I'm using MERN stack for my program with mongoose for accessing the database. I have a collection called Movies and I wanted to edit multiple objects in an array within this collection. This is what the Movie Schema contains in my database:
I wanted to edit multiple objects in the 2D array within seats and to change isReserved to True.
I just used findOne in accessing the data since I still don't know how to update the objects that I want to access.
app.post('/confirm/:movieId/:timeId', (req, res) => {
const movieId = req.params.movieId;
const timeId = req.params.timeId;
const selectedSeats = req.body;
// console.log("in confirm DB ");
// console.log(selectedSeats);
let getSeats;
let getTimeSlots;
const length_timeId = timeId.length;
Movies.findOne({ movieId }, (err, movie) => {
getTimeSlots = movie['timeslots'];
let index = timeId.substring(1, length_timeId);
//get the seats
getSeats = getTimeSlots[parseInt(index)-1];
//loop through seats
console.log("PRINTING GET SEATS");
for(var i=0; i<selectedSeats.length; i++) {
let row = parseInt(selectedSeats[i] / 5);
let id = selectedSeats[i] % 5;
I already accessed the objects that I want to edit as that code displays this on my terminal:
Would really appreciate some tips on how to update the isReserved status. Thanks!
Do you specify the timeslot and seat by an id or by the index within the array? If you use the index then solution is quite simple
const key = "timeslots." + req.params.timeId + ".seats." + req.body + ".isReserved";
var upd = {};
upd[key] = true;
db.Movies.updateOne({ movieId: req.params.movieId }, { $set: upd })
If your code uses the id then you have to work with array filters, see Update Nested Arrays in Conjunction with $[], so similar to this
{ movieId: req.params.movieId },
{ $set: { "timeslots.$[slot].seats.$[seat].isReserved": true } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { "slot.id": req.params.timeId } , { "seat.id": req.body } ] }
I have the async function below. DeviceStatus is a Mongo Collection of devices which has the property SerialNumber defined. Here, I'm collecting an array of of all devices in the DeviceStatus Collection and then iterating through each of them. I'd like to add a new property called NumberOfRetries and set it to zero. The function below works for the first DeviceStatus document. That is, in the loop it updates the document and adds the NumberOfRetries for the first document but does not complete the update for the remaining documents. Does anyone know what changes are required here so that I'm able to update all Mongo documents in the DeviceStatus collection.
static async addNumberOfRetriesCap(){
const devices = await DeviceStatus.find().exec();
for(let i = 0; i < devices.length; i++){
let device = devices[i];
await DeviceStatus.updateOne({"SerialNumber": device.SerialNumber}, {$set: {"NumberOfRetries" : "0"}})
you can use the $in operator and updateMany functionality.
const addNumberOfRetriesCap = async() => {
const devices = await DeviceStatus.find({}, {
SerialNumber: true
let deviceSerialNumber = []
for (let i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) deviceSerialNumber.push(devices[i].SerialNumber)
await DeviceStatus.updateMany({
"SerialNumber": {
$in: deviceSerialNumber
}, {
$set: {
"NumberOfRetries": "0"
If you want to update all values of the collection DeviceStatus you can direclty update the db like in the following example
const addNumberOfRetriesCap = async() => {
await DeviceStatus.updateMany({}, {
$set: {
"NumberOfRetries": "0"
I have an array(tasks) of objects in my model. I want to delete a task from the array using sequelize and save back to db(postgresql). Here i am trying to find the index of the task which will deleted and update the tasks in my db. but change is not visible to my db. Here is my code:
var idx=0;
for(var i=0;i<user.tasks.length;i++){
let user_id = 2
let pinned_by_user = [1,2,4,5]
let i = pinned_by_user.indexOf(user_id);
if (pinned_by_user > -1)
pinned_by_user.splice(i, 1);
ViewLog.update({ 'pinned_by_user': db.sequelize.fn('array_remove',db.sequelize.col('pinned_by_user'), user_id) },{ 'where': { 'questionId': question_id } })
inside user.update() use this {tasks:Sequelize.fn('array_remove',Sequelize.col('tasks'),JSON.stringify(user.tasks[i]))}
Context: I'm fetching 'car' data below (see the code that starts with "for") from a GET request and am pushing it to the 'array' array. And for each car.ID that I get, I need to run another GET request in sequence (the GET uses car.ID as a parameter and I have no problems in doing this).
Problem: after I fetch the results from the second GET, how to push the data to the same object of the array (i.e. I want to "complement" the object above that ended on car.BrandID by adding a few more key: value pairs to the same "line")?
for (let car of carsJustObtained) {
for (i=0; i<=2; i++){
timestamp: epoch,
ID : car.ID,
BrandID : car.BrandID
//code continues but don't worry
function gotCars(carsJustObtained) {
for (let car of carsJustObtained) {
for (i=0; i<=2; i++){
timestamp: epoch,
ID : car.ID,
BrandID : car.BrandID,
ModelID : car.ModelID,
//given car.ID the second GET will be triggered because the path depends on this variable!
let path_get_all_prices = `xxx=${car.ID}?securityToken=xxx&vehiclePriceTypeID=xxx`;
let get = https.get(
hostname: 'xxx.com',
path: path_get_all_prices
(getRes) => {
console.log(`getting prices for car ${car.ID}...`);
var reply = "";
getRes.on("data", (chunk) => (reply += chunk));
const obj = JSON.parse(reply);
function gotPrices(pricesJustObtained) {
for (let price of pricesJustObtained){
//how to add results to the same array of the 1st GET? There are three 'prices' for each car.ID
You have to find the index of your object in your array, then you can add everything you can to this object :
array[index].name = 'Hello';
There are many ways to do this. I recommend you read about array.map()
This function lets you iterate your array and in each iteration perform the get request and extend the current element.
The key is to recognise that you are not pushing, the second time
What you are doing is reading each element of the array, and adding some information to that element.
for (let car of carsJustObtained) {
const newInfo=getFurtherInformationAboutCar(car) // this is your second getting
car.newInfo1 = newInfo.param1;
car.newInfo2 = newInfo.param2;
car.newInfo3 = newInfo.param3;
To answer your specific question about "merging" information
If you have one set of properties already defined for the car, and you want to merge in multiple new properties, a simple way to do it is as follows:
car = { ...car, ...objectContainingNewProperties};
If your original car was {a:2, b:3, c:4} and objectContainingNewProperties was {c: 10, d:20, e:30}, the result would be:
{ a:2,
e:30 }
Any same-named properties in the second object will overwrite those in the original object.
Your second request is of course asynchronous, so by the time you get its response, you have already populated your array with all information from the first request.
I would suggest to use a promise-enabled alternative to http.get, as promises are a native feature in JavaScript that makes working with asynchronous events less messy. I will show here how it can work with node-fetch.
As fetch is natively supported in browser agents, you can run the snippet below to see the result. As a demo I have used https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ as a server resource: it returns JSON for several sample datasets, including todos and users. A todo has some properties (like a title) and has a user id. A user has an email and a username. So we could make the todos-request the first request, and the users-request the second one (based on the user id received in the first). So the principle is the same as with your cars and prices.
This relies heavily on promises:
// For demo, we use these two URls:
// They both need a number following it
let url1 = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/";
let url2 = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/";
let promises = [];
// Let's say we build an array with 5 objects:
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
// Make the request
fetch(url1 + i*30)
// Parse the response as JSON
.then(resp => resp.json())
// Process this data
.then(data => {
// Create our own object from this data
let obj = {
user: data.userId,
todo: data.title
// Make second request, to get user's email, joining it with obj
return Promise.all([obj, fetch(url2 + obj.user)])
.then(([obj, resp2]) => Promise.all([obj, resp2.json()]))
// Merge the new data with the old
.then(([obj, data2]) => Object.assign(obj, {
email: data2.email,
logon: data2.username
// Wait for all requests to finish...
Promise.all(promises).then(results => {
console.log(results); // The result!
With async/await
The above can be made even more readable, if you use the async/await syntax:
let url1 = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/";
let url2 = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/";
async function getOne(i) {
let resp = await fetch(url1 + i*30);
let data = await resp.json();
// Create object from first request
let obj = {
user: data.userId,
todo: data.title
// Make second request, joining it with obj
let resp2 = await fetch(url2 + obj.user);
let data2 = await resp2.json();
return Object.assign(obj, {
email: data2.email,
logon: data2.username
let promises = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
Promise.all(promises).then(results => {
I try to achieve the following: When count is changed to "2" I need the function to push the JSON, named "updates", to the specific place in database, and take names from PlayerQueue node (0:"Mik", 1:"Bg" etc.) and put it into the database as "id". So the thing is that I need it to take first two nodes (0 and 1 in this case) and take names out of it (Mik and Bg) and put them in the database as id1 and id2 (in this database I have only one id value but I will add it later), the issue is that I can't figure out how to take out names from the first two nodes.
My database:
And here is my code
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
import { resolve } from 'url';
exports.createGame = functions.database.ref('Game/queue/PlayerCount').onUpdate((change, context) => {
const ref1 = admin.database().ref('/Game/queue/PlayerQueue').limitToFirst(1);
var tmp:String = 'esh';
.then(result => {
tmp = result.val();
var updates = {};
updates['id'] = tmp
updates['visible'] = {
place: 'a1',
sign: 'rock'
const after = change.after.val();
if(after.count == 2){
return admin.database().ref('/Game/allGames').push(updates);
return null
}).catch(reason => {
return null;
Since you're looking for the first two child nodes in the queue, you should order by their ID and then limit to getting 2 children:
const query = admin.database().ref('/Game/queue/PlayerQueue').orderByKey().limitToFirst(2);
Then you can listen for the value:
query.once("value").then(snapshot => {
snapshot.forEach(child => {
console.log(child.key+": "+child.val());
The above purely solves the "getting the first two child nodes".
Update: to get the two children into separate variables, you can do something like this:
query.once("value").then(snapshot => {
var first, second;
snapshot.forEach(child => {
console.log(child.key+": "+child.val());
if (!first) {
first = child.val();
else if (!second) {
second = child.val();
if (first && second) {
// TODO: do something with first and second
Use Firestore unless you have a valid reason to use the Realtime Database.
See Cloud Firestore triggers documentation on how to take action .onUpdate to qty 2. See documentation example below
exports.updateUser = functions.firestore
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
// Get an object representing the document
// e.g. {'name': 'Marie', 'age': 66}
const newValue = change.after.data();
// ...or the previous value before this update
const previousValue = change.before.data();
// access a particular field as you would any JS property
const name = newValue.name;
// perform desired operations ...
My Firebase data base contains JSON objects, each with the same parameters as seen below. Firebase data
I want to get an array that has each objects country. So if I have 4,000 objects I want to get an array of 4,000 strings all containing a country.
Right now I can get the console to log all the 4,000 objects into an array using the code below.
componentWillMount() {
fetchData = async () => {
var data1 = [];
var fireBaseResponse = firebase.database().ref();
fireBaseResponse.once('value').then(snapshot => {
snapshot.forEach(item => {
var temp = item.val();
return false;
But when I try doing
var fireBaseResponse = firebase.database().ref().child('country');
I get an array of nothing.
Any help would be great.
As mentioned in the comments, you can create a new temp object containing just country before pushing it into your array.
snapshot.forEach(item => {
var temp = { country: item.val().country };
return false;