I'm trying to make new requests whenever user reach the bottom with the following;
useEffect(() => {
const scrolling_function = () => {
if((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY) >= document.body.offsetHeight-10){
window.addEventListener('scroll', scrolling_function);
}, [])
But the state objects that I defined, such as:
const[selectedGenres, setSelectedGenres] = useState(new Set())
All becomes undefined in the inside of my useEffect hook, and thus my getMoviesFromApi() method does not work properly.
My question is, is that expected behavior? If so, how could I overcome it?
The getmoviesfromapi method:
const getMoviesFromApi = async () => {
let init, end;
if(initialYear>endYear) {
init = endYear
end = initialYear
} else {
init = initialYear
end = endYear
let res =await fetchMovies(init, end)
The fetchMovies method:
const fetchMovies = async (startYear, endYear) => {
let res;
res = [];
let genreQuery = "";
let serviceQuery = "";
for (let it = selectedGenres.values(), val= null; val=it.next().value; ) {
genreQuery += "&genre=" + val;
for (let it = selectedServices.values(), val= null; val=it.next().value; ) {
serviceQuery += "&service=" + val;
let countryQuery = "?country="+country;
let yearQuery = "&year_min="+ startYear +"&year_max=" + endYear;
let typeQuery = "&type=" + (isMovie ? "movie" : "series");
let url = api_url + countryQuery + serviceQuery + typeQuery +"&order_by=year" + yearQuery
+ genreQuery + "&page=1&desc=true&language=en&output_language=en"
await fetch(url, {
"method": "GET",
}).then(response => {
res= response.json()
.catch(err => {
return res;
You should add the necessary state objects and functions to the dependencies, and call the functions with useCallBack. You can be sure that you're making it right by installing eslint-plugin-react-hooks as a dev dependency. You'd also need a cleanUp function for your effect hook.
useEffect( () =>{
const scrolling_function = async () => {
if((window.innerHeight + window.scrollY) >= document.body.offsetHeight-10){
await getMoviesFromApi(false);
window.addEventListener('scroll', scrolling_function);
return function cleanUp() { //don't forget to clean up
}, [getMoviesFromApi]); //add method as dependency!
const getMoviesFromApi = useCallback () => { //useCallBack is needed here!
How could I improve this method of rendering only when both variables are met as true, to allow the renderFilters() method to be called:
These two variables are filled asynchronously through 2 API methods:
this.isLoadingManager = true;
this.isLoadingPdiOrganization = true;
promiseRender() {
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if (this.isLoadingManager && this.isLoadingPdiOrganization) {
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000)
}, 500);
The problem is that it's very slow... it's calling long after the APIs are called...
Maybe some feature of angular itself, if anyone has a better solution...
const observable = forkJoin({
next: (results) => {
const obs1Val = results[0];
const obs2Val = results[1];
if (obs1Val && obs2Val) {
const myObservable = Observable.of(this.isLoadingManager && this.isLoadingPdiOrganization);
const myObserver = {
next: (result: Boolean) => this.renderFilters(),
Adding the methods:
getManager() {
if (this.fromAdminPage && localStorage.getItem('_receivers_pdi')) {
.subscribe(res => {
this.showPdiToastNotification = res;
this.isLoadingManager = true;
getPdiPOrganization() {
const url = this.publicEndpoint ? 'current/organization/pdi/configuration' : 'api/current/organization/pdi/configuration';
const requestOptions = {
params: new CustomHttpParams({ isPublicTokenUrl: this.publicEndpoint })
this.http.get<any>(url, requestOptions).subscribe(resp => {
this.isLoadingPdiOrganization = true;
this.pdiOrgConfig = resp || {};
You can use forkjoin to subscribe to two observables at the same time. I would stick with using RxJs operators for cases like these. You can read more about forkJoin here.
forkJoin([obs1, obs2]).subscribe({
next: (results) => {
const obs1Val = results[0];
const obs2Val = results[1];
if (obs1Val && obs2Val) {
I'm trying to build a citation generator from json in an API with data about images, stored in key-value pairs. I can get the data to return to the screen, but it always includes undefined in the citation. Sample manifest returns undefined as the creator since that isn't listed in this particular record. How can I keep any undefined value from being returned? I've tried changing the forEach to map, filtering at allMetadata by string length, using if !== undefined at insertCitation, and versions of those in different spots in the code.
EDIT: updated to provide full code, including print to page
(function () {
'use strict';
const buildCitation = {
buildMetadataObject: async function (collAlias, itemID) {
let response = await fetch('/iiif/info/' + collAlias + '/' + itemID + '/manifest.json');
let data = await response.json()
let allMetadata = data.metadata
let citationData = {};
allMetadata.forEach(function (kvpair) {
if (kvpair.value == undefined) {
return false;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Title') {
citationData.itemTitle = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Creator') {
citationData.itemCreator = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Repository') {
citationData.itemRepository = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Collection Name') {
citationData.itemCollection = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Owning Institution') {
citationData.itemOwning = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Date') {
citationData.itemDate = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Storage Location') {
citationData.itemStorage = kvpair.value;
return true;
return citationData;
insertCitation: function (data) {
var testTitle = data.itemTitle;
const itemCite = `Citation: "${data.itemTitle}," ${data.itemDate}, ${data.itemCreator}, ${data.itemCollection}, ${data.itemOwning}, ${data.itemStorage}, ${data.itemRepository}.`;
const citationContainer = document.createElement('div');
citationContainer.id = 'citation';
citationContainer.innerHTML = itemCite;
// CHANGED to innerHTML instead of innerText because you may want to format it at some point as HTML code.
if (testTitle) {
document.addEventListener('cdm-item-page:ready', async function (e) {
const citationData = await buildCitation.buildMetadataObject(e.detail.collectionId, e.detail.itemId);
console.log({ citationData });
document.addEventListener('cdm-item-page:update', async function (e) {
const citationData = await buildCitation.buildMetadataObject(e.detail.collectionId, e.detail.itemId);
console.log({ citationData });
I've simplified your program. The undefined is coming from the fact that there is no item with label Date
const mappings = {
Date: 'itemDate',
Title: 'itemTitle',
Creator: 'itemCreator',
Repository: 'itemRepository',
'Storage Location': 'itemStorage',
'Owning Institution': 'itemOwning',
'Collection Name': 'itemCollection',
async function buildMetadataObject(collAlias, itemID) {
let response = await fetch('https://teva.contentdm.oclc.org/iiif/info/p15138coll25/1421/manifest.json');
let data = await response.json()
return data.metadata.reduce(
(acc, { label, value }) => ({ ...acc, [ mappings[label] ]: value }),
function insertCitation(data) {
var testTitle = data.itemTitle;
const fieldBlackList = ['itemTitle'];
const itemCite = `Citation: "${data.itemTitle}," ${
Object.values(mappings).reduce((acc, cur) => {
if (fieldBlackList.includes(cur)) return acc;
const value = data[cur];
return value ? [...acc, value] : acc
}, []).join(', ')
(async() => {
const citationData = await buildMetadataObject();
Need help passing data "locationpos"= index of my Locations[] from function to class. I'm very new to React and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Failed to compile
Line 20:30: 'locationpos' is not defined no-undef
Search for the keywords to learn more about each error.
This error occurred during the build time and cannot be dismissed.
class Data {
constructor(locationpos) {
getTimes(date = null) {
date = date === null ? moment().format('DD/MM/YYYY') : date;
var data = this.getData();
return data ? data[date] : [];
getSpeadsheetUrl() {
return config.myData[locationpos];
function Daily({ locationProps = 1, root }) {
const context = useContext(ThemeContext);
const localization = useCallback(() => {
if (root && cookies.get("location") !== undefined) {
return cookies.get("location");
return locationProps;
}, [locationProps, root]);
const [locationState] = useState(localization());
const handleClick = event => {
const openNav = () => {
document.getElementById("sidenav").style.width = "100%";
const closeNav = e => {
document.getElementById("sidenav").style.width = "0";
// eslint-disable-next-line
const locationpos = locations.indexOf(locations[locationState]);
const _data = useRef(new Data(locationpos));
const getTimes = () => _data.current.getTimes();
Inside your data class, you need to use the instance variable as this.locationPos
getSpeadsheetUrl() {
return config.myData[this.locationpos];
I have an application that is using Firebase Storage to send some image data, so I'm using this method:
startUpload() {
if (typeof this.fileList !== 'undefined' && this.fileList.length > 0) {
const observableList = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) {
// The storage path
const path = this.userModel.companyCode + `/${new Date().getTime()}_${this.fileList[i].name}`;
// Totally optional metadata
const customMetadata = {
app: 'My AngularFire-powered PWA!'
const fileRef = this.storage.ref(path);
// The main task
this.task = this.storage.upload(path, this.fileList[i], {
// Progress monitoring
this.percentage = this.task.percentageChanges();
this.snapshot = this.task.snapshotChanges();
// The file's download URL
finalize(async () => {
return await fileRef.getDownloadURL();
// observableList = this.task.snapshotChanges();
// observableList.push(taskObservable);
response => {
This part:
finalize(async () => {
return await fileRef.getDownloadURL();
When I'm using this function alone and using like this:
finalize(async () => {
this.downloadUrl = await fileRef.getDownloadURL().toPromise;
They return the right URL, this.downloadUrl is a global variable that is downloadURL: Observable;
But I don't want to return one by one I want the 3 results, so I have an idea to use forkJoin that is like Promise.All() from promise in javascript:
response => {
And I'm getting this in the console:
(3) [UploadTaskSnapshot, UploadTaskSnapshot, UploadTaskSnapshot]
How I can get the download URL from them?
finalize takes a callback function of return type void. That's why it worked in your case for handling individually, but not when you tried to return something.
I think the below code should work for you
startUpload() {
if (typeof this.fileList !== "undefined" && this.fileList.length > 0) {
const observableList = [];
const fileRefList = [];
this.fileList.forEach(file => {
const path =
this.userModel.companyCode + `/${new Date().getTime()}_${file.name}`; // Totally optional metadata
const customMetadata = { app: "My AngularFire-powered PWA!" };
fileRefList.push(this.storage.ref(path)); // The main task
this.task = this.storage.upload(path, file, {
}); // Progress monitoring
this.percentage = this.task.percentageChanges();
this.snapshot = this.task.snapshotChanges();
.pipe(map(async (_, i) => await fileRefList[i].getDownloadURL()))
.subscribe(response => console.log(response));
I have an API call in api.js:
export const getGraphData = (domain, userId, testId) => {
return axios({
url: `${domain}/api/${c.embedConfig.apiVersion}/member/${userId}/utests/${testId}`,
method: 'get',
I have a React helper that takes that data and transforms it.
import { getGraphData } from './api';
const dataObj = (domain, userId, testId) => {
const steps = getGraphData(domain, userId, testId)
.then((result) => {
return result.attributes;
// const steps = test.get('steps');
const expr = /select/;
// build array of steps that we have results in
const resultsSteps = [];
steps.forEach((step) => {
// check for types that contain 'select', and add them to array
if (expr.test(step.get('type'))) {
const newResultsSteps = [];
resultsSteps.forEach((item, i) => {
const newMapStep = new Map();
const itemDescription = item.get('description');
const itemId = item.get('id');
const itemOptions = item.get('options');
const itemAnswers = item.get('userAnswers');
const newOptArray = [];
itemOptions.forEach((element) => {
const optionsMap = new Map();
let elemName = element.get('value');
if (!element.get('value')) { elemName = element.get('caption'); }
const elemPosition = element.get('position');
const elemCount = element.get('count');
optionsMap.name = elemName;
optionsMap.position = elemPosition;
optionsMap.value = elemCount;
newMapStep.chartType = 'horizontalBar';
newMapStep.description = itemDescription;
newMapStep.featured = 'false';
newMapStep.detailUrl = '';
newMapStep.featuredStepIndex = i + 1;
newMapStep.id = itemId;
newMapStep.isValid = 'false';
newMapStep.type = 'results';
const listForNewOptArray = List(newOptArray);
newMapStep.data = listForNewOptArray;
newMapStep.userAnswers = itemAnswers;
return newResultsSteps;
export default dataObj;
The issue is steps, when logged outside the .then() returns a Promise {<pending>}. If I log results.attributes inside the .then(), I see the data fully returned.
You need to wait until your async call is resolved. You can do this by chaining on another then:
getGraphData(domain, userId, testId)
.then((result) => {
return result.attributes;
.then(steps => {
// put the rest of your method here
You can also look at async/await if your platform supports it which would allow code closer to your original
const steps = await getGraphData(domain, userId, testId)
.then((result) => {
return result.attributes;
// can use steps here
You have 2 options to transform your fetched data :
1st option : create a async function that returns a promise with the modified data :
const dataObj = (domain, userId, testId) => {
return getGraphData(domain, userId, testId).then((result) => {
const steps = result.attributes;
const expr = /select/;
// build array of steps that we have results in
const resultsSteps = [];
steps.forEach((step) => {
// check for types that contain 'select', and add them to array
if (expr.test(step.get('type'))) {
const newResultsSteps = [];
resultsSteps.forEach((item, i) => {
const newMapStep = new Map();
const itemDescription = item.get('description');
const itemId = item.get('id');
const itemOptions = item.get('options');
const itemAnswers = item.get('userAnswers');
const newOptArray = [];
itemOptions.forEach((element) => {
const optionsMap = new Map();
let elemName = element.get('value');
if (!element.get('value')) {
elemName = element.get('caption');
const elemPosition = element.get('position');
const elemCount = element.get('count');
optionsMap.name = elemName;
optionsMap.position = elemPosition;
optionsMap.value = elemCount;
newMapStep.chartType = 'horizontalBar';
newMapStep.description = itemDescription;
newMapStep.featured = 'false';
newMapStep.detailUrl = '';
newMapStep.featuredStepIndex = i + 1;
newMapStep.id = itemId;
newMapStep.isValid = 'false';
newMapStep.type = 'results';
const listForNewOptArray = List(newOptArray);
newMapStep.data = listForNewOptArray;
newMapStep.userAnswers = itemAnswers;
return newResultsSteps;
With es7 async/await syntax it should be :
const dataObj = async (domain, userId, testId) => {
const result = await getGraphData(domain, userId, testId);
const steps = result.attributes;
... modify the data
Then keep in mind that this function returns a promise, you'll need to wait for it to get the result, example in a react component :
dataObj('mydomain', 'myuserId', 'mytestId').then((res) => {
this.setState({ data: res });
The component will update when the promise is resolve, you can then use the data (you'll need to handle the undefined data state in render method)
2nd option : Create a sync function to modify the data :
const dataObj = (steps) => {
const expr = /select/;
const resultsSteps = [];
steps.forEach((step) => {
return newResultsSteps;
To have the same result as option 1 in our component we'll use it like this :
getGraphData('mydomain', 'myuserId', 'mytestId').then((res) => {
const modifiedData = dataObj(res);
this.setState({ data: modifiedData });
That's how promises work. The data is not ready when you are trying to use it so you should move all your processing into the .then. The reason your variable is a Promise {<pending>} is because you can chain other things onto it.
Something like:
steps.then((steps) => {