Merge item in array of object with the same ID on Javascript - javascript

this is how the object look:
let data = [
brandId: '12345',
brand: 'Adidas',
item: {
name: 'Adidas 1',
price: '200',
brandId: '12345',
brand: 'Adidas',
item: {
name: 'Adidas 2',
price: '230',
brandId: '7878',
brand: 'Nike',
item: {
name: 'Nike 1',
price: '305',
i want the item object will merge if the object have the same brandID :
let data = [
brandId: '12345',
brand: 'Adidas',
item: [
name: 'Adidas 1',
price: '200',
name: 'Adidas 2',
price: '230',
brandId: '7878',
brand: 'Nike',
item: {
name: 'Nike 2',
price: '316',
is there any javascript syntax or method to do this ? and with an explanation will be very nice, Thank You

(Assuming that your output is just a typo and name/price doesn't actually changes) You can use array reduce
let data = [
brandId: '12345',
brand: 'Adidas',
item: {
name: 'Adidas 1',
price: '200',
brandId: '12345',
brand: 'Adidas',
item: {
name: 'Adidas 2',
price: '230',
brandId: '7878',
brand: 'Nike',
item: {
name: 'Nike 1',
price: '305',
const mergedItems = data.reduce((acc, curr) => {
// check if current exist on the accumulator
const exist = acc.find(brand => brand.brandId === curr.brandId);
// if it does, add the item on it
if (exist) {
return => {
if (brand.brandId === exist.brandId) {
return {
item: brand.item.concat(curr.item),
// if it doesnt, add it on accumulator, and make the item array
return acc.concat({
item: [
(I wrote the code manually and not tested)

You can simply achieve this result using Map
let data = [
brandId: "12345",
brand: "Adidas",
item: {
name: "Adidas 1",
price: "200",
brandId: "12345",
brand: "Adidas",
item: {
name: "Adidas 2",
price: "230",
brandId: "7878",
brand: "Nike",
item: {
name: "Nike 1",
price: "305",
const dict = new Map();
data.forEach((o) => {
? dict.get(o.brandId).item.push(o.item)
: dict.set(o.brandId, { ...o, item: [o.item] });
const result = [];
for (let [k, v] of dict) {
v.item.length === 1 ? result.push({ ...v, item: v.item[0] }) : result.push(v);
/* This is not a part of answer. It is just to give the output fill height. So IGNORE IT */
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }


How to change object value in array with objects with if/else in JS

I have an array with objects. I need to find item with current name and change it.
const example = [
id: '1234',
desc: 'sample1',
items: [
itemsName: [
{ id: 1, name: 'name1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'testItem2' }
id: 888,
id: '3456',
desc: 'sample2',
items: [
itemsName: [
{ id: 1, name: 'name2' },
{ id: 2, name: 'testItem3' }
id: 889,
I try to do in this way, but it's not working.
I get construction like (5) 
[Array(1), Array(1)]
instead of 
[{…}, {…}]
const findName = (name, changedName) => {
const result = example?.map((group) => =>
group.itemsName?.map((i) => {
if ( === name) return === changedName;
return null;
findName('name1', 'name2')
let findName1 = (name, changedName) => {
const result = example?.map((group) => =>
group.itemsName?.map((i) => {
if ( === name) return = changedName;
return null;
This will work with following object (your object declaration seems to be wrong)
const example = [
id: '1234',
desc: 'sample1',
items: [
{itemsName: [
{ id: 1, name: 'name1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'testItem2' }
id: 888,}
id: '3456',
desc: 'sample2',
items: [
{itemsName: [
{ id: 1, name: 'name2' },
{ id: 2, name: 'testItem3' }
id: 889,}

How to compare two array of objects and return the not matching object?

obj1 is the original object and obj2 is the changed object. I want to get the key , value pair and the type of all the changed object inside obje2 array of objects.
So, I need something like this where if "name" or "id" value is different in obj2 return the object along with the type.
changedObj = [
name:"Temple Runs",
obj1 = [
type: "mobile",
games: [
name: "Temple Run",
id: 2259,
name: "Subway Surfer",
id: 2271,
name: "Pubg",
id: 2272,
type: "pc",
games: [
name: "Pubg",
id: 222,
name: "Fortnite",
id: 2274,
name: "Nfs",
id: 2272,
obj2 = [
type: "mobile",
games: [
name: "Temple Runs",
id: 2259,
name: "Subway Surfer",
id: 2271,
name: "Pubg",
id: 2272,
type: "pc",
games: [
name: "Pubgs",
id: 222,
name: "Fortnite",
id: 2274,
name: "Nfs",
id: 2272,
How to achieve something like this ?
In order to find the difference, you will need to:
Map all of the updated platforms (type and games)
Filter the updated games and locate the original game by ID
Flat-map the games in each platform and include the type
const main = () => {
const delta = diff(changed, data);
const diff = (updated, original) =>
.map(({ type, games }) => ({
games: games
.filter(({ name, id }) => original
.find(platform => platform.type === type).games
.find(game => === id)?.name !== name)
.flatMap(({ type, games }) =>{ name, id }) =>
({ name, id, type })));
const data = [{
type: "mobile",
games: [
{ name: "Temple Run", id: 2259 },
{ name: "Subway Surfer", id: 2271 },
{ name: "Pubg", id: 2272 }
}, {
type: "pc",
games: [
{ name: "Pubg", id: 222 },
{ name: "Fortnite", id: 2274 },
{ name: "Nfs", id: 2272 }
const changed = [{
type: "mobile",
games: [
{ name: "Temple Runs", id: 2259 },
{ name: "Subway Surfer", id: 2271 },
{ name: "Pubg", id: 2272 }
}, {
type: "pc",
games: [
{ name: "Pubgs", id: 222 },
{ name: "Fortnite", id: 2274 },
{ name: "Nfs", id: 2272 }
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }

How to create a nested array of object from an array of objects

How Can I loop through this array of objects and change it so that the individual menu items are nested in the object menu_name?
const menus = [
{ menu_name: 'Entre', id:0 },
name: 'Soup',
price: 14.99,
name: 'Chips & Salsa',
price: 7.99,
name: 'Chicken Nuggets',
price: 12.99,
{ menu_name: 'Sides', id:4 },
name: 'Fries',
price: 4.99,
name: 'Drinks',
price: 2.99,
name: 'Onion Rings',
price: 5.99,
the end result should look like this for each menu_name object, where an array of menus is nested in the menu_name object
menu_name: 'Sides',
menu: [
name: 'Fries',
price: 4.99,
name: 'Drinks',
price: 2.99,
name: 'Onion Rings',
price: 5.99,
You can easily achieve this using reduce and object destructuring
const menus = [
{ menu_name: "Entre", id: 0 },
name: "Soup",
price: 14.99,
id: 1,
name: "Chips & Salsa",
price: 7.99,
id: 2,
name: "Chicken Nuggets",
price: 12.99,
id: 3,
{ menu_name: "Sides", id: 4 },
name: "Fries",
price: 4.99,
id: 5,
name: "Drinks",
price: 2.99,
id: 6,
name: "Onion Rings",
price: 5.99,
id: 7,
const result = menus.reduce((acc, curr) => {
const { menu_name } = curr;
if (menu_name) {
acc.push({ menu_name, menu: [] });
} else {
const { name, price } = curr;
acc[acc.length - 1].menu.push({ name, price });
return acc;
}, []);
var newMenu = [];
newMenu.push({, menu: []})

JavaScript - transform object, consolidate

I'm trying to transform the object below. I need to create a new array of unique locations, with the location and item objects in each node.
With the help of JackOfAshes I was able to get halfway there in this PEN
Transform this:
const orig = [
item: {
name: "cat",
id: "ca_123"
location: {
name: "porch",
id: "por_123"
item: {
name: "dog",
id: "do_123"
location: {
name: "porch",
id: "por_123"
item: {
name: "snake",
id: "sn_123"
location: {
name: "forest",
id: "for_123"
item: {
name: "bird",
id: "bi_123"
location: {
name: "forest",
id: "for_123"
item: {
name: "beer",
id: "be_123"
location: {
name: "fridge",
id: "fri_123"
Into this:
const desired = [
name: "porch",
id: "por_123",
items: [
name: "cat",
id: "ca_123"
name: "dog",
id: "do_123"
name: "forest",
id: "for_123",
items: [
name: "snake",
id: "sn_123"
name: "bird",
id: "bi_123"
name: "fridge",
id: "fri_123",
items: [
name: "beer",
id: "be_123"
You can do it, or use reduce
const orig = [
item: {
name: "cat",
id: "ca_123"
location: {
name: "porch",
id: "por_123"
item: {
name: "dog",
id: "do_123"
location: {
name: "porch",
id: "por_123"
item: {
name: "snake",
id: "sn_123"
location: {
name: "forest",
id: "for_123"
item: {
name: "bird",
id: "bi_123"
location: {
name: "forest",
id: "for_123"
item: {
name: "beer",
id: "be_123"
location: {
name: "fridge",
id: "fri_123"
let formattedData = {}
if(!formattedData[]) formattedData[]= {
const finalResponse = Object.entries(formattedData).map((e) => ( { ...e[1] } ));

Merge & Group Two Javascript array of objects and Group

I have two arrays of objects. One array contains list of items, another array contains list of categories. I want to create a new array based on categoryIds. I tried using lodash. But, couldn't get the correct solution.
I can do this using looping. But, I am looking for more clean approach.
var items = [
id: '001',
name: 'item1',
description: 'description of item1',
categoryId: 'cat1'
id: '002',
name: 'item2',
description: 'description of item2',
categoryId: 'cat2'
id: '003',
name: 'item3',
description: 'description of item3',
categoryId: 'cat1'
id: '004',
name: 'item4',
description: 'description of item4'
var categories = [
id: 'cat1',
name: 'Category1'
id: 'cat2',
name: 'Category2'
Expected output
categoryId: 'cat1',
name: 'Category1',
items: [
id: '001',
name: 'item1',
description: 'description of item1',
categoryId: 'cat1'
id: '003',
name: 'item3',
description: 'description of item3',
categoryId: 'cat1'
categoryId: 'cat2',
name: 'Category2',
items: [
id: '002',
name: 'item2',
description: 'description of item2',
categoryId: 'cat2'
categoryId: '',
name: '',
items: [
id: '004',
name: 'item4',
description: 'description of item4'
Thanks for the help
The following does the trick:
var items = [{ id: '001', name: 'item1', description: 'description of item1', categoryId: 'cat1' }, { id: '002', name: 'item2', description: 'description of item2', categoryId: 'cat2' }, { id: '003', name: 'item3', description: 'description of item3', categoryId: 'cat1' }, { id: '004', name: 'item4', description: 'description of item4' } ];
var categories = [ { id: 'cat1', name: 'Category1' }, { id: 'cat2', name: 'Category2' } ];
var output = categories.concat([{id:'',name:''}]).map(function(v) {
return {
items: items.filter(function(o) {
return o.categoryId === || !o.categoryId && !;
I start by using .concat() to create a new categories array that holds the original categories items plus an "empty" category. Then I .map() that array to return category objects with your desired output structure, each of which has an items array that is produced by .filter()ing the original items array.
(Note that the items arrays within the output contain references to the same objects that were in the original items input, not copies of them. If you wanted copies you could add another .map() after the .filter().)
You can accomplish the desired result using a reduce. We are going to start with the original categories array and reduce the items array into it.
var items = [
{ id: '001', name: 'item1', description: 'description of item1', categoryId: 'cat1' },
{ id: '002', name: 'item2', description: 'description of item2', categoryId: 'cat2' },
{ id: '003', name: 'item3', description: 'description of item3', categoryId: 'cat1' },
{ id: '004', name: 'item4', description: 'description of item4' }
var categories = [
{ id: 'cat1', name: 'Category1' },
{ id: 'cat2', name: 'Category2' }
// Lets add the empty category at the beginning. This simplifies the logic.
categories.push({ id: '', name: '' });
// This is a function that will return a function to be used as a filter later on
function createFilter (category) {
return function (item) {
return === category;
var mergedSet = items.reduce(function (previous, current) {
// Get the category ID of the current item, if it doesn't exist set to empty string
var categoryId = current.categoryId || '';
// Find the cateogry that matches the category ID
var category = previous.find(createFilter(categoryId));
// If the items property doesn't exists (we don't have any items), create an empty array
if (!category.items) { category.items = []; }
// Add the item the category
// Return the current value that will be used in the next iteration.
// Note, the initial value of previous will be the intial value of categories.
return previous;
}, categories);
/* Output
{ id: 'cat1',
name: 'Category1',
[ { id: '001',
name: 'item1',
description: 'description of item1',
categoryId: 'cat1' },
{ id: '003',
name: 'item3',
description: 'description of item3',
categoryId: 'cat1' }
{ id: 'cat2',
name: 'Category2',
[ { id: '002',
name: 'item2',
description: 'description of item2',
categoryId: 'cat2'
{ id: '',
name: '',
[ { id: '004',
name: 'item4',
description: 'description of item4' } ] }
Assuming the variables categories and items are assigned as you defined above:
const keyedCategories = _(categories)
.concat({ id: '', name: '' })
const groupedItems = _.groupBy(items, (item) => _.get(item, 'categoryId', ''));
const result = _.reduce(groupedItems, (acc, value, key) => {
const { id: categoryId, name } = keyedCategories[key];
return _.concat(acc, { categoryId, name, items: value });
}, []);
