How to revert reactions from feed - javascript

I have a question about the NodeJS reaction API.
So I would like to build a comment system. However the comments should be loaded and displayed in the order oldest -> newest.
In the documentation I found out that I can retrieve a reaction around a certain reaction id by filtering with the parameters d_gt or d_lt.
But I think this is not the right way.
Is there an efficient way to retrieve the reactions starting with very first reaction and not with the most recent?
I appreciate every response.

By default, latest reactions are enriched from the feed, you can use filter API by giving an activity id to load them chronologically.
const response = await client.reactions.filter({
'activity_id': yourActivityId,
'kind': 'comment',
'id_gt': yourLastId,
'limit': 10,

I just ran into the same issue and just discovered that passing the activity_id as filter param retrieves reactions sorted from oldest to newest :
id_gt => activity_id
Reactions are returned in descending order (newest to oldest) by default and when using id_lt[e] , and in ascending order (oldest to newest) when using id_gt[e].
So you can pass either reaction_id to load next reactions using limit or use activity id to load first reactions.


Is it possible to make a bot in discord.js search for previous messages without a json,or having to store it?

Basically like the search function in discord.
For example if I want to make a
!search [user] [query]
and make it respond
"50 messages fit the query"
a word counter bot without the db or local storage basically.The bot would return 87 on this query
You can't sadly. Here's why...
Message query is limited to user accounts.
There's a lot of ways to do the workaround but the best way and most used is to fetch a large amount of messages in the specific channel.
Fetching all messages?
All endpoints that are related to fetching always have a limit of 100 things per request. Fetching messages? 100 messages per request. etc. etc.
There's no way to bypass this, and the only solution is to fetch and re-fetch and re-fetch until you reached certain amount.
// Fetch a 100 messages from a Channel
// You can always fetch more and concat() the collections together
// <Channel> is a placeholder for guild's text-based channels
const messages = await <Channel>.messages.fetch({ limit: 100 });
// Make a filter
// In this case, we're finding messages with "hello". Case insensitive
const query = (msg) => msg.content.toLowerCase().includes("hello");
// Filter out non-matching messages
const matching = messages.filter(query);
// `matching` is Collection<Snowflake, Message>

Select message by contents (discord.js)

I need to select a previously sent message (from a bot) in discord.js
async () => {
let fetched;
fetched = await"Please use the command:")
I tried this, but it doesn't seem to work.I'm trying to get a message by it's contents, and then delete it.
Edit: So apparently... "You could fetch the last 100 messages using channel.messages.fetch with a limit option, then filter that collection by message.content.startsWith, and then passing that into channel.bulkDelete()"
Which in my opinion, sounds like the way to do it - I will try it out soon.
You don't need to use startsWith you can just check if the message was sent by a bot using

How to save a document with a dynamic id into Cloud Firestore? Always changing

I am using Cloud Firestore as my database
This is my form codes on my webpage that creates a new document into my Cloud Firestore collection called "esequiz". So how do I code it in such a way that it always plus 1 to the number of documents there are in the database? And also set a limit to having the amount of documents inside the database
form.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
question: form.question.value,
right: form.right.value,
wrong: form.wrong.value
form.question.value = '';
form.right.value = '';
form.wrong.value = '';
It currently works but it will show up as an auto generated ID. How do I make it carry on from the numbers, like as my current documents? When i save I would like it to read the current last document id, OR simply count the number of documents, then just + 1
Insight from Andrei Cusnir, counting documents in Cloud Firestore is not supported.
Now I am trying Andrei's approach 2, to query documents in descending order, then using .limit to retrieve the first one only.
form.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
let query = db.collection('esequiz');
let getvalue = query.orderBy('id', 'desc').limit(1).get();
let newvalue = getvalue + 1;
question: form.question.value,
right: form.right.value,
wrong: form.wrong.value
form.question.value = '';
form.right.value = '';
form.wrong.value = '';
No more error, but instead, the code below returns [object Promise]
let getvalue = query.orderBy('id', 'desc').limit(1).get();
So when my form saves, it saves as [object Promise]1, which I don't know why it is like this. Can someone advise me on how to return the document id value instead of [object Promise]
I think it is because I did specify to pull the document id as the value, how do I do so?
Played around with the codes from Andrei, and here are the final codes that works. Much thanks to Andrei!
let query = db.collection('esequiz');
//let getvalue = query.orderBy('id', 'desc').limit(1).get();
//let newvalue = getvalue + 1;
query.orderBy('id', 'desc').limit(1).get().then(querySnapshot => {
querySnapshot.forEach(documentSnapshot => {
var newID =;
console.log(`Found document at ${documentSnapshot.ref.path}`);
console.log(`Document's ID: ${}`);
var newvalue = parseInt(newID, 10) + 1;
var ToString = ""+ newvalue;
id: newvalue,
question: form.question.value,
right: form.right.value,
wrong: form.wrong.value
If I understood correctly you are adding data to the Cloud Firestore and each new document will have as name an incremental number.
If you query all the documents and then count how many are of them, then you are going to end up with many document reads as the database increases. Don't forget that Cloud Firestore is charging per document Read and Write, therefore if you have 100 documents and you want to add new document with ID: 101, then with the approach of first reading all of them and then counting them will cost you 100 Reads and then 1 Write. The next time it will cost you 101 Reads and 1 Write. And it will go on as your database increases.
The way I see is from two different approaches:
Approach 1:
You can have a single document that will hold all the information of the database and what the next name should be.
The structure of the database:
last_document: 2
question: "What is 3+3?
right: "6"
wrong: "0"
question: "What is 2+3?
right: "5"
wrong: "0"
So the process will go as follows:
Read document "/esequiz/0" Counts as 1 READ
Create new document with ID: last_document + 1 Counts as 1 WRITE
Update the document that holds the information: last_document = 3; Counts as 1 WRITE
This approach cost you 1 READ and 2 WRITES to the database.
Approach 2:
You can load only the last document from the database and get it's ID.
The structure of the database (Same as before, but without the additional doc):
question: "What is 3+3?
right: "6"
wrong: "0"
question: "What is 2+3?
right: "5"
wrong: "0"
So the process will go as follows:
Read the last document using the approach described in Order and limit data with Cloud Firestore documentation. So you can use direction=firestore.Query.DESCENDING with combination of limit(1) which will give you the last document. Counts as 1 READ
Now you know the ID of the loaded document so you can create new document with ID: that will use the loaded value and increase it by 1. Counts as 1 WRITE
This approach cost you 1 READ and 1 WRITE in total to the database.
I hope that this information was helpful and it resolves your issue. Currently counting documents in Cloud Firestore is not supported.
In order for the sorting to work, you will also have to include the id as a filed of the document that so you can be able to order based on it. I have tested the following example and it is working for me:
Structure of database:
id: 1
question: "What is 3+3?
right: "6"
wrong: "0"
question: "What is 2+3?
right: "5"
wrong: "0"
As you can see the ID is set the same as the document's ID.
Now you can query all the documents and order based on that filed. At the same time you can only retrieve the last document from the query:
const {Firestore} = require('#google-cloud/firestore');
const firestore = new Firestore();
async function getLastDocument(){
let query = firestore.collection('esequiz');
query.orderBy('id', 'desc').limit(1).get().then(querySnapshot => {
querySnapshot.forEach(documentSnapshot => {
console.log(`Found document at ${documentSnapshot.ref.path}`);
console.log(`Document's ID: ${}`);
Found document at esequiz/2
Document's ID: 2
Then you can take the ID and increase it by 1 to generate the name for your new document!
So, the initial question is about "How to store data in the Cloud Firestore with documents having incremental ID", at the moment you are facing issues of setting up Firestore with you project. Unfortunately, the new raised questions should be discussed in another Stackoverflow post as they have nothing to do with the logic of having incremental IDs for the document and it is better to keep one issue per question, to give better community support for members that are looking for a solution about particular issues. Therefore, I will try to help you, in this post, to execute a simple Node.js script and resolve the initial issue, which is storing to Cloud Firestore documents with incremental IDs. Everything else, on how to setup this in your project and how to have this function in your page, should be addressed in additional question, where you also will need to provide as much information as possible about the Framework you are using, the project setup etc.
So, lets make a simple app.js work with the logic described above:
Since you have Cloud Firestore already working, this means that you already have Google Cloud Platform project (where the Firestore relies) and the proper APIs already enabled. Otherwise it wouldn't be working.
Your guide in this tutorial is the Cloud Firestore: Node.js Client documentation. It will help you to understand all the methods you can use with the Firestore Node.js API. You can find helpful links for adding, reading, querying documents and many more operations. (I will post entire working code later in this steps. I just shared the link so you know where to look for additional features)
Go to Google Cloud Console Dashboard page. You should login with your Google account where your project with the Firestore database is setup.
On top right corner you should see 4 buttons and your profile picture. The first button is the Activate Cloud Shell. This will open a terminal on the bottom of the page with linux OS and Google Cloud SDK already install. There you can interact with your resources within GCP projects and test your code locally before using it in your projects.
After clicking that button, you will notice that the terminal will open in the bottom of your page.
To make sure that you are properly authenticated we will set up the project and authenticate the account again, even if it is already done by default. So first execute $ gcloud auth login
On the prompted question type Y and hit enter
Click on the generated link and authenticate your account on the prompted window
Copy the generated string back to the terminal and hit enter. Now you should be properly authenticated.
Then setup the project that contains Cloud Firestore database with the following command: $ gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID. Now you are ready to build a simple app.js script and execute it.
Create a new app.js file: nano app.js
Inside paste my code example that can be found in this GitHub link. It contains fully working example and many comments explaining each part therefore it is better that it is shared through GitHub link and not pasted here. Without doing any modifications, this code will execute exactly what you are trying to do. I have tested it my self and it is working.
Execute the script as: node app.js
This will give you the following error:
Error: Cannot find module '#google-cloud/firestore'
Since we are importing the library #google-cloud/firestore but haven't installed it yet.
Install #google-cloud/firestore library as follows: $ npm i #google-cloud/firestore. Described in DOC.
Execute the script again: $ node app.js.
You should see e.g. Document with ID: 3 is written.
If you execute again, you should see e.g. Document with ID: 4 is written.
All those changes should appear in your Cloud Firestore database as well. As you can see it is loading the ID of the last document, it is creating a new ID and then it creates a new document with the given arguments, while using the new generated ID as document name. This is exactly what the initial issue was about.
So I have shared with you the full code that works and does exactly what you are trying to do. Unfortunately, the other newly raised issues, should be addressed in another Stackoverflow post, as they have nothing to do with the initial issue, which is "How to create documents with incremental ID". I recommend you to follow the steps and have a working example and then try to implement the logic to your project. However, if you are still facing any issues with how to setup Firestore in your project then you can ask another question. After that you can combine both solutions and you will have working app!
Good luck!
I don't think the way you are trying to get the length of the collection is right and I am entirely not sure what is the best way to get that either. Because the method you are trying to implement will cost you a lot more as you are trying to read all the records of the collection.
But there can be alternatives to get the number you require.
Start storing the ID in the record and make the query with limit 1 and a descending sort on ID.
Store the latest number in another collection and increment that every time you create a new record, And fetch the same whenever needed.
These methods might fail if concurrent requests are being made without transactions.

Accepting Friend Requests functionality in Firestore?

I am trying to make the friend request functionality work, I am through with the sending and receiving requests part but I am stuck as to how to update the friends data collection for a specific user as the user accepts a friend request.
I want this to happen :
Friends (collection)
userID (document)
list of friends (their uid's)
And the list of friends gets appended with a new uid if the user accepts a new request.
Here is a screenshot of my db:
You need to first focus on how you are going to structure your data. If you want to keep 'Friends' collection to store the information about the friendship of a user, you need to first figure out what kind of queries you will be issuing on that collection.
Primarily you will need:
1. Is user A friends with User B and vice versa.
2. List of all users A is friends with.
Your current structure solves both the cases, but try to see if you can improve/optimize it for other use cases. I would leave that to you but would leave you with a hint. You are modeling a "has many" relation through a table, an efficient way would be to store a "friendship" information (user1, user2)
Answer to the original question starts here
You need to add a new key/value pair in the Friends collection for a given key.
let newRelation = {};
newRelation[friendUID] = {date: new Date().getTime()} // store whatever info you need to store here.
firestore.collection("friends").doc(uid).update(newRelation) // Udpdate the user document to add friendship
You also need to update the "friendship" for the friend, just reverse the keys for that.

How to get a list of all my posts from the Facebook group

I can get a single post data by GET /{post-id}, but how to get list of all my posts on a single group by group-id?
You can use fql and query on the stream table. You can use the following query-
SELECT post_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id='{group-id}' and actor_id=me() LIMIT 1000
Permissions required: user_groups
Here you can find the list of fields/columns you can fetch.
Using the Javascript SDK:
Since you are using javascript SDK, you can use the following code:
FB.api("/fql?q={above-query}", callback() { … } );
Understanding the number of results by FQL:
If you query stream without a LIMIT, you will get up to the last 50 posts or the last 30 days worth of items, whichever is fewer.
If you give the LIMIT, Facebook executes your FQL and returns all posts that match your query.
Then Facebook filters out the posts that are not visible to your app. This is based on the actor's privacy settings. There is no visible_to_me field in the stream table that would allow you to pre-filter your results.
This blog explains the same.
