Double tap/click ruining JS memory game - javascript

When user-testing a memory game with my 4-year-old, she discovered a bug. When you double-tap on a card it considers it a match. I tried to disable the that had been clicked using = 'none' then setting it back to auto.
This works for the second clicked card but not the first (defeating the point of using it and creating a new bug! The project is currently deployed at:
If you’ve any ideas on how I could do this better greatly appreciated!
function tumblerLift() {
let cardId = this.getAttribute('data-id') = 'none';
this.setAttribute('src', fruitVegArray[cardId].img)
if (cardsChosen.length === 2) {
setTimeout(checkForMatch, 500) = 'auto';
} ```

Well, I guess you can try using another if statement like this(based on your setAttribute)
function tumblerLift() {
let cardId = this.getAttribute('data-id') = 'none';
if(this.src==fruitVegArray[cardId].img){return null} //image already chosen
this.setAttribute('src', fruitVegArray[cardId].img)
if (cardsChosen.length === 2) {
setTimeout(checkForMatch, 500) = 'auto';

Thanks to an answer by The Bomb Squad, the null solution helped fix another bug of fruit appearing after they had been matched.
Here is the code I have now:
// Tumbler lift
function tumblerLift() {
if (this.src.includes('images/blank.png')) {
return null
} // prevents fruit from reappearing, credit Y0urs Truly from Github for helping fix this bug
It's feeling a lot more together now; the actual game can be played here:


Phaser 2 buttons are needed to work text? What's happening?

I'm working on a dialogue system for my game. I have it almost finished, but I'm stuck on one weird bug. Here is the code for it in the update method. Assume everything with this in front of it was declared in the create method.
if ((this.checkCollision(this.p1, this.goodLamb) || this.checkCollision(this.p1, this.stiches)) && Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.keyT)) {
this.talking = true;
if (this.talking == true){
if (this.checkCollision(this.p1, this.goodLamb) || this.checkCollision(this.p1, this.stiches)) {
if (this.has("spool") && this.has("needleOne") && this.has("needleTwo")){
this.line1.setText('Good Lamb: Oh, thanks Peef! Now we can fix Stiches!');
this.line2.setText('Peef: Glad to help. I know how painful rips are.');
else if (!(this.has("spool")) || !(this.has("needleOne")) || !(this.has("needleTwo"))) {
this.line1.setText('Good Lamb: Help! Stiches ripped herself again! Can you get the sewing supplies?');
this.line2.setText('Peef: Oh gosh! Sit tight Stiches. Ill be back soon!');
if(this.keyA.isDown) {
else if(this.keyD.isDown) {
if(this.p1.body.touching.down && Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.keyW)) {
if ((this.checkCollision(this.p1, this.goodLamb) || this.checkCollision(this.p1, this.stiches)) && Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.keyT)){
this.talking = false;
I admit this may be an outrageously overly complicated text system, but it's the only one I've gotten to work. When the player presses the talk button when touching an npc, the game checks for collision and sets the talking Boolean to true. If that Boolean is true, the game disables the player's movement and displays dialogue based on who the npc is and if they met the criteria for completing the associated quest, in this case gathering 2 needles and a spool of thread. For the player to continue, they have to press the talk button again, which turns the talking Boolean back to false, restores movement and makes the text disappear.
It's the last step that's not working. For some reason, when the player presses the talking button again, the talking Boolean doesn't change back and none of the associated actions happen.
The only solution I currently have is to change the button that makes the text disappear to a different button from the talking button. This lets things work as intended, but it's also an awkward button set up for the player.
Is there a solution, or am I just going to have to live with this issue?
If it helps, I'm using Phaser 3 in VSCode employing arcade physics.
No 1 Button is enough. What is happening, is hard to say, because your code is pretty complicated. In any case the main problem is that your if/else blocks are setup incorrect.
I cleaned it up and tried teh if/elseblocks in the correct order, so that they reflect, what you want to happen.
Although it is hard to say since, your code snippet covers only a small part of your update function.
if ((this.checkCollision(this.p1, this.goodLamb) || this.checkCollision(this.p1, this.stiches)) && Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.keyT)) {
if(this.talking == false){
this.talking = true;
if (this.has("spool") && this.has("needleOne") && this.has("needleTwo")) {
this.line1.setText('Good Lamb: Oh, thanks Peef! Now we can fix Stiches!');
this.line2.setText('Peef: Glad to help. I know how painful rips are.');
else if (!(this.has("spool")) || !(this.has("needleOne")) || !(this.has("needleTwo"))) {
this.line1.setText('Good Lamb: Help! Stiches ripped herself again! Can you get the sewing supplies?');
this.line2.setText('Peef: Oh gosh! Sit tight Stiches. Ill be back soon!');
/* this velocity blocks seem strange, but if it works for you why not */
if (this.keyA.isDown || this.keyD.isDown) {
if (this.p1.body.touching.down && Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.keyW)) {
} else {
this.talking = false;
Try to keep if/else nesting low, and try to group condition to avoid mistakes and performance issues (for example: multiple calculations / collision checks)
Update / Improvement:
Here the same code from above just more concise, and easier to understand / read
/* default text values is empty string */
let textLine1 = '';
let textLine2 = '';
/* I put "Phaser.Input.Keyboard..." first, for performance reasons */
if (Phaser.Input.Keyboard.JustDown(this.keyT) && (this.checkCollision(this.p1, this.goodLamb) || this.checkCollision(this.p1, this.stiches))) {
if(this.talking == false){
let hasAllItems = this.has("spool") && this.has("needleOne") && this.has("needleTwo");
if (hasAllItems) {
textLine1 = 'Good Lamb: Oh, ...';
textLine2 = 'Peef: Glad to help. ...';
} else {
textLine1 ='Good Lamb: Help! ...';
textLine2 = 'Peef: Oh gosh! ...';
/* just set the velocity always to 0, no if/else is needed */
// toggles: true <=> false
this.talking = !this.talking;
/* set the text's object in one place, no matter the text */

Prepending Old Chat Messages to Chat Box

I'm trying to prepend old messages to a chatbox when the user scrolls to the top. I'm using eventListeners as the code illustrates, but I'm running into an error where only the last chatbox is working properly. It seems that bodies[index].scrollTop and bodies[index].scrollHeight always returns 0 with the exception of bodies[lastIndex]. Why might this be? (logging bodies[index] correctly returns the div element)
document.querySelectorAll('.popup-messages').forEach((item, index) =>
item.addEventListener('scroll', async function()
if (chatReady[index] == true && bodies[index].scrollTop == 0)
chatReady[index] = false;
var previousHeight = bodies[index].scrollHeight;
await getMessages(":body", ""));
var heightDiff = bodies[index].scrollHeight - previousHeight;
bodies[index].scrollTop += heightDiff;
Edit: If there's a different way to make multiple eventListeners dynamically, please share it with me as it would help a lot.
This problem was solved by replacing bodies[index] with item. Perhaps there was a bug that occurs when more than one variable is associated with an element.

.clone().appendTo - Replace element styles not working?

I have individual three arrows. on click; I want the div below them (letsChat) to change styles and I want to clone and append relevant information in that div. I also want it to revert back to it's original state when it is clicked again or if orientation is changed to portrait.
document.querySelector('#compositionArrow').onclick = function(){
var letsChat = document.querySelector('.lets-chat');
var letsChatButton = document.querySelector('.lets-chat a');
var compositionArrow = document.querySelector('#compositionArrow')
var compositionText = document.querySelector('.composition-text');
if ('flex' && window.matchMedia("(orientation: landscape)").matches) {'rotate(180deg)';
//compositionText.clone().appendTo.letsChat; return false;
else if ('none' || window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)").matches){'rotate(180deg)';'#ff8f00';'flex';
example can be found below: (you may have to play with window
Here's something that demonstrates part of what you asked. It doesn't take into account orientation change, but it handles the click part. As far as I know, there's no straightforward way to detect orientation change, but here's an article that talks about a few options. Another idea would be to use jQuery Mobile as it fires orientationchange events.
So after much back and forth and after looking at your site more closely, this is what I managed to cobble together.
jQuery('#compositionArrow').click(function() {
var $letsChat = jQuery('.lets-chat');
var letsChat = $letsChat[0];
var letsChatButton = $letsChat.find('a')[0];
// Remove old composition text if it exists.
if ( !== 'none' && window.matchMedia("(orientation: landscape)").matches) { = 'rotate(180deg)';
$letsChat.append(jQuery('.composition-text').clone()); = '#00BCD4'; = 'none';
else if ( === 'none' || window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)").matches) { = ''; = '#ff8f00'; = 'flex';
It works for me in FireFox on a downloaded version of your site.

Play/Pause Audio Button Using HTML5 And JavaScript

I am facing a problem for a couple of hours. I have some Radio Channels into a HTML document. Every channel has an image (it's logo). I can't figure out how to make the "click to Play/Pause" working.
Here's the JSFiddle document : 123
If you click on the first image, it will play/pause the channel. The second button act like the first one.
How can I make it work, so that both of them would work independently and if I click on the second one while the first one is running, it would stop the first channel and start the second one?
I am sorry, I am a begginer :-).
Based on w3schools html5 audio, m3 and pls audio types are not supported.
Maybe streaming will do (never tried), something like this is-it-possible-to-play-shoutcast-internet-radio-streams-with-html5.
function aud_play_pause() is defined in your code twice. You need to give the second function a different name or just use one function to do both things. I would do something like this:
function aud_play_pause(channel) {
var Radio21 = document.getElementById("Radio21");
var RadioZU = document.getElementById("RadioZU");
if(channel == 'radio21'){
if (Radio21.paused) {;
} else {
if(channel == 'radioZU'){
if (RadioZU.paused) {;
} else {
Someone more knowledgeable than I could probably provide a more elegant solution but this should work.
Also, I couldn't get your JSFiddle to work in my browser and I couldn't get my JSFiddle to work so I haven't been able to test the function. Firefox didn't like the ContentTypes you are using: "HTTP "Content-Type" of "audio/x-mpegurl" is not supported. Load of media resource failed."
I thought about this a little more and basically you need a toggle. I can't get your example to work in Firefox so I'm going to create a toggle example that doesn't solve your problem but should illustrate how to fix it.
function example(string) {
var first_div = document.getElementById("one");
var second_div = document.getElementById("two");
if(string == 'one'){
second_div.innerHTML = "OFF";
if (first_div.innerHTML == "OFF") {
first_div.innerHTML = "ON";
} else {
first_div.innerHTML = "OFF";
if(string == 'two'){
first_div.innerHTML = "OFF";
if (second_div.innerHTML == "OFF") {
second_div.innerHTML = "ON";
} else {
second_div.innerHTML = "OFF";
<div id="one" onclick="example('one')">OFF</div>
<div id="two" onclick="example('two')">OFF</div>

How to run function after event is run?

I am a beginner with all coding. Here is my general goal. I am running something relatively simple where I have 8 superheroes on the screen. I would like the user to eliminate the 4 DC superheroes from the screen and after all 4 of them are eliminated from the screen I want the system to alert the user that they have won the game. They don't have to do it in any order so I ran the superHero function each time a DC character was clicked to check if all four DC superheroes had been eliminated yet. Somebody please help me. I feel like it is something very simple I am messing up on. Thanks a ton in advance.
/*This is my jquery that shows all 8 of my superheroes*/
var flashHidden = !$('#greenlantern').is(':visible');
var greenHidden = !$('#greenlantern').is(':visible');
var batmanHidden = !$('#batman').is(':visible');
var supermanHidden = !$('#superman').is(':visible');
function superHero() {
if(flashHidden && batmanHidden && supermanHidden && greenHidden) {
alert ("Congratulations!!! You have won the game!! Please proceed forward and fill out a quick survey for the developers");
Right now the current thing that is happening is I will eliminate all of the correct superheroes and it will not alert me that the user has won. I've tried a lot of different things and the only other result I've gotten is to have the system alert the user every time they click on a superhero that they've won which is also incorrect.
This has been solved by changing the scope of the variables to inside the function.
You should declare your variables i.e. flashHidden in your function. Currently you are setting then at the start.
function superHero() {
var flashHidden = !$('#flash').is(':visible');
var greenHidden = !$('#greenlantern').is(':visible');
var batmanHidden = !$('#batman').is(':visible');
var supermanHidden = !$('#superman').is(':visible');
if(flashHidden && batmanHidden && supermanHidden && greenHidden) {
alert ("Congratulations!!! You have won the game!! Please proceed forward and fill out a quick survey for the developers");
Additionally your click handler can be condensed into
$('#flash, #greenlantern, #batman, #superman').click(function(){
You're setting...
var flashHidden = !$('#greenlantern').is(':visible'); start with. But you're not updating that variable later on when it gets hidden. So according to your check of:
if(flashHidden && batmanHidden && supermanHidden && greenHidden) {
...Flash is still visible. Even though, yes, on the page he's gone.
Try adding this:
