I have a source with a geojson with a bunch of Features of type Point.
Is it possible to draw a line through them? I've tried Layout with type line, but it produces points...
I don't want to create an additional source with the same data.
Is it possible to draw a line through them?
No. For starters, Mapbox GL JS wouldn't know in which order to draw the line.
I don't want to create an additional source with the same data.
That would be the correct solution: simply construct a new GeoJSON on the fly that uses the coordinates of each point as the coordinates of a line LineString feature. I'm not sure what your reservations are.
In mapbox GL JS, the ability to cluster is for point according to the documentation.
But can we cluster polygon ?
Thanks for your input ?
No, it is not possible to cluster polygons by "default" when using Mapbox GL JS. As noted here in the documentation for the cluster property of a GeoJSON source:
If the data is a collection of point features, setting this to true clusters the points by radius into groups.
Since polygons are not of type point (rather, they are of type polygon), the cluster option cannot be applied. This makes sense when you think about it, because polygons are far too arbitrary to "cluster." Points are well-defined in their shape and scope, meaning that they can be pre-clustered in the source object itself by specifying cluster: true as shown in this example from the Mapbox GL JS examples page.
You can create another source with points from your polygons:
Then just use the source with points for clustering when zoomed out and the source with polygons for rendering those polygons when zoomed in.
I am working on an application in OpenLayers which allows users to draw polylines and modify them.
For sake of presentation when the user draws across the dateline, I have split the polyline into two halves and added it to map as a MultiPolyline (MultiLineString) in OpenLayers.
The problem is when the user tries to modify the point on the dateline, the line can be observed as split on the map to the user.
Which should not happen. When a user tries to modify the point on the dateline, it should be seen as a complete line not split at any instance.
To see the problem draw a polyline across the dateline and try to modify the dateline point (180° longitude). Here is a link to my code dateline modify problem
I was thinking about adding a vertex from the point being modified to the point on the dateline, is there a way to do that?
Also, I have observed that not all the polylines on my map are modifiable. I don't know why.
Please suggest me if I should refactor my code with a different approach.
I have a geojson file I would like to simplify. It currently contains about 33,000 records. The file is of all the roads in the state of Nevada and I would like to be able to remove the roads in cities(i.e. Las Vegas) because it is taking up a chunk of data, when those roads are easy to see from a leaflet map so they don't need to be drawn.
I have tried to use geojson.io and other geojson generators to try and remove the roads but it will take way too much time to manually delete all these roads individually. I was hoping there would be a something similar that I could draw a rectangle over the area I want to delete and it would remove all of those features.
I have tried to simplify the layer with http://mapshaper.org/ but the file is still to large. If I try to simplify it more, the resulting roads would not be very accurate.
There are many ways that you can do this, but since you have already used mapshaper to simplify, we can use mapshaper to clip or erase features.
Using geojson.io I created a quick bounding box geojson called clip.json - with this I can remove features outside or inside of this feature from the roads geojson file. While I created a geojson to use to clip/erase features, you could use a pre-existing file the same way.
Drag both geojson files into mapshaper.org. Toggle the view of the road geojson (as only one layer is shown at at time, the current layer is displayed on the top ribbon and can be changed by clicking on the name.)
Once viewing the roads geojson, open the page's console window (top right of the page) and type:
erase clip.json
This will give you something like (using Nevada and a basic bbox for Las Vegas):
Now you can easily export the file and use it as needed.
To achieve the opposite effect, you would use clip: clip clip.json
How might I use the curve factories in d3-shape to smooth / interpolate geojson lines and polygons? As far as I understand the API, I can pass a list of coordinates, get an SVG line string back from:
var line = d3.line(coords).curve(d3.curveCatmullRom.alpha(0.5));
What I want is an array of coordinates that I can construct a LineString from.
I think I need to define a context that returns coordinates. There is plenty on rendering from geojson to svg linestrings but I can't find any information on rendering to geojson coordinates.
leaflet use FeatureGroup() for edit. and I want to save data use toGeoJSON.but circle,marker... have point info only.
I need save more info.how?
Strictly speaking saving this kind of data "to GeoJSON" is not possible because simply GeoJSON does not support circles.
GeoJSON supports the following geometry types:
Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString,
MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection.
The old 2008 GeoJSON spec says nothing about circles http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html
and neither the new one (august 2016) https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7946
If you want to save a point and its radius to represent a circle you need to make a format of your own, but this of course will not work out-of-the-box with leaflet's geojson layergroup.
Edit: seems some people went down that road already so you may wanna check this out:
They saving the radius in the properties of GeoJSON and extended the GeoJSON layergroup to work with that. A bit hacky, geojson spec goes down the drain, but it seems to accomplish what you want.
Another possibility is to convert your circles to polygons with an acceptable amount of nodes, then saving that polygon in GeoJSON.