Node.js docker can't install npm dependencies - javascript

I have this Dockerfile
FROM node:14
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD [ "node", "app.mjs" ]
And I can successfully run
docker run hello-world
on my ubuntu 20.10 OS.
So I am assuming that docker is installed successfully.
But when I tried to run
docker build .
It gives me this error
This is not something with the npm. I can locally install the dependencies without any issue. I assume Dokcer can't access npm registry to pull the npm packages. Something to do with networks I guess.
How do I fix this issue?
This is my code

Depending on the network configuration it could happen that you run into problems that the container is not able to connect to a server to download data. This can have various reasons and also depends on how you run docker.
One common thing is that your network requires the usage of a proxy. But only having the error message it is not possible to tell what the exact reason in your case is.
One solution to that problem is to specify the network mode. Adding --network host as an option should most of the time work.
So running your build command that way docker build --network=host . should work.


HTTP Parse Error in Nodejs when running in a Docker Container

I have a Nestjs Application which I try to run in a docker container. It all worked fine just until recently where I get the error Parse Error: Missing expected CR after header value. I'm trying to make a http GET Request to a webserver of an IoT device. Furthermore this error occurs only when I run the server-app inside a docker container. When I run it locally on a windows or macos machine everything works fine.
I tried using different versions of nodejs in docker. 14, 16 and 18. This error always comes up, independent of which version I use. I have no idea how I could debug this error, since it only occurs when I serve the app inside a docker container.
This is my dockerfile:
FROM node:slim
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY src .
COPY package.json .
RUN apt update && apt install python3 make g++ -y
RUN npm install --force
CMD ["npm", "run", "start:dev"]
According to this issue, this was recently implemented in Node v14.20.0, v16.16.0 and v18.5.0. Apparently it fixes a vulnerability in the HTTP parser of earlier versions.
Comments below the issue suggest various workarounds if it's not possible to fix the client, the easiest of which seems to be to set the insecureHTTPParser flag to true when creating the HTTP server.
Alternatively, revert to an older minor version of each of the Node.js versions mentioned above.

Why I got Permission denied inside Docker container after npx create?

This is what I have done in the first place
docker run --name=nodesetup -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app
node bash
Mysql2 works fine
npm i mysql2
when I go for
npx create-react-app test-client
sh: 1: create-react-app: Permission denied
I am bind mounted root#83d263a01dc7:/usr/src/app/test-app#.
How to solve this?
It's an issue with permissions on the host directory that you map. What exactly the issue is, I can't figure out. The container runs as root, so it should have access.
But if you run your container with the UID and GID of your user on the host by adding -u $(id -u):$(id -g) as an option, it works. Like this
docker run --name=nodesetup -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/usr/src/app -w /usr/src/app -u $(id -u):$(id -g) node bash
This also has the advantage that the files created on the host are owned by you, making it easier to edit them, etc.

Laravel Mix HMR Server Does Not Launch

Laravel Mix Version: 6.0.43
Node Version (node -v): 16.13.1
NPM Version (npm -v): 8.1.2
OS: Windows 10 21h2
Running npm run hot changes the script tag sources to http://localhost:8080/*/*.* from http://localhost/*/*.* HOWEVER I always get net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE from localhost:8080. The HMR server doesn't launch at all. The terminal output of the command also have no mention of spinning up a new web server.
PS C:\Users\Eric Wang\Documents\GitHub\test-laravel-mix> npm run hot
● Mix █████████████████████████ emitting (95%)
● Mix █████████████████████████ done (99%) plugins
✔ Mix
Compiled successfully in 5.51s
Laravel Mix v6.0.43
✔ Compiled Successfully in 5336ms
┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬──────────┐├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────┤│ css/app.css │ 47.6 KiB │└────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴──────────┘webpack compiled successfully
Here's a picture of the browser failing to fetch the bundle files
Steps To Reproduce:
I am running Docker 4.5.1 using legacy Hyper-V.
I containerized Laravel and PHP BUT not the frontend and JS. I am running Laravel Mix on my main system.
Clone the fresh installation of Laravel from
Clone Laradock in the project folder using git clone
CD to the Laradock folder and make .env file with cp .env.example .env
Now edit the Laravel environment file
Start up the Laravel app in Laradock folder using docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
Enter into bash mode in the Docker container docker-compose exec workspace bash
Install Composer dependencies BUT NOT NPM DEPENDENCIES YET composer i
Now exit out of the Docker container CNTRL + D
Install NPM dependencies in project root ON YOUR MAIN SYSTEM npm i
Run on your main system npm run hot
Now go to http://localhost and IT SHOULD be a white screen
Check console logs and it should give net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE when it tries to fetch the bundle files
REMEMBER: the backend is running inside Docker
The frontend (Laravel Mix) is running on the host system
This issue is happening on a FRESH project installation of Laravel 9 + Jetstream AND it's also happening on my other older projects like
The HMR server is simply not launching.
I found out the issue. The problem was that the default port, 8080, Laravel Mix HMR was using couldn't be binded to. Webpack Dev Server doesn't respond with a message of failing to bind to a port. To confirm this issue, I replicated the environment on my friend's PC and it too couldn't bind to port 8080, but this time it reported an error that the dev server couldn't bind to port 8080.
I fixed this issue by specifying
hmrOptions: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 4206
And it works! On both my friend's pc and my pc.
I used the exact same reproduction instructions on my friend's PC.
I spent way too long investigating this issue 😭

Error installing node.js on google compute engine docker image

I am trying to setup a node.js app inside docker, using as host the google compute engine VM gci-stable-55-8872-71-0 (debian), from image project google-containers:
$ gcloud compute instances create myvm --image-project google-containers --image gci-stable-55-8872-71-0 --zone europe-west1-b --machine-type f1-micro --scopes compute-rw
then I try to get a docker container running:
$ sudo docker build -t forperfuse/test .
but I keep getting errors when installing node:
The command '/bin/sh -c npm install' returned a non-zero code: 1
all other dependencies install well but node and npm are not installing- I have tried several options but still cannot get it to work, can you please help? many thanks in advance...
I'm not sure about what is going on, looks like the run command in the dockerfile is aiming to a bash that has a weird header. If you can publish them we can try or...
You can use the bitnami docker image available in launcher for free and works like a charm.
And there search for the node.js image.

Error message from "jspm install jquery"

I am working through the tutorial on the site
All works fine until I get to item 3, where I try to execute
jspm install jquery
and I get this error message
warn Error on getOverride for jspm:github, retrying (2).
ReferenceError: ui is not defined
at c:\Projects\Project1\node_modules\jspm\node_modules\jspm-registry\registry.js:157:5
nodejs is v0.12.0
npm is 2.5.1
jspm is 0.14.0
and this is on Windows 8.1
Does anyone have any clue what is causing this?
This looks like it was because there was an error while jspm was trying to create the local registry clone. Ensure you have git installed as git on your machine. Otherwise it may be a permissions issue.
This was a logging bug though - have fixed it with an update to the registry, so that the error should be slightly more useful next time if you update jspm.
I was getting a similar error with jspm but my problem was actually in how nodejs child_process.exec was calling the git command.
child_process.exec was running
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "git clone --depth=1 .
However cmd.exe was still auto running commands set in the registry first. In my case the command changing the working folder. So the cwd was being overridden.
Check your registry settings for:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
If there is a command in there to set the drive of working folder it will cause the above error.
With your working folder as c:\, try ruuning the following nodejs code:
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec('dir', { cwd: 'C:/windows/fonts' }, function(error, stdout, stderr) {
console.log('stdout: ' + stdout);
If it does not list the contents of the fonts folder then your problem is more likely with child_process.exec in node
