Creating array of objects based on another array of objects - javascript

Trying creating array of objects based on another array of objects. Decided to use flatmap and then reduce, but the problem is when I have more than one object in result array - I can not collected several statuses in one object. Have added what i tried and what is result I am trying to achieve.
What I have
const data = [
"timestamp": "2021-08-31T15:29:18Z",
"result": [
"label": "Not Covered",
"value": 132
"timestamp": "2021-09-30T15:29:18Z",
"result": [
"label": "Not Covered",
"value": 135
"timestamp": "2021-10-31T16:29:18Z",
"result": [
"label": "Not Covered",
"value": 135
What I need to get
"Not Covered":132,
"Expiring Soon":0,
"timestamp": "2021-08-31T15:29:18Z"
"Not Covered":135,
"Expiring Soon":0,
"timestamp": "2021-09-30T15:29:18Z"
"Not Covered":135,
"Expiring Soon":0,
"timestamp": "2021-10-31T16:29:18Z"
What I am doing
let flattenedResult = data.flatMap(({result,...r}) => => ({ ...o,...r})));
const chartData = flattenedResult.reduce((acc, item) => {
const {timestamp, value,label} = item;
acc.push({timestamp, "Not Covered":"Not Covered"===label?value:0,"Active":"Active"===label?value:0,"Expiring Soon":"Expiring Soon"===label?value:0});
return acc;
}, []);
What i am getting:
"timestamp": "2021-08-31T15:29:18Z",
"Not Covered": 132,
"Active": 0,
"Expiring Soon": 0
"timestamp": "2021-09-30T15:29:18Z",
"Not Covered": 135,
"Active": 0,
"Expiring Soon": 0
"timestamp": "2021-10-31T16:29:18Z",
"Not Covered": 135,
"Active": 0,
"Expiring Soon": 0

You haven't explained how to get the values "Active" and "Expiring soon", but I'm sure something like that should help
const data = [
"timestamp": "2021-08-31T15:29:18Z",
"result": [
"label": "Expiring Soon",
"value": 57
"label": "Not Covered",
"value": 132
"label": "Active",
"value": 42
"timestamp": "2021-09-30T15:29:18Z",
"result": [
"label": "Not Covered",
"value": 135
"timestamp": "2021-10-31T16:29:18Z",
"result": [
"label": "Not Covered",
"value": 135
"label": "Active",
"value": 42
console.log(data.reduce((acc, {timestamp, result}) => {
const datum = result.reduce((acc, {label, value}) => {
acc[label] = value;
return acc;
}, {
'Not Covered': 0,
Active: 0,
'Expiring Soon': 0
return acc.concat(datum);
}, []));

What about something like this? You can then just put your "Active" and "ExpringSoon" according to your business logic.
const array = => {
const results = {}
item.result.forEach(({ label, value }) => results[label] = value )
return {
Active: 0,
ExpiringSoon: 0,
timestamp: item.timestamp,
Active: 0,
ExpiringSoon: 0,
timestamp: '2021-08-31T15:29:18Z',
'Not Covered': 132
Active: 0,
ExpiringSoon: 0,
timestamp: '2021-09-30T15:29:18Z',
'Not Covered': 135
Active: 0,
ExpiringSoon: 0,
timestamp: '2021-10-31T16:29:18Z',
'Not Covered': 135


Iterate through array of objects and obtain a new array of object

I have below array of objects with each object having a projects attribute which further has its array of objects.
const data = [
"title": "Release",
"projects": [
"name": "Server",
"result": {
"success": 0,
"failure": 100
"title": "Payments",
"projects": [
"name": "Platform1",
"result": {
"success": 100,
"failure": 0
"name": "Platform2",
"result": {
"success": 50,
"failure": 50,
I wanted to iterate through it and get the result as follows. name is nothing but concatenation of title and name from above data.
const result = [
name: 'Release-Server',
success: 0,
failure: 100,
name: 'Payments-Platform1',
success: 100,
failure: 0,
name: 'Payments-Platform2',
success: 50,
failure: 5,
I have tried below ways but not able to figure out how to get exactly the result as shown above. can someone pls help on this.
data.forEach(prj => {
prj.projects.forEach((project) => {
// unable to get how to push these details into a new array of object
You can do the following (Make sure you add checks for null/undefined references)
const data = [{
"title": "Release",
"projects": [{
"name": "Server",
"result": {
"success": 0,
"failure": 100
"title": "Payments",
"projects": [{
"name": "Platform1",
"result": {
"success": 100,
"failure": 0
"name": "Platform2",
"result": {
"success": 50,
"failure": 50,
const result = data.flatMap(item => => ({
name: `${item.title}-${}`,
success: project.result.success,
failure: project.result.failure
You should use flatMap first because you have will change the number of elements (you start with 2, you end with 3) and inside a simple map to convert 1:1 each project into your final object.
Working Demo
const data = [{
"title": "Release",
"projects": [{
"name": "Server",
"result": {
"success": 0,
"failure": 100
"title": "Payments",
"projects": [{
"name": "Platform1",
"result": {
"success": 100,
"failure": 0
"name": "Platform2",
"result": {
"success": 50,
"failure": 50,
var groupedData = data.flatMap((el) => => ({
name: el.title + "-" +,
success: proj.result.success,
failure: proj.result.failure,

how to change the format of json array by loping over

Hi I am getting data from API but I want my data in different format so that I can pass later into a function. I want to change the names of keys into a different one becasuse I have created a chart and it only draws if I send it data in certain way
This is what I am getting from API
data = {
"status": "success",
"from": "DB",
"indice": "KSE100",
"data": [
"stock_sector_name": "Tc",
"sector_score": "0828",
"stocks": [
"stock_symbol": "TRG",
"stock_score": 44
"stock_symbol": "SYS",
"stock_score": 33
"stock_sector_name": "OIL",
"sector_score": "0828",
"stocks": [
"stock_symbol": "FFS",
"stock_score": 44
"stock_symbol": "SMS",
"stock_score": 33
But I want my data to look like this like this
data = {
"name": "KSE100",
"children": [
"name": "A",
'points': -9,
"children": [
"stock_title": "A",
"value": 12,
"stock_title": "B",
"value": 4,
"name": "B",
'points': 20,
"children": [
"stock_title": "A",
"value": 12,
"name": "B",
"value": 4,
Like I want to replace
stock_sector_name = name
sector_score = value
stocks = children
stock_symbol = name
stock_score = value
I have been trying this for so much time but sill could not figured it out
function convert(d){
return {
name : d.indice,
children :>{
return {
name : y.stock_sector_name,
points : y.sector_score,
children :>{
return {
stock_title: z.stock_symbol,
value : z.stock_score
You can do something like this
const data = {
"status": "success",
"from": "DB",
"indice": "KSE100",
"data": [{
"stock_sector_name": "Tc",
"sector_score": "0828",
"stocks": [{
"stock_symbol": "TRG",
"stock_score": 44
"stock_symbol": "SYS",
"stock_score": 33
"stock_sector_name": "OIL",
"sector_score": "0828",
"stocks": [{
"stock_symbol": "FFS",
"stock_score": 44
"stock_symbol": "SMS",
"stock_score": 33
const data2 = {
"name": "KSE100",
"children": [{
"name": "A",
'points': -9,
"children": [{
"stock_title": "A",
"value": 12,
"stock_title": "B",
"value": 4,
"name": "B",
'points': 20,
"children": [{
"stock_title": "A",
"value": 12,
"name": "B",
"value": 4,
//stock_sector_name = name
//sector_score = value
//stocks = children
//stock_symbol = stock_title
//stock_score = value
const keys = {
stock_sector_name: "name",
sector_score: "points",
stocks: "children",
stock_symbol: "stock_title",
stock_score: "value",
indice: "name",
//data: "children"
const rename = (value) => {
if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') return value;
if (Array.isArray(value)) return;
return Object.fromEntries(Object
.map(([k, v]) => [keys[k] || k, rename(v)])
renamedObj = rename(data);

How to map and group array of objects

I'm building an application with Node.js, Express, Postgres and Sequelize.
I get a response that looks like this:
"id": 101,
"type": 0,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-15T02:00:00.000Z"
"id": 102,
"type": 4,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-17T02:00:00.000Z"
"id": 103,
"type": 0,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-15T02:00:00.000Z"
"id": 104,
"type": 0,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-17T02:00:00.000Z"
I want to group all the events that happen on the same date.
I tried
_.forEach(response, function(value) {
_.groupBy(value, value.bookings[0].date)
but it doesn't work.
How can I map and group an array?
Eventually I want to have an object (or array) that looks something like this:
2019-04-15: [
{ id: 101, type: 0 }, { id: 103, type: 0}
2019-04-17: [
{ id: 102, type: 4 }, { id: 104, type: 0}
You can use reduce
let data = [{"id": 101,"type": 0,"bookings": [{"date": "2019-04-15T02:00:00.000Z"}]},{"id": 102,"type": 4,"bookings": [{"date": "2019-04-17T02:00:00.000Z"}]},{"id": 103,"type": 0,"bookings": [{"date": "2019-04-15T02:00:00.000Z"}]},{"id": 104,"type": 0,"bookings": [{"date": "2019-04-17T02:00:00.000Z"}]}]
let op = data.reduce((op,{bookings,}) => {
let key = bookings[0].date.split('T',1)[0]
op[key] = op[key] || []
return op
You can use the function reduce for grouping the objects by date.
This is assuming the array has only one index.
let arr = [ { "id": 101, "type": 0, "bookings": [ { "date": "2019-04-15T02:00:00.000Z" } ] }, { "id": 102, "type": 4, "bookings": [ { "date": "2019-04-17T02:00:00.000Z" } ] }, { "id": 103, "type": 0, "bookings": [ { "date": "2019-04-15T02:00:00.000Z" } ] }, { "id": 104, "type": 0, "bookings": [ { "date": "2019-04-17T02:00:00.000Z" } ] }];
let result = arr.reduce((a, {id, type, bookings: [{date}]}) => {
let key = date.substring(0, 10);
(a[key] || (a[key] = [])).push({id, type});
return a;
}, Object.create(null));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
You can also use this to accomplish what you're looking for.
let response = [
"id": 101,
"type": 0,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-15T02:00:00.000Z"
"id": 102,
"type": 4,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-17T02:00:00.000Z"
"id": 103,
"type": 0,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-15T02:00:00.000Z"
"id": 104,
"type": 0,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-17T02:00:00.000Z"
let dateGroupings = {};
response.forEach((v)=> {
let date = v.bookings[0].date.substring(0,10)
if (!dateGroupings[date]){
dateGroupings[date] = [];
let obj = {
type: v.type
Well i didn't see that many answers but since i did it too
const data = [
"id": 101,
"type": 0,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-15T02:00:00.000Z"
"id": 102,
"type": 4,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-17T02:00:00.000Z"
"id": 103,
"type": 0,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-15T02:00:00.000Z"
"id": 104,
"type": 0,
"bookings": [
"date": "2019-04-17T02:00:00.000Z"
const bookingsByDate = {};
data.forEach((booking) => {
booking.bookings.forEach((bookingDate) => {
const date = new Date(;
const day = date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + date.getDate(): date.getDate();
const month = date.getMonth() < 10 ? '0' + date.getMonth(): date.getMonth();
const year = date.getFullYear();
const fullDate = year + '-' + month + '-' + day;
if(!bookingsByDate[fullDate]) {
bookingsByDate[fullDate] = [];
bookingsByDate[fullDate] = [
type: booking.type,

Filter data from Json to new Array which can be used in HighChartsJs

I am currently working with HighCharts JS. For data to be shown in HighCharts, I must have the final data as follows:
name: 'Performing',
data: [1941404, 1028717, 697370, 0, 0, 0]
name: 'Non performing',
data: [0, 0, 0, 1759908, 890857, 280235]
name: 'Substandard',
data: [0, 0, 863825, 0, 0, 0]
name: 'Written-off',
data: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 77146]
'Data' is an array of 6 objects which populate the xAxis of the chart.
However, I have the following data which is being supplied via MongoDb
const chartData = [
"_id": {
"data": "90 - 180",
"status": "Non Performing"
"value": 1759908
"_id": {
"data": "360",
"status": "Written-off"
"value": 77146
"_id": {
"data": "360",
"status": "Non Performing"
"value": 280235
"_id": {
"data": "30 - 90",
"status": "Substandard"
"value": 863825
"_id": {
"data": "30 - 90",
"status": "Performing"
"value": 697370
"_id": {
"data": "180 - 360",
"status": "Non Performing"
"value": 890857
"_id": {
"data": "0 - 30",
"status": "Performing"
"value": 1028717
"_id": {
"data": "0",
"status": "Performing"
"value": 1941404
I need to filter through the latter code so it ends up like the former code. It is very important that in the data array, we end up with 6 objects to make sure we populate the entire xAxis of Highcharts, hence we see lots of zeros, where no data was supplied.
I really hope this clears things up. Thank you to all those who have help. I apologise for being so vague from the offset.
QUICK NOTE The order of the data array is as follows: 0, 0-30, 30-90, 90-180, 180-360, 360
So this is the code I am using at the moment:
const data = this.chartData
let series
series = Object.values(data.reduce((acc, currVal) => {
acc[currVal._id.status] = acc[currVal._id.status] || {
name: currVal._id.status,
data: []
acc[currVal._id.status].data.push(currVal.totalBookValue) //push the year to data array after converting the same to a Number
return acc //return the accumulator
}, {}))
This kind of works, but its not populating the Data array with 6 elements.
Your problem can be solved via a bit of traversal using reduce() to reach object form and map() to return to array form (assuming the 0 to 360 list you posted is complete).
See below for a practical example.
// Input.
const input = [
"_id": {
"data": "90 - 180",
"status": "Non Performing"
"value": 1759908
"_id": {
"data": "360",
"status": "Written-off"
"value": 77146
"_id": {
"data": "360",
"status": "Non Performing"
"value": 280235
"_id": {
"data": "30 - 90",
"status": "Substandard"
"value": 863825
"_id": {
"data": "30 - 90",
"status": "Performing"
"value": 697370
"_id": {
"data": "180 - 360",
"status": "Non Performing"
"value": 890857
"_id": {
"data": "0 - 30",
"status": "Performing"
"value": 1028717
"_id": {
"data": "0",
"status": "Performing"
"value": 1941404
// Depth.
const depth = ['0', '0 - 30', '30 - 90', '90 - 180', '180 - 360', '360']
// Object Form.
const objectform = input.reduce((accumulator, x) => {
const { _id, value } = x // _id. Value.
let { data, status } = _id // Status.
status = status.toLowerCase() // Lower Case.
const point = {...accumulator[status], [data]: value} // Data.
return {...accumulator, [status]: point} // Update + Return Accumulator.
}, {})
// Output.
const output = Object.keys(objectform).map((key) => {
return {
name: key, // Name.
data: => objectform[key][frame] || 0) // Data.
// Log.

Compare two arrays of objects and filter results

const depositAddress = '2NBXPR5PRtW8xBRuDnWXBDXqHYpDPupWnhG';
DBarray1.forEach( (tx) => {
TXarray2.forEach( (sim) => {
DBarray1 = [
"_id": "575e2b7875a402111900ba8f",
"username": "",
"playerWallet": "2NFt8YfydBU5JD9U8Xq2ucbfUp2sP7BjUrh",
"User_Profile": {
"TXHash": [
"_id": "575e2946b909906a17ea65b9",
"username": "",
"playerWallet": "2MzppxEX7xMidjhoJGczFDYsHk5TQwFkjS3",
"User_Profile": {
"TXHash": [
] // end console.log(DBarray1);
TXarray2 = [
"id": "cf948340a40d3302303dfb3710cfce37bb1cd156dcb6c74561fdc71c0a8fc30b",
"normalizedHash": "f62af1a61c7eb569c1a171ad23c70bc218bd7244c9c5c92cf7d98638314fbbc5",
"date": "2016-06-21T04:11:18.541Z",
"fee": 6280,
"inputs": [
"previousHash": "2660fb761354671912b0cea6427e9ee91a98a507e5f1408865a6058b566b508c",
"previousOutputIndex": 0
"previousHash": "ce3ef138c11ea4d1766cce52ccf5f1e91790bc03b56561b0eb669041bae4e1a3",
"previousOutputIndex": 0
"outputs": [
"vout": 0,
"account": "2N92kApgroS6CTVuTajtjWtpcAZpUiyQoDT",
"value": 861003
"vout": 1,
"account": "2NBXPR5PRtW8xBRuDnWXBDXqHYpDPupWnhG",
"value": 3100000,
"isMine": true,
"chain": 0,
"chainIndex": 0
"entries": [
"account": "2MzppxEX7xMidjhoJGczFDYsHk5TQwFkjS3",
"value": -3967283
"account": "2N92kApgroS6CTVuTajtjWtpcAZpUiyQoDT",
"value": 861003
"account": "2NBXPR5PRtW8xBRuDnWXBDXqHYpDPupWnhG",
"value": 3100000
"confirmations": 70,
"pending": false,
"instant": true,
"instantId": "5768be65427689eb06e597559c7e6cf0",
"blockhash": "00000000002d9fb51c7c3c1607fe062eff686aa6be657a59fee6c3044963897d",
"height": 872152
"id": "6219def49d2e8284a6031f4c7e05e21adf756d38904e6359bd7844ae14c75a50",
"normalizedHash": "179a4466fdfc5470e99e43aa177d43aa4f09e3a06760fd5bebffdda080d4407f",
"date": "2016-06-21T04:13:23.650Z",
"fee": 9096,
"inputs": [
"previousHash": "5d2879a79ea3d0dcb50049ef9ca46ef7e8d82caf2073a299a6cd0332add404c8",
"previousOutputIndex": 1
"previousHash": "d75288e69a3fc2edd534ddcd845af6a280a27af58013ae82828c8a8f813829c1",
"previousOutputIndex": 0
"previousHash": "eea4f9b274708b60c1b030203543a155857bc54aa11055ada04aceee706f96b9",
"previousOutputIndex": 0
"outputs": [
"vout": 0,
"account": "2NBXPR5PRtW8xBRuDnWXBDXqHYpDPupWnhG",
"value": 2000000,
"isMine": true,
"chain": 0,
"chainIndex": 0
"vout": 1,
"account": "2MzFTm5jnCDiAapjNnyVgZAJrXMKfQ74esV",
"value": 9859
"entries": [
"account": "2MzcwVFKF274bMNT5tNEDY7Ua7bAgvFUdu9",
"value": -35316
"account": "2MzFTm5jnCDiAapjNnyVgZAJrXMKfQ74esV",
"value": 9859
"account": "2MzppxEX7xMidjhoJGczFDYsHk5TQwFkjS3",
"value": -1983639
"account": "2NBXPR5PRtW8xBRuDnWXBDXqHYpDPupWnhG",
"value": 2000000
"confirmations": 70,
"pending": false,
"instant": true,
"instantId": "5768bee2b5bdf3f406e7db035aef016a",
"blockhash": "00000000002d9fb51c7c3c1607fe062eff686aa6be657a59fee6c3044963897d",
"height": 872152
"id": "7fbe28f75412f19dfd123a08ce03c33c302aa13d1e68d38ab8cb4c7418777f8e",
"normalizedHash": "b4f1974dccde5ea9dfb0abcd7d4a6f3f14995d9dd422aa7d2a9078229ff18ff4",
"date": "2016-06-21T03:39:25.034Z",
"fee": 3465,
"inputs": [
"previousHash": "97fbb6ed8646f7ce9ed10a4230a70348151d5b6b208ad068e3a1a3fddae2dc0e",
"previousOutputIndex": 2
"outputs": [
"vout": 0,
"account": "2NBXPR5PRtW8xBRuDnWXBDXqHYpDPupWnhG",
"value": 111200000,
"isMine": true,
"chain": 0,
"chainIndex": 0
"vout": 1,
"account": "2NFJnLrhsCDfG3ooQvGC169gnzBabtRgV2y",
"value": 244246993
"entries": [
"account": "2NCGUnwpNgaJbhMZKLJcBrWvZhWnai5PjVC",
"value": -355450458
"account": "2NFJnLrhsCDfG3ooQvGC169gnzBabtRgV2y",
"value": 244246993
"account": "2NBXPR5PRtW8xBRuDnWXBDXqHYpDPupWnhG",
"value": 111200000
"confirmations": 77,
"pending": false,
"instant": false,
"blockhash": "0000000000509dbc80cc3d86cdb10ce8e87ab7867c6775a9b00ca904fbe70da7",
"height": 872145
]// end console.log(TXarray2);
How can we check if which is the transactions id, if it matches a payment made by the user inside DBarray1.User_Profile.TXHash for examplecf948340a40d3302303dfb3710cfce37bb1cd156dcb6c74561fdc71c0a8fc30b .
I want to know forEach who made the payment . I tried to do this with promises and i will share some code when i get home but i'm sure it can be done with async for all users one by one and log who made a payment today to this wallet. I tried with array.find() method to check inside TXHash but failed, i don't fully grasp many prototype methods yet...
Hopefully someone already thinks this a walk on the park for him and found a better solution to validate this kind of stuff. I will accept any answer even with lodash, maping, anything. TY !!!
You iterate TXArray2 and do a lookup in DBarray1 for the transactionId.
I like to work with native array methods like map and filter, so I would use something like the following:
const result = => ({
transaction: tx,
user: DBarray1.filter(user => user.User_Profile.TXHash.indexOf( > -1)[0]
In this example result is an array where every element contains a transaction and the matching user.
If you already have all of the transaction and user data, could you do something like this?
// for each transaction in TXarray2
for (let { 'id': transactionId } of TXarray2) {
// check each entry in DBarray1
for (let { '_id': userId, 'User_Profile': { 'TXHash': transactions } } of DBarray1) {
if (transactions.includes(transactionId)) {
console.log(`${transactionId} was made by ${userId}`);
The best way here is to use Array.indexOf (or Array.findIndex if you want to use callbacks) which returns -1 if an entry is not in an array.
Here's the sync variant:
var paid = [];
for(var i = 0; i < DBArray1.length; ++i){
if(DBArray1[i].User_Profile.TXHash.indexOf( > -1){
user : DBArray1[i],
transaction : transaction
