Phaser 3 + Firebase Can't Access Array Outside Call To Firebase - javascript

I make a call to a Firebase Firestore database. I push the results into an array.
I output the results to console. However, I am unable to access the data (line 48) in the array even though it is there (line 45) as per image below. What could I be doing wrong?
var collectSnap = new Array()
var collectionRef = db.collection("players").get()
.then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
console.log(, " => ",
var docData =
return collectSnap
.catch(function(error){ console.log("error!", error)})
console.log('collectSnap', collectSnap)
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
console.log(i + ' : ' + collectSnap[i])

You are fetching the data in an asynchronous function call, but trying to access it synchronously (before the server has actually responded).
Try something like this:
function runWhenReady(players) {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
console.log(i + ' : ' + players[i])
.then(querySnapshot => =>


How can I save JSON data in an array to Firestore

I am trying to save a JSON data to Firestore.
The data is as follows:
[{"back":"democracy","delayed_till":{"seconds":1574944200,"nanoseconds":0},"examples":[{"answer":"en Espana existe democracia desde 1975","example":"There is democracy in Spain since 1975"},{"answer":"Debemos luchar por nuestra democracia","example":"We must fight for our democracy"}],"front":"la democracia"},{"back":"habit, custom","delayed_till":{"seconds":1575148500,"nanoseconds":0},"front":"la costumbre"},{"back":"krokodil","delayed_till":{"seconds":1577831400,"nanoseconds":0},"front":"roos"},{"back":"krokodil","front":"blabla"},{"back":"bjkla","front":"blabla"}]
saving it to Firestore in the following does not work because the JSON data is stored in an array
Using the following only saves the first object within the JSON data.
The part that will be saved is the following:
{"back":"democracy","delayed_till":{"seconds":1574944200,"nanoseconds":0},"examples":[{"answer":"en Espana existe democracia desde 1975","example":"There is democracy in Spain since 1975"},{"answer":"Debemos luchar por nuestra democracia","example":"We must fight for our democracy"}],"front":"la democracia"}
How can I get the whole data to be saved in one document?
This is how the JSON data is created:
cons () {
const nbrGroups =
for (let i = 0; i < nbrGroups; i++) {
var object = []
const nbrItems =[i].group.length
for (let item = 0; item < nbrItems; item++) {
var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('#' +[i].group_name.replace(/\s/g, '') + item + 'A #inFront, #' +[i].group_name.replace(/\s/g, '') + item + 'A #inBack, #' +[i].group_name.replace(/\s/g, '') + item + 'A #inAnswer, #' +[i].group_name.replace(/\s/g, '') + item + 'A #inExample')
const examples = []
if (inputs.length !== 2) {
for (let i = 2; i < inputs.length; i++) {
examples.push({ answer: inputs[i + 1].value, example: inputs[i].value })
back: inputs[1].value,
front: inputs[0].value
} else {
back: inputs[1].value,
front: inputs[0].value
console.log(JSON.stringify(object) === JSON.stringify([i].group))
This is how it should be stored in FB:
This is what actually is stored
As far as I can see you're just writing the data to Firestore too early. You should only write once you've processes all groups, and at that point should write them all at one.
So something like:
const nbrGroups =
var object = []; // Move this before the for loop
for (let i = 0; i < nbrGroups; i++) {
const nbrItems =[i].group.length
for (let item = 0; item < nbrItems; item++) {
var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('#' +[i].group_name.replace(/\s/g, '') + item + 'A #inFront, #' +[i].group_name.replace(/\s/g, '') + item + 'A #inBack, #' +[i].group_name.replace(/\s/g, '') + item + 'A #inAnswer, #' +[i].group_name.replace(/\s/g, '') + item + 'A #inExample')
const examples = []
if (inputs.length !== 2) {
for (let i = 2; i < inputs.length; i++) {
examples.push({ answer: inputs[i + 1].value, example: inputs[i].value })
back: inputs[1].value,
front: inputs[0].value
} else {
back: inputs[1].value,
front: inputs[0].value
db.collection('cardsb').add(object[0]); // move this after the for loop
Just stringify the JSON before you send it, it will be stored as strings in firestore and when you need to retrieve it back you just need to parse it.
const jsonArray = JSON.stringify({
foo: bar,
sam: mas,
hello: "world",
await firebase.firestore()
arrayField: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion(jsonArray)
.then(async (resp) => { })
.catch((error) => {
This way you will save the json data as string inside array field in firestore
when you need to retrieve it back all you have to do is to use JSON.parse
your data will be store like this picture

How to get child Snapshots inside snapshots on Google Cloud functions (Firebase)?

I'm trying to get some for Loops running inside a google cloud functions everytime I delete my /users node.
This is the code I'm using
exports.deleteUserAssets = functions.database.ref('/users/{userId}').onWrite((change, context) => {
const beforeData = change.before.val();
const afterData = change.after.val();
const userBuildings = Object.keys(beforeData.isAdmin); // get the buildings of the user stored in the user/userId/isAdmin node .. so far so good
const userId = beforeData.userIDforCloudFunctions; // I'm getting this from a /users/userid/userIDforCloudFucntions node far so good (i've been logging it to confirm)
// making sure it was a delete operation ... so far so good
if (afterData !== null) {
return 0;
else {
// on each building
for (var i = 0; i < userBuildings.length; i++) {
let eachBuilding = [userBuildings[i]]
// HERE IS WERE THE PROBLEM IS: Trying to delete all depts + rooms + doors
admin.database().ref('/buildings/' + eachBuilding)
.then(function(snapshot) { // This is where it goes south – snapshot is returning null
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var deptKeyString = childSnapshot.key; // will try to get the keys of the departments stored under this space
var deptsOnNode = admin.database().ref('/depts/' + deptKeyString);
deptsOnNode.remove(); // and use the keys to delete each of the depts on depts
admin.database().ref('/buildings/' + eachBuilding).set({}); // this is working
admin.database().ref('/buildingsUserUid/' + userId + '/' + eachBuilding).remove(); // this is working
return 0;
The snapshot of admin.database().ref('/buildings/' + eachBuilding).child("hasDepts") is returning null.
How can I get to it? Besides admin.database().ref() I've tried to reach it with firebase.database().ref() which is the command/object i use to get this running on frontend functions. I've also tried functions.database() with no result.
Taking in consideration what Doug Stevenson mentioned in his second comment:
exports.deleteUserAssets = functions.database.ref('/users/{userId}').onDelete((change, context, event) => {
const beforeData = change.before.val(); // data before the write (data of all the doors child nodes)
const afterData = change.after.val(); // data before the write (data of all the doors child nodes)
const userBuildings = Object.keys(beforeData.isAdmin); // get the buildings of the user
const userId = beforeData.userIDforCloudFunctions;
// make sure user was deleted
if (afterData !== null) {
return 0;
else {
// on each building
for (var i = 0; i < userBuildings.length; i++) {
let eachBuilding = [userBuildings[i]]
// Need to RETURN the whole chain of promises
return admin.database().ref('/buildings/' + eachBuilding)
.then(function(snapshot) {
console.log(snapshot.val()) // this now works
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
console.log(childSnapshot.val()) // this works as well
var deptKeyString = childSnapshot.key; // get the keys of the departments stored under this space
var deptsOnNode = admin.database().ref('/depts/' + deptKeyString);
// and you can keep on going deeper if you return promises
return deptsOnNode
var roomKeyString = grandGrandchildSnapshot.key;
var roomsOnDepts = admin.database().ref('/rooms/' + roomKeyString);
admin.database().ref('/roomOwners/' + userId + '/' + roomKeyString).remove();
// and return again here...
return roomsOnDepts
var doorKeyString = grandgrandGrandchildSnapshot.key;
var doorsOnRooms = admin.database().ref('/doors/' + doorKeyString);
let clipOwners = admin.database().ref('/clipOwners/' + doorKeyString);
deptsOnNode.remove(); // use the keys to delete the depts on depts main Node
admin.database().ref('/buildings/' + eachBuilding).set({});
admin.database().ref('/buildingsUserUid/' + userId + '/' + eachBuilding).remove();
return 0;

Twitter API with node.js, get a list of followers

Hi I'm currently working on a Twitter bot with the Twitter API and Node.JS. I want the bot to return all of my followers and some of their features in an javascript object. Something like :
{['id', 'screen_name', 'name', 'screen_name', 'followers_count',
RN my code is :
var Twitter = new TwitterPackage(config);
var options =
screen_name: 'mowsolicious',
Twitter.get('followers/ids', options, function (err, data) { // returns a list of ids
var nbFollowers = data.ids.length
var id = []
console.log(nbFollowers) // how many followers I have
for (i=0 ; i <= nbFollowers ; i++) {
ids = data.ids
var id = ids[i]
Twitter.get('users/show/' + id, function(err, data) {
console.log(id + " - " + + " - " + data.screen_name + " - " + data.followers_count + " - " + data.friends_count)
I'm pretty sure something is terribly wrong with my method (more precisely when I put the Twitter.get thing in the loop) and it returns a bunch of undefined in the console.
I tried to work with the API doc but I'm experiencing some troubles understanding it. If someone could help that would be great.
Thank you
Most likely, you get undefined because the user is not found :
[ { code: 50, message: 'User not found.' } ]
Checking err variable would take care of that. But looking at GET followers/id documentation, you should use GET users/lookup to efficiently request mutliple user objects (up to 100 user per request with user id delimited by comma)
Also, I assume you'd like a unique callback to be called when all requests are completed, using Promises will take care of that :
var res_array = [];
function getUserInfo(id_list) {
return Twitter.get('users/lookup', {
"user_id": id_list
}).then(function(data) {
.catch(function(error) {
throw error;
Twitter.get('followers/ids', function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("total followers : " + data.ids.length);
var requestNum = Math.floor(data.ids.length / 100);
var remainder = data.ids.length % 100;
var promises_arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < requestNum; i++) {
promises_arr.push(getUserInfo(data.ids.slice(i * 100, i * 100 + 100).join(",")));
if (remainder != 0) {
promises_arr.push(getUserInfo(data.ids.slice(requestNum * 100, requestNum * 100 + 100).join(",")));
.then(function() {
for (var i in res_array) {
for (var j in res_array[i]) {
var user = res_array[i][j];
console.log( + " - " + + " - " +
user.screen_name + " - " +
user.followers_count + " - " +
List of followers can be retrieved with superface sdk , try it based on the example below
npm install #superfaceai/one-sdk
npx #superfaceai/cli install social-media/followers
const { SuperfaceClient } = require('#superfaceai/one-sdk');
const sdk = new SuperfaceClient();
async function run() {
// Load the installed profile
const profile = await sdk.getProfile('social-media/followers');
// Use the profile
const result = await profile
profileId: '429238130'
return result.unwrap();
This works pretty fine
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
async function getFollowers(username) {
const response = await fetch(`${username}`, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${<yourbearertoken>}`
// Parse the response as JSON
const data = await response.json();
return data.users;
const followers = await getFollowers("<username>");

Parse server save data in series

So we have large data in JSON format.
We want to save it to a class (table) in our Parse app.
I wrote a JS script which can read the file and go through the JSON data.
But when is do the saving it all gets messed up. Its loops in the first one for ever. I understand that there is something called promise bt I don't understand how to use it? Can anyone help. My code is given below.
function processJson(result) {
object = JSON.parse(result);
verbose.textContent = "Read " + object.results.length + " objects";
var count = object.results.length;
var countAc = 0;
logger("To save: " + count);
i = 0;
while (i < count) {
if (object.results[i].areaType == 'ac') {
save(i).then(function (object) {
i = i + 1;
logger("Success: " +;
} else {
logger("ac not found");
i = i + 1;
function save(i) {
logger("ac found");
var constituency = new Constituency();
constituency.set("points", object.results[i].points);
constituency.set("areaType", object.results[i].areaType);
constituency.set("name", object.results[i].name);
constituency.set("state", object.results[i].state);
constituency.set("index", object.results[i].index);
constituency.set("pc", object.results[i].pc);
constituency.set("center", object.results[i].center);
constituency.set("oldObjectId", object.results[i].objectId);
/* {
// the object was saved successfully.
i = i + 1;
logger("Success: " +;
}, function(error) {
// the save failed.
i = i + 1;
I would do something like that:
function processJson(result) {
var object = JSON.parse(result);
for (var i = 0; i < object.results.legnth; i++){
var parseObject = createParseObjectFromJSONObject(object.results[i]);{
console.log("object saved: " +;
console.log("error: " + error);
function createParseObjectFromJSONObject(jsonObject){
var constituency = new Constituency();
constituency.set("points", jsonObject.points);
constituency.set("areaType", jsonObject.areaType);
constituency.set("state", jsonObject.state);
constituency.set("index", jsonObject.index);
constituency.set("pc", jsonObject.pc);
constituency.set("oldObjectId", jsonObject.objectId);
return constituency;
You can do it even better..
You can first push all the parse objects into array and then call saveAll to save all the parse objects in one request. This solution is good for < 1000 records .. if you have more than 1000 then you can do paging (first 1000 and saveAll, other 1000 and saveAll ....)
In this version your code will look like this:
function processJson(result) {
var object = JSON.parse(result);
var allObjects = [];
for (var i = 0; i < object.results.legnth; i++){
var parseObject = createParseObjectFromJSONObject(object.results[i]);
// outside the loop we are ready to save all the objects in
// allObjects array in one service call!
if (allObjects.length > 0){
console.log("all objects were saved!");
// all object ids are now available under the allObjects array..
console.log("error: " + error);
function createParseObjectFromJSONObject(jsonObject){
var constituency = new Constituency();
constituency.set("points", jsonObject.points);
constituency.set("areaType", jsonObject.areaType);
constituency.set("state", jsonObject.state);
constituency.set("index", jsonObject.index);
constituency.set("pc", jsonObject.pc);
constituency.set("oldObjectId", jsonObject.objectId);
return constituency;
Good Luck :)

Windows 8 Application Javascript and SQlite (Database is locked)

I write some simple app for windows 8 Metro UI with javascript. Because natural method from microsoft to use Sqlite with Javascript in Metro UI. I use 'doo' wrapper:
dooWrapper SQLite (github)
I create a method :
function addSomething(name) {
var dbPath = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder.path + '\\a_db.sqlite';
SQLite3JS.openAsync(dbPath).then(function (db) {
return db.runAsync("INSERT INTO STH (nazwa) VALUES (:name)", { name: name }).
done(function () {
console.log('Add sth : ' + name);
}, function (error) {
if (db) {
console.log('ERROR Adding sth' + error.message);
I get error 'database is locked' I read about this error in documentation. But I have one question is other solution to add more rows without create 'insert' function with collections argument something like that : insert (array) ? I just want to use that function n-times without this error. That's possible?
Yes,it possible...i also got this error before....For that you just need to establish the database connection once...i have used this in my app and its working fine.
If there is no need of closing your db then then open database once like..
Add this code to default.js file
var myDatabase; //Global Variable
var dbPath = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder.path + '\\db.sqlite';
//Create Table
SQLite3JS.openAsync(dbPath).then(function(db) {
return db.runAsync('CREATE TABLE Item (name TEXT, price REAL, id INT PRIMARY KEY)');
Then you just need to use below code
// For Insert
return myDatabase.runAsync('INSERT INTO Item (name, price, id) VALUES ("'+ array[i].name+'", "48484", 1);
For array
var dbPromises = [];
var testArray = [];
//only for test purpose
//You can pass your array here directly
for (var a = 0; a < 300; a++) {
var obj = {
name: "Mango"+a,
price: 100+a,
id: a
for (var i = 0; i < testArray.length; i++) {
var query = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Item (name, price, id) VALUES ("' + testArray[i].name + '",' + testArray[i].price + ',' + testArray[i].id + ')';
WinJS.Promise.join(dbPromises).then(function () {
}, function(err) {
Above code is used only for less array size...bcz its taking too much time for insertion...
For fasst execution you should replace just below code
for (var i = 0; i < testArray.length; i++) {
var val = '("' + testArray[i].name + '",' + testArray[i].price + ',' + testArray[i].id + '),';
query = query + val;
if ((i + 1) % 300 == 0 || (i + 1) == testArray.length) {
query = query.replace(/,$/, "");
query = 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Item (name, price, id) VALUES ';
