Our team intends to use JavaScript library observablehq/plot from an app written in C# and running on .NET 5. As a proof of concept, we were able to successfully use that library running in a separate process on Node.js. The downside of this approach is that we would need to implement all data serialization and inter-process communication ourselves, and we would need to bundle Node.js in our app installer. We are looking for an alternative approach that would not require Node.js, but instead would directly host V8 JavaScript engine in our .NET app. Currently, we are considering using ClearScript package for that. While we were able to successfully run simple JavaScript code using it, we discovered that observablehq/plot and its dependencies use some APIs that are present in Node.js, but are apparently unavailable in ClearScript out-of-the-box (it seems that Node.js implements some of those APIs in JavaScript, and some in C++). Making those implementations available to ClearScript running in .NET app looks like a significant task whose cost I cannot estimate at this point.
I would like to ask if anyone had to solve the same or similar problem, and what approach would you recommend? Is there an easy way to make all necessary APIs available to observablehq/plot running on ClearScript? Should I consider hosting Chromium/Edge browser engine in the .NET app instead? I haven’t yet tried this, but I assume it is possible because my understanding (correct me if I’m wrong) is that WebView2 control can be used in WPF apps running on .NET, and it is implemented using Chromium and V8 JavaScript engine. Is there any other approach you can recommend?
Update: The app GUI is built on Avalonia and SkiaSharp. It is possible that eventually we will choose another charting library, perhaps, one not written in JavaScript. But my task at hand is specifically to investigate whether and how we can use JavaScript libraries in our app, taking observablehq/plot as an example, and investigate its features and performance characteristics.
If you are building a WPF desktop app you should try a WPF based chart library that feats your needs.
Open source libraries:
ScottPlot support pan and zoom.
Paid libraries:
Telerik RadChart
More info about WPF charts in this post.
If you are using Blazor WebAssembly:
Use jsRuntime and JSObjectReference to import and call your Javascript observablehp library.
If you are using Xamarin.Forms the best professional library out there is probably SyncFusion:
Syncfusion Charts
Avalonia Framework only will support this through a webview / embedded browser as you stated above. Here you have 3 options:
Cefnet is a .NET CLR binding for the Chromium Embedded Framework
CefGlue same than above
WebView Avaloria-CefGlue
For more usefull tools and libraries to use with Avalonia please refer to Awesome Avalonia.
I'm offered to build a project, a web application, or basically a website. But the client prefers that I use electronjs to develop it.
But as far as I know (Correct me if I'm wrong), electronjs is for building cross-platform desktop applications ONLY which can run on any OS like Windows, Linus, Mac, etc but not on a browser via URL. Since it uses HTML, CS, JS, or basically the browser's language, it may have confused my client to think that it can be used also for building web applications.
So my questions are:
Can I use electronjs for building a web application?
If yes, is it wise to use? Or building it in reactjs is better?
You are right. Electron was developed for building standalone desktop applications. It bundles a node.js server with a chromium browser to give the feeling of an application but of course uses web technology.
That said you can of course do a lot of things electron can by using a node.js server. But a lot of things - especially clientside file manipulation, or playing around with windows is than limited.
On the other hand you can build an electron application that accesses an online Server to retreive data or display webpages.
I would say no. Electron is used to build cross-platform desktop apps, and is not generally used to build websites. You could probably do it, but this is limited to very special circumstances, I would advise against it. You're probably better off using a framework meant to develop Single Web Apps, like React or Vue.
Like #Torf said with electron it's possible to have a nodejs application run in it's own chrome browser window (which looks like it's own application). But it's just a "website" which is displayed. So you can code a simple site and use it as website, windows application etc. it looks the same on all platforms.
What the hell then code-server does?
The fact that it is not yet generically implemented, does not mean "no".
Code-server is literally example of electron app that can be run inside a docker container, but have it's gui - as it is - rendered in a webpage.
Yes, not yet generically done, but is exactly possible.
No, it doesn't make sense to develop a website in ElectronJS. ElectronJS compiles and builds to formats that are not web-browser compatible. Like exe, zip, dmg, deb, etc.
You can develop a website in languages/frameworks which are designed for this purpose.
I was thinking about building a scheduling/time tabling app with Node JS that is primarily used in/as a mobile native app. Im certain I have worded the specifications wrong, but I was hoping for some guidance on where to start researching:
Any useful libraries/services
The general way to go about using Node JS for mobile
Anything you might think it useful
I am assuming you want to launch this mobile app natively on multiple platforms (IOS/Android/WP).
If that's the case, you can directly go for hybrid app frameworks which will help you write once and deploy natively on multiple devices. The best two hybrid frameworks that I found are React Native and Xamarin ( different people can have different opinions about different hybrid frameworks )
React Native will give you the opportunity to use JSX which is very close to Javascript. While in Xamarin you'll work purely in C#.
As far as your question regarding deploying natively via node.js is concerned, I don't think it's possible. If you read this blog post. It says the following.
Technically, you can run Node on Android, but not iOS. This is because Node uses Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. The V8 engine compiles JavaScript to a native code before executing it, a process known as Just-In-Time (JIT) compiling. iOS does not allow JIT compiling unless the device is jailbroken which why Node applications cannot be deployed native on iOS.
Obviously, any mobile strategy that ignores iOS is doomed to fail
So my suggestion would be to use one of these hybrid frameworks for front end and build a node.js based backend service where you can write a REST API to retrieve results for calls you make from the frontend.
There are tons of tutorials out there regarding how to build REST API's in node.js. this can be a good start.
Currently, we have a number of GUIs that have been developed using PyQt4 and PyQtGraph.
We need to make these interfaces accessible to a number of remote users and are hoping to do so by serving the GUIs through an HTML/CSS/JavaScript Web-Application.
The link below provides a few suggestions for this task, but these seem to apply to a project that is in its initial stages of creation. I'm familiar with the development of Python-JavaScript Web-Applications using the Pyramid Server and would like to use this same method for providing users access to PyQt4 GUIs that have already been developed.
So my question is, can I serve a functional PyQt4 GUI as a widget using HTML/CSS/JavaScript?
This is hard. In theory you could use a VNC-like approach that sends an image of the window to the client browser and sends user events back to the server. This will probably have poor interactivity depending on the networking and would require a lot of server power, depending on the number of users. (For an example of this, see: https://github.com/campagnola/webqt)
You're probably better off distributing the application with something like py2exe, py2app, cx_freeze, etc.
I personally haven't tried it but you could look into Wt: http://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt/
It is a C++ framework that has a Qt flavour. It has a Java version called JWt. Hence, a Jython binding exists for us Python programmers: http://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt/other_language
It is not a direct replacement of Qt, and might need modification to your Qt code to work as a Wt web app, but it certainly seems worth it to look into.
sorry if this has already been answered but the other posts on this are out of date.
I want to build a Windows 8 app in HTML5 and JavaScript that uses an F# portable library project to do the computational heavy lifting. Is this allowed? When I tried to add a reference to my F# project from the JS project VS2012 gave me an error but then let me add it anyway, will this blow up in my face later? I also want to make a Windows Phone 8 version
As far as I know, the current F# compiler cannot create a WINMD component (mentioned by Denis) so you won't be able to call F# code directly from JavaScript. It might be possible (but I'm not sure!) to create an F# library as a portable library and reference it from a C# project compiled as WINMD component and then reference that from JavaScript. This adds an additional step, so it might be a bit inconvenient.
Please submit this as a feedback on the Visual Studio UserVoice. It is more likely to be added if more people vote clearly say that this is an important scenario for them!
Alternatively, as mentioned by Ramon, there are tools that translate F# to JavaScript and would allow you to run your F# code as JavaScript (and call it directly from JS):
WebSharper is a commercial, supported product with an open-source release under the AGPL license.
FunScript is a recent open-source community effort that is available under Apache 2.0
I only have experience with FunScript (which works pretty well and has some nice features), but WebSharper has been around for longer, so I suppose it is more solid. It also adds more sophisticated GUI framework based on formlets (and similar patterns) while FunScript simply provides type-safe access to JQuery via a type provider that imports TypeScript definitions.
JavaScript metro apps can not call .net libraries directly. To make it possible for javascript to call your F# library you should turn it into windows runtime component (winmd). Now, I am not 100% sure if it is possible to make winmd using F#, since officially microsoft only supports c# and VB. On WP8 side javascript can not call .net or winmd libraries directly, so you would have to bridge js and .net manually.
I am a web developer, and I have observed that many times I need the same function on both client and server. So I write it in JS as well as in PHP or whichever server side language. I am fed up with this. If I have to change it then I need to change it in both places. If I want to use it for some hand held devices, then I will have to rewrite that code yet again using objective-C or Java etc. Then if I need to change that function then I will need to change it everywhere.
Is there a solution for this? If I will call some webservice via ajax, then the client will have a delay. If it will be in JS then it can't be accessed from within PHP or Java, etc. If I use some service in PHP from another language then that can also become a performance issue.
It is also possible that some time we need such functions output from some paramters as input using db or without db.
I know there would be some pretty simpler solution but I am not aware of that. Please tell some language independent solution as I don't have VPS always.
I am not sure if my question actually belongs to stackoverflow.com or programmers.stackexchange.com so please transfer it to programmers.stackexchange.com instead of closing this question if it belongs to there.
Typically, the solution to this problem is to write common code in one language and use translators or library linking to allow access from other languages.
Node.js allows you to write server-side code in JavaScript.
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.
You can also use JavaScript to write HTML5 apps for mobile devices.
"Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript"
Now web designers and developers can join the iPhone app party without having to learn Cocoa's Objective-C programming language. It's true: You can write iPhone apps quickly and efficiently using your existing skills with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This book shows you how with lots of detailed examples, step-by-step instructions, and hands-on exercises.
If you don't want to try to write large complex applications in JavaScript, GWT provides a way to write Java and via-translation, run it on the client.
The GWT SDK contains the Java API libraries, compiler, and development server. It lets you write client-side applications in Java and deploy them as JavaScript.
If you develop in .Net languages: C# -> JavaScript ScriptSharp
Script# is a free tool that enables developers to author C# source code and subsequently compile it into regular script that works across all modern browsers
you could use the spidermonkey extension to translate php into javascript. this way you can write your functions in php then simply convert them to javascript and re-use them at the browser.
here is a good tutorial to show you how this is done