Antispam thtottler - javascript

I am working on creating a telegram bot, I want to make an anti-spam system, that is, when a person presses a button too many times, the bot will freeze for him for a certain number of seconds, it is possible to write a message about blocking. People in other matters do not help me.
import {
} from '../token.js';
import {
} from '../keyboards/keyboardsMain.js';
export function commands() {
bot.on('message', msg => {
const text = msg.text;
const chatId =;
if (text === '/start') {
return bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'hello', keyboardMain);
return bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'error');

Do you use telegraf as telegram module ? If yes, you can kick users from channels or groups.

here is a little piece that i made for you :)
you can apply it to anything ^_^
var tps = 0;
var allowpassage = false;
var detectspamon = document;
c = function() {
console.log("got clicks:",tps);
if (tps==0) {console.log("no clicking detected");}
else if (tps==1) {console.log("success");allowpassage=true;}
else {console.log("too many clicks per second");}
console.log("setting clicks to 0");
detectspamon.onclick = () => {tps++;console.log(tps);c(tps);}


my functions are mixed and the engine executing what ever he wants

so i was told to Present a loader to the user when a call is made to the server (indicating the server is calculating) Present an error to the user if the input number is more than 50, and do not send a server request Try passing the number 42 to the server. The server will send back an error, present this error to the user.
now what i did is everything besides the last error to present it to the user.
i have tried everything i could think of, and no matter what the user types, it displays both of the messages.
this is my code:
const clcBtn = document.getElementById("calcButton");
let clcInput = document.getElementById("calcInput");
const result = document.getElementById('paragraph');
const loader = document.getElementById('spinner');
const error = document.getElementById('error-message');
const serverError = document.getElementById('server-error');
clcBtn.addEventListener("click", calcFunc);
function numValidate(value) {
if(value > 50) {
return false;
return true;
function calcFunc() {
if (!numValidate (clcInput.value)) { = "block"
setTimeout(() => { = "none";
}, 5000);
console.error("Can't be larger than 50") // only bec it's a cool feature :D
fetch(`http://localhost:5050/fibonacci/${clcInput.value}`).then(function (response) {
return response.json().then(function (data) {
result.innerHTML = data.result;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
this is my code with what i have tried to add (on of the things i have tried.. this is the best output i could come with)
// additional code to present to the user the error message if the input value is equal to 42.
clcBtn.addEventListener("click", errMsg);
function numValidateTwo(value) {
if(value === 42) {
return true;
return false;
function errMsg() {
if (!numValidateTwo (clcInput.value)) { = "block";
a little bit more about what i am trying to achieve:
i want to present this error message to the user, whenever the input value is equal to 42.
is it related to async or callback? which i need to go through the lectures again.. but right now i need to solve this bec i have no time.
what did i do wrong ?
and how i can make it work?
can someone explain this to me?
thanks in advance!

Antispam for telegram bot

I am working on creating a telegram bot, I want to make an anti-spam system, that is, when a person presses a button too many times, the bot will freeze for him for a certain number of seconds, it is possible to write a message about blocking. I just started learning JavaScript.
I use node-telegram-bot-api.
import {
} from '../token.js';
import {
} from '../keyboards/keyboardsMain.js';
export function commands() {
bot.on('message', msg => {
const text = msg.text;
const chatId =;
if (text === '/start') {
return bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'hello', keyboardMain);
return bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'error');
You can create a user throttler using Javascript Map
* #param {number} waitTime Seconds to wait
function throttler(waitTime) {
const users = new Map()
return (chatId) => {
const now = parseInt(
const hitTime = users.get(chatId)
if (hitTime) {
const diff = now - hitTime
if (diff < waitTime) {
return false
users.set(chatId, now)
return true
users.set(chatId, now)
return true
How to use: You'll get the user's chatId from telegram api. You can use that id as an identifier and stop the user for given specific time.
For instance I'm gonna stop the user for 10seconds once the user requests.
// global 10 second throttler
const throttle = throttler(10) // 10 seconds
// in your code
const allowReply = throttle(chatId) // chatId obtained from telegram
if (allowReply) {
// reply to user
} else {
// dont reply

How do I play sound in my node.js chatroom?

I have been looking up how to play sound with node.js all day, I can't use "document.getElementById" and I can't use "new Audio" either. I want it to be able to play sound when I do #everyone in my chatroom. The audio file is name "ping.mp3" and is in the same path as my main node.js file. I need some recommendations or code snippets. Thanks!
This is a code snippet of where the ping code is.
function highlight(message){
if(message == "") {
return message
let mentions = message.match(/#\b([A-Za-z0-9]+)\b/g)
let urlCheck1 = message.split(` `)
if (mentions === null ) { return message }
for (i = 0; i < mentions.length; i++) {
let urlCheck = urlCheck1[i].includes(`http`)
let mention = mentions[i].substring(1)
if(sesskx.has(mention) && !urlCheck) {
message = message.replace(mentions[i], `<span class="name-color">#${mention}</span>`)
} else if (mention == 'everyone') {;
message = message.replace(mentions[i], `<span class="name-color">#${mention}</span>`)
} else if (mention == 'here') {;
message = message.replace(mentions[i], `<span class="name-color">#${mention}</span>`)
else {
return message;
return message
I want ";" to make the sound.
This is possible but kind of tricky. You can use play-sound to take care of it for you:
var player = require('play-sound')(opts = {})'foo.mp3', function(err){
if (err) throw err
What it basically does is look for sound players in the environment and try to use one of them to play the mp3:
const { spawn, execSync } = require('child_process');
// List of players used
const players = [
// find a player by seeing what command doesn't error
let player;
for(const p of players) {
if (isExec(p)) {
player = p;
function isExec(command) {
return true
catch {
return false
spawn(player, ['ping.mp3']);
If you are creating a node.js server, node.js is back-end/server side, so users won't be able to hear anything that happens if a sound is "played" there. So you'll have to do it client side using "new Audio()", when the client receives a message including "#everyone" (which I don't understand why you cant use, you can send the mp3 file to the client with the page.).
I also made an example for you on repl.

Discord.js, detect if there's a message sent by a certain user?

So I'm messing around with creating a discord bot that repeatedly pings a user until they respond/say anything in the chat (annoying, right?). The amount of times to ping the user and the time between each ping can also be adjusted if necessary. However, I can't seem to find a way to detect if the pinged user actually says something in the chat, and a way to stop the loop.
The actual pinging part of the code is in this for loop:
const ping = async () => {
for(var i = 1; i <= pingAmount; i++){
//the wait() command
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, pingTime * 1000));
//the actual ping`hey <#${userID}> let\'s play minecraft`);
//sends a message once pinging is finished"Pinging Complete.");
I've tried nesting the following code inside that loop, but I get no results.
client.on('message', message =>{
if( == taggedUser) {'User has replied. Stopping pings.')
Any help is appreciated!
full code below:
module.exports = {
name: 'Ping',
description: "Pings specified user until they appear",
execute(message, args, Discord){
//initialize variables
const client = new Discord.Client();
const taggedUser = message.mentions.users.first();
const userID = message.mentions.users.first().id;
//splits the command
const slicedString = message.content.split(' ');
//grabs specific numbers from command as input
const pingAmount = slicedString.slice(4,5);
const pingTime = slicedString.slice(5);
//display confirmation info in chat`So, ${}, you want to annoy ${taggedUser.username}? Alright then lol`);`btw ${taggedUser.username}\'s user ID is ${userID} lmao`);`amount of times to ping: ${pingAmount}`);`time between pings: ${pingTime} seconds`);
//checks to make sure pingTime isnt too short
if(pingTime < 5){
if(pingTime == 1){`1 second is too short!`);
} else {`${pingTime} seconds is too short!`);
//timer and loop using pingAmount and pingTime as inputs
const ping = async () => {
for(var i = 1; i <= pingAmount; i++){
//the wait() command
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, pingTime * 1000));
//the actual ping`hey <#${userID}> let\'s play minecraft`);
const pingedUsers = [taggedUser];
// doodle message
const msg = {author: {id:1}};
// message event
const onMessage = (message) => {
if (pingedUsers.indexOf( != -1) {
console.log("user replied");
onMessage(msg); // nothing
pingedUsers.push(; // push the author id
onMessage(msg); // he replied!
//sends a message once pinging is finished"Pinging Complete.");
//runs the ping function
You should be comparing the author's snowflake (id) in this case.
You can put the pinged users in a list and see if the message author is in that list.
const pingedUsers = [];
// doodle message
const msg = {author: {id:1}};
// message event
const onMessage = (message) => {
if (pingedUsers.indexOf( != -1) {
console.log("user replied");
onMessage(msg); // nothing
pingedUsers.push(; // push the author id
onMessage(msg); // he replied!

Why doesn't kicking people work using discord.js

const Discord = require("discord.js"),
bot = new Discord.Client();
let pre = "?"
bot.on("message", async msg => {
var msgArray = msg.content.split(" ");
var args = msgArray.slice(1);
var prisonerRole = msg.guild.roles.find("name", "Prisoner");
let command = msgArray[0];
if (command == `${pre}roll`) {
if (!msg.member.roles.has( {
roll = Math.floor(Math.random()*6)+1;
msg.reply(`You rolled a ${roll}`)
} else {
msg.reply(`HaHa NOOB, you're in prison you don't get priveleges!`)
if (command == `${pre}kick`) {
var leaderRole = msg.guild.roles.find("name", "LEADER");
var co_leaderRole = msg.guild.roles.find("name", "CO-LEADER");
if (msg.member.roles.has( ||
msg.member.roles.has( {
var kickUser = msg.guild.member(msg.mentions.users.first());
var kickReason = args.join(" ").slice(22);
msg.guild.member(kickUser).kick();`${} has kicked ${kickUser}\nReason: ${kickReason}`);
} else {
return msg.reply("Ya pleb, you can't kick people!");
bot.login("token").then(function() {
}, function(err) {
console.log('Still good, as long as the process now exits.')
Everything works except actually kicking the person. The message sends nut it doesn't kick people. For example, when I type in ?kick #BobNuggets#4576 inactive, it says
#rishabhase has kicked #BobNuggets
Reason: inactive
But it doesn't actually kick the user, which is weird, can you help me?
also, make sure the bot is elevated in hierarchy
Use kickUser.kick();
I recommend using a command handler to neaten up your code. You don't want all your commands in one .js file.
Try something like this for the Ban command itself. I use this for my Bot:
client.on("message", (message) => {
if (message.content.startsWith("!ban")) {
if(!message.member.roles.find("name", "Role that can use this bot"))
// Easy way to get member object though mentions.
var member= message.mentions.members.first();
// ban
member.ban().then((member) => {
// Successmessage":wave: " + member.displayName + " has been successfully banned :point_right: ");
}).catch(() => {
// Failmessage"Access Denied");
That should work, set the role you want to use it (cAsE sEnSiTiVe) and change !ban to whatever you feel like using. If you change all "ban"s in this to kick, it will have the same effect. If this helped you, mark this as the answer so others can find it, if not, keep looking :)
