I am practicing on a simple weather app using OWM. I am fetching the coordinates and pass them to a function to display a map using leaflet.
Here is my code
function drawMap(lat,lon){
const mymap = L.map('map').setView([lat, lon],3);
My issues are :
-Zoom level is required by leaflet but it's also in the openweather URL so i don't know if i need to put the same or not
-in the url, i'm supposed to put x and y tile coordinates , I don't really understand the required X and Y values and the OWM API doc doesn't really elaborate on those.
Right now , using the values 3/6/1 for example, i get
The zoom is just the same tiles over and over and you can't make out anything so obviously I'm doing something wrong
I don't really understand what you are describing but normaly you would set template strings in the Tile-Url that can are replaced by leaflet:
This question already has answers here:
D3.js Drawing geojson incorrectly
(2 answers)
Geojson map with D3 only rendering a single path in a feature collection
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Currently I'm working a D3 project to render map with GeoJSON. I found this great example online https://bl.ocks.org/john-guerra/43c7656821069d00dcbc
and trying to implement with my GeoJSON map, while when I edited parameters according to new JSON file, the html only rendered partial map and showing in a rectangle. I tried to inspect the code but no clue where is wrong. Please share some hints where I can get the map display correctly. Full codes can be found on git https://github.com/gracemagy/singapore-map-D3
Thank you in advance!
Here is the code where I edited from original script:
updated targeted JSON file name
d3.json('electoral-boundary-dataset.geo.json', function(error, mapData) {
var features = mapData.features;
d.properties.NOMBRE_DPT to d.properties.Name
function nameFn(d){
return d && d.properties ? d.properties.Name : null;
scale(1500) to scale(50) to zoom out the map
var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
Seems to me like there might be a problem with your geoJSON. It's like it has a frame around the map, and maybe that's the square you are looking at. If you make the fill of your example "none" and draw the stroke, you can see that your map is looking tiny inside this big square frame.
As #andrew-reid commented, this seems to be a winding problem. Check his comment on the original answer
Using the geoJSON from this bl.ock I was able to craft this example:
That doesn't have everything you want, but at least shows the map. Notice how it uses a projection that fits everything into the width and height
var projection = d3.geoMercator().fitSize([width, height], geoJSON);
Also, try not to use d3.v3, that's way too old.
Here is a working version:
I'm using the ESRI JavaScript API v3.8. (I know 3.11 is out - can't upgrade yet.)
What I'm trying to do is to create a geometric buffer of a size provided by the user from an arbitrary line (or point) selected by the user. Some of the relevant code is shown below:
var params = new esri.tasks.BufferParameters();
params.distances = [values.distance]; //the input distance
params.geometries = [gr.geometry]; //the input geometry
params.unit = esri.tasks.GeometryService.UNIT_FOOT;
params.outSpatialReference = mapView.map.spatialReference; //always 3857
params.bufferSpatialReference = gr.geometry.spatialReference; //always 3857
esri.config.defaults.io.proxyUrl = 'https://serverdomain.com/proxy';
var gsvc = new esri.tasks.GeometryService('https://tasks.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Geometry/GeometryServer');
gsvc.simplify(params.geometries, function(geometries){
params.geometries = geometries;
gsvc.buffer(params, function(geometries){
//add output geometry to the map and perform spatial query with it
}, function(err){
//handle error
}, function(err){
//handle error
The problem is that, if I use an input distance of 500 (feet), then measure the distance from the center line of the input geometry on self._queryGeometry, using ESRI's measurement tool, the actual width of the polygon created is something like 370 feet on either side of the center line.
I've managed to get this to work more accurately using the Illinois State Plane spatial reference, as my test objects are in Illinois, but the logic needs to work everywhere.
When I try various incarnations of doing a geodesic buffer, the input distance unit seems to get ignored and, using an input distance value of 500, I get a buffer that spans the entire world! Either that or the results are exactly the same, depending on how things are set up.
I believe I need to do a geodesic buffer, but I have absolutely no idea how to go about that in such a way that the geometry service will actually pay attention to the units I'm sending in.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if I've left anything out.
Sounds like there might be a spatial reference issue somewhere. You can try re-projecting geometry into 3857 if that's what the map is and I would inspect the geometry being returned from the buffer and simplify to make sure it looks like what your expecting. I have had issues with the geometry service area's and length's returning slightly incorrect geometries and in my case it ended up being an issue with an incorrect spatial reference. Also, I know you said you can't upgrade, but 3.13 is out and can do geometry options locally without the need for a proxy or any network requests, if possible, it would be worth trying out.
I have created a webpage displaying markers on an ersi map using javasvipt.
MapNorth MapEast
439624 504743
439622 504736
439722 504775
439738 504739
439715 504774
439734 504739
The javascript code:
var points = data.map(function(x){
return [x.MapEast, x.MapNorth];
var myMultiPoint = {"geometry":{"points":points,"spatialReference":27700},"symbol":{"color":[255,255,255,64],
var gra = new esri.Graphic(myMultiPoint);
var graExtent = esri.graphicsExtent(myMap.graphics.graphics);
What the above code does is plot markers on the map and then zooms into the extent. What my employers want now is for me to find the central point of all of those points and display one marker in the center.
Can this be done? If so and you tell me how?
Couple of things.
Did you know about gis.stackexchange.com? They might better solve your problem.
What you're trying to do is find the centre of a polygon assuming those points aren't all in a line.
Here's a link with an answer to the question I think you're asking https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/7998/how-can-i-calculate-the-center-point-inside-a-polygon-in-arcgis-9-3
The solution posted there uses getExtent().getCenter() as seen here
var myPolygonCenterLatLon = myPolygon.getExtent().getCenter();
I think what you want to be doing here is instead of creating a Multipoint, create a Polygon from your array of points. Once you have a polygon defined, you can do something like
var myPolygon = new Polygon(points);
var centroid = myPolygon.getCentroid();
This should get you the centroid of the points making up the Polygon.
Note that this requires at least version 3.7 of the JS API, though.
One thing to point out to those trying to using .getCentriod() , make sure your polygon is closed. Your 1st point and Last Point need to be in the same spot. Otherwise it wont work right. ( I ran into this a year ago, not sure if they changed this)
I use this example to draw polygon on google maps :
After drawing a polygon, I would like to read coordinates of polygon created by me. So, in file mapToolbar.js (which is part of above example from nettique.free.fr) in javascript function called stopediting (is run when I click on 'hand' button).
So, my solution to read those coordinates is somekind of loop which I read coordinates :
MapToolbar.features.shapeTab.shape_1.latLngs.b[0].b[i].ib - latitude
MapToolbar.features.shapeTab.shape_1.latLngs.b[0].b[i].jb - longitude
It works quite well, but my problem is that from time to time the suffix ib and jb change to for instance Ya and Za. I hope that you know what it means. I must change my code ;/ but i do not want to! ;)
Do you know how to fix this issue ?
MapToolbar.features.shapeTab.shape_1 is a google.maps.Polygon-instance.
Use getPath() to retrieve the path and the method forEach to loop over the path:
I am trying to learn how to use the Javascript library leaflet along with d3 to create various map visualisations.
I have been following this tutorial which creates a choropleth map of the United States with some interactivity. This provides some of what I need, but the main functionality I want is to have a list of lat/long coordinates classified according to which region they belong to.
This would mean, in the tutorial map for example, if I had a lat long value (55, -3) which fell within the state of Arizona's polygon, the program could classify this point as belonging to Arizona.
Is there a function in the leaflet (or d3) library which will allow me to enter a lat long coordinate as a parameter and return the name of the feature it belongs to? The tutorial above allows you to attach a function to every feature via the onEveryFeature property and can fire mouseover events when each feature is hovered over. Surely there is a way to extend this functionality to numerically entered data instead of mouse points?
Leaflet would need some tweaking if you wish to do this. It leaves the handling of mouseclicks to the browser and therefore does not need logic for determining if a point lies inside a polygon.
I am not very knowledgeable about d3 but it's not glaringly obvious to me how it'd do this out of the box. Looking at the polygon code, I do find a clipping algorithm and intersection of infinite lines.
If you add a third library, however, this should be rather simple.
The OpenLayers Geometry library can determine if a point lies inside a polygon.
EDIT: I got this to work, see also http://jsfiddle.net/VaY3E/4/
var parser = new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON();
var vectors = parser.read(statesData);
var lat = 36;
var lon = -96;
var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(lon, lat);
for( var i = 0; i< vectors.length; i++ ){
Or you could use https://github.com/maxogden/geojson-js-utils , a bit more specific library. It looks like it knows how to read GeoJSON and it has a method gju.pointInPolygon. I've not tested it though.