I'm trying to implement the pseudocode for flood fill algorithm. I took it from Graphics Gemes 1.
Here is the pseudocode:
Unfortunateley, when I implemented it in JavaScript, it hangs when I use my floodfill tool.
Here is my code:
function inside(x, y) {
const q = 4 * (x + y * that.w);
const color = [img.data[q], img.data[q + 1], img.data[q + 2], img.data[q + 3]];
return color[0] === toolColor[0] &&
color[1] === toolColor[1] &&
color[2] === toolColor[2];
function set(x, y) {
const q = 4 * (x + y * that.w);
img.data[q] = that.color.r;
img.data[q + 1] = that.color.g;
img.data[q + 2] = that.color.b;
img.data[q + 3] = that.color.a;
function doFloodFill(x, y) {
let skip = false, x1, x2, dy, start;
const s = [];
s.push([y, x, x, 1]);
s.push([y + 1, x, x, -1]);
while (s.length > 0) {
const n = s.pop();
y = n[3] + n[0];
x1 = n[1];
x2 = n[2];
dy = n[3];
x = x1;
while (x >= 0 && inside(x, y)) {
set(x, y);
if (x >= x1) {
skip = true;
if (!skip) {
start = x + 1;
if (start < x1) {
s.push([y, start, x1 - 1, -dy]);
x = x1 + 1;
do {
if (!skip) {
while (x <= that.w && inside(x, y)) {
set(x, y);
s.push([y, start, x - 1, dy]);
if (x > x2 + 1) {
s.push([y, x2 + 1, x - 1, -dy]);
while (x <= x2 && !inside(x, y)) {
skip = false;
} while (x < x2);
start = x;
img.data is a flat array later displayed in the browser.
toolColor is 4-element array containing color for area to be filled with.
What I'm doing wrong?
Other more simple algorithms works with inside and set functions so they seem to be ok.
If You need more of the code I can send it privately.
Edit: I updated the code and now it fills only part of area.
Ok, I fixed the code. It is very fast. Maybe someone will make use of it.
Here is updated code:
function inside(x, y) {
const q = 4 * (x + y * that.w);
const color = [img.data[q], img.data[q + 1], img.data[q + 2], img.data[q + 3]];
return color[0] === toolColor[0] &&
color[1] === toolColor[1] &&
color[2] === toolColor[2];
function set(x, y) {
const q = 4 * (x + y * that.w);
img.data[q] = that.color.r;
img.data[q + 1] = that.color.g;
img.data[q + 2] = that.color.b;
img.data[q + 3] = that.color.a;
function doFloodFill(x, y) {
let skip = false, x1, x2, dy, start;
const s = [];
s.push([y, x, x, 1]);
s.push([y + 1, x, x, -1]);
while (s.length > 0) {
const n = s.pop();
y = n[3] + n[0];
x1 = n[1];
x2 = n[2];
dy = n[3];
x = x1;
while (x >= 0 && inside(x, y)) {
set(x, y);
if (x >= x1) {
skip = true;
if (!skip) {
start = x + 1;
if (start < x1) {
s.push([y, start, x1 - 1, -dy]);
x = x1 + 1;
do {
if (!skip) {
while (x <= that.w && inside(x, y)) {
set(x, y);
s.push([y, start, x - 1, dy]);
if (x > x2 + 1) {
s.push([y, x2 + 1, x - 1, -dy]);
while (x <= x2 && !inside(x, y)) {
start = x;
skip = false;
} while (x < x2);
I made a basic mistake. skip value was outside the last loop, but it should be inside.
Moreover, y value was incorrectly initialized in loop, should be: y = n[3] + n[0]; instead of y = n[0];
The code on English Wikipedia related to this algorithm seems to be incorrect.
I made speed tests of this algorithm. My implementation is about 1.5 times faster than the code on Wikipedia.
I've been experimenting with the html element.
I'm trying to make a 2d sidescroller game and I've been having issues with collisions on the sides of objects.
Walking on the top of objects works just fine and hitting the bottom of objects also works but I cannot get colliding with the side of an object to work. I've made dozens of attempts which all end up introducing dozens of new bugs while also not fixing the problem.
Here's the code
<canvas id="canvas" width="200" height="200" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px"></canvas>
<script>if (typeof module === 'object') { window.module = module; module = undefined; }</script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script>if (window.module) module = window.module;</script>
<span id="x"></span>
<span id="y"></span>
<span id="test"></span>
let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
function clear() {
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 200);
ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"
let keys = {};
$(document).keydown(function (e) { //Records keystrokes
keys[e.which] = true;
$(document).keyup(function (e) {
delete keys[e.which];
let worldx = 10;
const x = 90;
let y = 0;
let yVel = 0;
let grounded = false;
let objects = { //I'm representing the game world as an array of boxes
"boxes": [
{ "width": 50, "height": 10, "x": 45, "y": 100 },
{ "width": 75, "height": 20, "x": 60, "y": 150 },
{ "width": 10, "height": 100, "x": 125, "y": 40 }
let id = window.setInterval(function () { //Lock it at ~60fps
ctx.fillRect(x, y, 10, 20) //Player character
yVel += 9.8 * 0.016 // force of gravity
y += yVel
for (let check = 0; check != objects.boxes.length; check++) { //Loop through objects
if (y >= objects.boxes[check].y - 20 && y <= objects.boxes[check].y + objects.boxes[check].height && x < objects.boxes[check].x + worldx + objects.boxes[check].width && x >= objects.boxes[check].x - 10 + worldx) { //Check if there is a collision.
yVel = 0;
//TODO add something here that will handle side-on collisions
if (y <= objects.boxes[check].y + objects.boxes[check].height / 2) {
y = objects.boxes[check].y - 20
grounded = true
else {
y = objects.boxes[check].y + objects.boxes[check].height
ctx.fillRect(objects.boxes[check].x + worldx, objects.boxes[check].y, objects.boxes[check].width, objects.boxes[check].height) // draw object
$("#x").append(Math.floor(x - worldx) + ", ")
for (i in keys) {
if (!keys.hasOwnProperty(i)) { continue; }
if (i == 32 && grounded) { //Space bar
yVel -= 5;
grounded = false;
if (i == 65) { //A
worldx += 3;
if (i == 68) { //D
worldx -= 3;
}, 16)
The TODO comment is where I check for collisions.
Here is a good start for you(this code is from scratch, yours is a little tricky for me to understand):
var px = 0;//player's x and y
var py = 0;
var velX = 0;
var velY = 0;
var grounded = false;
var pw = 20;//player's width
var ph = 20;//player's height
var block = function(x, y, w, h) {
if (px + pw > x && px < x + w && py + ph > y && py + ph < y + 5 && velY > 0) {//Top
velY = 0;
grounded = true;
py = y - ph;
if (px + pw > x && px < x + w && py < y + h && py > y + h - 5 && velY < 0) {//bottom
velY = 2;//bonk
py = y + h;
if (px + pw > x && px < x + 5 && py + ph > y && py < y + h && velX > 0) {//left
velX = 0;
px = x - pw;
if (px > x + w - 5 && px < x + w && py + ph > y && py < y + h && velX < 0) {//right
velX = 0;
px = x + w;
I need a function that accept 5 arguments (ctx, startX, startY, endX, endY). It should return pixels on a canvas that lay on the line, that starts on (startX, startY) and ends on (endX, endY). How can I implement it?
You can use Brensenham line algorithm. It will get each pixel without needing to check if you already have that pixel which many other line methods would need.
function getPixelsOnLine(ctx, startX, startY, endX, endY){
const imageData = ctx.getImageData(0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height);
const data = imageData.data;
const pixelCols = [];
const getPixel = (x,y) => {
if(x < 0 || x >= imageData.width || y < 0 || y >= imageData.height ){
return "rgba(0,0,0,0)";
const ind = (x + y * imageData.width) * 4;
return `rgba(${data[ind++]},${data[ind++]},${data[ind++]},${data[ind++]/255})`;
var x = Math.floor(startX);
var y = Math.floor(startY);
const xx = Math.floor(endX);
const yy = Math.floor(endY);
const dx = Math.abs(xx - x);
const sx = x < xx ? 1 : -1;
const dy = -Math.abs(yy - y);
const sy = y < yy ? 1 : -1;
var err = dx + dy;
var e2;
var end = false;
while (!end) {
if ((x === xx && y === yy)) {
end = true;
} else {
e2 = 2 * err;
if (e2 >= dy) {
err += dy;
x += sx;
if (e2 <= dx) {
err += dx;
y += sy;
return pixelCols;
Function returns array of pixel as CSS color values rgba(red,green,blue,alpha) on line from start to end.
I am using a flood fill algorithm to fill in circles drawn on the canvas. The issue I am having is that the algorithm isn't filling right up to the edge of the circle.
Here is the algorithm based on this blog post:
function paintLocation(startX, startY, r, g, b) {
var colorLayer = context1.getImageData(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
pixelPos = (startY * canvasWidth + startX) * 4;
startR = colorLayer.data[pixelPos];
startG = colorLayer.data[pixelPos + 1];
startB = colorLayer.data[pixelPos + 2];
var pixelStack = [
[startX, startY]
var drawingBoundTop = 0;
while (pixelStack.length) {
var newPos, x, y, pixelPos, reachLeft, reachRight;
newPos = pixelStack.pop();
x = newPos[0];
y = newPos[1];
pixelPos = (y * canvasWidth + x) * 4;
while (y-- >= drawingBoundTop && matchStartColor(colorLayer, pixelPos, startR, startG, startB)) {
pixelPos -= canvasWidth * 4;
pixelPos += canvasWidth * 4;
reachLeft = false;
reachRight = false;
while (y++ < canvasHeight - 1 && matchStartColor(colorLayer, pixelPos, startR, startG, startB)) {
colorPixel(colorLayer, pixelPos, r, g, b);
if (x > 0) {
if (matchStartColor(colorLayer, pixelPos - 4, startR, startG, startB)) {
if (!reachLeft) {
pixelStack.push([x - 1, y]);
reachLeft = true;
} else if (reachLeft) {
reachLeft = false;
if (x < canvasWidth - 1) {
if (matchStartColor(colorLayer, pixelPos + 4, startR, startG, startB)) {
if (!reachRight) {
pixelStack.push([x + 1, y]);
reachRight = true;
} else if (reachRight) {
reachRight = false;
pixelPos += canvasWidth * 4;
context1.putImageData(colorLayer, 0, 0);
Please see the JSFiddle or the below image to see what I mean. Clicking inside any circles will change the colour between yellow and black (the issue is far more visible with black).
I've read that the issue could be something to do with the anti-aliasing and I have tried turning it off with context1.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; but it didn't make a difference.
I have also tried changing my matchStartColour function as per this question but that doesn't help.
function matchStartColor(colorLayer, pixelPos, startR, startG, startB) {
var r = colorLayer.data[pixelPos];
var g = colorLayer.data[pixelPos + 1];
var b = colorLayer.data[pixelPos + 2];
return (r == startR && g == startG && b == startB);
I think it might have something to do with the fact that the circles have no fill colour and the background of the canvas isn't white but it is transparent black. I have tried changing the canvas background to white but that also didn't help.
Use flood fill to create a Mask
I just happened to do a floodFill the other day that addresses the problem of antialiased edges.
Rather than paint to the canvas directly, I paint to a byte array that is then used to create a mask. The mask allows for the alpha values to be set.
The fill can have a tolerance and a toleranceFade that control how it deals with colours that approch the tolerance value.
When pixel's difference between the start colour and tolerance are greater than (tolerance - toleranceFade) I set the alpha for that pixel to 255 - ((differance - (tolerance - toleranceFade)) / toleranceFade) * 255 which creates a nice smooth blend at the edges of lines. Though it does not work for all situations for high contrast situations it is an effective solution.
The example below shows the results of with and without the toleranceFade. The blue is without the toleranceFade, the red is with the tolerance set at 190 and the toleranceFade of 90.
You will have to play around with the setting to get the best results for your needs.
function showExample(){
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 200;
canvas.height = 200;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "white"
ctx.lineWidth = 4;
ctx.strokeStyle = "black"
ctx.arc(100,100,90,0,Math.PI * 2);
ctx.arc(120,100,60,0,Math.PI * 2);
ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
// FloodFill2D from https://github.com/blindman67/FloodFill2D
var floodFill = (function(){
"use strict";
const extent = {
top : 0,
left : 0,
bottom : 0,
right : 0,
var keepMask = false; // if true then a mask of the filled area is returned as a canvas image
var extentOnly = false; // if true then the extent of the fill is returned
var copyPixels = false; // if true then creating a copy of filled pixels
var cutPixels = false; // if true and copyPixels true then filled pixels are removed
var useBoundingColor = false; // Set the colour to fill up to. Will not fill over this colour
var useCompareColor = false; // Rather than get the pixel at posX,posY use the compareColours
var red, green, blue, alpha; // compare colours if
var canvas,ctx;
function floodFill (posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade) {
var w, h, painted, x, y, ind, sr, sg, sb, sa,imgData, data, data32, RGBA32, stack, stackPos, lookLeft, lookRight, i, colImgDat, differance, checkColour;
toleranceFade = toleranceFade !== undefined && toleranceFade !== null ? toleranceFade : 0;
diagonal = diagonal !== undefined && diagonal !== null ? diagonal : false;
area = area !== undefined && area !== null ? area : {};
area.x = area.x !== undefined ? area.x : 0;
area.y = area.y !== undefined ? area.y : 0;
area.w = area.w !== undefined ? area.w : context2D.canvas.width - area.x;
area.h = area.h !== undefined ? area.h : context2D.canvas.height - area.y;
// vet area is on the canvas.
if(area.x < 0){
area.w = area.x + area.w;
area.x = 0;
if(area.y < 0){
area.h = area.y + area.h;
area.y = 0;
if(area.x >= context2D.canvas.width || area.y >= context2D.canvas.height){
return false;
if(area.x + area.w > context2D.canvas.width){
area.w = context2D.canvas.width - area.x;
if(area.y + area.h > context2D.canvas.height){
area.h = context2D.canvas.height - area.y;
if(area.w <= 0 || area.h <= 0){
return false;
w = area.w; // width and height
h = area.h;
x = posX - area.x;
y = posY - area.y;
extent.left = x; // set up extent
extent.right = x;
extent.top = y;
extent.bottom = y;
if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= w || y >= h){
return false; // fill start outside area. Don't do anything
if(tolerance === 255 && toleranceFade === 0 && ! keepMask){ // fill all
extent.left = area.x; // set up extent
extent.right = area.x + w;
extent.top = area.y;
extent.bottom = area.y + h;
return true;
if(toleranceFade > 0){ // add one if on to get correct number of steps
toleranceFade += 1;
imgData = context2D.getImageData(area.x,area.y,area.w,area.h);
data = imgData.data; // image data to fill;
data32 = new Uint32Array(data.buffer);
painted = new Uint8ClampedArray(w*h); // byte array to mark painted area;
function checkColourAll(ind){
if( ind < 0 || painted[ind] > 0){ // test bounds
return false;
var ind4 = ind << 2; // get index of pixel
if((differance = Math.max( // get the max channel difference;
Math.abs(sr - data[ind4++]),
Math.abs(sg - data[ind4++]),
Math.abs(sb - data[ind4++]),
Math.abs(sa - data[ind4++])
)) > tolerance){
return false;
return true
// check to bounding colour
function checkColourBound(ind){
if( ind < 0 || painted[ind] > 0){ // test bounds
return false;
var ind4 = ind << 2; // get index of pixel
differance = 0;
if(sr === data[ind4] && sg === data[ind4 + 1] && sb === data[ind4 + 2] && sa === data[ind4 + 3]){
return false
return true
// this function checks the colour of only selected channels
function checkColourLimited(ind){ // check only colour channels that are not null
var dr,dg,db,da;
if( ind < 0 || painted[ind] > 0){ // test bounds
return false;
var ind4 = ind << 2; // get index of pixel
dr = dg = db = da = 0;
if(sr !== null && (dr = Math.abs(sr - data[ind4])) > tolerance){
return false;
if(sg !== null && (dg = Math.abs(sg - data[ind4 + 1])) > tolerance){
return false;
if(sb !== null && (db = Math.abs(sb - data[ind4 + 2])) > tolerance){
return false;
if(sa !== null && (da = Math.abs(sa - data[ind4 + 3])) > tolerance){
return false;
diferance = Math.max(dr, dg, db, da);
return true
// set which function to check colour with
checkColour = checkColourAll;
sr = red;
sg = green;
sb = blue;
if(alpha === null){
ind = (y * w + x) << 2; // get the starting pixel index
sa = data[ind + 3];
sa = alpha;
checkColour = checkColourBound;
useBoundingColor = false;
}else if(useCompareColor){
sr = red;
sg = green;
sb = blue;
sa = alpha;
if(red === null || blue === null || green === null || alpha === null){
checkColour = checkColourLimited;
useCompareColor = false;
ind = (y * w + x) << 2; // get the starting pixel index
sr = data[ind]; // get the start colour that we will use tolerance against.
sg = data[ind + 1];
sb = data[ind + 2];
sa = data[ind + 3];
stack = []; // paint stack to find new pixels to paint
lookLeft = false; // test directions
lookRight = false;
stackPos = 0;
stack[stackPos++] = x;
stack[stackPos++] = y;
while (stackPos > 0) { // do while pixels on the stack
y = stack[--stackPos]; // get the pixel y
x = stack[--stackPos]; // get the pixel x
ind = x + y * w;
while (checkColour(ind - w)) { // find the top most pixel within tollerance;
y -= 1;
ind -= w;
//checkTop left and right if allowing diagonal painting
if(diagonal && y > 0){
if(x > 0 && !checkColour(ind - 1) && checkColour(ind - w - 1)){
stack[stackPos++] = x - 1;
stack[stackPos++] = y - 1;
if(x < w - 1 && !checkColour(ind + 1) && checkColour(ind - w + 1)){
stack[stackPos++] = x + 1;
stack[stackPos++] = y - 1;
lookLeft = false; // set look directions
lookRight = false; // only look is a pixel left or right was blocked
while (checkColour(ind) && y < h) { // move down till no more room
if(toleranceFade > 0 && differance >= tolerance-toleranceFade){
painted[ind] = 255 - (((differance - (tolerance - toleranceFade)) / toleranceFade) * 255);
painted[ind] = painted[ind] === 0 ? 1 : painted[ind]; // min value must be 1
painted[ind] = 255;
extent.left = x < extent.left ? x : extent.left; // Faster than using Math.min
extent.right = x > extent.right ? x : extent.right; // Faster than using Math.min
extent.top = y < extent.top ? y : extent.top; // Faster than using Math.max
extent.bottom = y > extent.bottom ? y : extent.bottom; // Faster than using Math.max
if (checkColour(ind - 1) && x > 0) { // check left is blocked
if (!lookLeft) {
stack[stackPos++] = x - 1;
stack[stackPos++] = y;
lookLeft = true;
} else if (lookLeft) {
lookLeft = false;
if (checkColour(ind + 1) && x < w -1) { // check right is blocked
if (!lookRight) {
stack[stackPos++] = x + 1;
stack[stackPos++] = y;
lookRight = true;
} else if (lookRight) {
lookRight = false;
y += 1; // move down one pixel
ind += w;
if(diagonal && y < h){ // check for diagonal areas and push them to be painted
if(checkColour(ind - 1) && !lookLeft && x > 0){
stack[stackPos++] = x - 1;
stack[stackPos++] = y;
if(checkColour(ind + 1) && !lookRight && x < w - 1){
stack[stackPos++] = x + 1;
stack[stackPos++] = y;
extent.top += area.y;
extent.bottom += area.y;
extent.left += area.x;
extent.right += area.x;
return true;
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = w;
canvas.height = h;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = context2D.fillStyle;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
colImgDat = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h);
i = 0;
ind = 0;
while(i < painted.length){
if(painted[i] > 0){
colImgDat.data[ind] = data[ind];
colImgDat.data[ind + 1] = data[ind + 1];
colImgDat.data[ind + 2] = data[ind + 2];
colImgDat.data[ind + 3] = data[ind + 3] * (painted[i] / 255);
data[ind + 3] = 255 - painted[i];
colImgDat.data[ind + 3] = 0;
i ++;
ind += 4;
context2D.putImageData(imgData, area.x, area.y);
while(i < painted.length){
if(painted[i] > 0){
colImgDat.data[ind] = data[ind];
colImgDat.data[ind + 1] = data[ind + 1];
colImgDat.data[ind + 2] = data[ind + 2];
colImgDat.data[ind + 3] = data[ind + 3] * (painted[i] / 255);
colImgDat.data[ind + 3] = 0;
i ++;
ind += 4;
return true;
i = 0;
ind = 3;
while(i < painted.length){
colImgDat.data[ind] = painted[i];
i ++;
ind += 4;
if(! keepMask){
return true;
return {
fill : function(posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade){
floodFill(posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade);
ctx = undefined;
canvas = undefined;
getMask : function(posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade){
keepMask = true;
floodFill(posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade);
ctx = undefined;
keepMask = false;
return canvas;
getExtent : function(posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade){
extentOnly = true;
if(floodFill(posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade)){
extentOnly = false;
return {
top : extent.top,
left : extent.left,
right : extent.right,
bottom : extent.bottom,
width : extent.right - extent.left,
height : extent.bottom - extent.top,
extentOnly = false;
return null;
cut : function(posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade){
cutPixels = true;
copyPixels = true;
floodFill(posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade);
cutPixels = false;
copyPixels = false;
ctx = undefined;
return canvas;
copy : function(posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade){
cutPixels = false;
copyPixels = true;
floodFill(posX, posY, tolerance, context2D, diagonal, area, toleranceFade);
copyPixels = false;
ctx = undefined;
return canvas;
setCompareValues : function(R,G,B,A){
if(R === null && G === null && B === null && A === null){
red = R;
green = G;
blue = B;
alpha = A;
useBoundingColor = false;
useCompareColor = true;
setBoundingColor : function(R,G,B,A){
red = R;
green = G;
blue = B;
alpha = A;
useCompareColor = false;
useBoundingColor = true;
Red floodFill.fill(40,100,190,ctx,null,null,90) tolerance 190, tolerance fade 90<br>Blue floodFill.fill(100,100,1,ctx) tolerance 1.<br>
For more info see readme at Github FloodFill2D
I'm trying to draw a one pixel width line going form the canvas center and evolving with the canvas width/height ratio as it's drawn.
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var dx = 0;
var dy = -1;
var width = 200;
var height = 40;
//var i = width * height;
var counter = 0;
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
//for (i = Math.pow(Math.max(width, height), 2); i>0; i--) {
if ((-width/2 < x <= width/2) && (-height/2 < y <= height/2)) {
console.log("[ " + x + " , " + y + " ]");
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
ctx.fillRect(width/2 + x, height/2 - y,1,1);
if (x === y || (x < 0 && x === -y) || (x > 0 && x === 1-y) || ( -width/2 > x > width/2 ) || ( -height/2 > y > height/2 ) ) {
// change direction
var tempdx = dx;
dx = -dy;
dy = tempdx;
counter += 1;
//alert (counter);
x += dx;
y += dy;
}, 1);
I want the spiral to evolve as such:
I'd like to be able to get the ratio between height and width on the equation, so I don't need to calculate the coordinates for points outside the canvas. Also, the purpose is for it to adjust the spiral drawing to the canvas proportions.
Any help would be appreciated.
A friend helped me handling a proper solution. I only have a 1 pixel offset to solve where I need to move all the drawing to the left by one pixel.
Here's the fiddle for the solution achieved: http://jsfiddle.net/hitbyatruck/c4Kd6/
And the Javascript code below:
var width = 150;
var height = 50;
var x = -(width - height)/2;
var y = 0;
var dx = 1;
var dy = 0;
var x_limit = (width - height)/2;
var y_limit = 0;
var counter = 0;
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
if ((-width/2 < x && x <= width/2) && (-height/2 < y && y <= height/2)) {
console.log("[ " + x + " , " + y + " ]");
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
ctx.fillRect(width/2 + x, height/2 - y,1,1);
if( dx > 0 ){//Dir right
if(x > x_limit){
dx = 0;
dy = 1;
else if( dy > 0 ){ //Dir up
if(y > y_limit){
dx = -1;
dy = 0;
else if(dx < 0){ //Dir left
if(x < (-1 * x_limit)){
dx = 0;
dy = -1;
else if(dy < 0) { //Dir down
if(y < (-1 * y_limit)){
dx = 1;
dy = 0;
x_limit += 1;
y_limit += 1;
counter += 1;
//alert (counter);
x += dx;
y += dy;
}, 1);
I nearly crashed my browser trying this. Here, have some code before I hurt myself!
It computes y=f(x) for the diagonal, and y2=f(x) for the antidiagonal, then checks if we're above or below the diagonals when needed.
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var dx = 0;
var dy = -1;
var width = 200;
var height = 40;
//var i = width * height;
var counter = 0;
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
function diag1(x) {
return x*height/width;
function diag2(x) {
return -1/diag(x);
//for (i = Math.pow(Math.max(width, height), 2); i>0; i--) {
if ((-width/2 < x && x <= width/2) && (-height/2 < y && y <= height/2)) {
console.log("[ " + x + " , " + y + " ]");
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
ctx.fillRect(width/2 + x, height/2 - y,1,1);
if (dx == 0) {
if (dy == 1) {
// moving up
if (y >= diag1(x)) {
// then move left
dy = 0;
dx = -1;
else {
// moving down
if (y <= diag2(x)) {
// then move right
dy = 0;
dx = 1;
else {
if (dx == 1) {
// moving right
if (y <= diag1(x)) {
// then move up
dy = 1;
dx = 0;
else {
// moving left
if (y <= diag2(x)) {
// then move down
dy = -1;
dx = 0;
counter += 1;
//alert (counter);
x += dx;
y += dy;
}, 1);