I am facing problem chaining the async code in Javascript - javascript

I am trying to execute allCountryData and return a promise its working fine but after allCountryData is done executing I want to perform a operation on that returned data / or allCountryDataArray and store the highest values in arrayOfHighestCases
Note I can't chain the other login in allCountryData.
Please help let me know if you need any more details
export const allCountryDataArray = [];
export const arrayOfHighestCases = [];
const allCountryData = async () => {
.then((res) => {
return res.response;
.then((res) => {
return allCountryDataArray;
return await allCountryDataArray;
// Highest Cases
The code is below is not working
const highestCasesData = async () => {
// const allCountryDataArrayy = await allCountryData();
// allCountryData()
// .then((data) => {
// console.log(arrayOfHighestCases[0]);
// })
// .then((res) => {
const np = new Promise((res, rej) => {
return np.then((res) => {
const arrayofHigh = allCountryDataArray.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.cases.total < b.cases.total) {
return 1;
} else if (a.cases.total > b.cases.total) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
const slicedArray = arrayofHigh.slice(0, 6);
for (const eachHighCase of slicedArray) {
return arrayOfHighestCases;
// });

Filling global arrays with async data is a way into timing conflicts. Bugs where the data ain't there, except when you look it is there and yet another question here on my SO about "Why can't my code access data? When I check in the console everything looks fine, but my code ain't working."
If you want to store something, store Promises of these arrays or memoize the functions.
const allCountryData = async () => {
const res = await sendHTTP();
return res.response;
const highestCasesData = async () => {
const allCountryDataArray = await allCountryData();
return allCountryDataArray
.slice() // make a copy, don't mutate the original array
.sort((a, b) => b.cases.total - a.cases.total) // sort it by total cases DESC
.slice(0, 6); // take the first 6 items with the highest total cases

This is working please let me know if I can make some more improvements
const allCountryData = async () => {
return sendHTTP()
.then((res) => {
return res.response;
.then((res) => {
return allCountryDataArray;
// Highest Cases
const highestCasesData = async () => {
return allCountryData().then((res) => {
const arrayofHigh = allCountryDataArray.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.cases.total < b.cases.total) {
return 1;
} else if (a.cases.total > b.cases.total) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
const slicedArray = arrayofHigh.slice(0, 6);
for (const eachHighCase of slicedArray) {
return arrayOfHighestCases;


Promise.all() to await the return of an object property

Inside an async function i have a loop and inside this loop i need to use await to resolve a promise from another async function.
async function smallestCities(states) {
const citiesInState = [];
for (const state of states) {
const length = await lengthOfState(state.Sigla);
const stateObject = {
state: state.Sigla,
cities: length,
citiesInState.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.cities > b.cities) return 1;
if (a.cities < b.cities) return -1;
return 0;
return citiesInState.filter((_, index) => index < 5).reverse();
It's work fine, but eslint says to disallow await inside of loops and use Promise.all() to resolve all promises.
The problem is that my promises are in an object property:
How can i figure out to use Promise.all() with properties of an object?
Chain a .then onto the lengthOfState call to make the whole Promise resolve to the object you need, inside the Promise.all:
const citiesInState = await Promise.all(
state => lengthOfState(state.Sigla).then(cities => ({ state: state.Sigla, cities }))
const NEW_LAND = 'newLand'
const ACTUAL_FINLAND = 'actualFinland'
const PIRKKAS_LAND = 'pirkkasLand'
const STATE_CITY_MAP = {
const mockGetCities = (stateName) => new Promise((res) => {
setTimeout(() => { res([stateName, STATE_CITY_MAP[stateName]]) }, 0)
const compareStatesByCityQty = (a, b) => {
if (a[1].length > b[1].length) return 1
if (a[1].length < b[1].length) return -1
return 0
const getSmallestStates = async (stateNames, cityQty) => {
const cities = await Promise.all(stateNames.map(mockGetCities))
return cities
.slice(0, cityQty)
;(async () => {
const smallestStates = await getSmallestStates(stateNames, 2)

React script stop working after changing API call

I have a script which calls API from React and then triggers email notification function.
I was changing one part of it to call whole array of parameters instead of calling one parameter after another.
Here is part before change(working one). Console log shows correct response and I receive email notification as well.
const getApiData = () => {
const apiCall = (symbol) => {
return `https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/pricemulti?fsyms=${symbol}&tsyms=USD&api_key=API-KEY-HERE`
let bucketArray = ['']
for (let i=0; i < assets.length - 1; i += 1) {
const symbol = `${bucketArray[bucketArray.length - 1]},${assets[i]}`
if (i === 0) {
bucketArray[0] = assets[i]
if (symbol.length < MAX_CHARACKTERS) {
bucketArray[bucketArray.length - 1] = symbol
} else {
bucketArray[bucketArray.length] = assets[i]
const getData = () => {
bucketArray.map(req => {
return axios(apiCall(req))
.then(({ data }) => data)
).then((data) => setDataApi(data))
Here is problematic one.
const getApiData = () => {
const getString = symbol =>
function getAxious(id) {
const url = getString(id);
return axios.get(url);
const BUCKET_SIZE = 150;
const bucketArray = assets.reduce(
(arr, rec) => {
if (arr[arr.length - 1].length < BUCKET_SIZE) {
arr[arr.length - 1] = [...arr[arr.length - 1], rec];
return arr;
return [...arr, [rec]];
.reduce((acc, rec) => {
return acc.then(results => {
return Promise.all(
rec.map(item =>
getAxious(item).then(({ data }) => {
return {
Symbol: item,
Open: data
).then(x => {
return [...x, ...results];
.then(res => {
Here in console I receive empty array - [] no errors showed, but email notification also stops from working.
I'm changing the code since I need to call whole array from API in one call. Before I was calling one symbol after another.
What I did wrong that console doesn't show the correct response?
Here is bucketArray value
const assets = ['ADA','KAVA','DOGE'];
I was not able to understand completely, but I think you want to collect all the results together and set it to the data using setDataApi.
Check the below code and let me know if it helps:
async function getApiData() {
const getString = (arr) =>
function getAxious(arr) {
const url = getString(arr);
return axios.get(url);
const BUCKET_SIZE = 150;
const bucketArray = assets.reduce(
(arr, rec) => {
if (arr[arr.length - 1].length < BUCKET_SIZE) {
arr[arr.length - 1] = [...arr[arr.length - 1], rec];
return arr;
return [...arr, [rec]];
const res = await getAxious(bucketArray);
console.log("res", res);
return res;
// after this you can set setDataApi(res);
// keep this useEffect sepearate
const [timer, setTimer] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
async function getApiDatahandler() {
const res = await getApiData();
const timerId = setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000 * 60);
// set the data setDataApi(res);
return () => {
}, []);
// useEffect(() => {
// const timerId = setTimeout(() => {
// getApiData();
// }, 1000 * 60);
// }, [])
Checkout this codepen for a possible solution.
In short, I don't know how to fix your code because it's quite a callback hell.
// Mock API and data
const bucketArray = [[{item: 'item1'}], [{item: 'item2'}], [{item: 'item3'}]];
const getAxious = item => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve({data: 'API data'}));
// Return promise that combines API data + input item
const recToPromise = rec => rec.map(item => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => getAxious(item)
.then(data => resolve({item, data})));
// Flatten array
const recPromisesFlatten = bucketArray.flatMap(recToPromise);
.then(res => {
const flattenRes = res.flatMap(({item, data}) => ({ Symbol: item, Open: data }));
What I'm suggesting to debug errors:
build your promise array first
then run Promise.all
then combine your data
Bonus: you can see flatMap instead of reduce for better readability.

How to make an api call inside of a map function with delay between each call on that api?

This second api call inside of the map function needs to be called in a space of time, because this api does not allow multiple calls at the time. So, the map for each item inside of the array will take two seconds to call the api and after it go to the next item.
How can i fix it?
It does not return anything.
async function HandleMatchList(){
const responseMatches = await api.get('MatchListRankedGames', {
params: {
const matches = responseMatches.data
const Awaitfor2seconds = (x) => {
return new Promise (resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000)
const linking = async (matches) => {
matches.map(async item => {
const details = await Awaitfor2seconds(
api.get('MatchDetailRoute', {
params: {
gameId: item.gameId,
nickname: nickname
}).then(({data}) => {
return details
linking(matches).then(results => {
You can follow this concept (no tested):
const matches = responseMatches.data
var count = 0 // create a counter
const Awaitfor2seconds = (x) => {
return new Promise (resolve => {
count++ // count++ is the same thing that: count = count + 1
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000*count) // using this the request will be send like a queue
I suggest you make a sleep function separate and then you call it whenever you want to pause your API call
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const responseMatches = await api.get('MatchListRankedGames', {
params: {
const matches = responseMatches.data
await sleep(5000)
const linking = async (matches) => {
for(let item of matches){
var details= await api.get('MatchDetailRoute', {
params: {
gameId: item.gameId,
nickname: nickname
await sleep(5000)
return results
linking(matches).then(results => {

Multiple if's refactoring

I have this function, with two ifs where I want to find the user depending on which alphanumeric code I receive. How can I refactor this one with sanctuary-js?
//const code = '0011223344';
const code = 'aabbc';
const isNumberCode = code => !!/^[0-9]{10}$/.exec(code);
const isLiteralCode = code => !!/^[A-Za-z]{5}$/.exec(code);
const findUser = (criteria) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(function() {
resolve('user object');
}, 300);
async function handler(code) {
if (isNumberCode(code)) {
const user = await findUser({id: code});
return user;
if (isLiteralCode(code)) {
const user = await findUser({identifier: code});
return user;
return 'not found';
async function run() {
const user = await handler(code);
I can't understand how I should handle three different types: number code, literal code and not found code.
Here my functional solution (I may think so):
const Code = x => ({
chain: f => f(x),
fold: (e, a, f) => e(x)
const ErrorCode = x => ({
fold: (e, a, f) => e(x),
findLabel: f => ErrorCode(x)
const PromiseToCode = promise => ({
fold: (e, a, f) => promise.then(x => x.fold(e, a, f))
const NumberCode = x => ({
fold: (e, a, f) => a(x),
findLabel: f => PromiseToCode(f(x, {activationCode: x}, NumberCode))
const LiteralCode = x => ({
fold: (e, a, f) => f(x),
findLabel: f => PromiseToCode(f(x, {finderCode: x}, LiteralCode))
const checkTypeOfCode = code => {
if (isNumberCode(code)) {
return NumberCode(code);
if (isLiteralCode(code)) {
return LiteralCode(code);
return ErrorCode(code);
const find = async (code, criteria, type) => {
const user = findUser();
if (!user) {
return ErrorCode(code);
return type(user);
const handler2 = (code) =>
e => 'not found',
a => 'user object find by id',
l => 'user object find by identifier'
But I don't know if it's good code. Also I'm asking about sanctuary-js because I think that all this object not good way to programming.
Since you are looking for a more functional restructuring, you can try this:
Divide your code into smaller, more independent sections:
findUser: This function is responsible to give either UserObject or Not found.
Create a function getCriteria, that will have all the logic as to isNumberCode or isLiteralCode etc. This will return a criteria object or undefined.
handler should be responsible to get criteria, and based on that return findUser's response. Any cleanup code can be kept here but this is a hub function which calls various functions and return an output. It should have bare minimum business logic.
//const code = '0011223344';
const code = 'aabbc';
const isNumberCode = code => !!/^[0-9]{10}$/.exec(code);
const isLiteralCode = code => !!/^[A-Za-z]{5}$/.exec(code);
const findUser = (criteria) => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (!criteria) resolve('not found')
setTimeout(function() {
resolve('user object');
}, 300);
function getCriteria(code) {
if (isNumberCode(code)) {
return { id: code };
if (isLiteralCode(code)) {
return { identifier: code }
async function handler(code) {
const user = await findUser(getCriteria(code))
return user;
async function run() {
const user = await handler(code);
You can create enum for multiple type of input and use switch statement as below.
// Enum for search-parameters
var ParameterTypes =
function getParameterType()
//responsible to get search-parameter
return isNumberCode(code) ? ParameterTypes.NUMBER :
( isLiteralCode(code) ? ParameterTypes.LITERAL : ParameterTypes.OTHER);
async function handler(code)
//responsible to search user
var user;
case ParameterTypes.NUMBER :
user = await findUser({id: code});
case ParameterTypes.LITERAL :
user = await findUser({identifier: code});
case ParameterTypes.OTHER :
user = 'not found';
return user;

Filtering an array with a function that returns a promise

let arr = [1,2,3];
function filter(num) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if( num === 3 ) {
} else {
}, 1);
function filterNums() {
return Promise.all(arr.filter(filter));
filterNums().then(results => {
let l = results.length;
// length should be 1, but is 3
The length is 3 because Promises are returned, not values. Is there a way to filter the array with a function that returns a Promise?
Note: For this example, fs.stat has been replaced with setTimeout, see https://github.com/silenceisgolden/learn-esnext/blob/array-filter-async-function/tutorials/array-filter-with-async-function.js for the specific code.
Here is a 2017 elegant solution using async/await :
Very straightforward usage:
const results = await filter(myArray, async num => {
await doAsyncStuff()
return num > 2
The helper function (copy this into your web page):
async function filter(arr, callback) {
const fail = Symbol()
return (await Promise.all(arr.map(async item => (await callback(item)) ? item : fail))).filter(i=>i!==fail)
// Async IIFE
(async function() {
const myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
// This is exactly what you'd expect to write
const results = await filter(myArray, async num => {
await doAsyncStuff()
return num > 2
// Arbitrary asynchronous function
function doAsyncStuff() {
return Promise.resolve()
// The helper function
async function filter(arr, callback) {
const fail = Symbol()
return (await Promise.all(arr.map(async item => (await callback(item)) ? item : fail))).filter(i=>i!==fail)
I'll even throw in a CodePen.
As mentioned in the comments, Array.prototype.filter is synchronous and therefore does not support Promises.
Since you can now (theoretically) subclass built-in types with ES6, you should be able to add your own asynchronous method which wraps the existing filter function:
Note: I've commented out the subclassing, because it's not supported by Babel just yet for Arrays
class AsyncArray /*extends Array*/ {
constructor(arr) {
this.data = arr; // In place of Array subclassing
filterAsync(predicate) {
// Take a copy of the array, it might mutate by the time we've finished
const data = Array.from(this.data);
// Transform all the elements into an array of promises using the predicate
// as the promise
return Promise.all(data.map((element, index) => predicate(element, index, data)))
// Use the result of the promises to call the underlying sync filter function
.then(result => {
return data.filter((element, index) => {
return result[index];
// Create an instance of your subclass instead
let arr = new AsyncArray([1,2,3,4,5]);
// Pass in your own predicate
arr.filterAsync(async (element) => {
return new Promise(res => {
setTimeout(() => {
res(element > 3);
}, 1);
}).then(result => {
Babel REPL Demo
For typescript folk (or es6 just remove type syntax)
function mapAsync<T, U>(array: T[], callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => Promise<U>): Promise<U[]> {
return Promise.all(array.map(callbackfn));
async function filterAsync<T>(array: T[], callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, array: T[]) => Promise<boolean>): Promise<T[]> {
const filterMap = await mapAsync(array, callbackfn);
return array.filter((value, index) => filterMap[index]);
function mapAsync(array, callbackfn) {
return Promise.all(array.map(callbackfn));
async function filterAsync(array, callbackfn) {
const filterMap = await mapAsync(array, callbackfn);
return array.filter((value, index) => filterMap[index]);
function mapAsync(array, callbackfn) {
return Promise.all(array.map(callbackfn));
function filterAsync(array, callbackfn) {
return mapAsync(array, callbackfn).then(filterMap => {
return array.filter((value, index) => filterMap[index]);
edit: demo
function mapAsync(array, callbackfn) {
return Promise.all(array.map(callbackfn));
function filterAsync(array, callbackfn) {
return mapAsync(array, callbackfn).then(filterMap => {
return array.filter((value, index) => filterMap[index]);
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
function isThreeAsync(number) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(() => {
res(number === 3);
}, 1);
mapAsync(arr, isThreeAsync).then(result => {
console.log(result); // [ false, false, true, false ]
filterAsync(arr, isThreeAsync).then(result => {
console.log(result); // [ 3 ]
Here's a way:
var wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
var filter = num => wait(1).then(() => num == 3);
var filterAsync = (array, filter) =>
Promise.all(array.map(entry => filter(entry)))
.then(bits => array.filter(entry => bits.shift()));
filterAsync([1,2,3], filter)
.then(results => console.log(results.length))
.catch(e => console.error(e));
The filterAsync function takes an array and a function that must either return true or false or return a promise that resolves to true or false, what you asked for (almost, I didn't overload promise rejection because I think that's a bad idea). Let me know if you have any questions about it.
var wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
var filter = num => wait(1).then(() => num == 3);
var filterAsync = (array, filter) =>
Promise.all(array.map(entry => filter(entry)))
.then(bits => array.filter(entry => bits.shift()));
filterAsync([1,2,3], filter)
.then(results => console.log(results.length))
.catch(e => console.error(e));
var console = { log: msg => div.innerHTML += msg + "<br>",
error: e => console.log(e +", "+ (e.lineNumber-25)) };
<div id="div"></div>
Promise Reducer to the rescue!
[1, 2, 3, 4].reduce((op, n) => {
return op.then(filteredNs => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (n >= 3) {
console.log("Keeping", n);
} else {
console.log("Dropping", n);
}, 1000);
}, Promise.resolve([]))
.then(filteredNs => console.log(filteredNs));
Reducers are awesome. "Reduce my problem to my goal" seems to be a pretty good strategy for anything more complex than what the simple tools will solve for you, i.e. filtering an array of things that aren't all available immediately.
asyncFilter method:
Array.prototype.asyncFilter = async function(f){
var array = this;
var booleans = await Promise.all(array.map(f));
return array.filter((x,i)=>booleans[i])
Late to the game but since no one else mentioned it, Bluebird supports Promise.map which is my go-to for filters requiring aysnc processing for the condition,
function filterAsync(arr) {
return Promise.map(arr, num => {
if (num === 3) return num;
.filter(num => num !== undefined)
Two lines, completely typesafe
export const asyncFilter = async <T>(list: T[], predicate: (t: T) => Promise<boolean>) => {
const resolvedPredicates = await Promise.all(list.map(predicate));
return list.filter((item, idx) => resolvedPredicates[idx]);
In case someone is interested in modern typescript solution (with fail symbol used for filtering):
const failSymbol = Symbol();
export async function filterAsync<T>(
itemsToFilter: T[],
filterFunction: (item: T) => Promise<boolean>,
): Promise<T[]> {
const itemsOrFailFlags = await Promise.all(
itemsToFilter.map(async (item) => {
const hasPassed = await filterFunction(item);
return hasPassed ? item : failSymbol;
return itemsOrFailFlags.filter(
(itemOrFailFlag) => itemOrFailFlag !== failSymbol,
) as T[];
There is a one liner to to do that.
const filterPromise = (values, fn) =>
Promise.all(values.map(fn)).then(booleans => values.filter((_, i) => booleans[i]));
Pass the array into values and the function into fn.
More description on how this one liner works is available here.
For production purposes you probably want to use a lib like lodasync:
import { filterAsync } from 'lodasync'
const result = await filterAsync(async(element) => {
await doSomething()
return element > 3
}, array)
Under the hood, it maps your array by invoking the callback on each element and filters the array using the result. But you should not reinvent the wheel.
You can do something like this...
theArrayYouWantToFilter = await new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const tempArray = [];
theArrayYouWantToFilter.filter(async (element, index) => {
const someAsyncValue = await someAsyncFunction();
if (someAsyncValue) {
if (index === theArrayYouWantToFilter.length - 1) {
Wrapped within an async function...
async function filter(theArrayYouWantToFilter) {
theArrayYouWantToFilter = await new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const tempArray = [];
theArrayYouWantToFilter.filter(async (element, index) => {
const someAsyncValue = await someAsyncFunction();
if (someAsyncValue) {
if (index === theArrayYouWantToFilter.length - 1) {
return theArrayYouWantToFilter;
A valid way to do this (but it seems too messy):
let arr = [1,2,3];
function filter(num) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if( num === 3 ) {
} else {
}, 1);
async function check(num) {
try {
await filter(num);
return true;
} catch(err) {
return false;
(async function() {
for( let num of arr ) {
let res = await check(num);
if(!res) {
let index = arr.indexOf(num);
arr.splice(index, 1);
Again, seems way too messy.
A variant of #DanRoss's:
async function filterNums(arr) {
return await arr.reduce(async (res, val) => {
res = await res
if (await filter(val)) {
return res
}, Promise.resolve([]))
Note that if (as in current case) you don't have to worry about filter() having
side effects that need to be serialized, you can also do:
async function filterNums(arr) {
return await arr.reduce(async (res, val) => {
if (await filter(val)) {
(await res).push(val)
return res
}, Promise.resolve([]))
Late to the party, and I know that my answer is similar to other already posted answers, but the function I'm going to share is ready for be dropped into any code and be used.
As usual, when you have to do complex operations on arrays, reduce is king:
const filterAsync = (asyncPred) => arr =>
arr.reduce(async (acc,item) => {
const pass = await asyncPred(item);
if(pass) (await acc).push(item);
return acc;
It uses modern syntax so make sure your target supports it. To be 100% correct you should use Promise.resolve([]) as the initial value, but JS just doesn't care and this way it is way shorter.
Then you can use it like this:
var wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const isOdd = x => wait(1).then(()=>x%2);
(filterAsync(isOdd)([1,2,3,4,4])).then(console.log) // => [1,3]
Here's a shorter version of #pie6k's Typescript version:
async function filter<T>(arr: T[], callback: (val: T) => Promise<Boolean>) {
const fail = Symbol()
const result = (await Promise.all(arr.map(async item => (await callback(item)) ? item : fail))).filter(i => i !== fail)
return result as T[] // the "fail" entries are all filtered out so this is OK
An efficient way of approaching this is by processing arrays as iterables, so you can apply any number of required operations in a single iteration.
The example below uses library iter-ops for that:
import {pipe, filter, toAsync} from 'iter-ops';
const arr = [1, 2, 3]; // synchronous iterable
const i = pipe(
toAsync(arr), // make our iterable asynchronous
filter(async (value, index) => {
// returns Promise<boolean>
(async function() {
for await (const a of i) {
console.log(a); // print values
All operators within the library support asynchronous predicates when inside an asynchronous pipeline (why we use toAsync), and you can add other operators, in the same way.
Use of Promise.all for this is quite inefficient, because you block the entire array from any further processing that can be done concurrently, which the above approach allows.
