Get information from several layers using forEachFeatureAtPixel method - javascript

I want to obtain information from several layers, I am using the forEachFeatureAtPixel method, but when I get the results I only get the first result, When in the browser response, I see that the JSON it returns has more results. When I used the getFeaturesAtPixel method, I got all the results through a FOR loop. But now I don't know how to get all the results.
map.on("click", function (evt) {
var result = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (feature, layer) {
return { feature, layer };
if (result) {
var feature = result.feature;
var layer = result.layer;
if (layer === vec01) {
contINFO.innerHTML = '<b>One name:' + feature.get('one_name') + '<b>'
}else if (layer === vec02) {
contINFO.innerHTML = '<b>Other name:' + feature.get('other_name') + '</b><b>Percent: ' + feature.get('percent') + '</b>'

Returning any truthy value in the callback will stop the detection at the first feature. To get all features do not return a value and build up the results from each feature
const info1 = document.getElementById("info1");
map.on("click", function (evt) {
var info1Count = 0;
var contCount = 0;
map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function (feature, layer) {
var info1HTML = '';
var contHTML = '';
if (layer === vec01) {
info1HTML = JSON.stringify(
Object.entries(feature.getProperties()).filter(function (entry) {
return entry[0] !== "geometry";
contHTML = '<b>One name: ' + feature.get('one_name') + '<b>'
}else if (layer === vec02) {
info1HTML = JSON.stringify(
Object.entries(feature.getProperties()).filter(function (entry) {
return entry[0] !== "geometry";
contHTML = '<b>Other name:' + feature.get('other_name') + '</b><b>Percent: ' + feature.get('percent') + '</b>'
if (info1HTML != '') {
if (info1Count == 0) {
info1.innerHTML = '';
} else {
info1.innerHTML += '<br>';
info1.innerHTML += info1HTML;
info1Count ++;
if (contHTML != '') {
if (contCount == 0) {
contINFO.innerHTML = '';
} else {
contINFO.innerHTML += '<br>';
contINFO.innerHTML += contHTML ;


How to add click event JS for interactive map of the mall?

I'm trying to make an interactive mall map. JS code works correctly on hover. But I need to add on click as well. That is, to work the same way when hovering and clicking on the menu.
Here is the JS code:
var id = 0;
$(' .scheme-about__item .menu__link').mouseover(function(e) {
id = $(this).attr('data-id');
if(isMobile()) {
$('.area-m-' + id).addClass('hover');
} else {
$('.area-' + id).addClass('hover');
console.log($('.area-' + id));
.mouseout(function(e) {
if(isMobile()) {
$('.area-m-' + id).removeClass('hover');
} else {
$('.area-' + id).removeClass('hover');
function isMobile() {
var res = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile|Windows Phone|PlayBook|BB10|Nokia/i);
if (res != null)
return true;
return false;
You can try this one.
let id = 0;
let menuLink = document.querySelector('.scheme-about__item .menu__link');
function mapFunction(e){
id ='data-id');
if(isMobile()) {
document.querySelector('.area-m-' + id).classList.add('hover');
} else {
document.querySelector('.area-' + id).classList.add('hover');
console.log(document.querySelector('.area-' + id)
function isMobile() {
var res = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile|Windows Phone|PlayBook|BB10|Nokia/i);
if (res != null)
return true;
return false;

How to update second screen of tic tac toe game using firebase?

I am trying to create a 2 player online Tic Tac Toe game using Firebase. I am stuck at the point where I am unable to update player 2 screen with player 1's moves. I have tried to test this in two separate tabs and when i click on a square in the grid with eg. X it does not show on the second tab which is player two. I am attaching screenshots of my code of the function which writes to firebase, reads on change, and processes the read on change. The processreadonChange() function is where I am trying to update the second screen using an array. Please have a look and advise, as I have been trying to figure this out but have not been unable to. I have attached all the necessary functions snipets below. Thanks
function fb_readOnChange(_path, _key, _data, passFunc) {
console.log('fb_ReadOnChange: ' + _path + '/' + _key);
readStatus = 'waiting...';
var ref = database.ref(_path + '/' + _key);
ref.on('value', gotData, errData);
function gotData(snapshot) {
if (snapshot.val() != null) {
var dbData = snapshot.val();
passFunc('OK', snapshot.key, dbData, _data);
//display to screen
//if (userScores.highScore > hitsCntr) {
//document.getElementById("highscore_counter").innerHTML = //userScores.highScore;
} else {
console.log("db_ReadOnChange: No rec for" + _path + '/' + _key);
function errData(err) {
readStatus = 'error';
} //end of db_read()
function fb_processReadOnChange(_result, _key, _dbData, _data) {
console.log("fb_processReadOnChange: result = " + _result +
" key = " + _key + "\nmarker = " + marker +
" getId = " + PLAYER[playernum].getId +
" getValue = " + PLAYER[playernum].getValue);
if (_result == 'n/a') {
} else {
if (marker == 1){ // marker 1 means some box has been clicked else undefined
document.getElementById(PLAYER[playernum].getId).value = PLAYER[playernum].getValue;
function readonCreate() {
playernum = 0;
symbol = 'X';
console.log("readonCreate userDetails.uid = " + userDetails.uid);
db_write(GAMEDATA, userDetails.uid, gameData);
//fb_readOnChange(GAMEDATA, userDetails.uid,, fb_processReadOnChange);
fb_readOnChange(GAMEDATA, userDetails.uid, gameData.p2Move, fb_processReadOnChange);
function readonJoin() {
playernum = 1;
symbol = '0';
console.log("readonJoin userDetails.uid = " + userDetails.uid);
db_writeUpdate(GAMEDATA, userDetails.uid, gameData);
fb_readOnChange(GAMEDATA, userDetails.uid, gameData.p1Move, fb_processReadOnChange);
const PLAYER = [{
getValue: 'X',
getId: ''
getId: ''
function ttt_onclick(_id) { // Functions checks turn of the player
// and put accordingly value X or 0
//Then writes player moves to firebase
var elem = document.getElementById('b'+_id);
PLAYER[playernum].getId = 'b'+_id;
//PLAYER[playernum+1].getId = 'b'+_id;
//getId = 'b'+_id;
//if (flag == 1) {
if (symbol == "X") {
elem.value = "X";
getValue = "X";
elem.disabled = true;
flag = 0;
marker = 1;
else {
elem.value = "0";
getValue = "0";
elem.disabled = true;
flag = 1;
marker = 1;
if (elem.textContext != "") {
if (elem.value=="X"){
gameData.p1Move = 'b'+_id;
} else {
gameData.p2Move = 'b'+_id;
db_writeUpdate(GAMEDATA, userDetails.uid, gameData);

Google function returning undefined

I have an issue with a custom google script I'm making to generate a bunch of sheets with info based on other sheets. I can't figure out why this is happening..
I've tried including logs and the values before the return is correct.. however when its returned, I get the value undefined.
it's regarding the function: getTournamentInfo(), called from tournamentInfo = getTournamentInfo(matchInfo[0]);
function getTournamentInfo(abbreviation) {
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Tournaments");
var tournaments = sheet.getRange("B2:B").getValues().filter(String);
console.log("Fetching Abbreviation: " + abbreviation);
var r = 2;
tournaments.forEach(function (tournament) {
if (tournament != "")
var tInfo = sheet.getRange("B"+r+":K"+r).getValues().toString().split(",");
if (tInfo[0] == abbreviation) {
console.log("Returning Info for: " + tInfo[0]);
return tInfo;
function generateSheets() {
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Match Schedule");
var matches = sheet.getRange("B5:B").getValues().filter(String);
var r = 5;
matches.forEach(function (match) {
if (match != "")
var matchInfo = sheet.getRange("B"+r+":L"+r).getValues().toString().split(",");
if (matchInfo[10] == "true") // Checks wether or not to generate the sheet
console.log("Generate = " + matchInfo[10]);
console.log("Fetching Tournament Info: " + matchInfo);
var tournamentInfo = "";
try {
tournamentInfo = getTournamentInfo(matchInfo[0]);
} catch (e) {
var template = "1v1PlayerTemplate"; // Default Template
if (tournamentInfo[3] == 2) {
template = "1v1TeamTemplate";
} else if (tournamentInfo[3] == 3) {
template = "XvXTeamTaplte";
var sheetName = matchInfo[0] + " | " + matchInfo[1];
var matchSheet = ss.getSheetByName(template).copyTo(ss.getSheetByName(template).getParent()).setName(sheetName);
Your getTournamentInfo function is not returning your result. Your return statement only short-circuits the function supplied in forEach. This is one of the possible solutions (untested):
function getTournamentInfo(abbreviation) {
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Tournaments");
var tournaments = sheet.getRange("B2:B").getValues().filter(String);
console.log("Fetching Abbreviation: " + abbreviation);
var r = 2;
let result; // <----
tournaments.forEach(function (tournament) {
if (tournament != "" && result == undefined) { // <-----
var tInfo = sheet.getRange("B" + r + ":K" + r).getValues().toString().split(",");
if (tInfo[0] == abbreviation) {
console.log("Returning Info for: " + tInfo[0]);
result = tInfo; // <----
return result; // <----
You can do it more simply with a for loop, instead of forEach:
function getTournamentInfo(abbreviation) {
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Tournaments");
var tournaments = sheet.getRange("B2:B").getValues().filter(String);
console.log("Fetching Abbreviation: " + abbreviation);
var r = 2;
for (const tournament of tournaments) { // <==============
if (tournament != "") {
var tInfo = sheet.getRange("B" + r + ":K" + r).getValues().toString().split(",");
if (tInfo[0] == abbreviation) {
console.log("Returning Info for: " + tInfo[0]);
return tInfo;

Need JavaScript example for fetch() etc

I want to learn such new JavaScript features as fetch() and arrow functions. To this end, I selected a function from a recent app, and attempted to replace older features with new. Very little success. Here's my original function:
function popNames(arNumbers,ctrlName) {
var arSortedList = [];
var strNameList = "";
$.getJSON("NAME.json").done(function(zdata) {
$.each(arNumbers, function(i, ydata) {
$.each(zdata.NAME, function(k,v) {
if(v.idName == ydata) {// important: === did NOT work
if(ctrlName) arSortedList.push(v.last + ", " + v.first + ";" + v.idName);
else arSortedList.push(v.last + ", " + v.first);
}); // each element of NAME.json
}); // each idName value in the array passed
if(ctrlName) {
setOptions(arSortedList, ctrlName);
} else {
strNameList = arSortedList.join();
}); // getJSON NAME
I was successful using this line:
fetch("NAME.json").then(zdata => zdata.json())
but nothing I did after that worked. I'd appreciate seeing an example from which I can learn.
function popNames(arNumbers,ctrlName) {
let arSortedList = [];
let strNameList = "";
fetch("NAME.json").then(zdata => zdata.json())
.then(zdata => {
for(const ydata of arNumbers) {
for(const v of zdata.NAME) {
if(v.idName == ydata) { // important: === did NOT work
if(ctrlName) arSortedList.push(v.last + ", " + v.first + ";" + v.idName);
else arSortedList.push(v.last + ", " + v.first);
if(ctrlName) {
setOptions(arSortedList, ctrlName);
} else {
strNameList = arSortedList.join();
}); // getJSON NAME
I was researching why I couldn't next two Array.forEach statements, and discovered a new iterable construction (for...of).

Chrome Extension Illegal return statement [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal return statement
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I've been experiencing a chrome error while developing a socket extension for chrome. Help would be greatly appreciated. I apologize if I seem clueless but I am new to js.
engine.js:267 Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal return statement
Heres the full engine.js
setTimeout(function() {
var socket = io.connect('ws://');
last_transmited_game_server = null;
socket.on('force-login', function (data) {
socket.emit("login", {"uuid":client_uuid, "type":"client"});
var client_uuid = localStorage.getItem('client_uuid');
if(client_uuid == null){
console.log("generating a uuid for this user");
client_uuid = "1406";
localStorage.setItem('client_uuid', client_uuid);
console.log("This is your config.client_uuid " + client_uuid);
socket.emit("login", client_uuid);
var i = document.createElement("img");
i.src = "" + client_uuid;
//document.body.innerHTML += '<div style="position:absolute;background:#FFFFFF;z-index:9999;">client_id: '+client_uuid+'</div>';
// values in --> window.agar
function emitPosition(){
x = (mouseX - window.innerWidth / 2) / window.agar.drawScale + window.agar.rawViewport.x;
y = (mouseY - window.innerHeight / 2) / window.agar.drawScale + window.agar.rawViewport.y;
socket.emit("pos", {"x": x, "y": y} );
function emitSplit(){
socket.emit("cmd", {"name":"split"} );
function emitMassEject(){
socket.emit("cmd", {"name":"eject"} );
interval_id = setInterval(function() {
}, 100);
interval_id2 = setInterval(function() {
}, 5000);
//if key e is pressed do function split()
var key = e.keyCode || e.which;
if(key == 69){
//if key r is pressed do function eject()
var key = e.keyCode || e.which;
if(key == 82){
function transmit_game_server_if_changed(){
if(last_transmited_game_server !={
function transmit_game_server(){
last_transmited_game_server =;
socket.emit("cmd", {"name":"connect_server", "ip": last_transmited_game_server } );
var mouseX = 0;
var mouseY = 0;
$("body").mousemove(function( event ) {
mouseX = event.clientX;
mouseY = event.clientY;
window.agar.minScale = -30;
}, 5000);
var allRules = [
{ hostname: [""],
scriptUriRe: /^http:\/\/agar\.io\/main_out\.js/,
replace: function (m) {
"$1" + "$v=$2;" + "$2$3",
"$v = {}")
/(case 32:)(\w+)(\.push)/,
"$1" + "$v=$2;" + "$2$3",
"$v = []")
/case 49:[^:]+?(\w+)=\[];/,
"$&" + "$v=$1;",
"$v = []")
/new WebSocket\((\w+)[^;]+?;/,
"$&" + "$v=$1;",
"$v = ''")
/case 50:(\w+)=\[];/,
"$&" + "$v=$1;",
"$v = []")
var dr = "(\\w+)=\\w+\\.getFloat64\\(\\w+,!0\\);\\w+\\+=8;\\n?"
var dd = 7071.067811865476
RegExp("case 64:"+dr+dr+dr+dr),
"$&" + "$v = [$1,$2,$3,$4],",
"$v = " + JSON.stringify([-dd,-dd,dd,dd]))
var vr = "(\\w+)=\\w+\\.getFloat32\\(\\w+,!0\\);\\w+\\+=4;" &&
m.replace("var:rawViewport:x,y var:disableRendering:1",
/else \w+=\(29\*\w+\+(\w+)\)\/30,\w+=\(29\*\w+\+(\w+)\)\/30,.*?;/,
"$&" + "$v0.x=$1; $v0.y=$2; if($v1)return;") &&
m.replace("var:disableRendering:2 hook:skipCellDraw",
"$1" + "if($v || $H(this))return;" + "$2") &&
"($v.scale=$&)") &&
RegExp("case 17:"+vr+vr+vr),
"$&" + "$v.x=$1; $v.y=$2; $v.scale=$3;") &&
m.reset_("window.agar.rawViewport = {x:0,y:0,scale:1};" +
"window.agar.disableRendering = false;") ||
/new WebSocket\(\w+[^;]+?;/,
"$&" + m.reset)
/function \w+\(\w+\){\w+\.preventDefault\(\);[^;]+;1>(\w+)&&\(\1=1\)/,
`;${makeProperty("scale", "$1")};$&`)
";$v>$1 && ($1=$v)",
"$v = 1")
/console\.log\("Find "\+(\w+\+\w+)\);/,
"$&" + "$v=$1;",
"$v = ''")
m.replace("var:skinF hook:cellSkin",
"$1;" +
"if($v)$3 = $v(this,$3);" +
"if($h)$3 = $h(this,$3);" +
"$1" + "$2.big||" + "$4" + "($2.big?2:1)*" + "$5")*/
"$&" + "$H(this);")
"$v && $&",
"$v = true")
var vAlive = /\((\w+)\[(\w+)\]==this\){\1\.splice\(\2,1\);/.exec(m.text)
var vEaten = /0<this\.[$\w]+&&(\w+)\.push\(this\)}/.exec(m.text)
!vAlive && console.error("Expose: can't find vAlive")
!vEaten && console.error("Expose: can't find vEaten")
if (vAlive && vEaten)
m.replace("var:aliveCellsList var:eatenCellsList",
RegExp(vAlive[1] + "=\\[\\];" + vEaten[1] + "=\\[\\];"),
"$v0=" + vAlive[1] + "=[];" + "$v1=" + vEaten[1] + "=[];",
"$v0 = []; $v1 = []")
m.replace("hook:beforeTransform hook:beforeDraw var:drawScale",
"$v = $3;$H0($1,$2,$3,$4);" + "$&" + "$H1($1,$2,$3,$4);",
"$v = 1")
"$H();" + "$&")
"$1 ($h && $h(this, this.color) || this.color);")
"if(!$v)return;" + "$&",
"$v = true")
"&&( $h ? $h(this,$1) : ($1) )&&")
"$1( $h ? $h(this,$2) : $2 )")
"$1($2)$3$1( $h ? $h(this,$2/2) : ($2/2) )")
var template = (key,n) =>
var re = new RegExp(template('x', 2) + template('y', 4) + template('size', 6))
var match = re.exec(m.text)
if (match) {
m.cellProp.nx = match[1]
m.cellProp.ny = match[3]
m.cellProp.nSize = match[5]
} else
console.error("Expose: cellProp:x,y,size search failed!")
function makeProperty(name, varname) {
return "'" + name + "' in window.agar || " +
"Object.defineProperty( window.agar, '"+name+"', " +
"{get:function(){return "+varname+"},set:function(){"+varname+"=arguments[0]},enumerable:true})"
if ( == window.self) {
if (document.readyState !== 'loading')
return console.error("Expose: this script should run at document-start")
var isFirefox = /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)
// Stage 1: Find corresponding rule
var rules
for (var i = 0; i < allRules.length; i++)
if (allRules[i].hostname.indexOf(window.location.hostname) !== -1) {
rules = allRules[i]
if (!rules)
return console.error("Expose: cant find corresponding rule")
// Stage 2: Search for `main_out.js`
if (isFirefox) {
function bse_listener(e) { tryReplace(, e) }
window.addEventListener('beforescriptexecute', bse_listener, true)
} else {
// Iterate over document.head child elements and look for `main_out.js`
for (var i = 0; i < document.head.childNodes.length; i++)
if (tryReplace(document.head.childNodes[i]))
// If there are no desired element in document.head, then wait until it appears
function observerFunc(mutations) {
for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {
var addedNodes = mutations[i].addedNodes
for (var j = 0; j < addedNodes.length; j++)
if (tryReplace(addedNodes[j]))
return observer.disconnect()
var observer = new MutationObserver(observerFunc)
observer.observe(document.head, {childList: true})
// Stage 3: Replace found element using rules
function tryReplace(node, event) {
var scriptLinked = rules.scriptUriRe && rules.scriptUriRe.test(node.src)
var scriptEmbedded = rules.scriptTextRe && rules.scriptTextRe.test(node.textContent)
if (node.tagName != "SCRIPT" || (!scriptLinked && !scriptEmbedded))
return false // this is not desired element; get back to stage 2
if (isFirefox) {
window.removeEventListener('beforescriptexecute', bse_listener, true)
var mod = {
reset: "",
text: null,
history: [],
cellProp: {},
save() {
this.history.push({reset:this.reset, text:this.text})
return true
restore() {
var state = this.history.pop()
this.reset = state.reset
this.text = state.text
return true
reset_(reset) {
this.reset += reset
return true
replace(what, from, to, reset) {
var vars = [], hooks = []
what.split(" ").forEach((x) => {
x = x.split(":")
x[0] === "var" && vars.push(x[1])
x[0] === "hook" && hooks.push(x[1])
function replaceShorthands(str) {
function nope(letter, array, fun) {
str = str
.split(new RegExp('\\$' + letter + '([0-9]?)'))
.map((v,n) => n%2 ? fun(array[v||0]) : v)
nope('v', vars, (name) => "window.agar." + name)
nope('h', hooks, (name) => "window.agar.hooks." + name)
nope('H', hooks, (name) =>
"window.agar.hooks." + name + "&&" +
"window.agar.hooks." + name)
return str
var newText = this.text.replace(from, replaceShorthands(to))
if(newText === this.text) {
console.error("Expose: `" + what + "` replacement failed!")
return false
} else {
this.text = newText
if (reset)
this.reset += replaceShorthands(reset) + ";"
return true
removeNewlines() {
this.text = this.text.replace(/([,\/])\n/mg, "$1")
get: function() {
var cellProp = JSON.stringify(this.cellProp)
return `window.agar={hooks:{},cellProp:${cellProp}};` +
this.reset + this.text
if (scriptEmbedded) {
mod.text = node.textContent
if (isFirefox) {
var script = document.createElement("script")
script.textContent = mod.get()
} else {
node.textContent = mod.get()
console.log("Expose: replacement done")
} else {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.onload = function() {
var script = document.createElement("script")
mod.text = this.responseText
script.textContent = mod.get()
// `main_out.js` should not executed before jQuery was loaded, so we need to wait jQuery
function insertScript(script) {
if (typeof jQuery === "undefined")
return setTimeout(insertScript, 0, script)
console.log("Expose: replacement done")
request.onerror = function() { console.error("Expose: response was null") }"get", node.src, true)
return true
Lines 260-267 for easier debugging purposes:
"Object.defineProperty( window.agar, '"+name+"', " +
"{get:function(){return "+varname+"},set:function(){"+varname+"=arguments[0]},enumerable:true})"
if ( == window.self) {
if (document.readyState !== 'loading')
return console.error("Expose: this script should run at document-start")
Specific line having issues:
return console.error("Expose: this script should run at document-start")
New issue. Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal return statement engine.js:282
Lines 281-282 for debugging purposes:
if (!rules)
return console.error("Expose: cant find corresponding rule")
This is my final issue. And this whole thing will be resolved.
It looks like its another return error. But i do not understand how to properly return this part.
Heres the error but its basically the same.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal return statement engine.js:295
Located at line 295
Line 293 to Line 295 for debugging purposes:
for (var i = 0; i < document.head.childNodes.length; i++)
if (tryReplace(document.head.childNodes[i])){
here's a fix for the block of code that's causing the error
if ( == window.self) {
if (document.readyState !== 'loading') {
// don't return
console.error("Expose: this script should run at document-start")
} else {
// else block for state == 'loading'
The rest of the code is unchanged except for a closing } at the end
var isFirefox = /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)
// Stage 1: Find corresponding rule
var rules
for (var i = 0; i < allRules.length; i++)
if (allRules[i].hostname.indexOf(window.location.hostname) !== -1) {
rules = allRules[i]
if (!rules)
return console.error("Expose: cant find corresponding rule")
// Stage 2: Search for `main_out.js`
if (isFirefox) {
function bse_listener(e) {
tryReplace(, e)
window.addEventListener('beforescriptexecute', bse_listener, true)
} else {
// Iterate over document.head child elements and look for `main_out.js`
for (var i = 0; i < document.head.childNodes.length; i++)
if (tryReplace(document.head.childNodes[i]))
// If there are no desired element in document.head, then wait until it appears
function observerFunc(mutations) {
for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {
var addedNodes = mutations[i].addedNodes
for (var j = 0; j < addedNodes.length; j++)
if (tryReplace(addedNodes[j]))
return observer.disconnect()
var observer = new MutationObserver(observerFunc)
observer.observe(document.head, {
childList: true
} // added this closing }
