Find Min and Max with javascript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Receives an integer array as argument
The function transverses the array to determine the minimum and
maximum values in the array
Displays the calculated information as illustrated below:
functionName([-8, -1, -87, -14, -81, -74, -20, -86, -61, -10]);
// would produce following message in console:
The minimum value in the array is: -87, the maximum value is -1

Math.min and Math.max return the minimum and maximum values. Since you want your function to print it out to the console, use console.log to print out these values, along with a templated string to have it in the format you want.
const minAndMax = (arr) => console.log(`The minimum value in the array is: ${Math.min(...arr)}, the maximum value is ${Math.max(...arr)}`)
minAndMax([-8, -1, -87, -14, -81, -74, -20, -86, -61, -10]);

this will work.
function yourFunc(arr){
arr = arr.sort( (a,b) => a -b );`The minimum value in the array is: ${arr[0]}, the maximum value is ${arr[arr.length - 1]}`);
yourFunc([-8, -1, -87, -14, -81, -74, -20, -86, -61, -10])


Check if array has value from and to a variable [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I really don know how to title this question but here is what i am wondering.
I have this array of numbers:
numbers = [5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40]
I want to remove numbers that dont increase by 10. So what i mean by that, inn a for loop, if the current index + 10 is not inn the array, then i want to delete that number. so the correct number array would be.
filteredNumbers = [10, 20, 30, 40]
I hope this makes sense. kinda har to explain exactly with words.
You could check pairs with delta of 10.
numbers = [5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40],
result = numbers.filter((v, i, { [i - 1]: prev, [i + 1]: next }) =>
prev + 10 === v || v + 10 === next

Is there an any way to do get range [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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For example, I have here the data in the database
id range price
1-3 30
4-8 50
9-13 80
14-20 120
21-29 160
I want that when the user inputs any number the price will display depending on the ranged.
For example, the user input number 5, since 5 belongs to the range of 4-8 the 80 will display as price. another example is when the user inputs number 23 the 160 will display as price since 23 belongs to the range of 21-29.
Using Javascript:
You could build an array of objects with the price and range as keys where the price is the key of the prices value and range is an array of constraints for the start and finish of that section.
Then iterate over the possible objects that exist in the array and see if the ID falls within the constraints using a conditional that checks if the low number of the range, range[0] is less than or equal to the ID AND the high number of the range, range[1] is greater than or equal to the ID. When you get a match use range.price to get the price value within the range.
const userInput = document.querySelector("#userInput");
const checkPrice = document.querySelector("#checkPrice");
const price = document.querySelector("#price");
const ranges = [{
price: 30,
range: [1, 3]
price: 50,
range: [4, 8]
price: 80,
range: [9, 13]
price: 120,
range: [14, 20]
price: 160,
range: [21, 29]
function getIdRangesPrice(e) {
const id = userInput.value;
ranges.forEach((range, i) => range.range[0] <= id && range.range[1] ? price.textContent = `$${range.price}` : null)
checkPrice.addEventListener('click', getIdRangesPrice)
/*If you want to get the next price level do the following
ranges.forEach((range, i) => range.range[0] <= id && range.range[1] >= id && ranges[i + 1] !== undefined ? price.textContent = `$${Object.values(ranges[i + 1])[0]}` : null)
<input id="userInput" min="1" max="29" type="number"><button id="checkPrice">Check Price</button>
<div id="price"></div>
Assuming you have database with column start and end
with 1 as start and 3 as end
you can run query select price from rangeTable where $userInput between start and end

I need to add a number from right to left in the decimal value using javascript [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am trying to display decimal value in calculator using javascript.
if i click any buttons in the calculator, the button value added to decimal value from the right to left and it should be display in the screen.
For Eg: The default value is 0.00 if i click 2, it should be 0.02 and if i click 3, it should be 0.23 and if i click 4, it should be 2.34 and if i click 5, it should be 23.45 and so on.
You could try:
let number = 0;
// Returns the new value in case you need it to display in console
// and updates the number variable with the new value.
function addNumberRightToLeft(value) {
number = ((number * 10) + (value / 100)).toFixed(2);
return number;
console.log(addNumberRightToLeft(5)); // Shows '0.05' in console and updates number variable, so it is now '0.05'.
// or
addNumberRightToLeft(5); // Does not print to console but updates number variable, so it is now '0.55'.
or even use ES6 arrow functions and without side effects (as suggested by Nika):
const addNumberRightToLeft = (p, v) => ((p * 10) + (v / 100)).toFixed(2);
where p is the last value returned and v is what you want to add. In action:
let number = 0;
number = addNumberRightToLeft(number, 5); // 0.05
number = addNumberRightToLeft(number, 5); // 0.55
Like below: resultNum should be first initialize as 0.00;
function showCalc(inputNum)
var a = resultNum * 10.00;
var b = inputNum / 100;
resultNum = a + b;
return resultNum;

Javascript regex to parse human readable dates [closed]

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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a dates in String in Javascript that could look like:
The indicators will not change, they are d, h, m, s, ms
What would be a good regex to parse the numbers out:
for 3s5ms, it should be:
parsed = [0,0,0,3,5]
for 1d4m, it should be:
parsed = [1,0,4,0,0]
How about this:
var getNumbers = function (string) {
var numbersArray = string.match(/(?:(\d+)d)?(?:(\d+)h)?(?:(\d+)m)?(?:(\d+)s)?(?:(\d+)ms)?/);
return (val) {
return parseInt(val) || 0;
getNumbers("3s5ms") // [0, 0, 0, 3, 5]
getNumbers("2d2h2m2s2ms") //[2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

Is there a name for a formula to calculate ascending numbers to a quadratic-like sequence? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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For e.g. any range of number 0 - n
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
[ 0, 2, 4, 6, 4, 2, 0 ]
IS there a formula to calculate the first into the second? Quadratic?
Is there a name for this kind of formula or calculation?
EDIT: This should be in Javascript
I don't know what you mean by "quadratic-like" but the following javascript program prints something which looks like your sequence:
n = 6;
print(i, n-Math.abs(2*i-n))
0 0
1 2
2 4
3 6
4 4
5 2
6 0
