I am having html code for hyperlink as below:
<td> {{ book.code }}</td>
it is directing to the correct page.
In Script from the response I update the page as below It is not giving error (of course link page is empty because of 1 as parameter):
html += "<tr> <td> <a href= '{% url 'select_stock_report' 1 %}'>"+item1.code+"</a></td>"+
"<td>" + item1.name + "</td>" + "<td>" + item1.open_qty + " </td>"
But I want to replace 1 (one) with item1.id.
html += "<tr><td><a href='{% url 'select_stock_report' item1.id %}'>"+item1.code+"</a></td>"+
"<td>" + item1.name + "</td>" + "<td>" + item1.open_qty + " </td>"
But I am getting error.
How to build the line with this replacement. I tried all "",'',+ with this item.id without success.
Thanks for your help.
String content="<h1>Heading 1</h1>\n" +
" <h2>Heading 2</h2>\n" +
" <p>This is some html. Look, here\\'s an <u>underline</u>.</p>\n" +
" <p>Look, this is <em>emphasized.</em> And here\\'s some <b>bold</b>.</p>\n" +
" <p>Here are UL list items:\n" +
" <ul>\n" +
" <li>One</li>\n" +
" <li>Two</li>\n" +
" <li>Three</li>\n" +
" </ul>\n" +
" <p>Here are OL list items:\n" +
" <ol>\n" +
" <li>One</li>\n" +
" <li>Two</li>\n" +
" <li>Three</li>\n" +
" </ol>";
Its use html inside of java
i want to pass dynamic imei number , instead of static imei. i want to pass
inside the href tag at the place of 1009 for the google map marker info window view more option.
var contentString = '<div id="content">' +
'<div id="siteNotice">' +
"</div>" +
'<div id="bodyContent">' +
"<p><b>Location: " + obj[i].location + "<br>"
+ "\n" +"IMEI: " + obj[i].DeviceImei +"<br>"
+ "\n" + "PRV Trip: " + obj[i].PRV_T + "<br>"
+'<a href="http://hostname/1009">' +
"View More" +
"</p>" +
"</div>" +
You can scape quotes with \", so in your case it would be:
+'<a href=\"http://hostname/' + obj[i].PRV_T + '\">' +
I already read the string and build an html table from it:
var ShoesXML = "<All><Shoe><Name>All Stars</Name><BrandName>Converse</BrandName><ReleaseDate>10/2/08</ReleaseDate><Picture>pic.jpg</Picture></Shoe><Shoe><Name>All Star1s</Name><BrandName>Converse1</BrandName><ReleaseDate>11/2/08</ReleaseDate><Picture>pic.jpg</Picture></Shoe></All>";
$(document).ready(function() {
xmlDoc=$.parseXML( ShoesXML );
$(xmlDoc).find("Shoe").each(function(i, n) {
var html = "<tr>\n" +
"<td><span>" + $(n).find("Name").text() + "</span></td>\n" +
"<td>" + $(n).find("BrandName").text() + "</td>\n" +
"<td>" + $(n).find("ReleaseDate").text() + "</td>\n" +
"<td><img src='" + $(n).find("Picture").text() + "'></td>\n" +
$("table.shoetable tbody").append(html);
I tried to set a value this way but no success:
$(n).find("Name").text("NEW VALUE")
Set the .textContext before building HTML string
$(n).find("Name").text("NEW VALUE")
var html = "<tr>\n" +
"<td><span>" + $(n).find("Name").text() + "</span></td>\n" +
"<td>" + $(n).find("BrandName").text() + "</td>\n" +
"<td>" + $(n).find("ReleaseDate").text() + "</td>\n" +
"<td><img src='" + $(n).find("Picture").text() + "'></td>\n" +
Given the following snippet:
out.println("<form action=" + "./post" + " " + "method=" + "post" + " " + "id=" + "tweetForm" + ">");
for (int i = 1; i <= twParser.currentTweetIndex; i++) {
output = twParser.tweetArray[i] + newLine;
out.println("<textarea" + " " + "name=text" + " " + "id=\"styled\"" + " " + "maxlength=140" + " " + "cols=" + "140" + " " + "rows=" + "1" + " " + "tag=" + "text_" + String.valueOf(i) + " " + "form=" + "tweetForm" + " " + "onfocus=\"setbg('#e5fff3');\" onblur=\"setbg('white')\"" + ">" + output + "</textarea>");
out.println("<span class=label-style-countdown" + " " + "id=" + "chars" + String.valueOf(i) + ">" + String.valueOf(140 - twParser.tweetArray[i].length()) + "</span> characters remaining");
out.println("<input type=" + "submit" + " " + "name=" + "post" + " " + "value=" + "post" + " " + "style=\"float: left;\"" + "/>");
out.println("<button type=\"reset\" value=\"Reset\">Reset</button>"
...that creates HTML multiple textarea elements and posts them to a servlet. But since all the textareas have the same name, only the contents of the first textarea are posted.
Is there a way to post them all?
To have multiple inputs from same name you can use name array like
<textarea name="text[]">You text here</textarea>
which will post all the values having same name as an array.
PS: This can be done with any input types expect radio buttons
On this line:
out.println("<textarea" + " " + "name=text" + " " ...
Append i to the name of the textarea, such that the names increase as text1, text2 etc.
out.println("<textarea" + " " + "name=text" + i.toString() + " " ...
Perform the same loop on the server when receiving the POST request to receive from each textarea.
The below span tag containing an onclick event is not working
var test="<span onClick="gotoNode(\'' + result.name + '\',\'' + result.xaxis + '\',\'' + result.yaxis + '\',\'' + result.detail + '\',\'' + result.status + '\')" />"
the above escaped string has some problems with the method call.
How can I fix it?
If you're creating this in JavaScript to create an element, then the first single-quote needs to be escaped.
function gotoNode(name, xaxis, yaxis, detail, status) {
alert("name = " + name + "\r\nxaxis = " + xaxis + "\r\nyaxis = " + yaxis + "\r\ndetail = " + detail + "\r\nstatus = " + status);
var result = { name: "name", xaxis: "xaxis", yaxis: "yaxis", detail: "detail", status: "status" };
var htmlText = '<input value="Button" type="button" onclick="gotoNode(\'' + result.name + '\',\'' + result.xaxis + '\',\'' + result.yaxis + '\',\'' + result.detail + '\',\'' + result.status + '\')" />';
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="lonely"></div>
Generally speaking, whatever quote type you begin with (out of ' or "), you need to escape the same type that you want to use within the string and not escape the same type to terminate the string. You can leave the other type without escapes.
For your edited version, this should work if you want those result variables to be replaced with their values.
var test = "<span onclick=\"gotoNode('" + result.name + "','" + result.xaxis + "','" + result.yaxis + "','" + result.detail + "','" + result.status + "')\" />";
Do you use php to generate the output?
Then you should try
echo "<input type=\"button\" onClick=\"gotoNode(\" + result.name + \",\" +
result.xaxis + \",\" + result.yaxis + \",\" + result.detail + \",\" +
result.status + \")\" />";
I am not sure why, but the following
href='javascript:"+ openextlink('http://www.ipetfindr.com/shop/product/' + item._id.$id);+"'
seems to run automatically without the user clicking.
document.getElementById("shop-items").innerHTML += "<div class='product " + cssclass + "'><div class='product-images-smaller'><span class='shop-large-image'><img src='" + item.pictures[0] + "'/></span></div><h1>" + item.name + "</h1><div class='prodtext'><b>Status:</b> " + item.status + "<br><b>Price:</b> $" + item.price + "<br><a id='shop_" + item._id.$id + "' href='javascript:"+ openextlink('http://www.ipetfindr.com/shop/product/' + item._id.$id);+"'><h3 id='dshop_" + item._id.$id + "' class='green_button'>Buy Now</h3></a></div></div>";
could anyone please tell me why.
href='javascript:"+ openextlink('http://www.ipetfindr.com/shop/product/'
I see a double quote , is it a typo, change to
href='javascript:'+ openextlink('http://www.ipetfindr.com/shop/product/'