Attribute empty after assigning - javascript

I'm trying to refactor an object into an array to fit an API that I have to use.
function buildObject(data) {
console.log(data) // correct ouput
var jsonLayers = Object.entries({}).map(([k, v]) => {
console.log(`value : ${v}`) // correct output
return {
label: k,
pointMap: v,
color: v.layerColor?v.layerColor:tabList[ => i.tabName).indexOf(k)].layerColor?tabList[ => i.tabName).indexOf(k)].layerColor:defaultPOILayerColor,
console.log(jsonLayers) // incorrect output
return jsonLayers
I have 2 scenarios in which I call this function but with the same data (console.log(data) logs the exact same result).
In the first scenario I obtain the desired result and in the second the pointMap attribute is an empty Array.
In the case where it does not work the console.log(`value : ${v}`) logs the correct value but when I log console.log(jsonLayers) the attribute pointMap is empty.
Any ideas on why this happens ?
Edit: as mentionned below this code works with sample data so I suppose this must comes to how the function is called. Everything runs in a UWA widget with jQuery
So for the context here is an idea of how they are called in both cases :
var data = {
a: { tabName: "tab1", layerColor: 1 },
b: { tabName: "tab2", layerColor: 2 },
$('#button1').on('click', function() {
ExternalAPI.Publish('some-external-address', buildObject(data));
$('#button2').on('click', function() {
let jsonData = buildObject(data);
//some manipulations of jsonData
ExternalAPI.Publish('some-external-address', jsonData);
It works on button1 but not on button2, they are clicked are at a different moment but data contains the same object when both are clicked
Edit2 :
Found the issue,
In the manipulations of jsonData I accidentally use slice(1,1) instead of splice(1,1) which empties the array.
What drove me crazy is that this modification was perform after the log but the var was log with the modification.
At least I learnt that spread operator does not deepcopy

Found the issue,
In the manipulations of jsonData I accidentally use slice(1,1) instead of splice(1,1) which empties the array.
What drove me crazy is that this modification was perform after the log but the var was log with the modification


forEach not changing values of array

availableButtons.forEach(function(part, index) {
// this[index].title = intl.formatMessage(this[index].title);
}, availableButtons)
The code above prints the console as follows:
{id: "", defaultMessage: "someMessage"}
This confirms that each object has an id but when I try to execute the commented code it throws an error saying [#formatjs/intl] An id must be provided to format a message.
I used the same array but only a single object separately as follows intl.formatMessage(availableButtons[0].title); this gave me the required result I am just not able to figure out. I tried various ways of passing values in forEach, what am I missing?
forEach does not actually mutate arrays. it's just a shorthand loop called on the array. It's hard to suggest a solution because your intent is not clear.
availableButtons = => {
//do your mutations here
might be a start
I think Array#map works better for in this vade => {
return {
title: intl.formatMessage(part.title)
Access the array (availableButtons) directly and update (mutate) with forEach.
availableButtons.forEach(function (part, index) {
console.log("before: ", availableButtons[index].title);
availableButtons[index].title = intl.formatMessage(this[index].title);
console.log("after: ", availableButtons[index].title);

Custom word translator in React

Update: scroll to see my solution, can it be improved?
So I have this issue, I am building a word translator thats translates english to 'doggo', I have built this in vanilla JS but would like to do it React.
My object comes from firebase like this
dictionary = [
0: {
name: "paws",
paws: ["stumps", "toes beans"]
1: {
name: "fur",
fur: ["floof"]
2: {
name: "what"
what: ["wut"]
I then convert it to this format for easier access:
dictionary = {
what : ["wut"],
paws : ["stumps", "toe beans"],
fur : ["floof"]
Then, I have two text-area inputs one of which takes input and I would like the other one to output the corresponding translation. Currently I am just logging it to the console.
This works fine to output the array of the corresponding word, next I have another variable which I call 'levelOfDerp' which is basically a number between 0 - 2 (set to 0 by default) which I can throw on the end of the console.log() as follows to correspond to the word within the array that gets output. => {
When I do this I get a "TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined". I am trying to figure out how to get past this error and perform the translation in real-time as the user types.
Here is the code from the vanilla js which performs the translation on a click event and everything at once. Not what I am trying to achieve here but I added it for clarity.
function convertText(event) {
let text = inputForm.value.toLowerCase().trim();
let array = text.split(/,?\s+/);
array.forEach(word => {
if (dictionary[word] === undefined) {
outputForm.innerHTML += `${word} `;
} else {
let output = dictionary[word][levelOfDerp];
if (output === undefined) {
output = dictionary[word][1];
if (output === undefined) {
output = dictionary[word][0];
outputForm.innerHTML += `${output} `;
Also here is a link to the translator in vanilla js to get a better idea of the project
Solution, but could be better..
I found a solution but I just feel this code is going against the reason to use react in the first place.. My main concern is that I am declaring variables to store strings inside of an array within the function (on every keystroke) which I haven't really done in React, I feel this is going against best practice?
translate = evt => {
// Converting the firebase object
const dict = this.state.dictionary;
let dictCopy = Object.assign(
{}, => ({ [item["name"]]: item }))
let text =;
let textArr = text.split(/,?\s+/);
let translation = "";
textArr.forEach(word => {
if (dictCopy[word] === undefined) {
translation += `${word} `;
} else {
translation += dictCopy[word][word][this.state.derpLvl];
this.setState({ translation });
levelOfDerp is not defined, try to use 'levelOfDerp' as string with quotes.
let output = dictionary[word]['levelOfDerp' ];
The problem happens because setState() is asynchronous, so by the time it's executed your reference might not be there anymore. The solution is, as you stated, to store that reference into a variable.
Maybe consider writing another function that handles the object conversion and store it in a variable, because as is, you're doing the conversion everytime the user inputs something.

Why do I lose the current object state when 'this.props.actions.updateComment(' is called?

I trying trying to achieve the following: There is a textfield and once a user enters in a text, an object is created with the text assigned to a state property called 'commentText' which is located inside the 'comments' array which is inside the object (todo[0]) of 'todos' array. 'commentInput' is just a temporary storage for the input entered in the textfield, to be assigned to the 'commentText' of 'todo[0]' object's 'comments' array.
I retrieve the current state object via following:
const mapStateToProps=(state, ownProps)=>({
and dispatch and actions via:
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch){
actions: bindActionCreators(actions, dispatch)
So the retrieved object 'todo' has an array property named comments. I have a text field that has:
which does:
Before handleCommentChange is called, the object 'todo[0]' is first fetched correctly:
But as soon as a text is inputted into the text field, onChange={this.handleCommentChange.bind(this)} is called and all of a sudden, 'todo[0]' state is all lost (as shown in the 'next state' log):
What may be the issue? Tried solving it for hours and hours but still stuck. Any guidance or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
EDIT **:
{ => {
return <Comment key={} comment={comment} actions={this.props.actions}/>
EDIT 2 **
//Find the current object to apply the action to
if( ==={
//Create a new array, with newly assigned object
return var newComments = todo.comments.concat({
commentTxt: action.commentTxt
//Otherwise return the original array
return todo.comments
I would suspect that your reducer is not correctly updating the todo entry. It's probably replacing the contents of the entry entirely, rather than merging the incoming value in in some fashion.
Yup, after seeing your full code, your reducer is very much at fault. Here's the current code:
if( ==={
return todo.comments = [{
commentTxt: action.commentTxt
}, ...todo.comments]
map() should be returning one item for every item in the array. Instead, you're only returning something if the ID matches, and even then, you're actually assigning to todo.comments (causing direct mutation) and returning the result of that statement (which might be undefined?).
You need something like this instead (which could be written shorter, but I've deliberately written it out long-form to clarify what's happening):
return {
if( !== {
// if the ID doesn't match, just return the existing objecct
return todo;
// Otherwise, we need to return an updated value:
// Create a new comments array with the new comment at the end. concat() will
// You could also do something like [newComment].concat(todo.comments) to produce
// a new array with the new comment first depending on how you want it ordered.
var newComments = todo.comments.concat({
id :,
commentTxt : action.commentTxt
// Create a new todo object that is a copy of the original,
// but with a new value in the "comments" field
var newTodo = Object.assign({}, todo, {comments : newComments});
// Now return that instead
return newTodo;

Return filtered array in javascript

I though this was going to be straightforward. I have a dataset containing (foreach country) name, imfcode, lat,lon. I want to pass a code to a function that will filter the dataset returning the info that correspond to the code passed to it. So if I pass 512 I should get information relating to Afganistan. here my function, would someone mind telling me what I'm doing wring
function loadTrade(imfCode) {
console.log ("Country code= ",imfCode)
var sourceCountry=dataset.filter function(el){
return el.imfcode===imfCode
console.log ("Source country= ",sourceCountry)
I keep getting an unexpected token and just can't see it. Many thanks
You missed the Parenthesis after dataset.filter
Change it to :
function loadTrade(imfCode) {
console.log ("Country code= ",imfCode)
var sourceCountry=dataset.filter(function(el){
return el.imfcode===imfCode;
console.log ("Source country= ",sourceCountry);

How to add another parameter to a promise resolved value

I actually sure that there is a simple answer to that , and that I probably just don't use promises correctly but still.
Suppose I have a method that returns a promise and I have a method that needs to receive two parameters to work , one that I actually have already.
Now since I don't want my functions to be endless I split them to smaller ones , and now I just cant get hold of my parameter.
So to be clear , here is something that has not problem working ( might be a bit schematic though)
var origFeatures = [];
_.each(wrappedFeatures, function (wrappedFeature) {
, feature.geometry.type === "polygon" ? [0] : [5]
, esriSRUnit_Meter));
//doing something with the bufferedFeatures AND origFeatures
now Imaging the methods are long so when I split to this
defined somewhere before
function _saveGeometries(bufferedFeatures){
//do something with buffered features AND the original features
var origFeatures= [];
_.each(wrappedFeatures, function (wrappedFeature) {
, feature.geometry.type === "polygon" ? [0] : [5]
, esriSRUnit_Meter));
I of course cannot see the original features because they are not in the scope of the wrapping function
So what I did try to do already is to create a a function in the middle and resolve it with the async result and the additional parameter, but the additional parameter is undefined
var featuresFromAttachLayer = [];
_.each(wrappedFeatures, function (wrappedFeature) {
, feature.geometry.type === "polygon" ? [0] : [5]
, esriSRUnit_Meter));
all(bufferTasks).then(function(bufferedFeatures) {
var deff = new Deferred();
deff.resolve(bufferedFeatures, wrappedFeatures);
return deff.promise;
Any ideas how to pass the parameter the correct way , both on the good code side and the technical side.
