unable to use getCurrentPosition() in a Flask local host app - javascript

I'm working on a python flask app for practice. I want to access the getCurrentPosition() of JS to get the geolocation. However, as the app is running on http://localhost:5000/ I'm getting an error that getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() are deprecated on insecure origins.
Is there a way that it will work on the flask localhost server?

I have found the resolution. Geolocation can only be used in HTTPS requests.
In order to convert your localhost flask app to HTTPS from HTTP, you have to use OpenSSL to create a key and certificate.
Follow the below step to set up your HTTPS environment for the flask localhost server
If you have installed Git then OpenSSL command comes in a package. Open git bash where you want to store the files.
Run the below command in Git Bash.
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem
Change your app.run() method in python script to below
context = (r"{path}\certificate.pem", r"{path}\key.pem")
if __name__ == '__main__':
path refers to the location directory where the key and certificate files are stored.


How connect to Html page with node.js server and aws virtual machine

I'm trying to install a node.js server for a sentiment analysis service with my Twitter account that retrieve the tweets on my profile and provides a statistical output and saves them on a Mongo db istance.
I have uploaded my node.js code on an AWS virtual machine with an public IP address and with the permission to create an endpoint with HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
I have installed successfully the node.js code on AWS virtual machine with Windows Server 2019 OS, with the npm install -g -n command with 0 dependencies errors, and when I try to connect to the AWS virtual machine with http://ip_public_address:8080 I get the error "impossible to connect - err-connection_timeout".
This is the link to the github project that I need to install and to work on AWS virtual machine:
Maybe I am confused about how to connect with the index.html page via AWS virtual machine and I don't know if this page must be retrieved with a IP public address or localhost parameter and what is required, at node.js level code, in order to enable the AWS virtual machine to respond to my browser with the content of index.html page.
Please can you give me advices about to implement successfully this project?
You don't mention security groups in your question at all, so the likely cause is that you never opened port 8080 in the security group assigned to the EC2 instance. You may also need to open that port in the Windows firewall on that server.

Issue with json_rpc over https

Hello my site is powered by https. The config.js file is located in the root folder of the site, it specifies which address to access via the API. The address is specified, requests to this address do not work. If you specify, then everything works. How can I call the API over https and not over http? Or is there a workaround in the config.js itself?
If you make a request via curl, then curl error appears: (35) OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to

Device Orientation API not working with local webserver

While working with the Device Orientation API I noticed something strange.
The following online demo works perfectly (except for "compassneedscalibration"): https://www.audero.it/demo/device-orientation-api-demo.html
But when I clone the Soucecode locally and provide the Web page via a local Web server* the API seems to not be available anymore. Although using the same browser tab. Also no Messages, warnings or errors appear in the JavaScript console.
The Web page states:
deviceorientation event not supported
devicemotion event not supported
compassneedscalibration event not supported
Am I doing something wrong? Or is this an intended behavior or a bug?
I will need to provide my web app by a local web server.
I am using "Chrome 79.0.3945.93" on "Android 7.1.1;VNS-L21 Build/NMF26V"
*) python3 -m http.server
I found out that you need to provide the wep page via an Encrypted HTTPS connection on order to access the Device Orientation API and also some mediaDevices.
A simple way of providing HTTPS pages during development (not production) is this simple python webserver:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Based on http://www.piware.de/2011/01/creating-an-https-server-in-python/
# generate server.xml with the following command:
# openssl req -new -x509 -keyout key.pem -out server.pem -days 365 -nodes
# run as follows:
# python3 simple-https-server.py
# then in your browser, visit:
# https://localhost:4443
import http.server
import ssl
import os
directory_of_script = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
#server_address = ('localhost', 4443)
server_address = ('', 4443)
httpd = http.server.HTTPServer(server_address, http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket,
certfile=os.path.join(directory_of_script, "server.pem") ,
keyfile=os.path.join(directory_of_script, "key.pem"),

Access mongodb by Robomongo in Virtualbox hosted Ubuntu

I am trying to access Mongodb in the virtualbox hosted Ubuntu. When I am developing app in Ubuntu, I used "meteor create {app_name}"
I didnt change the default Mongodb. So when I am running Meteor app using "meteor" command, I cant access the mongodb.
In my Robomongo app in Windows, I am using this credentials,
"" as host and port. But It says "failed to connect".
What Do i need to do to connect to my mongodb?
Hey After doing some digging I find out the solution.
steps you need to follow:
Go to the following path cd /etc
There you will find a file called mongod.conf open this file with the help of
sudo vim mongod.conf
3.You will be in a file type i and find bindIp written over there.
4.now you need to change your bindIp of mongodb to
5.type ctrl +c then :wq // write and quite
6.sudo service mongod restart
7.Go to your robomongo and create connection and in address field just type your ip ( // no port number is required in which you are running the code port will be default port on which mongodb runs 27017
I have found that using no bind ip in mongod.conf and adding localhost to the hosts.conf works

Node.js on Azure Worker Role w/ SSL results in ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

I have a WorkerRole configured to start node.exe via the Runtime/EntryPoint/ProgramEntryPoint element in the csdef and have a HttpsIn EndPoint configured for https on port 443 w/ a valid certificate. I'm also setting the PORT environment variable in Runtime/Environment which is used by node to listen on for incoming requests.
When I start the service (either in local dev fabric or in Azure) and try to hit the service I get the following error:
SSL connection error
Unable to make a secure connection to the server. This may be a problem with the server, or it may be requiring a client authentication certificate that you don't have.
Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error.
I have verified that node.exe is indeed started when the service starts, and if I look up the local port in the Compute Emulator, usually something like:
I am able to successfully hit node directly with that using my browser. I am also able to hit node through Azure when SSL is not configured.
What am I missing? Thanks!
The issue was that I was using the http module instead of the https module when starting the web server in Node. Works once I started the https server using the ssl certificate.
I was following a guide for SSL w/ Node in a WebRole, which requires a different set up than SSL w/ Node in WorkerRole.
