How to define directives on vue3 compositionAPI? - javascript

How to define and use directives on vue3 composition api with the new syntactic sugar in SFC <script setup> format?
With options API it used to be like this
import click_outside from "#/directives/click-outside.js";
export default {
directives: {
"click-outside": click_outside,
<script setup>
import {defineProps, onBeforeMount, onUnmounted, directive } from "vue";
const onBeforeMount = (el, binding) => {
const onUnmounted = (el) => {
I couldn't figure out the same counterpart code in composition API

Feature parity with regular script SFC is achieved in 3 different ways.
props argument from setup and props, emits, expose fields from component options are provided by using define... helpers.
context (only slots and attrs properties) argument from setup is provided by using use... helpers.
components and directives are indirectly provided by using imports of the same name.
The rest of features (e.g. name property) are still provided by script element that can coexist with script setup.

#Estus Flask's answer is enough but just to clarify, you just import directives like you do with components with PascalCase or camelCase and you can directly use it in your templates.
<script setup>
import vClickOutside from "#/directives/click-outside.js";
const outside = () =>{ ... }
<div v-click-outside="outside">


Vue.js -Importing custom directive as ES6 Module

I have a rather specific question.
I'm using vue in my rails application through rails webpacker, to use vue components, I have to put a javascript pack tag in my layout and that references a javascript file that in turn renders the vue component, you can imagine that in total this approach has led me to make a lot of workarounds, but the one thing I still have left is a vue custom directive click-outside that I have had to add to each of my vue component generators, for example, here in filter-products.js
import Vue from "vue";
import filterProducts from "../../views/filter-products";
var element = document.getElementById("filter-products");
const props = JSON.parse(element.getAttribute("props"));
Vue.directive('click-outside', {
bind: function(el, binding, vNode) {
//bind logic
unbind: function(el, binding) {
//unbind logic
if (element != null) {
new Vue({
render: (h) => h(filterProducts, { props }),
the custom directive code is actually big, so what I have in mind but am not sure how to do is one of two things:
Have the bulk for that custom directive in an ES6 Module and import that here and just use it directly.
Create a prototype for Vue that includes this custom directive and import it instead of importing vue from "vue".
Is either of the approaches better? and how would I achieve them? thanks!
Create a folder named directives and for each directive create a file to make your code more organized and maintenable especially in team :
import Vue from 'vue';
const directiveName = {
inserted: function(el, binding) {},
update: function(el, binding) {},
export default directiveName;
Vue.directive('directiveName', directiveName);//optional
then import it in any component like :
import directiveName from 'path-to-directives-folder/directives/directiveName'
then use it as follows :

Vue component inside legacy php/jquery project

I've got this big legacy web app based on Codeigniter and jQuery.
The plan is to phase out jQuery and start using Vuejs instead. We are replacing certain parts of the website step by step.
I have just installed Nuxtjs and got the file structure the way i like it inside the legacy project.
Now to the question. How can i access a Vue component from one of my legacy javascript files?
<div id="app">
<HelloWorld msg="Welcome to Your Vue.js + TypeScript App" />
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from "vue";
import HelloWorld from "./components/HelloWorld.vue";
export default Vue.extend({
name: "App",
components: {
import Vue from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import store from "./store";
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)
I want to display my App.vue inside an ordinary php/html view.
I am doing something similar right now, the project was originally written using Thymeleaf and jQuery and now we are switching to Vue.
You can communicate between vue components and non-vue components in a few ways, none of them are "pretty".
Classic JavaScript events
Pretty straightforward
// legacy code
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('legacy-vue.something-happened', { detail: payload }))
// vue component
created () {
document.addEventListener('legacy-vue.something-happened', this.onSomethingHappened)
destroyed () { // don't forget to remove the listener!
document.removeEventListener('legacy-vue.something-happened', this.onSomethingHappened)
Exposing EventHub
Similar to the previous one, but you are using vue events instead. This is what i would recommend, because it's the Vue way of handling events and your goal is to vuetify your app.
// initialization
const hub = new Vue()
Vue.prototype.$eventHub = hub
window.$vueEventHub = hub
// legacy code
$vueEventHub.$emit('something-happened', payload)
// vue component
created () {
this.$eventHub.$on('something-happened', this.onSomethingHappened)
destroyed () {
this.$eventHub.$off('something-happened', this.onSomethingHappened)
Exposing whole components
The most flexible way, but it's hard to see what's going on where. Event based approaches the lesser evil in my opinion (it's easy to track events).
// vue component
created () {
window.vueTableComponent = this
// legacy component
No matter which approach you pick, i recommend doing something like this:
Let's say that you have TableComponent. TableComponent has few props like apiUrl, emits row-clicked event, etc. It would be best to design the component without thinking about your legacy code at all, and then create it's legacy wrapper because at one point it will be used both with vue-only screens and with mixed-screens (with both legacy components and vue components). An example:
export default {
data: () => ({
apiPath: null
methods: {
onRowClicked (row) {
this.$eventHub.$emit('table-row-clicked', row) // notify legacy code
onApiPathDefined (payload) {
this.apiPath = payload
mounted () {
// legacy code might require the TableComponent to act differently
// and if you don't want the TableComponent to know whenever it's legacy or not
// you can always override one or more of it's methods.
this.$refs['table-component'] = this.overriddenImplementationOfXYZ
created () {
this.$eventHub.$on('define-api-path', this.onApiPathDefined)
destroyed () {
this.$eventHub.$off('define-api-path', this.onApiPathDefined)
It's sure more work at first, but will save you a headache later, when you will be working on your first view which is fully in vue and all that legacy communication stuff is in the way.

How can I use components in multiple files when adding React to a website?

I have added the React files from CDN to my existing website, as described in the React docs.
Is there any way I can store components in different files and reuse them? As one might using import statements (of course these are not supported in plain JS).
Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:
// ParentComponent.js
import { ChildComponent } from "./ChildComponent"; // this causes an error
const e = React.createElement;
export class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
child = e(ChildComponent, {}, "Some text to display")
render() {
return e("div", {}, child)
and in a separate file,
// ChildComponent.js
const e = React.createElement;
export class ChildComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return e("p", {}, props.children)
For reference, if I use an import statement as below, I get a console error:
import ChildComponent from "./ChildComponent";
SyntaxError: import declarations may only appear at top level of a module
Any way this can be achieved with minimal additional modules/frameworks/preprocessors?
So to answer my own question, after much experimentation and searching, to include other JS files as 'imports', they must be included as <script> tags in the HTML:
<script src="" crossorigin></script> <script src="" crossorigin></script>
<script src="/components/ChildComponent.js"><script>
<script src="/components/ParentComponent.js"><script>
Or, just use a single JS file with multiple components.

Using component without even declaring it

I am very new to Vue and I have read an article or two about it (probably vaguely).
Also, Since I have some understanding of react, I tend to assume certain things to work the same way (but probably they do not)
Anyway, I just started with Quasar and was going through the Quasar boilerplate code
In the myLayout.vue file, I see being used inside my template
<q-layout view="lHh Lpr lFf">
#click="leftDrawerOpen = !leftDrawerOpen"
<q-icon name="menu" />
based on my vaguely understanding, I thought for every component we are using to whom we need to pass props we need to import it as well but unfortunately I can't see it in my import-script area
import { openURL } from 'quasar'
export default {
name: 'MyLayout',
data () {
return {
leftDrawerOpen: this.$
methods: {
I would've thought the script to be something like
import { openURL } from 'quasar'
import {q-icon} from "quasar"
or at least something like that but here we only have
import { openURL } from 'quasar'
Also, Even if we remove the above snippet, our boilerplate app looks to be working fine so here are my two questions
Question 1: What is the use of import { openURL } from 'quasar' (like what it does)
Question 2: How can template contain <quasar-icon> or <quasar-whatever> without even importing it in script tag?
How can template contain <quasar-icon> or <quasar-whatever> without even importing it in script tag?
There are two ways to import components. The first way (which I recommend, and being most similar to React) is to import the component and add it to the components option inside the component that you want to use it within.
import MyComponent from 'my-component'
export default {
components: {
The second way is to import it globally for use within any Vue component in your app. You need only do this once in the entry script of your app. This is what Quasar is doing.
import Vue from 'vue'
import MyComponent from 'my-component'
Vue.component('my-component', MyComponent)
What is the use of import { openURL } from 'quasar' (like what it does)
I'm not familiar with Quasar, so I can't give you a specific answer here (I don't know what openURL does). You should check the Quasar docs.
openURL is being used as a method here. Perhaps it is being called from somewhere in the template (which you have excluded from the question).
A1) Import statement is 1 way (es6) way to split your code into different files and then import functions/objects/vars from other files or npm modules see
A2) Vue allows 2 mechanisms to register components. Global and local. Globally registered components does not have to be imported and registered in every component before use (in template or render fn). See URL from comment above

Ember DRY pattern for reusing "Ember.computed.alias"

I have a form that transitions through several views. Currently each controller.js file has a long list of these Ember.computed.alias. How can I break that out into one file and import it into each controller?
Currently in each controller.js
entityEmail: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityEmail'),
entityDOB: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityDOB'),
entityPhone: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityPhone'),
entityAddress1: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityAddress1'),
entityAddress2: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityAddress2'),
entityCity: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.checkout.entityCity'),
I would like to pull all that out into a file so I can simply import some 1 liner in each controller.js
This is a classic use-case for Ember.Mixin.
You can extract all these computed props into a single mixin and extend every controller (that needs to have these props) with it.
Add the following mixin to your app
// app/mixins/entity-form.js
import Ember from 'ember';
const { Mixin, inject, computed: { alias } } = Ember;
export default Mixin.create({
checkout: inject.controller(),
entityEmail: alias('checkout.entityEmail'),
entityDOB: alias('checkout.entityDOB'),
entityPhone: alias('checkout.entityPhone'),
entityAddress1: alias('checkout.entityAddress1'),
entityAddress2: alias('checkout.entityAddress2'),
entityCity: alias('checkout.entityCity')
And then use it in a controller
// app/controllers/example.js
import EntityFormMixin from 'yourAppName/mixins/entity-form';
const { Controller } = Ember;
export default Controller.extend(EntityFormMixin, {
// rest of controller's props and functions
Note: Ember.inject API is available since Ember 1.10.0. In case you are using an older version you need to replace the inject line with: needs: ['checkout'] and prefix the aliases with "controllers." like you did in your example.
