counter value is increasing from other element - javascript

I have a problem with the function below. It's taking the data from JSON and it's creating a menu item. The problem is when there are more than 2 menu items, and I try to increase the quantity of the first item then the value of the second item is increasing.
function ShowTheMenu(theCategoryId) {
var parentEl = document.getElementById("itemlist");
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].KategorijaBroj == theCategoryId) {
var itemBox = document.createElement("div");
var itemImage = document.createElement("img");
itemImage.src = "/menuitemsimages/" + data[i].Image;
var itemContent = document.createElement("div");
var itemTitle = document.createElement("h3");
itemTitle.innerHTML = data[i].Title;
var itemPrice = document.createElement("p");
itemPrice.innerHTML = "$" + data[i].Price;
var itemQnt = document.createElement("p");
itemQnt.innerHTML = "Quantity";
var buttonsBox = document.createElement("div");
var itemQuantity = 0;
var quantityValue = document.createElement("div");
quantityValue.innerHTML = itemQuantity;
var increaseBtn = document.createElement("div");
increaseBtn.innerHTML = "+";
increaseBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {
if(itemQuantity < 10) {
quantityValue.innerHTML = itemQuantity;
var decreaseBtn = document.createElement("div");
decreaseBtn.innerHTML = "-";
decreaseBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {
if(itemQuantity > 0) {
quantityValue.innerHTML = itemQuantity;
var itemAddToCart = document.createElement("button");
itemAddToCart.textContent = "Add to cart";
var itemDesc = document.createElement("p");
itemDesc.innerHTML = data[i].Description;
What should I do in order for the chosen menu item value to be changed?

Try to do something like this bellow. I try to use same HTML structure that you use but to be honest, I suggest that you change a little bit ;)
<!DOCTYPE html>
// Qt
var quantity = new Array();
function ShowTheMenu(theCategoryId) {
// Clear menu
// ClearMenu();
// bt+
increaseBtn = (i) => {
// Item target
let item = document.getElementById('item_' + i);
// Qt target
let qtSpan = item.getElementsByClassName('qt');
// Qt
let qt = parseInt(qtSpan[0].innerHTML);
// Fix some errors
if (qt === undefined || !qt) qt = 0;
// Increase
if (qt < 10) qt++;
// Update
qtSpan[0].innerHTML = qt;
// bt-
decreaseBtn = (i) => {
// Item target
let item = document.getElementById('item_' + i);
// Qt target
let qtSpan = item.getElementsByClassName('qt');
// Qt
let qt = parseInt(qtSpan[0].innerHTML);
// Fix some errors
if (qt === undefined || !qt) qt = 0;
// Decrease
if (qt > 0) qt--;
// Update
qtSpan[0].innerHTML = qt;
var data = new Array();
data[0] = {
KategorijaBroj: 1,
Title: 'Delicious Pizza',
Price: 10,
Description: 'Description test',
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].KategorijaBroj == theCategoryId) {
// Img
let img = data[i].Image; // '/menuitemsimages/' + data[i].Image;
// Title
let title = data[i].Title;
// Price
let price = '$' + data[i].Price;
// Description
let desc = data[i].Description;
// Qtd
let qt = 2;
// Matriz
let newItem = `<div id="item_${i}" class="itembox">
<div class="itemcontent">
<img src="${img}" border=0 width=100/>
<h3 class="itemtitle">${title}</h3>
<p class="itemprice">${price}</p>
<div class="quantity">
<span>Quantity : </span>
<span class="qt">${qt}</span>
<div class="controlbtns">
<button class="addbtn" onClick="increaseBtn(${i})">+</button>
<button class="removebtn" onClick="decreaseBtn(${i})">-</button>
<button class="btn-add-to-cart">Add to cart</button>
<p class="description">${desc}</p>
// Get the menulist itens
let parentEl = document.getElementById('itemlist');
// Add item
parentEl.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', newItem);
<div id="itemlist"></div>

It's because both items are sharing the same variable, in this case, itemQuantity.
Option 1
If they all should have their own counter I would recommend using an object for tracking this.
const itemQuantity = {
'item1': 2,
'item2': 5
if you add some unique class or id to the element you can use this in your onclick event to use as a key. (Where I used 'item1' and 'item2')
Option 2
If you create a function that does everything that's inside your for loop and then just call that function it should also work. This works because every function then creates its own scoped variable of itemQuanity.
Go with whatever options feel best for now. How to manage data in your frontend has a lot of different ways and opinions. You'll quickly discover what works best in what scenario.
What Olavo Mello is mentioning in his answer could still make your code better. using string literals for small HTML snippets is often more readable than using document.createElement(). I would recommend fixing your counter issue first and then look if you could improve your code with Olavo Mello's answer in mind. Good luck :)


Why doesnt .textContent work in this situation? Cant gain access to textContent on html that is generated by javascript

I have a variable called 'newItem' which essentially is a block of html code that will be appended directly to the dom when activated (this code is for a javascript shopping cart). I have the line of 1 below and am trying to access the textContent of 'amount-items' on the very last div (class='dropDown-price') as indicated by Number(amountItems.textContent) but am left with a null on the console.
What am i doing wrong, why doesnt .textContent gain access to the '1' for the 'amount-items' class?
Thanks for any help i can get
//dropdown menu hidden
const cartDropdown = document.querySelector('.cart-dropDown-items');
//every single + symbol
const addToCartButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.addToCart');
//price of item
const foodPrices = document.querySelectorAll('.selection-row-title');
//name of item
const foodNames = document.querySelectorAll('.selection-row-foodName');
//weight of item
const foodWeights = document.querySelectorAll('.selection-row-weight');
const items = [];
let total = 0;
for (let i=0; i<addToCartButtons.length; i++) {
addToCartButtons[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
const newItem = document.createElement('div');
newItem.className = 'dropDown-item';
let amountItems = document.querySelector('.amount-items');
newItem.innerHTML =
`<div class='dropDown-title dropDown-info'>
<div class='dropDown-amount dropDown-info'>
<p class='amount-items'>1</p>
<div class='dropDown-price dropDown-info'>
${Number(foodPrices[i].innerHTML.substring(1)) * Number(amountItems.textContent)}
// if item currently exists in array, just update amount in checkout and increase count++
if (items.includes(addToCartButtons[i].value)) {
for (let i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].includes(addToCartButtons[i].value)) {
Number(amountItems.innerHTML) + 1;
// if items does not exist in array, update dom with new item UI and count = 1 by default
else {

How to target a random generated number?

I have a script that randomly generates a room id when joined. I want to copy that ID with a click of a button. It would be easy job with a input element, however, I don't know how to even target that random ID to edit and manipulate it. How could I do that?
function createRoom(){
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = makeid(10);
window.sessionStorage.setItem("arhostas", 1);
function makeid(length) {
var result = '';
var characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
var charactersLength = characters.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
return result;
var roomUrl = document.createElement("div");
roomUrl.innerText = `Room id: ${room}`
<div id='roomId'></div>
Room ID is already generated when joined to the room. I just need to copy it to the clipboard somehow. Adding a "createRoom" code.
room_id_div is not a valid html-element. You can create an element and assign some properties to it in one go using Object.assign. If you want to use the id within the innerText of the created element, you'll have to create the (random) id separately.
Alternatively you can set the content of a div using a pseudo-selector in css (:before). In that case you don't need to create a random id separately. The downside is that the text within the div can not be selected (hence, not copied to the clipboard).
Both demonstrated in this snippet:
document.addEventListener("click", handle);
document.addEventListener("change", handle);
function handle(evt) {
const origin =;
if (/Room$/.test( {
return === "fromIdRoom" ?
createRoom1() : createRoom2();
} else if ( === "roomSelector") {
if (origin.value !== "-1") {
document.querySelectorAll("#roomId1 div")
.forEach(elem => = "");
document.querySelector(`#${origin.value}`).style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFC0";
// room id from css pseudo :before
// use [makeId] directly
function createRoom1() {
const roomParent = document.querySelector("#roomId1");
document.createElement("div"), {
id: `X${makeId(15)}`, // NOTE: id can not start with a number
const idNow = roomParent.querySelector("div:last-child").id;
document.createElement("option"), {
value: idNow,
textContent: idNow
// room id within innerText
// you'll need to pre-assign [room]
function createRoom2() {
const room = `X${makeId(15)}`; // NOTE: id can not start with a number
document.createElement("div"), {
id: room,
innerText: `Room id: ${room}`,
function makeId(length) {
var result = '';
var characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
var charactersLength = characters.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
return result;
#roomId1 div:before {
content: 'Room id from css: 'attr(id);
<button id="fromIdRoom">create create a room within #roomId1</button>
<button id="createRoom">create a room within #roomId2</button>
<div id='roomId1'>
<select id="roomSelector">
<option value="-1">Select room</option>
<div id='roomId2'></div>
The navigator.clipboard API is the modern method for copying to the clipboard navigator.clipboard. The tab must be active for you to copy to the clipboard for security reasons. So you can't copy the id in this snippet
You created an element room_id_div that isn't a valid HTML element. So I changed it to a normal div tag.
I created a button to listen for click and then copy the text.
const length = 7;
const button = document.getElementById('copyId');
const roomID = document.getElementById('roomId');
const roomUrl = document.createElement("div");
function makeId(length) {
let result = '';
const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
const charactersLength = characters.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
return result;
button.addEventListener('click', _ => {
roomID.innerHTML = '';
const id = makeId(length);
name: "clipboard-write"
}).then(permission => {
if (permission.state == 'granted') navigator.clipboard.writeText(id).then(_ => alert('Successfully copied to clipboard!!'), _ => alert('Error copying id to clipboard'));
else alert('Error copying id to clipboard');
roomUrl.innerText = `Room id: ${id}`;
<div id='roomId'></div>
<button id="copyId">Generate and Copy Id</button>

Javascript CreateElement(br)

I am trying to create a score keeper display.
I want to keep track of the score using html and javascript. I have everything figured out I think but I can't figure out why the line doesn't break here.
Relevant code:
var br = document.createElement("br");
var nes = document.createTextNode("---------");
if(tot) {
(For a full view:
It breaks for everything but the "------" part:
(I cant upload images yet as a new member)
Thank you :)
document.createElement() creates a single element, which you can only append to the DOM once. If you want to reuse the <br> element you created, you need to clone it and you can insert the cloned copy into the DOM. See: Node.cloneNode().
var score = [];
var scoreadd_button = document.querySelector('#scoreadd-button');
var scoreadd_input = document.querySelector('#scoreadd-input');
let sc1 = 0;
let sc2 = 0;
var scorechart = document.querySelector('.scores');
function totalScores() {
var i;
var sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < score.length; i++) {
sum += score[i];
return sum;
function newScore(amm) {
if (!score[1]) {
var nc = document.createTextNode(amm)
} else {
var nc = document.createTextNode(" + " + amm);
if (sc1 == 0) {
sc1 = amm;
} else {
sc2 = amm;
if (sc2 != 0) {
var tot = document.createTextNode("= " + totalScores());
sc1 = amm;
sc2 = 0;
var br = document.createElement("br");
var nes = document.createTextNode("---------");
if (tot) {
scoreadd_button.addEventListener('click', function() {
var amm = scoreadd_input.value;
newScore(parseInt(amm, 10));
<button id="scoreadd-button">button</button>
<input type="text" id="scoreadd-input" />
<div class="scores"></div>
Okay so I fixed the issue by instead of using a variable just creating the element in the statement.
var nes = document.createTextNode("---------");
if(tot) {
Thank you :)
You just need to defined unique variables for each new created element on javascript, otherwise they will counted as one.
This code should works
var scorechart = document.querySelector('.scores');
var br = document.createElement("br");
var br2 = document.createElement("br");
var nes = document.createTextNode("---------");
<span class="scores">
text before
after text

JavaScript and the DOM Manipulation (Creating and Deleting)

So I'm trying to to basically dynamically create li's inside an array, and I would like to create a 'delete' button within each li, so that when I click that li, I can delete that specific li.
I know this seems very basic, but I've been looking at JS for hours now, and am starting to really confuse myself here.
I keep getting errors like addChild() is not a function... I feel like I'm close, but no cigar. Thanks in advance!
Anyway, here's my add function:
function add(){
var deleteBtn = document.createElement('input');
deleteBtn.type = 'submit'; = 'addButton';
deleteBtn.className = 'deleteButton';
id_number[i] = i+1;
var newSong = '<li class="li_test" id="' + id_number[i] + '">' + "<span>" + "</span>" + '</li>';
// $(newSong).appendChild(deleteBtn);
deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
Here's my delete function
function deleteFromPlaylist(newSong){
var deleteBtn = document.getElementsByTagName('deleteButton');
// var deleteMe = deleteBtn.parentNode;
if(newSong === showList[i]){
// var pp = p.parentNode;
// pp.removeChild (p);
deleteMe = deleteMe.parentNode.remove("li_test");
// console.log(deleteMe);
EDIT: 1 More Related Question
I would like to only add an item if it doesn't exist already in the array. Here is what I have so far. Any tips on where I'm going wrong?
for (i = 0; i < showList.length; i++) {
if (newSong !== showList[i]){
ul_list.innerHTML = newSong;
container_div.appendChild(ul_list); //append the info
document.getElementById('playlist-1').appendChild(container_div); //finally add it to the playlist div
deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
deleteFromPlaylist(evt, newSong);
alert("It IS in the Array!");
alert("This already exists!");
You seem to have a strange mix of code. Forget the jQuery stuff until you know javascript.
> function add(){
> var deleteBtn = document.createElement('input');
> deleteBtn.type = 'submit';
I don't think that's a good idea. Much better to use type button or a button element.
> = 'addButton';
> deleteBtn.className = 'deleteButton';
> for(i=0;i<1;i++){
Presumably i will go a bit higher in future. ;-)
> id_number[i] = i+1;
Where did id_number come from?
> var newSong = '<li class="li_test" id="' + id_number[i] + '">' + "<span>" + "</span>" + '</li>';
> // $(newSong).appendChild(deleteBtn);
Stick to one method of creating elements. Consider using a document fragment to hold the parts.
> $(deleteBtn).appendTo("#playlist-1");
> $(newSong).appendTo("#playlist-1");
> showList.push(newSong);
Where did showList come from?
> deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
> deleteFromPlaylist(newSong);
> });
Not all browsers support addEventListener. Since you are only adding one listener, consider just assigning to the button's onclick property. Note that newSong is just a string.
> }
> }
In the other function:
> function deleteFromPlaylist(newSong){
> var deleteBtn = document.getElementsByTagName('deleteButton');
There is no HTML "deleteButton" element, so that will return an empty collection.
> // var deleteMe = deleteBtn.parentNode;
> alert(deleteBtn);
> for(i=0;i<showList.length;i++){
> if(newSong === showList[i]){
> showList.splice(i,1);
> // var pp = p.parentNode;
> // pp.removeChild (p);
> deleteMe = deleteMe.parentNode.remove("li_test");
Where did deleteMe come from? You commented out where it was declared and it hasn't been assigned a value, so deleteMe.parentNode will throw an error.
> deleteMe.removeChild(deleteBtn);
> }
> // console.log(deleteMe);
> }
> }
> }
Anyhow, here's some working code, it's still pretty awful but I'll leave it to you go improve it.
var showList = [];
function add(){
var id_number = [];
var deleteBtn = document.createElement('input');
deleteBtn.type = 'button'; = 'addButton';
deleteBtn.className = 'deleteButton';
deleteBtn.value = 'Delete Button';
for (i=0; i<1; i++) {
id_number[i] = i + 1;
// '<li class="li_test" id="' + id_number[i] + '">' + "<span>" + "</span>" + '</li>';
var newSong = document.createElement('li');
newSong.className = 'li_test'; = id_number[i];
deleteBtn.onclick = (function(id) {
return function(){deleteFromPlaylist(id);}
function deleteFromPlaylist(id) {
var song = document.getElementById(id);
if (song) {
window.onload = function() {
<ul id="playlist-1">
I've altered your code and functions to purely use javascript, instead of a mixture containg jquery. I've added comments in the code to explain my actions. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
var showList = [];
var inc = 1;
function add() {
//create the container element. If we do this, keeping track of all elements
//becomes easier, since we just have to remove the container.
var container_div = document.createElement('div'); = "cont_" + inc;
var ul_list = document.createElement('ul');
var deleteBtn = document.createElement('input');
deleteBtn.type = 'button';
deleteBtn.value = 'remove song'; = 'addButton';
deleteBtn.className = 'deleteButton';
var id_number = [];
var newSong = "";
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
id_number[i] = i + 1;
newSong += '<li class="li_test" id="cont_' + inc + '_song_id_' + id_number[i] + '">' + "<span>test " + inc + "</span>" + '</li>\n'; //all ids must be unique, so we construct it here
ul_list.innerHTML = newSong;
container_div.appendChild(ul_list); //append the info
document.getElementById('playlist-1').appendChild(container_div); //finally add it to the playlist div
deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
deleteFromPlaylist(evt, newSong);
function deleteFromPlaylist(evt, newSong) {
var deleteBtn =; //target the button clicked, instead of a list of all buttons
var container_div = deleteBtn.parentNode; //get the parent div of the button
var cont_parent = container_div.parentNode; //and the parent of the container div
for (i = 0; i < showList.length; i++) {
if (newSong === showList[i]) {
showList.splice(i, 1);
cont_parent.removeChild(container_div); //finally, remove the container from the parent
I've modified the above function to strictly use objects, rather than strings, because it is easier to extract relevant information from objects, than strings.
I've added in comments to assist with understanding the code. Again, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
function add() {
var list_bool;
//create the container element. If we do this, keeping track of all elements
//becomes easier, since we just have to remove the container.
var container_div = document.createElement('div'); = "cont_" + inc;
var ul_list = document.createElement('ul');
var deleteBtn = document.createElement('input');
deleteBtn.type = 'button';
deleteBtn.value = 'remove song'; = 'addButton';
deleteBtn.className = 'deleteButton';
var list_item = document.createElement("li"); //create list element
list_item.className = "li_test"; //set element class
var list_span = document.createElement("span"); //create span element
list_span.innerHTML = "test"; //set span text
list_item.appendChild(list_span); //append span to list element
ul_list.appendChild(list_item); //append list element to un-ordered list element
var list_bool = false; //create local boolean variable
if (showList.length > 0) { // loop through showList if it isn't empty
for (var i = 0; i < showList.length; i++) {
if (showList[i].innerText !== list_item.innerText) {
list_bool = true; //if song exists(comparing text values, set bool to true
} else if (showList[i].innerText === list_item.innerText) {
list_bool = false; //else, set it to false
break; //break out of loop.. we don't want it becoming true again, now do we?
} else {
list_bool = true; //showList is empty, set to true
if (list_bool) { //if true, do action of appending to list
container_div.appendChild(ul_list); //append the info
document.getElementById('playlist-1').appendChild(container_div); //finally add it to the playlist div
deleteBtn.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {
deleteFromPlaylist(evt, newSong);
DEMO, notice that add() is executed twice, but because the song 'test' already exists, it only executes the end action once.

javascript appenchild

for(var i=0; i<myJSONObject.model.length; i++){
var create_div = document.createElement('div'); = 'model_id'+i;
create_div.innerHTML = myJSONObject.model[i].model_name;
var assign_innerHTML = create_div.innerHTML;
var create_anchor = document.createElement('a');
for ex the myJSONObject.model.length is 2
the output is like this
<div id = 'model_id0'>XXXXX<a> </a></div>
<div id = 'model_id1'>XXXXX<a> </a></div> */
but instead of above the output sholud be like this
<div id = model_id0> <a> xxxxxx</a></div>
<div id = model_id1> <a> xxxxxx</a></div>
how to append it inside of the innerhtml
any one plz reply !!!!
two suggestions:
1.) instead of assigning innerHTML to model_idx div assign the model name to its child a. and 2nd instead of appending it to DOM in every loop do it after completing the loop as to minimize frequent the DOM Update ie by:
objContainer = document.createElement('div');
var create_div = document.createElement('div'); = 'model_id'+i;
var create_anchor = document.createElement('a');
create_anchor.innerHTML = myJSONObject.model[i].model_name;
I would go along the lines of:
var i = 0,
m = myJSONObject.model,
l = m.length,
models = document.getElementById("models");
for(; i < j; i++) {
var model = m[i];
var create_div = document.createElement("div"); = "model_id" + i;
create_div.innerHTML = "<a>" + model.model_name + "</a>";
Unless you specifically need to do something to the anchor itself (other than set its innerHTML), there's no need to create a reference to an element for it. If you do need to do something specific to that anchor, then in that case have this, instead:
EDIT: As per your comment, you DO want to do something to the anchor, so go with this (now updated) option - assuming the anchor will always be a child of the div that has the ID you require. The reason "model_id" + i is being put in as a string is because that is exactly what is being passed into the HTML - the document has no clue what "i" is outside of javascript:
var i = 0,
m = myJSONObject.model,
l = m.length,
models = document.getElementById("models");
for(; i < j; i++) {
var model = m[i];
var create_div = document.createElement("div");
var create_anchor = document.createElement("a"); = "model_id" + i;
create_anchor.innerHTML = model.model_name;
if(window.addEventListener) {
create_anchor.addEventListener("click", function() {
}, false);
} else {
create_anchor.attachEvent("onclick", function() {
