Combine async and sync function results properly - javascript

I try to combine two function values (from a() and b()), but the code is not waiting on the await-statement in function test as expected. Instead the result value prints directly the wrong result.
function resData(status, message) {
return { ok: status, message: message };
function a() {
return resData(true, 'A');
async function b() {
// simulate some long async task (e.g. db call) and then return the boolean result
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
}); }
await sleep(2500);
return resData(true, 'B');
async function isValid() {
const promises = [a, b].map(async (fnc) => { return await fnc().ok; });
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
// combine the results to one boolean value
return results.every(Boolean);
async function test() {
// not waiting here
const res = await isValid();
// prints directly - wrong result false
console.log('result', res);
After the wrong result output it waits 2.5 seconds. I think it has to do with the function call of resData, but I couldn't figure it out by myself, where my async / await misunderstanding is. Thanks in advance.

Instead of awaiting for the function to be resolved, You are awaiting on value return by function.
async function isValid() {
const promises = [a, b].map(async (fnc) => {
//return await fnc().ok;
// You have to await first function then call `.ok` value
return (await fnc()).ok;
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
// combine the results to one boolean value
return results.every(Boolean);
Just to simplify the problem, Please check the below code.
async function test() {
return { ok: true };
async function main() {
// trying to await on undefined.. test().ok == undefined
console.log(await test().ok); // undefined
// first await function.. then return ok
console.log((await test()).ok); // true

I'd say there is 2 1 problem with your code
a was not returning a promise, so you cant treat it as one - ignore turns out you can, who knew!
You cant await a boolean, so await fnc().ok made no sense.
I would suggest you
Make a return a promise even if its just a resolved promise
Execute just the methods in the map
Read the value of ok within the every call to determine if all promises resolved with this value set to true
With these changes, it works how I suspect you expected with a 2.5 second wait before writing to the console.
function resData(status, message) {
return { ok: status, message: message };
function a() {
return resData(true, 'A');
async function b() {
// simulate some long async task (e.g. db call) and then return the boolean result
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
}); }
await sleep(2500);
return resData(true, 'B');
async function isValid() {
const promises = [a, b].map(fnc => fnc());
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
// combine the results to one boolean value
return results.every(x => x.ok);
async function test() {
// not waiting here
const res = await isValid();
// prints directly - wrong result false
console.log('result', res);

Async functions implicitly return a promise that will ultimately be resolved to the final value returned when the function execution ends.
So, you just need to call your functions inside your map callback to collect the promises. The array of results will be an array of resData objects. So, you finally check for each ok property to match your requirements.
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
function resData(status, message) {
return {ok: status, message: message};
function a() {
return resData(true, 'A');
async function b() {
await sleep(2500);
return resData(true, 'B');
async function isValid() {
const promises = [a, b].map((fnc) => fnc());
const results = await Promise.all(promises);
return results.every((result) => result.ok);
async function test() {
const res = await isValid();
console.log('result', res);


Curry function with the first one as an async function isn't working

I'm trying to curry a function but when the first one is async it throws the error function1(...) is not a function, however if I pass the async function as the last one it works fine.
Can anyone tell me why this is happening? and how to properly make a curry function that starts with a async function?
Thanks to anyone who take the time.
//This one is throwing the error: function1(...) is not a function
async function function1(path) {
const fetchedElement = await fetchElement(path);
return (msg) => {
function1('somepath.html')('my message');
//This one works fine, properly returning other function
function function2(path) {
return async (msg) => {
const fetchedElement = await fetchElement(path);
function2('somepath.html')('my message');
It depends on when the async work needs to get done. If you want the currying process to do the async work, then you can't invoke the currying function synchronously:
^ assumes curryingFunction is synchronous
Instead, use two statements by the caller, one to await the currying, the other to invoke...
const fetch = path => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => {
console.log('fetched ' + path)
}, 1000));
async function curryingFunction(path) {
const fetchedElement = await fetch(path);
return message => {
async function someCaller() {
// await to get a curried function, then invoke it
let curried = await curryingFunction('some_path');
curried('some message');
On the other hand, you might not need to do the async work in order to get the curried function. You probably don't. In that case, you can make the currying function synchronous, but have it return an async function that does the async work.
As a result, you'll get to use the fn()() syntax that you're probably used to using...
const fetch = path => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => {
console.log('fetched ' + path)
}, 1000));
function curryingFunction(path) {
return async (message) => {
const fetchedElement = await fetch(path);
async function someCaller() {
// here we can use the fn()() syntax that we're accustomed to
await curryingFunction('some path')('some message')
As the first function is async You need to await it first, then call the second parameter.
//This one is throwing the error: function1(...) is not a function
async function function1(path) {
const fetchedElement = await Promise.resolve(1);
return (msg) => {
(async () => {
try {
(await function1('somepath.html'))('my message');
} catch(e) {

How to wait for a function, which contains promises

If we have this function
const getData = () => {
.then(result => {
return result;
.catch(error => {
return error;
Although getData is not a promise itself, but it contains a promise, which is asyncrnous.
So what is the best way to wait for getData to return something. Async / Await doesn't work cause they work with promises.
Currently, getData() doesn't return anything. You need to make it return a Promise, so you can await it or chain .then() to it.
const getData = () => {
return foo() // <-- here
.then(result => {
return result;
.catch(error => {
throw error;
// Now you can do :
// or :
const data = await getData();
In this case, you can also omit the curly braces and the explicit return, and make it implicit :
const getData = () => foo()
.then(result => {
return result;
.catch(error => {
throw error;
Hey but what's that :
.then(result => {
return result;
This does nothing. It takes a value and simply returns it without doing anything. You can remove it.
You can now rewrite getData() this way :
const getData = async () => {
try {
return await foo()
} catch (error) {
throw error;
For that matter, this :
.catch(error => { throw error; });
or this :
catch (error) { throw error; }
are also pretty useless, they just "relay" (bubble up) the error that has to be caught in the calling function.
Now it's obvious getData does pretty much only one thing, it's returning foo(), which is a Promise. It's only a wrapper around a Promise... so it's actually pretty useless.
Bottom line, detData() is useless altogether. foo is a Promise; writing a function that returns a Promise so you can use it like a Promise is just... a Promise with an extra step. Just use foo directly.
let result;
try {
result = await foo();
} catch (error) {
This will not work because getData is not returning a value. You can add a return statement before foo call and wait for the return value.
const getData = () => {
return foo();
getData().then(data => {
}).catch(err => {
To wait for an operation you must return a Promise or use a callback. The code snippet below runs and should illustrate how this works. I implemented a sample foo function that is actually asynchronous (wait for 1 second before returning the data '12345'). I used async/await to illustrate how that can work, but you can equally return the result of foo and use then instead.
const foo = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => resolve('12345'), 1000);
const getData = async () => {
const data = await foo();
console.log(`Data is ${data}`);
return data;
.then(() => console.log('complete'))
.catch(err => console.log(`oops: ${err}`));
console.log('this prints first since async operation is still pending');

How to return a promise function using node js

How can i return this function a promise
i want to return this function a promise function but don't know how to return a promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {});
async function readFile(filePath) {
const myInterface = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(filePath),
const arrayLink = [],
arrayName = [];
for await (const line of myInterface) {
let temp = line.split(",");
return [arrayLink, arrayName];
You can return a promise from the function. But in that case, to make that function async does not make any sense though it will work fine.
When a function returns a promise you don't need to write then block. You can handle it with await keyword. Whatever you provided in resolve() function, you will get that value in variable - result
If you want to return a promise from your function following is the way.
function readFile() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
// your logic
if(Success condition met) {
resolve(object you want to return);
// you can add error message in this error as well
async function fileOperation() {
let result = await readFile();

Nested Async await inside timer - not returning the desired value

I have to test response of endpoints using Mocha and chai tests. Below is the code for the same :
async function getData (userId) {
let response;
let interval = setInterval(async () => {
response = await superagent.get("localhost:3000/user/details/").query({'user': userId}).type('application/json');
if (response.body["status"] == 'DONE') {
response = await superagent.get("localhost:3000/user/details/get").type('application/json');
}, 10000);
return response;
Test Code :
it('User Get Data', async function () {
return getData(userId,).then(function (res) {
I always get the response as null and my test fails . Kindly let me know where am I going wrong with this code.
Don't use setInterval with promises, and never pass an async function as a callback when the returned promise is ignored. In your case, use a loop instead:
async function getData (userId) {
let response;
do {
await delay(10000);
response = await superagent.get("localhost:3000/user/details/").query({'user': userId}).type('application/json');
} while(response.body["status"] != 'DONE');
return superagent.get("localhost:3000/user/details/get").type('application/json');
function delay(t) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, t));
Edited to get rid of the while loop:
You can rewrite getData with async/await and wrapping your interval in a promise. Once the first response is ok, clear the interval, resolve the promise and execute the second call.
In your unit-test simply await this function and then verify the response details. Note that you might want to increase the default mocha-timeout for the test, as this could potentially take a while. Something like:
async function getData(userId) {
const firstResponsePromise = new Promise(resolve => {
const interval = setInterval(async() => {
const response = await superagent.get('localhost:3000/user/details/').query({
'user': userId
if (response.body['status'] == 'DONE') {
}, 10000)
await firstResponsePromise;
return superagent.get('localhost:3000/user/details/get').type('application/json');
// unit test
it('User Get Data', async function () {
const res = await getData(userId);

promise then is not the function error for Node Promise

I am using async/await to return the Promise , to use it as promoise in node script. When I am trying to make use of the return value as Promise , its giving a error a.then is not a function
here is the sample code
function test () {
//do something .......
return global.Promise;
(async ()=> {
let a = await test();
a.then(()=> { console.log('good ')}, (err)=> { console.log()});
The Promise constructor function isn't a promise, it is a tool to make promises with.
Even if it was a promise, since you are awaiting the return value of test, it would have been resolved into a value before you try to call then on it. (The point of await is that it replaces the use of then() callbacks).
You can await a function that returns a promise like this:
function test() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (true) {
reject("Custom error message");
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200);
async function main() {
try {
const a = await test();
} catch (e) { // this handles the "reject"
If you change the true to false you can test the "resolve" case.
await retrieves the resolved value from a Promise
let a = await test(); // `a` is no longer a Promise
I've put together two ways of retrieving values from a Promise
using await
(async () => {
try {
let a = await test();
console.log('Good', a);
} catch(err) {
using .then()
test().then(a => {
console.log('Good', a);
}).catch(err => {
Please note that, the async arrow function is removed because there is no await needed.
