I've been looking for treemap chart library for React Native. It looks something like in the photo shown above, I checked a lot of chart libraries like react-native-svg, victory-native etc. I'm not able to find. I appreciate any recommendations.
I have requirement to design a chart with hybrid of network and bubble chart in Angular-7. The result looks something like in the image below It also should show the flow of data like there in the site Union Budget 2020. I am using chart.js and ng2-charts in angular-7. Is there a way around to design such graph in chart.js or need to use some other library? I have gone through these libraries as of now:
Vis Network
but did not found the perfect one.
I'm searching for a chart tool to integrate into my app and I really liked the Chartist.js but I couldn't found any resources showing how to create bubble charts like this one in D3.
My goal is to create a non-overlapping bubble chart with images.
I would like to know if there is a way to achieve this natively or with a plugin.
I have a chart which is currently implemented in RaVis which uses flex.
I want to implement the same chart using JavaScript/SVG chart library but so far I haven't found a suitable solution.
I can't even put a name to this chart.
Any ideas?
D3.js has a pretty similar radial tree that you could bend to suit your needs :
More examples : https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Gallery
I am evaluating to change the graphics I generated so far using highcharts.js to d3.js
just for fun and I want to learn how d3.js works.
I wonder if there is something similar to the url below (see if you click on a pie it gives you new data), something dynamic and ready to use (or not to implement from zero).
What I wanna achieve, more or less...
thanks in advance
If you want to replace Highcharts, I think the only good open-source alternative available at the moment is Bob Monteverde's Novus charts library: http://novus.github.com/nvd3/. NVD3 has a nice pie chart and also has good legends. Take a look at all the charts from this library and you will see what I mean. You can also find a good pie chart in Stephen Boak's tutorial: http://blog.stephenboak.com/2011/08/07/easy-as-a-pie.html. Another interesting option is to look for Frank Guerino's questions on the D3 js google group. I would use NVD3 if I were you. It might need some adjustments, but it seems to be the best option currently. Good luck!
Simple function to generate Pie Charts utilisiing d3.js. This function is part of the http://xhprof.io/ project. It is able to handle datasets of arbitrary size. It has several options that allow for customisation, such as the label margin, circle radius and visibility of the percentage data (refer to the source code).
The demo is available at https://dev.anuary.com/858b33b7-bd66-507b-a9f1-533e4de79ba3/. The source code is available at https://github.com/gajus/pie-chart.
Does anyone have any examples of stacked graphs (or stream graphs) in Raphael?
I'm wondering if there is a working Raphael equivalent of this D3 streamgraph:
The closest I've seen is this line chart example:
I guess I could just knock up a stacked graph based on this, but it'd be great if anyone already had some outline code.
Are you looking for something like this. It's based on Raphael.
If you need something more powerful I could recommend Sencha ExtJS.
Area Graph #1 and Area Graph #2 are looking quite like your posted D3 streamgraph.