MongodDB "uncaught exception: SyntaxError: illegal character : #(shell):1:19" - javascript

MongoDB v4.4
GitBash v2.31.1
First of all, i'm running my mongo shell through Git Bash.
I'm just starting to learn mongodb.
Ok, now adressing the problem.
After running mongod in the background, i run mongo on another terminal.
So, commands like "show dbs","use database" works fine but when i try to "db.database.insertOne( {property: "exampletext"})" into a collection. It returns me with the given error i.e. uncaught exception: SyntaxError: illegal character :
BUT!!!! get this,
If i do the exact same thing on my mongo terminal located at c:\programfiles\mongodb\server\4.4\bin\mongo.exe
I have not a clue as to what is happening and can't seem to find an answer anywhere. I'm very new to the tech world so getting very technical might make me crazy. Help would be appreciated. And also knowledge as to why it's not working would be nice.


Why do I get a bash: syntax error near unexpected token on every bit of code with VS Code?

I am very new to coding, and have just installed VS Code, and installed Node.js as well as Git Bash. I was working on a project, but couldn't console.log anything as I always received the following error when using Git Bash:
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `validateCred' (One of the
variables I used)
I created a new JS file, and ran the following code:
const hello = 'hello world';
I still received the same bash error. I have tried replacing my code with code that I know works and still receive the same errors.I have also tried using Powershell as my terminal, but receive the following errors every time:
batch : The term 'batch' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,
function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and
try again.
I am at a loss, and I'm sure it's something really simple, but I can't seem to figure it out!
A Bash shell expects you to enter Bash code and not JavaScript code.
If you want to run JavaScript code then you need to run it in Node.js and not in Bash.
Generally, the command node will launch Node.js in a Bash shell. (Assuming it is installed on the $PATH).

SyntaxError: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0 in meteor

I am getting an error when running meteor.js. This is the following error:
PS C:\Users\ketan\Documents\Meteor> meteor run
throw error;
SyntaxError: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at ProjectContext._readResolverResultCache (C:\tools\project-context.js:605:16)
at ProjectContext.reset (C:\tools\project-context.js:245:10)
at new ProjectContext (C:\tools\project-context.js:60:8)
at Command.doRunCommand [as func] (C:\tools\cli\commands.js:356:24)
at C:\tools\cli\main.js:1528:15
I can't understand the error. Please tell me the solution for this.
Note: My laptop shut down in the previous session of the meteor.
The Solution
How I ultimately ended up fixing this was just by re-cloning the repository I was working on from GitHub - after this, my application ran fine.
NOTE: I've edited this answer because I originally thought Jankaput's answer worked for me, but after digging a little further I found that it didn't.
More Info
I ran into the same problem after a shutdown while a previous Meteor process was running.
For me, running meteor reset and re-installing node_modules seemed to prevent the mentioned error from happening, but when I ran the application, I noticed odd behavior from several different sections of the application (i.e. certain packages wouldn't work, some methods that normally run fine on startup threw errors, etc.)
This makes me think that some sort of project setting was corrupted due to the meteor server I was running ending abnormally when I force shut down my computer. I'm not sure why whatever setting was corrupted managed to stay that way across a meteor reset (since meteor --help specifies that it 'Resets the project state'), but the fact that a re-cloning work makes me think that it did.
Due to the fact that it seems like running meteor reset could allow some corrupted project settings to fly under the radar after this issue pops up, I personally feel that it's probably just best to re-clone your project if this happens to you, just to be sure that nothing about the project is corrupted.
This appears to me that you have a syntax error in a JSON file that is being read by the Meteor build tool. Do you have a settings.json file in use in your project? If so, check for trailing commas or keys missing double quotes as these are the most common errors introduced to a JSON file.

Emulator error that shows unexpected token and no stack

I am getting the error in emulator when i run my project by cloning from github. its shows like unexpected token and no stack..
I was also getting the same error!
I search a lot but did not find any satisficed answer At last I delated yarn.Lock
and then restart the project.
It work for me enter image description here
I think the answer I too late. But it will help some other

node js returning Syntax error: Unexpected identifier

I downloaded and installed node.js on Windows and I'm following a simple tutorial from
I've created a file called HelloWorld.js which contains just:
console.log("Hello World");
When I type node HelloWorld.js in the node.js console I get:
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
I checked my classpath variable and it has the C:\Program Files\nodejs\ on it.
HelloWorld.js is still open in Notepad++ for editing.
What am I doing wrong?
I think you are already in the the console.
Just follow the steps to fix the error:
1) Try doing CTRL + C couple of times. See if you exit the console
2) Then do node HelloWorld.js
I think you will get your output
When in your node console already, you can simply do require("./HelloWorld.js") to get the output. (Given that you are in the directory that contains this file)
When I type node HelloWorld.js in the node.js console I get
You should type JavaScript into the Node.js console.
node is a program name. HelloWorld.js is a command line argument. They are not JavaScript.
You should type those into your shell (e.g. Windows Powershell or bash).
I had the same issue when following an online course, my mistake was that i did not safe the file i was following as .js in the name when saving.
Therefore my Hello.js did not open because it was only Hello
If people are facing below-mentioned error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier at the time of running, console.log("Hello World"); code with command, node HelloWorld.js, in VS code editor
Problem :
node HelloWorld.js ^^^^^ Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Solution :
(1) Just install Babel JavaScript extension in VS code editor
(2) After Babel JavaScript extension is installed, save your Program and then run your program with the command, node HelloWorld.js
Definitely will get the expected result.
I'm on linux and I'd the same issue
what I was writing in terminal is :
node file.js
all what I had to do is to write node file.js from the start without writing node first .
Although the question is old, I just solved it. So for anyone who still likes an answer: Apparently Node.Js installs two different consoles or executables. There is "Node.js" and there is "Node.js command prompt". Use the latter and it will work
To clarify, I used another tutorial in Dutch. Use the Javascript code in there and then in your web browser type http://localhost:3000. There you will see the Hello World output.
A little late but I figured this out as I'm learning it as well. You are not in the correct Node.js command window:
You are probably trying to run Node.js, ie. the one with the red arrow. This gives you the "Unexpected identifier" error. You want the Node.js command prompt, or the one shown with a green arrow.
On windows hit CTRL + D to exit REPL and then run HelloWorld.js again

Cordova Build error: nodeValue undefined

After a couple of days without touching my app, today when I tried to build it I got the following error:
Error thrown while running shell command: "cordova build ios"
Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c cordova build ios
Error: Cannot read property 'nodeValue' of undefined
If I remove the ios platform and add it again, it will work, but that's not the best solution... I'd like to understand the issue.
Do you have any idea what might have caused this error and what would be the best solution to fix it?
I just got this exact same error. For me the cause was that in my MyApp-info.plist I had added a new line that was empty, basically there was a blank key-value pair like this:
Once I removed this, the error disappeared and cordova was able to build again.
Hope that helps!
