I need to write values from radio button to console (JS const) - javascript

let opinions = [];
if (localStorage.myTreesComments) {
opinions = JSON.parse(localStorage.myTreesComments);
const myFrmElm = document.getElementById("opnFrm");
myFrmElm.addEventListener("submit", processOpnFrmData);
function processOpnFrmData(event) {
const nopName = document.getElementById("menoapriezvisko").value.trim();
const nopEmail = document.getElementById("email").value.trim();
const nopUrl = document.getElementById("url").value.trim();
const nopComm = document.getElementById("komentar").value.trim();
const nopStar1 = document.getElementById("star-rating").value.trim();
const nopStar2 = document.getElementById("star-rating2").value.trim();
const nopScale = document.getElementById("scale-rating").value.trim();
const nopWillReturn = document.getElementById("willReturnElm").checked;
if (nopName == "" || nopEmail == "" || nopUrl == "" || nopComm == "") {
window.alert("Prosím, zadajte všetky údaje.");
const newOpinion = {
name: nopName,
email: nopEmail,
url: nopUrl,
comment: nopComm,
gdpr: nopWillReturn,
created: new Date()
console.log("Nový názor návštevníka:\n " + JSON.stringify(newOpinion));
localStorage.myTreesComments = JSON.stringify(opinions);
//4. Notify the user
window.alert("Tvoj názor bol uložený! Pre viac info nahliadni do konzole.");
console.log("Nový názor bol pridaný!");
//5. Reset the form
<form id="opnFrm">
<label for="menoapriezvisko">Meno a priezvisko</label>
<input type="text" id="menoapriezvisko" name="menoapriezvisko">
<label for="email">Kontaktný email</label> <input type="email" id="email">
<label>1. Celková spokojnosť s dizajnom a funkcionalitou stránky ?</label><br>
<span class="star-rating">
<input type="radio" name="rating1" value="1"><i></i>
<input type="radio" name="rating1" value="5"><i></i>
<div class="clear"></div>
<hr class="survey-hr">
<label>2. Celková spokojnosť s obsahom.</label><br>
<span class="star-rating2">
<input type="radio" name="rating2" value="1"><i></i>
<input type="radio" name="rating2" value="5"><i></i>
<div class="clear"></div>
<hr class="survey-hr">
<label style="color: red;"><b>3. Celkové hodnotenie stránky (1-10)</b></label>
<span class="scale-rating">
<label value="1">
<input type="radio" name="rating" >
<label style="width:100%;"></label>
<label value="2">
<input type="radio" name="rating" >
<label style="width:100%;"></label>
<label value="10">
<input type="radio" name="rating" value="10">
<label style="width:100%;"></label>
<div class="clear"></div>
<input style="background:#43a7d5;color:#fff;padding:12px;border:0" type="submit" value="Odoslať">
<button type="submit">Odošli</button>
<input style="background:#43a2d1;color:#fff;padding:12px;border:0" type="reset" value="Resetuj">
I need to write values from 3 spans of radio buttons to my JS script into const Opinions.
In first 2 spans I have star rating from 1-5 and in the third span I have points (1-10).. I need to read these values and write them into my script. Please if u can help me i would be really pleased. It is hard for me.
I am using jQuery and Javascript.
Thanks for any help.


Trying to update the poll count after each vote

I have a poll for my mock website where I need to vote for one of three contestants. I need to store the vote in local storage and then after each additional vote, I need to update the vote in local storage and display it beside the contestants. My main problem is with updating the vote in local storage. I have to do it with only javaScript, HTML and CSS
<legend> <h3>Vote For Your Favorite Chef! </h3></legend>
<form onsubmit="getChoice()" id="pollForm"> <!-- do js for the getCHoice-->
<input type="radio" id="Nominee1" name="Nominee" value="Reynold Poernomo" required/>
<label for="Nominee1"> Reynold Poernomo </label>
<span id="nom1" class="vote"></span>
<input type="radio" id="Nominee1.1" name="Nominee" value="Christine Tania" required>
<label for="Nominee1.1"> Christine Tania </label>
<span id="nom2" class="vote"></span>
<input type="radio" id="Nominee1.2" name="Nominee" value="Christina Tosi" required>
<label for="Nominee1.2"> Christina Tosi </label>
<span id="nom3" class="vote"></span> <br />
<input type="submit">
<script src="js/localStorage.js"></script>
function incrementPoll() {
let nominee1 = document.getElementById('Nominee1').value;
let nominee2 = document.getElementById('Nominee2').value;
let nominee3 = document.getElementById('Nominee3').value;
if (nominee1.checked == true) {
} else if (nominee2.checked == true) {
} else if (nominee3.checked == true) {
function updatePoll(entry) {
let voteUpdate = parseInt(localStorage.getItem(entry),10) + 1;
return localStorage.setItem(entry, (Number(voteUpdate)).toString()); //how to convert to string
These two functions are supposed to check which button is being selected and updates the vote in local storage. But it doesn't actually work.
Here's a working version of your code. I hope this helps.
const nominee1 = document.getElementById('Nominee1');
const nominee2 = document.getElementById('Nominee2');
const nominee3 = document.getElementById('Nominee3');
function incrementPoll(e) {
if (nominee1.checked == true) {
} else if (nominee2.checked == true) {
} else if (nominee3.checked == true) {
function updatePoll(entry) {
const voteUpdate = (parseInt(localStorage.getItem(entry), 10) || 0) + 1;
localStorage.setItem(entry, voteUpdate);
document.querySelector(`#${entry.replace('Nominee', 'nom')}`).innerText = voteUpdate;
<h3>Vote For Your Favorite Chef! </h3>
<form onsubmit="incrementPoll(event)" id="pollForm">
<input type="radio" id="Nominee1" name="Nominee" value="Reynold Poernomo" required/>
<label for="Nominee1"> Reynold Poernomo </label>
<span id="nom1" class="vote"></span>
<input type="radio" id="Nominee2" name="Nominee" value="Christine Tania" required>
<label for="Nominee1.1"> Christine Tania </label>
<span id="nom2" class="vote"></span>
<input type="radio" id="Nominee3" name="Nominee" value="Christina Tosi" required>
<label for="Nominee2"> Christina Tosi </label>
<span id="nom3" class="vote"></span> <br />
<input type="submit">
Since the snippet won't work because localStorage is not accessible in an SO snippet, here is a fiddle

One submit button works on my form the other one refreshes the website while updating the url

Im trying to make a quiz using forms and the top submit button works perfectly while the bottom button does not work it ends up refreshing the page and it says the field selected in the address bar this is for a project for college and im a beginner to JavaScript if someone could help me out and explain how it works that would be great I understand how the script works with one from and one button and what the code does but im confused when it comes to 2 forms
var form = document.querySelector("form");
var log = document.querySelector("#log");
var points = 0;
var q1QuizAns = 0;
var q2QuizAns = 0;
form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
var data = new FormData(form);
var output = "";
for (const entry of data) {
output = output + entry[0] + "=" + entry[1] + "\r";
q1QuizAns = entry[1];
q2QuzAns = entry[1];
log.innerText = output;
}, false);
function pointsAdd() {
if (q1QuizAns == 1) {
points = points + 1;
logPoints.innerText = points;
} else if (q2QuizAns == 1) {
points = points + 1;
logPoints.innerText = points;
<ul class="navbar">
<div class="testBody">
<div class="bodyText">
<h1>Poland Test</h1>
<p>Please select your preferred contact method:</p>
<input type="radio" id="contactChoice1" name="question1" value="1">
<label for="contactChoice1">Warsaw</label>
<input type="radio" id="contactChoice2" name="question1" value="2">
<label for="contactChoice2">Krakow</label>
<input type="radio" id="contactChoice3" name="question1" value="3">
<label for="contactChoice3">Straszyn</label>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<p>What is the national animal of Poland</p>
<input type="radio" id="Question2Choice1" name="question2" value="1">
<label for="Question2Choice1">White-Tailed Eagle</label>
<input type="radio" id="Question2Choice2" name="question2" value="2">
<label for="Question2Choice1">Black-Tailed Eagle</label>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<pre id="log">
<pre id="logPoints"></pre>
You have TWO forms. so you need an event handler for each
You have ONE log element so I suggest you might want to append the result
Move the preventDefault to the top of the handler to not have a later error submit the form
NOTE: Header ALSO goes in the body (but is irrelevant to your question).
var forms = document.querySelectorAll("form");
var log = document.querySelector("#log");
var points = 0;
var q1QuizAns = 0;
var q2QuizAns = 0;
forms.forEach(form => form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
var data = new FormData(form);
var output = "";
for (const entry of data) {
output = output + entry[0] + "=" + entry[1] + "\r";
q1QuizAns = entry[1];
q2QuzAns = entry[1];
log.innerText += output;
function pointsAdd() {
if (q1QuizAns == 1) {
points = points + 1;
logPoints.innerText = points;
} else if (q2QuizAns == 1) {
points = points + 1;
logPoints.innerText = points;
<div class="testBody">
<div class="bodyText">
<h1>Poland Test</h1>
<p>Please select your preferred contact method:</p>
<input type="radio" id="contactChoice1" name="question1" value="1">
<label for="contactChoice1">Warsaw</label>
<input type="radio" id="contactChoice2" name="question1" value="2">
<label for="contactChoice2">Krakow</label>
<input type="radio" id="contactChoice3" name="question1" value="3">
<label for="contactChoice3">Straszyn</label>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<p>What is the national animal of Poland</p>
<input type="radio" id="Question2Choice1" name="question2" value="1">
<label for="Question2Choice1">White-Tailed Eagle</label>
<input type="radio" id="Question2Choice2" name="question2" value="2">
<label for="Question2Choice1">Black-Tailed Eagle</label>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
<pre id="log"></pre>
<pre id="logPoints"></pre>

How to get the checked radio button in JS?

I have seen that this works for most of users, but for some reason it doesn't for me. I use Google Chrome.
radioBut = document.querySelector(".rad-design")
getColor = function(){
for (i=0; i<radioBut.length; i++){
if (radioBut[i].checked){
<form id = "rad">
<div class = "radioAll">
<label class="rad-label">
<input type="radio" class="rad-input" name="colList">
<div class="rad-design"></div>
<label class="rad-label">
<input type="radio" class="rad-input" name="colList">
<div class="rad-design"></div>
The selector should be document.querySelectorAll to get inputs as array and you should target to .rad-input class which is the input and not .rad-design which is the label. Also you should use checked for the inputs to make the input checked, its not check. Also you cannot set checked to two inputs with same name. If thats done only the last input with that name will be checked.
Working Fiddle
const radioBut = document.querySelectorAll(".rad-input")
getColor = function () {
for (i = 0; i < radioBut.length; i++) {
if (radioBut[i].checked) {
<form id="rad">
<div class="radioAll">
<label class="rad-label">
<input type="radio" class="rad-input" checked name="colList">
<div class="rad-design">One</div>
<label class="rad-label">
<input type="radio" class="rad-input" name="colList">
<div class="rad-design">Two</div>
<button type="button" onclick="getColor()">getColor</button>
document.querySelector returns just one element not an array/list, so in the for loop at i<radioBut.length radioBut.length is undefined, you need to use document.querySelectorAll() instead.
Also I noticed you have selected the div and not the input and you have a couple of syntax errors.
Maybe this can help you:
const radioBut = document.querySelectorAll(".rad-input")
const getColor = function(){
for (let i=0; i<radioBut.length; i++){
if (radioBut[i].checked){
<form id = "rad">
<div class = "radioAll">
<label class="rad-label">
<input type="radio" class="rad-input" value='A' name="colList">
<div class="rad-design"></div>
<label class="rad-label">
<input type="radio" class="rad-input" value='B' name="colList" checked>
<div class="rad-design"></div>
Another options is to use the form element functionality
const form = document.getElementById('rad');
const getColor = function(){
return form.colList.value;
<form id = "rad">
<div class = "radioAll">
<label class="rad-label">
<input type="radio" class="rad-input" value='A' name="colList">
<div class="rad-design"></div>
<label class="rad-label">
<input type="radio" class="rad-input" value='B' name="colList" checked>
<div class="rad-design"></div>

Change src related to "Radio Button Checks"

In my project I want change src part (ar-button's src) related to my radio buttons check.
For ex: When you check "Option 1" I want to change src part on ar-button. Than when you check Option3x(with checked option1 and option1x) I want to change src again.
I mean for all 64 combination of checks I want to change src.
Any help or suggestion would be great!
<input type="radio" id="diffuse" name="kumas" value="textues/kumas/2/pgwfpjp_2K_Albedo.jpg"checked>
<input type="radio"id="adiffuse" name="kumas" value="textues/kumas/1/oi2veqp_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 2
<input type="radio" id="bdiffuse"name="kumas" value="textues/kumas/3/sjfvce3c_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 3
<input type="radio" id="cdiffuse"name="kumas" value="textues/kumas/4/sjfvcjzc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 4
<input type="radio" id="diffuse1" name="kol" value="textues\kol\1\teqbcizc_2K_Albedo.jpg" checked>
Option 1x
<input type="radio" id="adiffuse1" name="kol" value="textues\kol\2\tfjbderc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 2x
<input type="radio" id="bdiffuse1"name="kol" value="textues\kol\3\tcnodi3c_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 3x
<input type="radio" id="cdiffuse1"name="kol" value="textues\kol\4\tcicdebc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 4x
<input type="radio" id="diffuse2" name="dugme" value="textues\metal\1\scksebop_2K_Albedo.jpg" checked>
Option 1z
<input type="radio" id="adiffuse2" name="dugme" value="textues\metal\2\se4objgc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 2z
<input type="radio" id="bdiffuse2"name="dugme" value="textues\metal\3\se4pcbbc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 3z
<input type="radio" id="cdiffuse2"name="dugme" value="textues\metal\4\shkxcgfc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 4z
id="change" src="https://basebros.com/models/ar_base_tekli_koltuk_3d.glb"
id="change2 ios-src="https://basebros.com/models/ar_base_tekli_koltuk_3d.usdz"
title="3D-AR by BASE">
<img class="arbuttonicon" src="Assets/evindebutton.png" width="170px" alt="AR-icon">
Try using this code:
const kumas = document.getElementsByName("kumas");
const kol = document.getElementsByName("kol");
const dugme = document.getElementsByName("dugme");
const arButton = document.querySelector("ar-button");
let sources = [[[],[],[],[]],[[],[],[],[]],[[],[],[],[]],[[],[],[],[]]]; /* Fill this with the sources. The first element is if the first option for kumas is selected, the second is for if the second option is selected, etc. The elements inside those elements are for each of the different options for kol, and the elements inside those elements are for each of the different options for dugme. */
function foo() {
let kumasSelected;
let kolSelected;
let dugmeSelected;
for(let i of kumas) {
if(i.checked) {
kumasSelected = kumas.indexOf(i);
for(let i of kol) {
if(i.checked) {
kolSelected = kol.indexOf(i);
for(let i of dugme) {
if(i.checked) {
dugmeSelected = dugme.indexOf(i);
arButton.src = sources[kumasSelected][kolSelected][dugmeSelected];
Run the function each time you want to update the source.
<input type="radio" id="diffuse" name="kumas" value="textues/kumas/2/pgwfpjp_2K_Albedo.jpg"checked>
<input type="radio"id="adiffuse" name="kumas" value="textues/kumas/1/oi2veqp_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 2
<input type="radio" id="bdiffuse"name="kumas" value="textues/kumas/3/sjfvce3c_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 3
<input type="radio" id="cdiffuse"name="kumas" value="textues/kumas/4/sjfvcjzc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 4
<input type="radio" id="diffuse1" name="kol" value="textues\kol\1\teqbcizc_2K_Albedo.jpg" checked>
Option 1x
<input type="radio" id="adiffuse1" name="kol" value="textues\kol\2\tfjbderc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 2x
<input type="radio" id="bdiffuse1"name="kol" value="textues\kol\3\tcnodi3c_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 3x
<input type="radio" id="cdiffuse1"name="kol" value="textues\kol\4\tcicdebc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 4x
<input type="radio" id="diffuse2" name="dugme" value="textues\metal\1\scksebop_2K_Albedo.jpg" checked>
Option 1z
<input type="radio" id="adiffuse2" name="dugme" value="textues\metal\2\se4objgc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 2z
<input type="radio" id="bdiffuse2"name="dugme" value="textues\metal\3\se4pcbbc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 3z
<input type="radio" id="cdiffuse2"name="dugme" value="textues\metal\4\shkxcgfc_2K_Albedo.jpg">
Option 4z
title="3D-AR by BASE">
<img class="arbuttonicon" src="Assets/evindebutton.png" width="170px" alt="AR-icon">
const kumas = document.getElementsByName("kumas");
const kol = document.getElementsByName("kol");
const dugme = document.getElementsByName("dugme");
const arButton = document.querySelector("ar-button");
let sources = [[["https://basebros.com/models/ar_base_ayakkabi.glb"],["https://basebros.com/models/ar_base_camasir_makinesi_3d.glb"],["https://basebros.com/models/ar_base_kahve_makinesi_3d.glb"],["https://basebros.com/models/ar_base_nintendo.glb"]],[[],[],[],[]],[[],[],[],[]],[[],[],[],[]]]; /* Fill this with the sources. The first element is if the first option for kumas is selected, the second is for if the second option is selected, etc. The elements inside those elements are for each of the different options for kol, and the elements inside those elements are for each of the different options for dugme. */
function foo() {
let kumasSelected;
let kolSelected;
let dugmeSelected;
for(let i of kumas) {
if(i.checked) {
kumasSelected = kumas.indexOf(i);
for(let i of kol) {
if(i.checked) {
kolSelected = kol.indexOf(i);
for(let i of dugme) {
if(i.checked) {
dugmeSelected = dugme.indexOf(i);
arButton.src = sources[kumasSelected][kolSelected][dugmeSelected];

Change the value of a variable depending on a radio button

I have a variable called genderMultiplier which is used in this calculation
const bloodAlcoholContent = (gramsOfAlcohol / ((weight * 1000) * genderMultiplyer))*100;
My genderMultiplier can have 2 values and I have made a radio input for that in HTML
<div class="gender-buttons" id="gender-buttons">
<input class="gender-button" type="radio" name="tools" id="tool-1" value="0.55" checked>
<label class="for-gender-button" for="tool-1">Male</label>
<input class="gender-button" type="radio" name="tools" id="tool-2" value="0.68">
<label class="for-gender-button" for="tool-2">Female</label>
const genderButtonElement = document.getElementById("gender-buttons")
const genderMultiplyer = parseFloat(genderButtonElement.input);
One radio button is [MALE] and [FEMALE]. So if the user clicks Male then I want the genderMultiplier to be 0.55 and if the user clicks Female then I want the genderMultiplier to be 0.68
Any advice on this?
Change your last line to
const genderMultiplier = parseFloat([...genderButtonElement.children].find(c=>c.checked).value)
To calculate bloodAlcoholContent, you need to know the values gramsOfAlcohol and weight. But you did not show the method for calculating these variables.
const genderButtonElement = document.querySelectorAll('.gender-buttons .gender-button');
genderButtonElement.forEach(function(current, index) {
current.addEventListener('click', function() {
const genderMultiplyer = parseFloat(current.value);
<div class="gender-buttons" id="gender-buttons">
<input class="gender-button" type="radio" name="tools" id="tool-1" value="0.55" checked>
<label class="for-gender-button" for="tool-1">Male</label>
<input class="gender-button" type="radio" name="tools" id="tool-2" value="0.68">
<label class="for-gender-button" for="tool-2">Female</label>
function getMultiplier()
const genderMultiplyer = parseFloat(document.querySelector('input[name="tools"]:checked').value);
alert("The multiplier is: " + genderMultiplyer);
<div class="gender-buttons" id="gender-buttons">
<input class="gender-button" type="radio" name="tools" id="tool-1" value="0.55" checked>
<label class="for-gender-button" for="tool-1">Male</label>
<input class="gender-button" type="radio" name="tools" id="tool-2" value="0.68">
<label class="for-gender-button" for="tool-2">Female</label>
<button onclick="getMultiplier()">Get Multiplier</button>
The pure Javascript way of doing this in your example is as follows:
const genderMultiplyer = parseFloat(document.querySelector('input[name="tools"]:checked').value);
If your are using JQuery you can get it this way:
const genderMultiplyer = parseFloat($('input[name="tools"]:checked').val());
