How to await promise function inside nested maps? - javascript

Suppose I have the following:
async function getReactionScores(userReactions) {
const reactionsWithSharesPromises = => {
return {
emoji: reactions.emoji,
shares: (user) => {
return {
username: user.username,
// Just as an example of something to wait for
shares: await sleep(1,,
function sleep(time, userID) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve(userID), time));
How do I await for all the promises inside the second map to resolve? If it was only one map, I could do Promise.all, but promise all is not recursive.

You will need 2 Promise.all
async function getReactionScores(userReactions) {
const reactionsWithSharesPromises = await Promise.all( (reactions) => {
return {
emoji: reactions.emoji,
shares: await Promise.all( (user) => {
return {
username: user.username,
// Just as an example of something to wait for
shares: await sleep(1,,


Having trouble passing through user data from mongoose inside of a nested promise chain

Having issues with mongoose promise resolve times with Discord.js. I currently have an asynchronous function to fetch a given user and one to add a given user. I know that the fetch gives the proper user object. the first returned promise is not resolving the _points field and is passing through 'undefined' immediately to the next block.
I've tried making sure these both returned promises and changing around the findUser function but nothing seems to have stuck. Any advice on how to make this promise chain work?
On command activation:
try {
await addUser(userId, userName, guildId, guildName, createdTimeStamp, points)
.then(() => {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
const _points = findUser(userId, guildId)["points"];
.then((response) => {
return new Promise((res) => {
interaction.editReply({ content: `Current Points: ${response}`, ephemeral: true });
} catch (e) {
console.log(`error creating member ${e}`);
Mongoose functions:
const findUser = async (userId, guildId) => {
const member = await EngagementTracking.findOne({ userId: `${userId}`, guildId: `${guildId}` }).exec();
return await member;
const addUser = async (userId, userName, guildId, guildName, createdTimeStamp, points) => {
if (findUser(userId, guildId) !== null) return new Promise((res, rej) => {
res("duplicate member");
const member = {
userId: `${userId}`,
userName: `${userName}`,
guildId: `${guildId}`,
guildName: `${guildName}`,
createdTimestamp: `${createdTimeStamp}`,
points: points
return await EngagementTracking.create(member).exec();
#BGPHiJACK was right and sent me down the rabbit hole of finding which promises were executing when. Altered the promise chain to ensure proper execution. For posterity and anyone running into a similar issue:
await addUser(userId, userName, guildId, guildName, createdTimeStamp, points)
.then((response) => {
if (response[1]) {
return new Promise((res) => {
interaction.editReply({ content: `Current Points: ${response[0]["points"]}`, ephemeral: true });
} else {
return new Promise((res) => {
interaction.editReply({ content: `Now Tracking. Current Points: ${response["points"]}`, ephemeral: true });
And the DB functions:
const findUser = async (userId, guildId) => {
const member = await EngagementTracking.findOne({ userId: `${userId}`, guildId: `${guildId}` }).exec();
return member;
const addUser = async (userId, userName, guildId, guildName, createdTimeStamp, points) => {
const userPromise = new Promise((res) => { res(findUser(userId, guildId)); });
return userPromise.then((response) => {
if (response !== null) {
return new Promise((res) =>
{ res([response, "duplicate"]); });
} else {
const member = {
userId: `${userId}`,
userName: `${userName}`,
guildId: `${guildId}`,
guildName: `${guildName}`,
createdTimestamp: `${createdTimeStamp}`,
points: points
return EngagementTracking.create(member);

How to make two api calls using Promise.all within Angular9?

I making an api call using Promise.all as below:
Promise.all(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map((hostName) => {
return this.serviceC.status(hostName)
.then(res => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const oretry: ORInterface = {
oQid: res.rows[0].qid,
reason: this.reason
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
The above code is working fine.
Now I want to make another api call after the successful completion of this.serviceB.retry(oretry).
The second api is this.serviceB.createDbEntry(sentry) and sentry looks as below:
const sretry: SDInterface = {
Id: this.Id.slice(0, this.Id.length),
reason: this.reason
And, I am doing it as below
Promise.all(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map((hostName) => {
return this.serviceC.status(hostName)
.then(res => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const oretry: ORInterface = {
oQid: res.rows[0].qid,
reason: this.reason
const sretry: SDInterface = {
Id: this.Id.slice(0, this.Id.length),
reason: this.reason
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
The above code is giving an error:
error: "SequelizeValidationError: string violation: Id cannot be an array or an object"
It is looks like it is not calling the second api for every Id
You may want to take a look a forkJoin
import { Observable, forkJoin } from 'rxjs';
And then
ngOnInit() {
let one = this.http.get('some/api/1') //some observable;
let two = this.http.get('some/api/2') // another observable;
forkJoin([one, tow]).subscribe(response => {
// results[0] is our one call
// results[1] is our second call
let var1 = response[1];
let var2 = response[0];
}/*, error => { in case error handler } */);
Wouldn't it be better to use Promise.all() once more?
Promise.all(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map((hostName) => {
return this.serviceC.status(hostName)
.then(res => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const oretry: ORInterface = {
oQid: res.rows[0].qid,
reason: this.reason
.then(() => {
return Promise.all(this.Id.slice(0, this.Id.length).map(id => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const sretry: SDInterface = {
Id: id,
reason: this.reason
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
And using toPromise() will make the code more concise.
Promise.all(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map((hostName) => {
return this.serviceC.status(hostName)
.then(res => {
const oretry: ORInterface = {
oQid: res.rows[0].qid,
reason: this.reason
return this.serviceB.retry(oretry).toPromise();
.then(() => {
return Promise.all(this.Id.slice(0, this.Id.length).map(id => {
const sretry: SDInterface = {
Id: id,
reason: this.reason
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
Use combineLatest, in Angular we use RxJs not promises.
[this.http.get('call1'), this.http.get('call2')]
).subscribe(([result1, result2]) => {
// do stuff with result1 and result2
promise.all takes input in an array and gives response in an array,
Create 2 functions each with your asynchronous logic returning a promise,
Say funcA and funcB, then use below to invoke them parellely
Promise.all([funcA(this.hostName), funcB(])
.then(respones => {
console.log(responses[0]); //return value for funcA
console.log(responses[1]); //return value for funcB
.catch(err => console.log(err));
I am assuming your logic of functions are correct, I just copy-pasted from your question and gave them structure
const funcA = (hostName) => {
hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map((hostName) => {
return this.serviceC.status(hostName)
.then(res => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const oretry: ORInterface = {
oQid: res.rows[0].qid,
reason: this.reason
const funcB = (Id) => {
Id.slice(0, this.Id.length).map(id => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const sretry: SDInterface = {
Id: id,
reason: this.reason

Reduce on list of promises

I have a list of jobs that should be sequentially executed.
As the jobs take seconds to be finished the should run in the background.
I thought that a job could be described as
interface Job {
name: string
execute(): Promise<boolean>
I would like to have a function which takes this list of jobs and execute them sequentially
until the list is completed or one job fails or is rejected, so basically:
function executeUntilFailed(jobs: Job[]): Promise<boolean>
// execute first job
// if this job
// - returns with true: continue with the next job
// - returns with false: resolve the promise with false
// - got rejected: reject the promise with the reason prefixed with the jobs name
// if there are no more jobs to do, resolve the promise with true
// basically it's a reduce operation with starting value of true and
// early stops if one job yields false or got rejected
I'm rather new to Javascript/Typescript and have a hard time implementing this.
Thanks to Aluan Hadded and ehab.
I collected their solutions and have now the following code,
which does exactly what I need:
interface Job {
name: string
execute(): Promise<boolean>
async function executeUntilFailed(jobs: Job[]) {
for (const job of jobs) {
try {
if(!await job.execute()) {
return false
catch (err) {
throw new Error(`${}: ${err.message}`)
return true
and here is some example for it
class JobImpl implements Job {
constructor(public name: string, private value: boolean, private throwMsg: string|null = null) {}
execute(): Promise<boolean> {
console.log(`executing job '${}'`)
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
setTimeout(()=> {
if(this.throwMsg!=null) { reject(this.throwMsg) }
else { console.log(`finished job '${}' with result: ${this.value}`); resolve(this.value) }
}, 1000)
const successJobs = [
new JobImpl("a", true),
new JobImpl("b", true),
new JobImpl("c", true),
const failedJobs = [
new JobImpl("d", true),
new JobImpl("e", false),
new JobImpl("f", true),
const throwingJobs = [
new JobImpl("g", true),
new JobImpl("g", true, "undefined problem"),
new JobImpl("i", true),
.then((res) => console.log("resolved", res))
.catch((err) => console.log("rejected", err))
.then((res) => console.log("resolved", res))
.catch((err) => console.log("rejected", err))
.then((res) => console.log("resolved", res))
.catch((err) => console.log("rejected", err))
<!-- end snippet -->
Just as an alternative, you could create a generator and then use the for await ... of syntax:
function * chainJobs(jobs) {
for (const job of jobs) {
yield job.execute().catch(err => new Error(`${}: ${err.message}`));
async function executeUntilFailed(jobs) {
for await (const result of chainJobs(jobs)) {
if (!result) return false;
if (result instanceof Error) throw result;
return true;
You could achieve this either with a reduce function or a for of loop, i will show an implementation in a for of
async function executeUntilFailed(jobs) {
for (const job of jobs) {
try {
// notice that if a job resolved with false then it is considered a successful job
// This is normal and a promise resolved with false should not be considered an error
await job.execute()
// if u want based on your description to resolve the whole promise with false if one of promises resolved with false you could do
// const jobResult = await job.execute()
// if (jobResult === false) {
// return Prmise.resolve(false)
// }
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${}_${err.toString()}`))
return Promise.resolve(true)
lets see the function in action
const successJobs = [{
name: "a",
execute: () => Promise.resolve(1)
name: "b",
execute: () => Promise.resolve(2),
name: "c",
execute: () => Promise.resolve(3)
const failedJobs = [{
name: "a",
execute: () => Promise.resolve(1)
name: "b",
execute: () => Promise.reject(new Error("undefined problem")),
name: "c",
execute: () => Promise.resolve(3)
async function executeUntilFailed(jobs) {
for (const job of jobs) {
try {
await job.execute()
} catch (err) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`${}_${err.toString()}`))
return Promise.resolve(true)
.then((res) => console.log("resolved", res))
.catch((err) => console.log("rejected", err))
.then((res) => console.log("resolved", res))
.catch((err) => console.log("rejected", err))

ExpressJs wait till MongoDB fetch data and loop through before the output

I'm having trouble in figuring this to work, I have one table from MongoDB (collection) for comments and another collection for Users.
When the page load it looks up the comment collection and selects the relevant comments, and then it searches the user table to find the name of the user who made the comment, the data will be combined and then the response is sent.
However, the output is sent before the data is fetched from the user table and added. How can I fix this, here is my code
var output = []
const Comments = require('comments.js')
const Users = require('users.js')
function delay( ) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 300))
async function delayedProcess(item) {
await delay()
Users.findById(item.user, async function(err, result) {
Object.assign(item, {name:})
async function processArray(array) {
const promises =
await Promise.all(promises)
return res.json({data: output})
Comments.find({page_id: id}).sort({post_date:-1}).limit(6).then(function(data) {
You are not returning promise from the delayedProcess function.
There you go :-
const Comments = require('comments.js')
const Users = require('users.js')
const output = []
function delayedProcess(item) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Users.findById(item.user, function(err, result) {
if (err) return reject (err);
output.push({ ...item, name: })
return resolve()
async function processArray(array) {
const promises = => {
await delayedProcess(item)
await Promise.all(promises)
return res.json({ data: output })
const data = await Comments.find({ page_id: id }).sort({ post_date: -1 }).limit(6)
However you will always get the concatenated array. So instead taking it globally, take it as local variable
function delayedProcess(item) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Users.findById(item.user, function(err, result) {
if (err) return reject (err);
return resolve({ ...item, name: })
async function processArray(array) {
const output = []
const promises = => {
const it = await delayedProcess(item)
await Promise.all(promises)
return res.json({ data: output })
const data = await Comments.find({ page_id: id }).sort({ post_date: -1 }).limit(6)
More simplified :- Since mongodb queries itself returns promise you do not need to use new Promise syntax.
async function processArray() {
const array = await Comments.find({ page_id: id }).sort({ post_date: -1 }).limit(6)
const output = []
const promises = => {
const it = await Users.findById(item.user).lean() =
await Promise.all(promises)
return res.json({ data: output })

Promise.all response

Can I add Promise.resolve(value) and Promise.reject(error) at response of Promise.all().
For example,
function transferFRQ(fromUserId, fromCompanyDetails, toUserDetails, toCompanyDetails,) {
return Promise.all([
transferRFQCompany(fromCompanyDetails, toCompanyDetails),
replaceRFQCreatedBy(fromUserId, toUserDetails)
.then(result => Promise.resolve(result))
.catch(error => Promise.reject(error));
function transferRFQCompany (fromCompanyDetails, toCompanyDetails) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
"": fromCompanyDetails._id
}, {
$set: {
company: {
id: toCompanyDetails._id,
logo: toCompanyDetails.logo
}).then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(error => reject(error));
function replaceRFQCreatedBy (fromUserId, toUserDetails) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
"": fromUserId
}, {
$set: {
createdBy: {
id: toUserDetails._id,
firstName: toUserDetails.firstMame,
lastName: toUserDetails.lastName
}).then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(error => reject(error));
I don't know whether is it correct or not, but what I need is to handle the response of transferRFQ properly because I will need to add transferRFQ in another Promise.all() to handle the error properly.
Am I doing in the wrong way? if so, How to do it correctly
Any additional advice is welcome!
I advice that you should not use unnecessary Promise wrappers, & avoid javascript hoisting.
You should try to do something like this instead
// Note that this is declared before used, to avoid javascript hoisting
function transferRFQCompany (fromCompanyDetails, toCompanyDetails) {
return Request.updateMany({ // updateMany already returns a promise right? no need to wrap it in another promise
"": fromCompanyDetails._id
}, {
$set: {
company: {
id: toCompanyDetails._id,
logo: toCompanyDetails.logo
// Note that this is declared before used, to avoid javascript hoisting
function replaceRFQCreatedBy (fromUserId, toUserDetails) {
return Request.updateMany({ // updateMany already returns a promise right? no need to wrap it in another promise
"": fromUserId
}, {
$set: {
createdBy: {
id: toUserDetails._id,
firstName: toUserDetails.firstMame,
lastName: toUserDetails.lastName
function transferFRQ(fromUserId, fromCompanyDetails, toUserDetails, toCompanyDetails,) {
return Promise.all([
transferRFQCompany(fromCompanyDetails, toCompanyDetails),
replaceRFQCreatedBy(fromUserId, toUserDetails)
// Sample usage async/await style
(async () => {
try {
// put your params, of course
const result = await transferFRQ(...params);
// `result` is result of .then()
} catch (e) {
// `e` is result of .catch()
// or use it in promise-style
