => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
const url = "/getUser";
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response.ok) {
const user = await response.json();
// Do something with user object...
} else {
console.log("response", response);
window.location = "/admin";
} catch (error) {
console.log("error: ", error);
when you mark the function as async, it will automatically wrap the return value inside a promise, whatever you return from the function... it will get passed to .then() and whatever is thrown inside a async function will get passed to your error handler such as .catch()
here is a example of what you could do.
const updateUser = async () => {
const url = "/getUser";
let response;
try {
response = await fetch(url);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error);
return response;
you can also reference the global promise explicit to return or reject values inside a async function.
const updateUser = async () => {
const url = "/getUser";
let response;
try {
response = await fetch(url);
} catch (error) {
return Promise.resolve(response);
async functions always return promises.
By wrapping your anonymous async function in new Promise(...) you are creating a Promise which only and always adopts the promise returned by the async function.
Just get rid of the wrapper, replace your resolve calls with return and your reject with throw.
updateUser = async () => {
try {
const url = "/getUser";
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response.ok) {
const user = await response.json();
// Do something with user object...
} else {
console.log("response", response);
window.location = "/admin";
} catch (error) {
console.log("error: ", error);
throw error;

How to .catch a Promise.reject

I have a helper function for using fetch with CouchDB which ends as:
return fetch(...)
.then(resp => resp.ok ? resp.json() : Promise.reject(resp))
.then(json => json.error ? Promise.reject(json) : json)
and when I use it elsewhere, I was under the impression that I could .catch those explicit rejections:
.catch(err => do_something_with_the_json_error_rejection_or_resp_not_ok_rejection_or_the_above(err))
but alas, I can't seem to be able to get a hold of the rejections.
The specific error I'm after is a HTTP 401 response.
What gives?
(Please note that there are implicit ES6 return's in the .thens)
function test() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return reject('rejected')
test().then(function() {
//here when you resolve
.catch(function(rej) {
//here when you reject the promise
Make sure every call to a then() returns a value.
For e.g.
var url = '';
var options = {};
var resolves = Promise.resolve();
resolves.then(() => {
console.log('Resolved first promise');
var fetchPromise = fetch(url, options);
fetchPromise.then(() => {
console.log('Completed fetch');
.catch(error => {
console.log('Error', error);
Notice the console shows an uncaught exception. However, if you returned the inner promise (or any other value, which ends up turning into a promise via resolve), you end up flattening the promise so exception bubble up.
var url = '';
var options = {};
var resolves = Promise.resolve();
resolves.then(() => {
console.log('Resolved first promise');
var fetchPromise = fetch(url, options);
return fetchPromise.then(() => {
console.log('Completed fetch');
.catch(error => {
console.log('Error', error);
Notice the exception bubbles up to the outer promise. Hope this clears up things a little bit.
Why not wrap it in a try / catch block
// define a failing promise
const test = ()=> new Promise((resolve, reject) => reject('rejected'));
// using an immediately executing function to call an async block
(async ()=> {
try {
await test(); // => this will throw an error
} catch (er) {
console.log(er); // 'rejected'
Promise rejections fall to the second param of the then function.
function test() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return reject('rejected')
test().then(function() {
//here when you resolve
}, function(rej) {
//here when you reject the promise

Is it an anti-pattern to use async/await inside of a new Promise() constructor?

I'm using the async.eachLimit function to control the maximum number of operations at a time.
const { eachLimit } = require("async");
function myFunction() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
eachLimit((await getAsyncArray), 500, (item, callback) => {
// do other things that use native promises.
}, (error) => {
if (error) return reject(error);
// resolve here passing the next value.
As you can see, I can't declare the myFunction function as async because I don't have access to the value inside the second callback of the eachLimit function.
You're effectively using promises inside the promise constructor executor function, so this the Promise constructor anti-pattern.
Your code is a good example of the main risk: not propagating all errors safely. Read why there.
In addition, the use of async/await can make the same traps even more surprising. Compare:
let p = new Promise(resolve => {
""(); // TypeError
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e)); // Catches it.
with a naive (wrong) async equivalent:
let p = new Promise(async resolve => {
""(); // TypeError
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e)); // Doesn't catch it!
Look in your browser's web console for the last one.
The first one works because any immediate exception in a Promise constructor executor function conveniently rejects the newly constructed promise (but inside any .then you're on your own).
The second one doesn't work because any immediate exception in an async function rejects the implicit promise returned by the async function itself.
Since the return value of a promise constructor executor function is unused, that's bad news!
Your code
There's no reason you can't define myFunction as async:
async function myFunction() {
let array = await getAsyncArray();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
eachLimit(array, 500, (item, callback) => {
// do other things that use native promises.
}, error => {
if (error) return reject(error);
// resolve here passing the next value.
Though why use outdated concurrency control libraries when you have await?
I agree with the answers given above and still, sometimes it's neater to have async inside your promise, especially if you want to chain several operations returning promises and avoid the then().then() hell. I would consider using something like this in that situation:
const operation1 = Promise.resolve(5)
const operation2 = Promise.resolve(15)
const publishResult = () => Promise.reject(`Can't publish`)
let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
(async () => {
try {
const op1 = await operation1;
const op2 = await operation2;
if (op2 == null) {
throw new Error('Validation error');
const res = op1 + op2;
const result = await publishResult(res);
} catch (err) {
(async () => {
await p;
})().catch(e => console.log("Caught: " + e));
The function passed to Promise constructor is not async, so linters don't show errors.
All of the async functions can be called in sequential order using await.
Custom errors can be added to validate the results of async operations
The error is caught nicely eventually.
A drawback though is that you have to remember putting try/catch and attaching it to reject.
Throws within an async promise callback can easily be caught.
(async () => {
try {
await new Promise (async (FULFILL, BREAK) => {
try {
throw null;
catch (BALL) {
catch (BALL) {
console.log ("(A) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
throw BALL;
}) ().
catch (BALL => {
console.log ("(B) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
or even more simply,
(async () => {
await new Promise (async (FULFILL, BREAK) => {
try {
throw null;
catch (BALL) {
}) ().
catch (BALL => {
console.log ("(B) BALL CAUGHT", BALL);
I didn't realized it directly by reading the other answers, but what is important is to evaluate your async function to turn it into a Promise.
So if you define your async function using something like:
let f = async () => {
// ... You can use await, try/catch, throw syntax here (see answer of Vladyslav Zavalykhatko) ..
your turn it into a promise using:
let myPromise = f()
You can then manipulate is as a Promise, using for instance Promise.all([myPromise])...
Of course, you can turn it into a one liner using:
(async () => { code with await })()
static getPosts(){
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) =>{
try {
const res = axios.get(url);
const data =;
resolve( => ({,
createdAt: new Date(post.createdAt)
} catch (err) {
remove await and async will solve this issue. because you have applied Promise object, that's enough.
