How to synchronise ExtJS "checkboxes" (buttons) with Javascript/JQuery? - javascript

I am currently trying to synchronize two checkboxes on a page.
I need the checkboxes to be synchronized - to this end, I'm using a Tampermonkey userscript to pick up when one of them is clicked. However, I'm at a loss as to how to do it.
I believe they are not actually checkboxes, but ExtJS buttons that resemble checkboxes. I can't check whether they're checked with JQuery because of this: the checked value is appended to a class once the JS behind the button has run.
I have tried preventDefault and stopPropagation, but either I'm using it wrong or not understanding its' usage.
I'm not quite clever enough to just call the JS behind the box instead of an onclick event. Otherwise, that would solve my issue.
This is my code:
//Variables - "inputEl" is the actual button.
var srcFFR = "checkbox-1097";
var destFFR = "checkbox-1134";
var srcFFRb = "checkbox-1097-inputEl";
var destFFRb = "checkbox-1134-inputEl";
//This checks if they're synchronised on page load and syncs them with no user intervention.
var srcChk = document.getElementById(srcFFR).classList.contains('x-form-cb-checked');
var destChk = document.getElementById(destFFR).classList.contains('x-form-cb-checked');
if (srcChk == true || destChk == false) {
} else if (destChk == true || srcChk == false) {
//This is where it listens for the click and attempts to synchronize the buttons.
$(document.getElementById(srcFFRb)).on('click', function(e) {
if (document.getElementById(srcFFR).classList == document.getElementById(destFFR).classList) {
return false;
} else {
$(document.getElementById(destFFRb)).on('click', function(e) {
if (document.getElementById(srcFFR).classList == document.getElementById(destFFR).classList) {
return false;
} else {
I'm at a bit of a loss...any help would be greatly appreciated.

Figured it out - I was comparing class lists without singling out what I wanted to actually match.
My solution:
$(document.getElementById(srcFFRb)).on('click', function(){
if (document.getElementById(srcFFR).classList.contains('x-form-cb-checked')
== document.getElementById(destFFR).classList.contains('x-form-cb-checked')) {
return false;}
else {
$(document.getElementById(destFFRb)).on('click', function(){
if (document.getElementById(srcFFR).classList.contains('x-form-cb-checked')
== document.getElementById(destFFR).classList.contains('x-form-cb-checked')) {
return false;}
else {


How To Stop Multiple Modals From Popping Up On Multiple Clicks To The Same Button (JavaScript)

I am working in and have a table with a button which renders a modal popup. If I click this button more than once it pops up multiple modals, which I do not want. I haven't done very much JavaScript in my career but have the following code. I think that the conditional logic I am using may not be necessary, perhaps there are some JavaScript functions that would better serve this purpose. This is the code, the .singleAction refers to the button.
$(document).ready(function () {
var isClicked = false;
$('.singleAction').click(function (e) {
if (isClicked = true) {
else {
isClicked = true;
isClicked = false;
$(document).ready(function () {
var isModalOpen = false;
$('.singleAction').click(function (e) {
if (isModalOpen) {
else {
isModalOpen = true;
// Some logic to set isModalOpen to false once the
// modal is closed...
// ...
Biggest thing wrong with your code was the if statement. You were assigning true rather than checking for equality. And in JavaScript, when checking the value of booleans just use the variable name. Check out Truthy/Falsey values in JavaScript.

apply a jQuery effect in ASP based on validation result

I have a webform with a control panel (#pnlStepOne). The panel includes two textfields "txtFname" and "txtLname". I have a validator setup for each textfield. I have tested the form and all works as desired.
My questions is how do I add a jQuery effect to the panel onclick event only if one (or both) of the textfields ("txtFname" and "txtLname") don't validate. (this effect would "shake" the panel).
And I would like to add another jQuery effect to "flip" the control panel and switch the current one (#pnlStepOne) for another one (#pnlStepTwo) if both fields are validated by the asp:RequiredFieldValidators.
Just a sample code that I will tweak once I have the right If condition.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnStepOne").click(function (event) {
if (**this is the condition that I am missing**)
background: 'red',
You can modify your code to be like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnStepOne").click(function (event) {
var fvFname = document.getElementById('client-id-of-your-fvFname-validator');
var fvLname = document.getElementById('client-id-of-your-fvLname-validator');
if (!fvFname.isvalid || !fvLname.isvalid) {
background: 'red',
Have a rad of my answer to a similar question here:
Enable/Disable asp:validators using jquery
Which has the MSDN link here:
In one of my projects I use a prettifyValidation function, so you could have something like:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnStepOne").click(function (event) {
function prettifyValidation() {
var allValid = true;
if (typeof Page_Validators != 'undefined') {
// Loop through from high to low to capture the base level of error
for (i = Page_Validators.length; i >= 0; i--) {
if (Page_Validators[i] != null) {
if (!Page_Validators[i].isvalid) { // The Control is NOT Valid
$("#" + Page_Validators[i].controltovalidate).removeClass("makeMeGreen").addClass("makeMeRed");
allValid = false;
} else { // Control is valid
$("#" + Page_Validators[i].controltovalidate).removeClass("makeMeRed").addClass("makeMeGreen");
This will loop through all controls on the page that have an ASP.NET validator attached, and then add or remove a class depending if they are valid or not.
Obviously from here you can limit the function to a specific control by matching the controlToValidate property, and you can restyle, add controls, change classes but this should hopefully provide you a decent base to work from.

Using Blur and Submit events on the same form

I am still confused about this. Started learning JQuery about a week now and this is what I have:
var IsValidUserName = false;
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#txtUserName').blur(function () {
if ($('#txtUserName').val().match(isNumberLetter) &&
($('#txtUserName').val().length >= 8)) {
$('#txtUserName + label').removeAttr("id", "lblUserName");
IsValidUserName = true;
else {
$('#txtUserName + label').attr("id", "lblUserName");
Lets say I have another function like above, lets say FirstName:
How do I call this on the submit event? The code works as I need it to when the user leaves a field. Not sure how I can also call this code and also use the variable above to prevent submit if the data entered is invalid.
I need to call the validation above if the user clicks the submit button and stop the submission if the IsValidUserName variable is false.
Somethings just need a little push.
Thanks my friends.
You could always extract it into a function instead of an anonymous function and pass the reference to the object you want to check. This would give you the added benefit of reusing it for other elements.
function validate(ele) {
var valid;
if (ele.val().match(isNumberLetter)) && (ele.val().length >= 8)) {
valid = true;
// update user here.
} else {
valid = false;
// update user here.
return valid;
$('#firstName').blur(function(){ validate($(this)); });
$('#lastName').blur(function(){ validate($(this)); });
var firstNameIsValid = validate($('#firstName'));
var lastNameIsValid = validate($('#lastName'));
if (!nameIsValid) && (!lastNameIsValid) {
return false;
// User has already been updated
Also, since you are already heavily using javascript for your validation (hope this is convenience and not the only security), you can also disable the submit button entirely until the form meets the proper requirements.

ExtJs simulate TAB on ENTER keypress

I know it is not the smartest idea, but I still have to do it.
Our users want to use ENTER like TAB.
So, the best I came up with is this:
Ext.override(Ext.form.field.Base, {
initComponent: function() {
this.on('afterrender', function() {
var me=this;
this.getEl().on('keypress',function (e){
if(e.getKey() == 13) {
But it still does not work exactly the same way as TAB.
I mean, it works OK with input fields, but not other controls.
May be there is some low-level solution.
Any ideas?
In the past I've attached the listener to the document, something like this:
Ext.getDoc().on('keypress', function(event, target) {
// get the form field component
var targetEl = Ext.get(,
fieldEl = targetEl.up('[class*=x-field]') || {},
field = Ext.getCmp(;
if (
// the ENTER key was pressed...
event.ENTER == event.getKey() &&
// from a form field...
field &&
// which has valid data.
) {
// get the next form field
var next ='[isFormField]');
// focus the next field if it exists
if (next) {
For Ext.form.field.Text and similar xtypes there is a extra config enableKeyEvents that needs to be set before the keypress/keydown/keyup events fire.
The enableKeyEvents config option needs to be set to true as it's default to false.
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on ExtJs.
That said, maybe try something like:
if (e.getKey() === 13) {
return false; // cancel key event to prevent the [Enter] behavior
You could try this
if (e.getKey() === 13) {
e.keyCode = Ext.EventObject.TAB
this.fireEvent(e, {// any additional options
Haven't really tried this ever myself.

Problem with in IE

I'm writing js for a status update system to be used on various pages throughout a app that I'm working. I am really just starting to get more comfortable with javascript so it has been somewhat of a challenge to get to the point where I have everything now.
The status system is basically a facebook clone. For the most part everything is supposed to function the way that facebook's status updates and status comments do. The intended behavior is that when the user clicks in the status textarea, the div under the status textarea slides out revealing the submit button as well as some other checkboxes.
If the user clicks anywhere else on the page except a link or any element that has the class prevent_slideup the div slides up hiding the submit button and any checkboxes.
I'm using a document.body click function to determine what the user clicked on so I know which form elements to hide if I should even hide them. I do not want this slideup to take place on a textarea if that textarea has focus or the user is selecting a checkbox that goes with that form. Hence the prevent_slideup class. I also do not want to bother running the slideup logic if the user has clicked on a link. I'd prefer they just leave the page without having to wait for the animation.
The code that I was using to accomplish this task can be found in the $(document.body).click(function (e) section below where I'm doing a .is('a') check on the event target.
This code works as expected in chrome and firefox, however in ie when a link is clicked for the first time it seems that the element stored in var target is actually a div instead of an anchor. What ends up happening is that the submit div slides up and the user is not taken to the link that they just clicked on. If a link is clicked a second time the user is taken to the page as you would expect.
It seems to me that there's some kind of a lag in ie as to what the current event being fired is.
The entire status module is working other than this one strange ie bug regarding the users click on the link not being carried out the first time that they click a link after opening the status textarea. Does anything jump out in this script that would explain this behavior or does anyone have any other advice?
Thanks in advance for your help.
$(document.body).click(function (e){
var target = || e.srcElement;
if($(target).hasClass('prevent_slideup') || $(target).is('a'))
return true;
var active_element = document.activeElement;
var active_status_id = $(active_element).attr('data-status_id');
var active_has_data_status_id = (typeof active_status_id !== 'undefined' && active_status_id !== false) ? true : false;
var status_id = $(this).attr('data-status_id');
if($('#comment_textarea_'+status_id).val() === '' && (!active_has_data_status_id || active_status_id !== status_id))
else if($(this).attr('id') === 'status_textarea')
if($('#status_textarea').val() === '' && $(active_element).attr('id') !== 'status_textarea')
return true;
$("#status_textarea").live('click', function(){
if($('#status_textarea').val() === $("#status_textarea").attr('placeholder'))
return false;
$(".comment_toggle").live('click', function(){
var status_id = $(this).attr('data-status_id');
return false;
$(".status_comment_submit").live('click', function(){
var status_id = $(this).attr('data-status_id');
return false;
$(".show_hidden_comments").live('click', function(){
var status_id = $(this).attr('data-status_id');
return false;
function hide_status_submit()
return false;
function show_status_submit()
if ($("#status_submit_wrapper").is(":hidden"))
return false;
function hide_status_comment_submit(status_id)
return false;
function show_status_comment_submit(status_id)
return false;
function status_comment_submit_successful()
return false;
I figured out that there were two main issues with my script...
1.) The document.body function and the #status_textarea live click funtioins were conflicting with each other.
2.) After adding the logic for the #status_textarea function into the document.body function I noticed that the script still didn't quite work as expected in internet explorer unless I had an alert in the function. The problem at this point was that the autoresize plugin that I'm using on the textarea was also conflicting with the document.body function.
I was able to rectify the situation by adding a dummy text input and hiding the status textarea. On click of the dummy text input the status textarea is shown and the the dummy text input is hidden. I have no idea why this worked, but it seems to have solved my problems.
