How exclude directory from WebPack bundle - javascript
I'm using Storybook to develop a React component. The documentation of an SDK I'm importing in my app says to include a folder '.storybook/src/cards/myCard/xSDK' but not to bundle it.
I'm making the SDK call like this: importedSdkCall({SDKFolderPath: './xSDK'}). The folder is in the same directory as the component making the call.
I'm getting: 404 - http://localhost:6006/xSDK/x2.bundle.js
Storybook allows me to manipulate the generated webpack.config file. Here's the rules array from that file:
"rules": [
"test": {},
"use": [
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/builder-webpack4/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js",
"options": {
"cacheDirectory": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/.cache/storybook/babel",
"sourceType": "unambiguous",
"presets": [
"shippedProposals": true,
"loose": true
"runtime": "automatic"
"plugins": [
"legacy": true
"loose": true
"loose": true
"loose": true,
"useBuiltIns": true
"method": "usage-global",
"absoluteImports": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/core-common/node_modules/core-js/index.js",
"version": "3.15.2"
"overrides": [
"test": {},
"plugins": [
"include": [
"exclude": {}
"test": {},
"use": [
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/core-common/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js",
"options": {
"sourceType": "unambiguous",
"presets": [
"shippedProposals": true,
"modules": false,
"loose": true,
"targets": "defaults"
"plugins": [
"legacy": true
"loose": true
"loose": true
"loose": true,
"useBuiltIns": true
"method": "usage-global",
"absoluteImports": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/core-common/node_modules/core-js/index.js",
"version": "3.15.2"
"test": {},
"use": [
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/raw-loader/dist/cjs.js"
"test": {},
"include": {},
"use": [
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/builder-webpack4/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js",
"options": {
"presets": [
"modules": "commonjs"
"test": {},
"use": [
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/builder-webpack4/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js",
"options": {
"babelrc": false,
"configFile": false,
"cacheDirectory": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/.cache/storybook/babel",
"sourceType": "unambiguous",
"presets": [
"shippedProposals": true,
"loose": true
"runtime": "automatic"
"plugins": [
"legacy": true
"loose": true
"loose": true
"loose": true,
"useBuiltIns": true
"method": "usage-global",
"absoluteImports": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/core-common/node_modules/core-js/index.js",
"version": "3.15.2"
"pragma": "React.createElement",
"pragmaFrag": "React.Fragment"
"overrides": [
"test": {},
"plugins": [
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#mdx-js/loader/index.js",
"options": {
"compilers": [
"remarkPlugins": [
"test": {},
"exclude": {},
"use": [
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/builder-webpack4/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js",
"options": {
"babelrc": false,
"configFile": false,
"cacheDirectory": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/.cache/storybook/babel",
"sourceType": "unambiguous",
"presets": [
"shippedProposals": true,
"loose": true
"runtime": "automatic"
"plugins": [
"legacy": true
"loose": true
"loose": true
"loose": true,
"useBuiltIns": true
"method": "usage-global",
"absoluteImports": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/core-common/node_modules/core-js/index.js",
"version": "3.15.2"
"pragma": "React.createElement",
"pragmaFrag": "React.Fragment"
"overrides": [
"test": {},
"plugins": [
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#mdx-js/loader/index.js",
"options": {
"remarkPlugins": [
"test": {},
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/source-loader/dist/cjs/index.js",
"options": {
"injectStoryParameters": true,
"inspectLocalDependencies": true
"enforce": "pre"
"test": {},
"sideEffects": true,
"use": [
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js",
"options": {
"importLoaders": 1
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/#storybook/builder-webpack4/node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js",
"options": {
"postcssOptions": {
"config": false,
"plugins": [
"test": {},
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/file-loader/dist/cjs.js",
"options": {
"esModule": false,
"name": "static/media/[path][name].[ext]"
"test": {},
"loader": "/Users/christopheroppedal/Repos/experience-library/node_modules/url-loader/dist/cjs.js",
"options": {
"limit": 10000,
"name": "static/media/[path][name].[ext]"
] ```
I solved this by changing to a create-react-app project and moving the bundled SDK into the /public directory.
Do not enforce lines-around-comment for JSDoc
I would like to apply an ESLint rule that forces newlines before and after /* block comments / but not around /* JSDoc comments */. For those, I'd like a newline before the comment only, but I can't figure out how to set up a rule to do this. Any help would be appreciated. My goal for valid comments: const a = 1; /* * This multiline comment has * newlines above and below it */ const b = 2; /** * This javadoc describes the function * direction below it and should have * a newline above it, but not below */ const myFunc = () => {} I've attempted setting up an ignorePatter within the lines-around-comment setting but it either applies to both types of block comments, neither, or just crashes ESLint. This attempt ignores both types of block comments for some reason ... "lines-around-comment": [ "warn", { "afterBlockComment": true, "beforeLineComment": true "ignorePattern": "\\*\\*" } ], ... This one applies to neither ... "lines-around-comment": [ "warn", { "afterBlockComment": true, "beforeLineComment": true "ignorePattern": "\\*" } ], ... And this one crashes ESLint ... "lines-around-comment": [ "warn", { "afterBlockComment": true, "beforeLineComment": true "ignorePattern": "*" } ], ... I'll also add that I am ignoring (via an exception) the requirement for spaced-comments when using JSDoc via this config: ... "spaced-comment": [ "error", "always", { "exceptions": ["*"] } ] ... Full ESLint file: { "root": true, "plugins": [], "parser": "#babel/eslint-parser", "extends": "eslint:recommended", "rules": { "array-callback-return": "error", "no-self-compare": "error", "no-template-curly-in-string": "error", "curly": [ "warn", "all" ], "default-case": "error", "dot-notation": "warn", "eqeqeq": [ "error", "always" ], "no-else-return": "warn", "no-var": "error", "prefer-const": "error", "prefer-template": "error", "radix": "error", "array-bracket-newline": [ "error", "consistent" ], "array-bracket-spacing": [ "warn", "always", { "singleValue": false, "objectsInArrays": false, "arraysInArrays": false } ], "array-element-newline": [ "warn", { "multiline": true, "minItems": 3 } ], "arrow-parens": [ "warn", "as-needed" ], "arrow-spacing": [ "error", { "before": true, "after": true } ], "block-spacing": [ "error", "always" ], "brace-style": [ "error", "1tbs" ], "comma-dangle": [ "warn", "always-multiline" ], "comma-spacing": [ "error", { "before": false, "after": true } ], "dot-location": [ "error", "property" ], "eol-last": [ "warn", "always" ], "func-call-spacing": [ "error", "never" ], "function-call-argument-newline": [ "error", "never" ], "function-paren-newline": [ "error", "never" ], "implicit-arrow-linebreak": [ "error", "beside" ], "indent": [ "error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1, "flatTernaryExpressions": true, "offsetTernaryExpressions": true } ], "keyword-spacing": [ "warn", { "before": true, "after": false } ], "lines-around-comment": [ "warn", { "afterBlockComment": true, "beforeLineComment": true, "ignorePattern": "*" } ], "multiline-ternary": [ "error", "always" ], "newline-per-chained-call": [ "error" ], "no-extra-parens": [ "error", "all" ], "no-multi-spaces": [ "warn", { "ignoreEOLComments": true } ], "no-multiple-empty-lines": "warn", "no-tabs": "error", "no-trailing-spaces": "warn", "no-whitespace-before-property": "error", "object-curly-newline": [ "error", { "multiline": true } ], "object-curly-spacing": [ "error", "always" ], "object-property-newline": "error", "operator-linebreak": [ "error", "before" ], "quotes": [ "error", "single", { "avoidEscape": true, "allowTemplateLiterals": true } ], "rest-spread-spacing": [ "error", "never" ], "semi": [ "error", "always" ], "semi-spacing": "error", "semi-style": [ "error", "last" ], "space-before-blocks": [ "error", { "functions": "never", "keywords": "always", "classes": "never" } ], "space-before-function-paren": [ "error", { "anonymous": "never", "named": "never", "asyncArrow": "always" } ], "space-in-parens": [ "error", "never" ], "spaced-comment": [ "error", "always", { "exceptions": [ // Allow lines to start with a second *, which // basically allows jsdoc to work. "*" ] } ] }, "globals": { "define": "readonly", "log": "readonly", "Promise": "readonly" } }
d3-v6-tip: d3.event is not defined
I am trying to add tooltip to my map when mouseOver event occurs. The goal of the mouseOver function is that it will highlights the path and also show the tip. I am using d3-v6-tip This is how I select my svg and calls the tip function var svg ="#mapDiv") .append("svg") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height) .style("background-color", "white") .style("border", "solid 1px black") .call(d3.zoom() .on("zoom", function (event) { svg.attr("transform", event.transform); }) .scaleExtent([1, 1]) ) .append("g"); const tip = d3.tip().attr('class', 'd3-tip').html(function (event, d) { console.log(; return; });; This is how I draw my map: d3.json(path).then(function (json) { var projection = d3.geoMercator(); var features = json.features; var fixed = (feature) { return turf.rewind(feature, { reverse: true }); }) var geoPath = d3.geoPath().projection(projection); projection.fitSize([width, height], { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": fixed }) svg.selectAll("path") .data(fixed) .enter() .append("path") .attr("d", geoPath) .attr("id", function (d) { return; }) .style("fill", "red") .style("stroke", "transparent") .on("mouseover", mouseOver) .on("mouseleave", mouseLeave) .on("click", mouseClick) }) How I call in my mouseOver function: let mouseOver = function (event, d) { var countryCode =; d3.selectAll("path#" + countryCode) .transition() .duration(200) .style("opacity", 1) .style("stroke", "black"), d); } The problem: I put a console.log in my tip declaration. When my mouse hover over it, it shows the current country name in the console( However, the tooltip never show up due to the error: Uncaught TypeError: d3.event is undefined. I am not completely sure if this has to do with the library itself because the source code calls d3.event when d3.event no longer exist in d3.v6 or am I doing something wrong in my code Also, is there a better way to create tooltip than using the library?
I downgraded my D3 version to 5 and now it worked. I think there is a problem with the D3-v6-tip library, not sure why.
I believe you're just missing the step to invoke the tip. Check the code underneath where the page says 'If you want to load it as standalone...' : /* Invoke the tip in the context of your visualization */ Your event handler code otherwise seems to work fine per this adaptation: const width = 200; const height = 200; const svg ="body") .append("svg") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height); const tip = d3.tip() .attr("class", "d3-tip") .html((event, d) =>; const projection = d3.geoMercator(); const mapJson = roi(); const features = mapJson.features; const geoPath = d3.geoPath() .projection(projection); projection.fitSize([width, height], mapJson); svg.selectAll("path") .data(features) .enter() .append("path") .attr("d", geoPath) .attr("id", d => .style("fill", "green") .style("stroke", "red") .on("mouseover", mouseOver) .on("mouseleave", mouseLeave) .on("click", mouseClick) .call(tip); function mouseOver(event, d) { d3.selectAll(`path#${}`) .transition() .duration(200) .style("opacity", 1) .style("stroke", "white");, d); } function mouseLeave(event, d) { d3.selectAll(`path#${}`) .transition() .duration(200) .style("stroke", "red"); tip.hide() } function mouseClick(event, d) { window.alert(`Selected ${}`); } <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script> function roi() { return { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Carlow" } , "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -6.592415, 52.708085 ], [ -6.614788, 52.654218 ], [ -6.717890, 52.633128 ], [ -6.810019, 52.481218 ], [ -6.916185, 52.446304 ], [ -6.914688, 52.590519 ], [ -6.975609, 52.653791 ], [ -6.952951, 52.705377 ], [ -7.090468, 52.732311 ], [ -7.072441, 52.797934 ], [ -7.065957, 52.822872 ], [ -6.915828, 52.856717 ], [ -6.735489, 52.884007 ], [ -6.712332, 52.924335 ], [ -6.463234, 52.893982 ], [ -6.512470, 52.826791 ], [ -6.631176, 52.831494 ], [ -6.592415, 52.708085 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Cavan" } , "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -7.311848, 54.114105 ], [ -7.188226, 54.079548 ], [ -7.035960, 54.086530 ], [ -6.753231, 53.901916 ], [ -6.753302, 53.900348 ], [ -6.779095, 53.873842 ], [ -6.942976, 53.874982 ], [ -6.955730, 53.766893 ], [ -7.275153, 53.783851 ], [ -7.282350, 53.795394 ], [ -7.394715, 53.781713 ], [ -7.471810, 53.835936 ], [ -7.577762, 53.872702 ], [ -7.606476, 53.937257 ], [ -7.604552, 54.005160 ], [ -7.760239, 54.105127 ], [ -7.853223, 54.098144 ], [ -8.034560, 54.238796 ], [ -7.952976, 54.306628 ], [ -7.878090, 54.289172 ], [ -7.820589, 54.199180 ], [ -7.696967, 54.202529 ], [ -7.554248, 54.127999 ], [ -7.414737, 54.150800 ], [ -7.311848, 54.114105 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Clare" } , "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -9.014420, 53.143721 ], [ -8.995325, 53.094486 ], [ -8.898707, 53.061852 ], [ -8.825673, 52.973357 ], [ -8.610278, 53.039336 ], [ -8.448392, 52.981622 ], [ -8.301399, 53.004138 ], [ -8.315365, 52.923338 ], [ -8.415403, 52.895906 ], [ -8.486797, 52.717419 ], [ -8.542089, 52.683432 ], [ -8.736394, 52.676235 ], [ -8.862510, 52.697896 ], [ -8.966396, 52.683717 ], [ -8.941957, 52.735161 ], [ -9.043064, 52.749839 ], [ -9.077478, 52.671817 ], [ -9.162482, 52.618450 ], [ -9.417494, 52.602062 ], [ -9.546959, 52.639326 ], [ -9.700864, 52.612108 ], [ -9.696375, 52.582325 ], [ -9.939203, 52.558170 ], [ -9.650845, 52.677945 ], [ -9.613081, 52.742927 ], [ -9.495800, 52.750694 ], [ -9.446422, 52.877095 ], [ -9.347524, 52.929893 ], [ -9.476420, 52.941507 ], [ -9.392484, 53.007914 ], [ -9.282471, 53.145146 ], [ -9.152507, 53.119566 ], [ -9.127497, 53.157615 ], [ -9.014420, 53.143721 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Cork" } , "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -8.160320, 52.302731 ], [ -8.088569, 52.215518 ], [ -8.137519, 52.159086 ], [ -7.927468, 51.990147 ], [ -7.849731, 51.978747 ], [ -7.904168, 51.911271 ], [ -7.865834, 51.880134 ], [ -7.997508, 51.860682 ], [ -8.001356, 51.825127 ], [ -8.170295, 51.784300 ], [ -8.264704, 51.815152 ], [ -8.202501, 51.874006 ], [ -8.319711, 51.842370 ], [ -8.273041, 51.798194 ], [ -8.339163, 51.716254 ], [ -8.563037, 51.639302 ], [ -8.658587, 51.634029 ], [ -8.706397, 51.570686 ], [ -8.867498, 51.576243 ], [ -9.107476, 51.537340 ], [ -9.227536, 51.479839 ], [ -9.535274, 51.529003 ], [ -9.644717, 51.520382 ], [ -9.773613, 51.446564 ], [ -9.838025, 51.483188 ], [ -9.653624, 51.542897 ], [ -9.539193, 51.612083 ], [ -9.850850, 51.542897 ], [ -9.444142, 51.692384 ], [ -9.451909, 51.731502 ], [ -9.639730, 51.675426 ], [ -9.906925, 51.652056 ], [ -9.935284, 51.614292 ], [ -10.166355, 51.580447 ], [ -10.055843, 51.632105 ], [ -10.097525, 51.671223 ], [ -9.974188, 51.685402 ], [ -10.004755, 51.719318 ], [ -9.908279, 51.749600 ], [ -9.856336, 51.719175 ], [ -9.727869, 51.792636 ], [ -9.595054, 51.796698 ], [ -9.330922, 51.890181 ], [ -9.305343, 51.970553 ], [ -9.153718, 52.007676 ], [ -9.229317, 52.180890 ], [ -9.294513, 52.237036 ], [ -9.234589, 52.308431 ], [ -9.132414, 52.338500 ], [ -8.961836, 52.321185 ], [ -8.842702, 52.378330 ], [ -8.640631, 52.360160 ], [ -8.519502, 52.284704 ], [ -8.341799, 52.321969 ], [ -8.160320, 52.302731 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Donegal" } , "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -8.541947, 55.023711 ], [ -8.486370, 54.973478 ], [ -8.569735, 54.975687 ], [ -8.541947, 55.023711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.161674, 54.457683 ], [ -8.282019, 54.479843 ], [ -8.223093, 54.572114 ], [ -8.109161, 54.612657 ], [ -8.115787, 54.649922 ], [ -8.299190, 54.600971 ], [ -8.288075, 54.646502 ], [ -8.463070, 54.605175 ], [ -8.586978, 54.605674 ], [ -8.793609, 54.659042 ], [ -8.807504, 54.697661 ], [ -8.653100, 54.775682 ], [ -8.434142, 54.755446 ], [ -8.568595, 54.825701 ], [ -8.384194, 54.882631 ], [ -8.460292, 54.918756 ], [ -8.462999, 55.002691 ], [ -8.348639, 55.039030 ], [ -8.286365, 55.159945 ], [ -8.159750, 55.146550 ], [ -8.026366, 55.173483 ], [ -7.981405, 55.227635 ], [ -7.873601, 55.202055 ], [ -7.631913, 55.278224 ], [ -7.617520, 55.191225 ], [ -7.517482, 55.122609 ], [ -7.633623, 55.057698 ], [ -7.559165, 55.034327 ], [ -7.680864, 54.951817 ], [ -7.472522, 55.046511 ], [ -7.526959, 55.059052 ], [ -7.462476, 55.137358 ], [ -7.555816, 55.197067 ], [ -7.528028, 55.285990 ], [ -7.428631, 55.279577 ], [ -7.348116, 55.357884 ], [ -7.194710, 55.348193 ], [ -7.153597, 55.294825 ], [ -6.920745, 55.237111 ], [ -7.158585, 55.148758 ], [ -7.273871, 55.056772 ], [ -7.353103, 55.048649 ], [ -7.443024, 54.934432 ], [ -7.457987, 54.857907 ], [ -7.552467, 54.791714 ], [ -7.537362, 54.744758 ], [ -7.648658, 54.749532 ], [ -7.750619, 54.705498 ], [ -7.834412, 54.738559 ], [ -7.925259, 54.702292 ], [ -7.855289, 54.634674 ], [ -7.710647, 54.630327 ], [ -7.829211, 54.544682 ], [ -8.003280, 54.546107 ], [ -8.052729, 54.489675 ], [ -8.161674, 54.457683 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Dublin" } , "geometry": 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53.039336 ], [ -8.825673, 52.973357 ], [ -8.898707, 53.061852 ], [ -8.995325, 53.094486 ], [ -9.014420, 53.143721 ], [ -8.903053, 53.221528 ], [ -9.051970, 53.220175 ], [ -8.936399, 53.271547 ], [ -9.525869, 53.220958 ], [ -9.622487, 53.326269 ], [ -9.550807, 53.342372 ], [ -9.649135, 53.387119 ], [ -9.774753, 53.291498 ], [ -9.908065, 53.328763 ], [ -10.071946, 53.420678 ], [ -10.198062, 53.405145 ], [ -10.093036, 53.467063 ], [ -10.130800, 53.574868 ], [ -10.014160, 53.567885 ], [ -10.056413, 53.611492 ], [ -9.669727, 53.614912 ], [ -9.610587, 53.632725 ], [ -9.409727, 53.541095 ], [ -9.265798, 53.544301 ], [ -9.203239, 53.487442 ], [ -9.117023, 53.486800 ], [ -8.983425, 53.621895 ], [ -8.814985, 53.663292 ], [ -8.664358, 53.670916 ], [ -8.611489, 53.709535 ], [ -8.438631, 53.687660 ], [ -8.263208, 53.516085 ], [ -8.242046, 53.361040 ], [ -8.152838, 53.328478 ], [ -8.129753, 53.262427 ], [ -8.020095, 53.261501 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Kerry" } , 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54.238511 ], [ -9.995777, 54.309336 ], [ -9.880277, 54.257607 ], [ -9.805819, 54.344606 ], [ -9.382509, 54.294302 ], [ -9.341967, 54.327363 ], [ -9.211931, 54.285894 ], [ -9.224187, 54.217136 ], [ -9.159703, 54.201816 ], [ -9.138043, 54.130707 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Meath" } , "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -6.687038, 53.875481 ], [ -6.616427, 53.861516 ], [ -6.561562, 53.771453 ], [ -6.481475, 53.722788 ], [ -6.339042, 53.722788 ], [ -6.238576, 53.778721 ], [ -6.213638, 53.635504 ], [ -6.291089, 53.579998 ], [ -6.408085, 53.563468 ], [ -6.320516, 53.495493 ], [ -6.334767, 53.452528 ], [ -6.453473, 53.376858 ], [ -6.495512, 53.384126 ], [ -6.713757, 53.426378 ], [ -6.840586, 53.390539 ], [ -7.032112, 53.514019 ], [ -6.962926, 53.639494 ], [ -7.250928, 53.711387 ], [ -7.275153, 53.783851 ], [ -6.955730, 53.766893 ], [ -6.942976, 53.874982 ], [ -6.779095, 53.873842 ], [ -6.753302, 53.900348 ], [ -6.687038, 53.875481 ] ] ] } }, { 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], [ -8.020095, 53.261501 ], [ -8.021734, 53.303326 ], [ -7.915640, 53.353416 ], [ -7.767649, 53.329048 ], [ -7.586953, 53.383770 ], [ -7.535224, 53.333751 ], [ -7.372769, 53.317719 ], [ -7.337927, 53.350709 ], [ -7.136140, 53.409563 ], [ -6.997626, 53.317006 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Roscommon" } , "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -8.133671, 54.101422 ], [ -8.040972, 54.077125 ], [ -8.100895, 53.953859 ], [ -8.000359, 53.926712 ], [ -7.899109, 53.815558 ], [ -7.887424, 53.772237 ], [ -7.978912, 53.694999 ], [ -8.025938, 53.607359 ], [ -7.952620, 53.512380 ], [ -7.915640, 53.353416 ], [ -8.021734, 53.303326 ], [ -8.020095, 53.261501 ], [ -8.129753, 53.262427 ], [ -8.152838, 53.328478 ], [ -8.242046, 53.361040 ], [ -8.263208, 53.516085 ], [ -8.438631, 53.687660 ], [ -8.611489, 53.709535 ], [ -8.664358, 53.670916 ], [ -8.814985, 53.663292 ], [ -8.696279, 53.722716 ], [ -8.690223, 53.874484 ], [ -8.608211, 53.885884 ], [ -8.682599, 53.958704 ], [ -8.590398, 53.968109 ], [ -8.459722, 53.916024 ], [ -8.373008, 53.919088 ], [ -8.275606, 54.047627 ], [ -8.170794, 54.102633 ], [ -8.133671, 54.101422 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Sligo" } , "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -8.373863, 54.468228 ], [ -8.377782, 54.348453 ], [ -8.310591, 54.272855 ], [ -8.333463, 54.185500 ], [ -8.170794, 54.102633 ], [ -8.275606, 54.047627 ], [ -8.373008, 53.919088 ], [ -8.459722, 53.916024 ], [ -8.590398, 53.968109 ], [ -8.661294, 54.025681 ], [ -8.835078, 53.972455 ], [ -8.913598, 54.017701 ], [ -9.027317, 54.030241 ], [ -8.963404, 54.145527 ], [ -9.138043, 54.130707 ], [ -9.057528, 54.295442 ], [ -8.930271, 54.294302 ], [ -8.827526, 54.253474 ], [ -8.661935, 54.272641 ], [ -8.583629, 54.207944 ], [ -8.508601, 54.217349 ], [ -8.626381, 54.255113 ], [ -8.681886, 54.355935 ], [ -8.490289, 54.418209 ], [ -8.469697, 54.470437 ], [ -8.373863, 54.468228 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", 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{ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -7.545271, 52.355671 ], [ -7.338853, 52.342561 ], [ -7.191717, 52.251857 ], [ -6.975182, 52.291544 ], [ -6.958651, 52.241525 ], [ -6.949175, 52.177612 ], [ -7.019714, 52.134006 ], [ -7.088615, 52.150679 ], [ -7.426921, 52.129588 ], [ -7.551398, 52.077645 ], [ -7.585243, 51.991501 ], [ -7.731951, 51.937635 ], [ -7.849731, 51.978747 ], [ -7.927468, 51.990147 ], [ -8.137519, 52.159086 ], [ -8.088569, 52.215518 ], [ -7.944426, 52.236466 ], [ -7.722190, 52.222216 ], [ -7.760524, 52.314986 ], [ -7.545271, 52.355671 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Westmeath" } , "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -7.282350, 53.795394 ], [ -7.275153, 53.783851 ], [ -7.250928, 53.711387 ], [ -6.962926, 53.639494 ], [ -7.032112, 53.514019 ], [ -7.136140, 53.409563 ], [ -7.337927, 53.350709 ], [ -7.372769, 53.317719 ], [ -7.535224, 53.333751 ], [ -7.586953, 53.383770 ], [ -7.767649, 53.329048 ], [ -7.915640, 53.353416 ], [ -7.952620, 53.512380 ], [ -7.846454, 53.538601 ], [ -7.658348, 53.531119 ], [ -7.591442, 53.647545 ], [ -7.390725, 53.735827 ], [ -7.394715, 53.781713 ], [ -7.282350, 53.795394 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Wexford" } , "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -6.958651, 52.241525 ], [ -6.975182, 52.291544 ], [ -6.916185, 52.446304 ], [ -6.810019, 52.481218 ], [ -6.717890, 52.633128 ], [ -6.614788, 52.654218 ], [ -6.592415, 52.708085 ], [ -6.446419, 52.698466 ], [ -6.325575, 52.799145 ], [ -6.144666, 52.770716 ], [ -6.225822, 52.648447 ], [ -6.193046, 52.562944 ], [ -6.353577, 52.408469 ], [ -6.358066, 52.344271 ], [ -6.465799, 52.377902 ], [ -6.429176, 52.293753 ], [ -6.311396, 52.240955 ], [ -6.358636, 52.174049 ], [ -6.489170, 52.190722 ], [ -6.596975, 52.169561 ], [ -6.706917, 52.217656 ], [ -6.836382, 52.216801 ], [ -6.823058, 52.174833 ], [ -6.931361, 52.122392 ], [ -6.903644, 52.201268 ], [ -6.958651, 52.241525 ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "id": "Wicklow" } , "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -6.347948, 53.200936 ], [ -6.105263, 53.219391 ], [ -6.041421, 53.117928 ], [ -6.046409, 52.989887 ], [ -5.996960, 52.963738 ], [ -6.057524, 52.857358 ], [ -6.144666, 52.770716 ], [ -6.325575, 52.799145 ], [ -6.446419, 52.698466 ], [ -6.592415, 52.708085 ], [ -6.631176, 52.831494 ], [ -6.512470, 52.826791 ], [ -6.463234, 52.893982 ], [ -6.712332, 52.924335 ], [ -6.745464, 53.017747 ], [ -6.592771, 53.092704 ], [ -6.464161, 53.228939 ], [ -6.347948, 53.200936 ] ] ] } } ] } } </script> Regarding a 'better way', IMO it would depend on if you had specific use cases not covered by the library. Also, consider the amount of work already done for us by the library which they took the time to update for D3 v6.
I struggled with this too. I was importing d3 and d3-tip via NPM to use in my Next/React app. The 'd3 is not defined' error is because d3 is not globally available on the window object. If importing d3 and d3-tip via NPM, make d3 available to the window. Put this in your code: if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.d3 = d3 } Make sure you are following the new v6 API properly: calls to tip.html() and need the event passed first before the data e.g. function (event, d) {...} not just d. That's why downgrading to v5 as per the OP's suggestion worked for me at first - I wasn't doing that. And that would also explain why the Tooltip was failing to position properly. I hope that helps someone struggling like I was. I really appreciate this great little trusty, simple and elegant tooltip which I've used extensively over the years, and the efforts of the various forkers and maintainers to keep it compatible with the latest d3 versions.
How to get data from SOAP response js
I've a API that returns this data for me. I need to access the datas inside this. I've tried some response.SOAP-Env:Envelope but got error because of two points. Can't debug it more because Im using react native. { "SOAP-ENV:Envelope": { "$": { "SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle": "", "xmlns:SOAP-ENV": "", "xmlns:xsd": "", "xmlns:xsi": "", "xmlns:SOAP-ENC": "" }, "SOAP-ENV:Body": [ { "Entidade.dadosEntidadeResponse": [ { "return": [ { "$": { "xsi:nil": "true", "xsi:type": "xsd:int" } } ], "msgResult": [ { "_": "Ok", "$": { "xsi:type": "xsd:string" } } ], "rsEntidade": [ { "_": "ASSOCIAÃÃO PRO MELHORAMENTOS DA VILA PREL", "$": { "xsi:type": "xsd:string" } } ], "enderecoEntidade": [ { "_": "RUA THEREZA MAIA PINTO", "$": { "xsi:type": "xsd:string" } } ], "telEntidade": [ { "_": "1158126849", "$": { "xsi:type": "xsd:string" } } ], "emailEntidade": [ { "_": "", "$": { "xsi:type": "xsd:string" } } ], "telPresidente": [ { "_": "5222682-2716", "$": { "xsi:type": "xsd:string" } } ], "emailPresidente": [ { "$": { "xsi:type": "xsd:string" } } ] } ] } ] } I need to access the emailEntidade, telEntidade proprieties of this response. Tried many wat to do this but without success. Using javascript, react native
comments field are ignored in JSON.stringify
I'm using a module to parse apache configuration files into json it works just perfect . when I perform JSON.stringify() the resulted JSON object doesn't contain comments . output of console.log(config) : { ThreadsPerChild: [ '250', comments: [ [Array] ] ], MaxRequestsPerChild: [ '0', comments: [ [] ] ], Listen: [ '80', comments: [ [] ] ], ServerRoot: [ '"/www/Apache22"', comments: [ [] ] ], DocumentRoot: [ '"/THDL/thdl-site"', comments: [ [] ] ], ServerName: [ 'localhost:80', comments: [ [Array] ] ], ServerAdmin: [ 'admin#localhost', comments: [ [] ] ], ErrorLog: [ 'logs/error.log', comments: [ [] ] ], LogLevel: [ 'error', comments: [ [] ] ], LoadModule: [ 'alias_module modules/', 'authz_host_module modules/', 'autoindex_module modules/', 'dir_module modules/', 'log_config_module modules/', 'mime_module modules/', 'rewrite_module modules/', 'setenvif_module modules/', 'php5_module "C:/www/php5/php5apache2.dll"', comments: [ [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [], [Array], [], [] ] ], IfDefine: [ { '$args': 'SSL', LoadModule: [Array] }, comments: [ [Array] ] ], DefaultType: [ 'text/plain', comments: [ [] ] ], IfModule: [ { '$args': 'dir_module', DirectoryIndex: [Array] }, { '$args': 'mime_module', TypesConfig: [Array], AddType: [Array] }, { '$args': '!php5_module', IfModule: [Array] }, { '$args': 'php5_module', Location: [Array] }, { '$args': 'ssl_module', Include: [Array], SSLRandomSeed: [Array] }, { '$args': 'mod_alias.c', Alias: [Array] }, comments: [ [], [], [Array], [], [], [Array] ] ], IndexIgnore: [ '.htaccess', comments: [ [] ] ], FilesMatch: [ { '$args': '^.ht', Order: [Array], Deny: [Array] }, comments: [ [] ] ], Redirect: [ '/thdl external link: http://localhost', comments: [ [] ] ], Directory: [ { '$args': '/', Options: [Array], AllowOverride: [Array], Order: [Array], Allow: [Array], Satisfy: [Array] }, { '$args': '/THDL/thdl-site', Options: [Array], AllowOverride: [Array], Order: [Array], Allow: [Array] }, { '$args': 'C:/www/phpMyAdmin', Options: [Array], AllowOverride: [Array], order: [Array], deny: [Array], allow: [Array] }, comments: [ [], [Array], [] ] ], Include: [ 'conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf', 'conf/extra/httpd-languages.conf', 'conf/extra/httpd-info.conf', 'conf/extra/httpd-manual.conf', 'conf/extra/httpd-default.conf', 'conf/Suite-extra/components.conf', comments: [ [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array] ] ], LoadFile: [ '"C:/www/php5/php5ts.dll"', comments: [ [Array] ] ] } output of console.log(JSON.stringify(config)) : { "ThreadsPerChild": [ "250" ], "MaxRequestsPerChild": [ "0" ], "Listen": [ "80" ], "ServerRoot": [ "\"/www/Apache22\"" ], "DocumentRoot": [ "\"/THDL/thdl-site\"" ], "ServerName": [ "localhost:80" ], "ServerAdmin": [ "admin#localhost" ], "ErrorLog": [ "logs/error.log" ], "LogLevel": [ "error" ], "LoadModule": [ "alias_module modules/", "authz_host_module modules/", "autoindex_module modules/", "dir_module modules/", "log_config_module modules/", "mime_module modules/", "rewrite_module modules/", "setenvif_module modules/", "php5_module \"C:/www/php5/php5apache2.dll\"" ], "IfDefine": [ { "$args": "SSL", "LoadModule": [ "ssl_module modules/" ] } ], "DefaultType": [ "text/plain" ], "IfModule": [ { "$args": "dir_module", "DirectoryIndex": [ "index.html index.php index.aspx" ] }, { "$args": "mime_module", "TypesConfig": [ "conf/mime.types" ], "AddType": [ "application/x-compress .Z", "application/x-gzip .gz .tgz" ] }, { "$args": "!php5_module", "IfModule": [ { "$args": "!php4_module", "Location": [ { "$args": "/", "FilesMatch": [ { "$args": ".php[45]?$", "Order": [ "allow,deny" ], "Deny": [ "from all" ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "$args": "php5_module", "Location": [ { "$args": "/", "AddType": [ "text/html .php .phps" ], "AddHandler": [ "application/x-httpd-php .php", "application/x-httpd-php-source .phps" ] } ] }, { "$args": "ssl_module", "Include": [ "conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf" ], "SSLRandomSeed": [ "startup builtin", "connect builtin" ] }, { "$args": "mod_alias.c", "Alias": [ "/phpMyAdmin \"C:/www/phpMyAdmin\"" ] } ], "IndexIgnore": [ ".htaccess" ], "FilesMatch": [ { "$args": "^.ht", "Order": [ "allow,deny" ], "Deny": [ "from all" ] } ], "Redirect": [ "/thdl external link: http://localhost" ], "Directory": [ { "$args": "/", "Options": [ "FollowSymLinks" ], "AllowOverride": [ "all" ], "Order": [ "deny,allow" ], "Allow": [ "from all" ], "Satisfy": [ "all" ] }, { "$args": "/THDL/thdl-site", "Options": [ "Indexes FollowSymLinks" ], "AllowOverride": [ "all" ], "Order": [ "allow,deny" ], "Allow": [ "from all" ] }, { "$args": "C:/www/phpMyAdmin", "Options": [ "None" ], "AllowOverride": [ "None" ], "order": [ "deny,allow" ], "deny": [ "from all" ], "allow": [ "from" ] } ], "Include": [ "conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf", "conf/extra/httpd-languages.conf", "conf/extra/httpd-info.conf", "conf/extra/httpd-manual.conf", "conf/extra/httpd-default.conf", "conf/Suite-extra/components.conf" ], "LoadFile": [ "\"C:/www/php5/php5ts.dll\"" ] } comments field is completely ignored in the whole structure . how can I prevent this from happening .
I don't think you can use keys like that inside arrays. For example, try changing: DefaultType: [ 'text/plain', comments: [ [] ] ], to: DefaultType: { type: 'text/plain', comments: [ [] ] }, Objects contain keys with values: { key1: value1, key2: value2 } Arrays contain comma separated values: [ value1, value2 ] Objects can also contain values that are arrays of values: { key1: [ value1, value2 ] } or multi-dimensional: { key1: [ value1, [ value2, value3 ] ] } It looks like a problem with the structure of your config object. I recommend changing it to match my examples.
ESLint Flow linting not working with WebStorm and babel-eslint parser
I am trying to use ESLint to enforce some flow rules to the linting procedure but ESLint only reports non-flow errors. I used this guide: eslint-plugin-flowtype My .eslintrc.json file is the following : { "extends": ["airbnb-base", "plugin:flowtype/recommended"], "parser": "babel-eslint", "plugins": [ "import", "flowtype" ], "rules": { "flowtype/boolean-style": [ 2, "boolean" ], "flowtype/define-flow-type": 1, "flowtype/delimiter-dangle": [ 2, "never" ], "flowtype/generic-spacing": [ 2, "never" ], "flowtype/no-primitive-constructor-types": 2, "flowtype/no-weak-types": 2, "flowtype/object-type-delimiter": [ 2, "comma" ], "flowtype/require-parameter-type": 2, "flowtype/require-return-type": [ 2, "always", { "annotateUndefined": "never" } ], "flowtype/require-valid-file-annotation": 2, "flowtype/semi": [ 2, "always" ], "flowtype/space-after-type-colon": [ 2, "always" ], "flowtype/space-before-generic-bracket": [ 2, "never" ], "flowtype/space-before-type-colon": [ 2, "never" ], "flowtype/type-id-match": [ 2, "^([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+Type$" ], "flowtype/union-intersection-spacing": [ 2, "always" ], "flowtype/use-flow-type": 1, "flowtype/valid-syntax": 1 }, "settings": { "flowtype": { "onlyFilesWithFlowAnnotation": false } } }