Async function call repeated inside of class component - javascript

I've created an Asynchronous function to call a weather API that will return the requested information submitted. The function works fine however when I call this function inside of a Class Component the result is returned twice. This isn't exactly a breaking bug but I'd rather not have two API calls occurring if not necessary and I'm curious as to why this method is being called twice in the first place.
Here is my code.
async function submitQuery(props) {
//Incase I decide to add aditional parameters such as city, country etc.. I've decided to place the zip property in an object so I can just
//add additional properties in the submissions object
const submission = {
zip: props,
if (!Number(props)) return console.log("this is not a number");
const { error } = await validate(submission);
if (error) return console.log(error.message);
const config = {
method: "get",
url: `${props}&appid=${apiKey}`,
headers: {},
const query = await axios(config).then(function (response) {
const result =;
return result;
return 4;
class WeatherReport extends React.Component {
getResults = async () => {
const result = await submitQuery("08060");
render() {
return (
<div className="reportContainer">
<WeatherCard getResults={this.getResults} />
const WeatherCard = ({ getResults }) => {
return <div></div>;

The problem is that you're calling getResults in the render method of WeatherCard, move it to a useEffect so its not called every time
const WeatherCard = ({ getResults }) => {
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [getResults]);
return <div></div>;


Array map is giving me an error when trying to call the data in a dynamic render operation

function UserTransactionsComponent1() {
const [accounts, setAccounts] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
const res = await fetch(
const { data } = await res.json();
}, []); => {
const { account } = result;
return <PageLayout>Hi! {account}</PageLayout>;
export default UserTransactionsComponent1;
I console.log(accounts) right before I map it and all the properties are there. The issue is that the account in the is showing greyed out on VSCode. It's not being picked up on the return. This is causing me to receive the following error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map'). What's the reason for this?
The return statement is outside the variable (account) scope.
function UserTransactionsComponent1() {
const [accounts, setAccounts] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
const res = await fetch(
const { data } = await res.json();
}, []);
const getAccounts = () => {
if (accounts)
return accounts?.map((result) => {
const { account } = result;
return account;
return (
Hi!{" "}
export default UserTransactionsComponent1;
The problem is that your map function is running before your fetch has completed, so accounts is still undefined when you try mapping.
There's a few ways to solve this. One options is just to use .then(). So put your map function inside of .then, inside your useEffect.
.then(() => // insert rest of function here ))
This tells the code to run the map function only after the fetch completes
accounts is not defined until the fetch is complete, so you need to map it in an effect, which waits for the state of accounts to be set:
useEffect(() => {;
}, [accounts]);
On top of that, when you return, account will be undefined. You can create a loading screen or something while the data is fetching, then re-render with the data:
return (
<PageLayout>{accounts ? accounts : "Loading..."}</PageLayout>
I'm not sure what you're trying to do in your map function; you're not specifying specifically which account in the array you want; you'll need another state.

How to use custom react query hook twice in the same component?

I have a custom hook like so for getting data using useQuery. The hook works fine, no problem there.
const getData = async (url) => {
return await axios(url)
} catch(error){
export const useGetData = (url, onSuccess) => {
return useQuery('getData', () => getData(url), {onSuccess})
However, if I call this hook twice in my component it will only fetch data from the first call even with a different URL. (Ignore the comments typo, that's intentional)
The call in my component:
const { data: commentss, isLoading: commentsIsLoading } = useGetData(`/comments/${}`)
const { data: forumPost, isLoading: forumPostIsLoading } = useGetData(`/forum_posts/${}`)
When I console.log forumPost in this case, it is the array of comments and not the forum post even though I am passing in a different endpoint.
How can I use this hook twice to get different data? Is it possible? I know I can just call parallel queries but I would like to use my hook if possible.
Since useQuery caches based on the queryKey, use the URL in that name
const getData = async(url) => {
try {
return await axios(url)
} catch (error) {
export const useGetData = (url, onSuccess) => {
return useQuery('getData' + url, () => getData(url), {
const {
data: commentss,
isLoading: commentsIsLoading
} = useGetData(`/comments/${}`)
const {
data: forumPost,
isLoading: forumPostIsLoading
} = useGetData(`/forum_posts/${}`)

How to get the return value of a async function that returns a promise

So I have a code like this
const getAllProduct = async () => {
let allProduct = "";
let config = {
method: "get",
url: db_base_url + "/products/",
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer " + token.access.token,
"Content-Type": "application/json",
try {
let response = await axios(config);
allProduct =;
} catch (error) {
return allProduct;
The console.log(allProduct) do prints an array.
The function will be called on the render method of react by
return (<div> {getAllProduct()} </div>)
I've tried to do
return (<div> {console.log(getAllProduct())} </div>
But the console.log on rendering returns to be Promise Object instead of the results array.
How can I go around this?
async functions return a Promise which means their result is not immediately available.
What you need to do is either await the result of calling getAllProduct() function or chain a then() method call.
Looking at your code, i assume that you want to call getAllProduct() function after after your component is rendered. If that's the case, useEffect() hook is where you should call your function.
You could define and call your function inside the useEffect() hook and once the data is available, save that in the local state your component.
First define the local state of the component
const [products, setProducts] = useState([]);
Define and call the getAllProduct() function inside the useEffect() hook.
useEffect(() => {
const getAllProduct = async () => {
try {
let response = await axios(config);
allProduct =;
// save the data in the state
} catch (error) {
// call your async function
}, []);
Finally, inside the JSX, .map() over the products array and render the products in whatever way you want to render in the DOM.
return (
{ => {
// return some JSX with the appropriate data
}) }
getAllProduct().then(res => console.log(res))
async function always return a promise you use await before call it getAllProduct()
const res = await getAllProduct();
In my case daisy chaining .then didn't work. Possibly due to fact that I had a helper JS file that held all DB related functions and their data was utilized across various React components.
What did work was daisy chaining await within an async. I modified code where it works for same Component (like in your case). But we can take same logic , put async function in different JS file and use its response in some other component.
Disclaimer : I haven't tested below code as my case was different.
useEffect( () => {
var handleError = function (err) {
return new Response(JSON.stringify({
code: 400,
message: 'Error in axios query execution'
const getAllProduct = async () => {
let allProduct = "";
const response = await ( axios(config).catch(handleError));
allProduct = await response;
return allProduct;
// Then inside JSX return
getAllProduct().then( data => {
// Make use of data

Getting the returned value from a fetch call

I'm trying to call an endpoint in an api that returns a value, I have a dream to call this fetch function inside another function, then save it to a variable.
But this returns a promise or if I get it working the function calls other things before the returned value.
Is the only way to do a timeout?
Here is a code example
async function someFetch() {
const res = await fetch("someurl");
const data = res.json();
return data;
function useFetched(someInput1, someInput2) {
const fetchedData = someFetch(); // need this input before anything else is called
const some_var = fetchedData + someInput1 + someInput2;
return some_var;
I've also tried to make the second function async and called await in front of someFetch(), but this returns a promise.
You need need to await the result of someFetch
async function useFetched(someInput1, someInput2){
const fetchedData = await someFetch() // need this input before anything else is called
const some_var = fetchedData + someInput1 + someInput2
return some_var
You cant make async useFetch[hook]. You need to use a callback here. The rough idea, you can pass setter function to useFetch to set value. And then can use that value.
async function fetchTodo() {
const res = await fetch("someurl");
const data = res.json();
return data;
function useFetched(id, callback) {
useEffect(() => {
fetchTodo(id).then(data => {
}, [id, callback]);
Working sample:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
async function fetchTodo(id) {
const res = await fetch("" + id);
const data = res.json();
return data;
function useFetched(id, callback) {
useEffect(() => {
fetchTodo(id).then(data => {
}, [id, callback]);
export default function App() {
const [data, setData] = useState({});
useFetched(1, setData);
if (!data) return <h1>Loading...</h1>;
return (
<div className="App">

Perform two functions simultaneously

I have a function that refreshes the data of my component when the function is called. At this moment it only works for one component at a time. But I want to refresh two components at once. This is my refresh function:
fetchDataByName = name => {
const { retrievedData } = this.state;
const { fetcher } = this.props;
const fetch = _.find(fetcher, { name });
if (typeof fetch === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`Fetch with ${name} cannot be found in fetcher`);
this.fetchData(fetch, (error, data) => {
retrievedData[name] = data;
this._isMounted && this.setState({ retrievedData });
My function is called like this:
As it it passed as props to my component:
return (
I tried passing multiple component names as an array like this:
const args = ['meetingTypes', 'exampleMeetingTypes'];
And then check in my fetchDataByName function if name is an array and loop through the array to fetch the data. But then the function is still executed after each other instead of at the same time. So my question is:
What would be the best way to implement this that it seems like the
function is executed at once instead of first refreshing meetingTypes
and then exampleMeetingTypes?
Should I use async/await or are there better options?
The fetchData function:
fetchData = (fetch, callback) => {
const { componentProps } = this.props;
let { route, params = [] } = fetch;
let fetchData = true;
// if fetcher url contains params and the param can be found
// in the component props, they should be replaced.
_.each(params, param => {
if (componentProps[param]) {
route = route.replace(`:${param}`, componentProps[param]);
} else {
fetchData = false; // don't fetch data for this entry as the params are not given
if (fetchData) {
.then(({ data }) => {
if (this.isMounted) {
callback(null, data);
.catch(error => {
if (error.response.status == 403) {
this._isMounted && this.setState({ errorCode: 403 });
text: "Unauthorized",
type: "error"
if (error.response.status == 401) {
this._isMounted && this.setState({ errorCode: 401 });
window.location.href = "/login";
if (error.response.status != 403) {
console.error("Your backend is failing.", error);
callback(error, null);
} else {
callback(null, null);
I assume fetchData works asynchronously (ajax or similar). To refresh two aspects of the data in parallel, simply make two calls instead of one:
The two ajax calls or whatever will run in parallel, each updating the component when it finishes. But: See the "Side Note" below, there's a problem with fetchDataByName.
If you want to avoid updating the component twice, you'll have to update fetchDataByName to either accept multiple names or to return a promise of the result (or similar) rather than updating the component directly, so the caller can do multiple calls and wait for both results before doing the update.
Side note: This aspect of fetchDataByName looks suspect:
fetchDataByName = name => {
const { retrievedData } = this.state; // <=============================
const { fetcher } = this.props;
const fetch = _.find(fetcher, { name });
if (typeof fetch === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`Fetch with ${name} cannot be found in fetcher`);
this.fetchData(fetch, (error, data) => {
retrievedData[name] = data; // <=============================
this._isMounted && this.setState({ retrievedData });
Two problems with that:
It updates an object stored in your state directly, which is something you must never do with React.
It replaces the entire retrievedData object with one that may well be stale.
fetchDataByName = name => {
// *** No `retrievedData` here
const { fetcher } = this.props;
const fetch = _.find(fetcher, { name });
if (typeof fetch === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`Fetch with ${name} cannot be found in fetcher`);
this.fetchData(fetch, (error, data) => {
if (this._isMounted) { // ***
this.setState(({retrievedData}) => ( // ***
{ retrievedData: {...retrievedData, [name]: data} } // ***
); // ***
} // ***
That removes the in-place mutation of the object with spread, and uses an up-to-date version of retrievedData by using the callback version of setState.
