My timer in cloud function stop after the second call - javascript

My app is a multi-player game in which the player can create a session, each session has a unique sessionID and contains many rounds, and each round has its own timer.
I did a cloud function for implementing a timer. It works well, but if session1 starts its timer and then session2 starts its own timer. What happens is the timer in session1 stops!
The function I wrote it by javascript, and it updates the timer in a real-time database in firebase every second.
the cloud function code
exports.RoundTimerS = functions.database.ref('/Sessions/{sessionid}/onCamera')
.onCreate((snap, context) => {
var SessionID = context.params.sessionid
sessionref4 = "/Sessions/".concat(SessionID);
sessionref4 = sessionref4.concat("/Timer");
sessionref5 = "/Sessions/".concat(SessionID);
sessionref5 = sessionref5.concat("/numOfPlayers");
sessionref6 = "/Sessions/".concat(SessionID);
sessionref6 = sessionref6.concat("/NumberOfFinish");
Roundtimer = 60 //60s
var player = 0
var db = admin.database();
var ref = db.ref(sessionref5);
var ref2 = db.ref(sessionref6);
ref.once("value", function (snapshot2) {
player = snapshot2.val()
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
var Timer = setInterval(function () {
.ref(sessionref4 + "/Roundtimer1").set(Roundtimer)
ref2.once("value", function (snapshot) {
if (snapshot.numChildren() == player) {
clearInterval(Timer)//Stop timer
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
if (Roundtimer <= 0) { //Round Timer finish
.ref(sessionref4 + "/Roundtimer1").set(Roundtimer)
clearInterval(Timer)//Stop timer
Roundtimer -= 1

Cloud Functions run until the final } of their code, which is well before your timer is finished. So your container gets recycled before the timer finished.
If you want the container to stay alive for any asynchronous operations, you need to return a promise that resolves once all work is done.
exports.RoundTimerS = functions.database.ref('/Sessions/{sessionid}/onCamera')
.onCreate((snap, context) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var SessionID = context.params.sessionid
sessionref4 = "/Sessions/".concat(SessionID);
sessionref4 = sessionref4.concat("/Timer");
sessionref5 = "/Sessions/".concat(SessionID);
sessionref5 = sessionref5.concat("/numOfPlayers");
sessionref6 = "/Sessions/".concat(SessionID);
sessionref6 = sessionref6.concat("/NumberOfFinish");
Roundtimer = 60 //60s
var player = 0
var db = admin.database();
var ref = db.ref(sessionref5);
var ref2 = db.ref(sessionref6);
ref.once("value", function (snapshot2) {
player = snapshot2.val()
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
var Timer = setInterval(function () {
db.ref(sessionref4 + "/Roundtimer1").set(Roundtimer)
ref2.once("value", function (snapshot) {
if (snapshot.numChildren() == player) {
clearInterval(Timer)//Stop timer
}, function (errorObject) {
console.log("The read failed: " + errorObject.code);
if (Roundtimer <= 0) { //Round Timer finish
db.ref(sessionref4 + "/Roundtimer1").set(Roundtimer).then(() =
> {
resolve(); // this seems to be where your timer is done
clearInterval(Timer)//Stop timer
Roundtimer -= 1
Note that this is not meant to be a copy/paste solution, but rather an outline of the approach you should take. Which is:
Return a promise.
Resolve that the the work is done.
I highly recommend reading up on asynchronous work in Cloud Functions, as you'll keep running into problems until you've got that under control. Some good resources:
The documentation on Sync, async, and promises
Doug's video series on Learn JavaScript Promises with HTTP Triggers in Cloud Functions


javascript set interval time every 3 sec for first 6 seconds, then 5 seconds continuously till i receive the answer

I want to ping a server for response every 3 seconds for the first 6 seconds, after that I want to increase the interval time to 5 seconds till i get the response. I did the first part, I'm trying to solve the next 5 seconds ping
var firstPing = 3000,
pingStop = 6000,
pingForever = 5000;
var ping = setInterval(function() { execute() }, firstPing);
setTimeout(function() {clearInterval(ping)}, pingStop);
setInterval(function() {execute()}, pingForever);
function execute() {
console.log('hello: ' + new Date().getSeconds());
// After successful response, clearInterval();
Might it be simpler to just call execute() every 1 second and only have execute do something when an incrementing counter variable is a certain value?
var ping = setInterval(function() { execute() }, 1000);
let v = 0;
function execute() {
if(v==3 || v==6 || (v>6 && v%5 == 1))
console.log('hello: ' + new Date().getSeconds());
// After successful response, clearInterval();
Here is something that manages the transition of the ping from 3 to 5 secs.
const firstPing = 3000,
pingStop = 6000,
pingForever = 5000;
let currentPing = 0;
let ping = setInterval(function() { execute() }, firstPing);
function execute() {
console.log('hello: ' + new Date().getSeconds());
// After successful response, clearInterval();
if(++currentPing >= 2 ) {
ping = setInterval(() => execute(), pingForever);
You can use count variable, you have firstPing of 3sec. Instead of clearing the interval you can update the firstPing with pingForever.
var firstPing = 3000,
pingStop = 6000,
pingForever = 5000;
let count = 0;
var ping = setInterval(() => {
firstPing = (count === 2) ? pingForever : firstPing;
console.log(count, firstPing);
}, firstPing);
function execute() {
// console.log('hello: ' + new Date().getSeconds());
I would just use setTimeout for simplicity.
var found = null;
function tryRequest() {
if (found) return;
// send request
// in successful response, set 'found' to 'true'
setTimeout(tryRequest, found == null ? 3000 : 5000);
found = false;
setTimeout(tryRequest, 3000);

How to implement the lodash _.throttle in vanilla javascript? [duplicate]

I am looking for a simple throttle in JavaScript. I know libraries like lodash and underscore have it, but only for one function it will be overkill to include any of those libraries.
I was also checking if jQuery has a similar function - could not find.
I have found one working throttle, and here is the code:
function throttle(fn, threshhold, scope) {
threshhold || (threshhold = 250);
var last,
return function () {
var context = scope || this;
var now = +new Date,
args = arguments;
if (last && now < last + threshhold) {
// hold on to it
deferTimer = setTimeout(function () {
last = now;
fn.apply(context, args);
}, threshhold);
} else {
last = now;
fn.apply(context, args);
The problem with this is: it fires the function once more after the throttle time is complete. So let's assume I made a throttle that fires every 10 seconds on keypress - if I do keypress 2 times, it will still fire the second keypress when 10 seconds are completed. I do not want this behavior.
I would use the underscore.js or lodash source code to find a well tested version of this function.
Here is the slightly modified version of the underscore code to remove all references to underscore.js itself:
// Returns a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
// during a given window of time. Normally, the throttled function will run
// as much as it can, without ever going more than once per `wait` duration;
// but if you'd like to disable the execution on the leading edge, pass
// `{leading: false}`. To disable execution on the trailing edge, ditto.
function throttle(func, wait, options) {
var context, args, result;
var timeout = null;
var previous = 0;
if (!options) options = {};
var later = function() {
previous = options.leading === false ? 0 :;
timeout = null;
result = func.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) context = args = null;
return function() {
var now =;
if (!previous && options.leading === false) previous = now;
var remaining = wait - (now - previous);
context = this;
args = arguments;
if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) {
if (timeout) {
timeout = null;
previous = now;
result = func.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) context = args = null;
} else if (!timeout && options.trailing !== false) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining);
return result;
Please note that this code can be simplified if you don't need all the options that underscore support.
Please find below a very simple and non-configurable version of this function:
function throttle (callback, limit) {
var waiting = false; // Initially, we're not waiting
return function () { // We return a throttled function
if (!waiting) { // If we're not waiting
callback.apply(this, arguments); // Execute users function
waiting = true; // Prevent future invocations
setTimeout(function () { // After a period of time
waiting = false; // And allow future invocations
}, limit);
Edit 1: Removed another reference to underscore, thx to #Zettam 's comment
Edit 2: Added suggestion about lodash and possible code simplification, thx to #lolzery #wowzery 's comment
Edit 3: Due to popular requests, I added a very simple, non-configurable version of the function, adapted from #vsync 's comment
What about this?
function throttle(func, timeFrame) {
var lastTime = 0;
return function () {
var now =;
if (now - lastTime >= timeFrame) {
lastTime = now;
You may be interested in having a look at the source.
callback: takes the function that should be called
limit: number of times that function should be called within the time limit
time: time span to reset the limit count
functionality and usage: Suppose you have an API that allows user to call it 10 times in 1 minute
function throttling(callback, limit, time) {
/// monitor the count
var calledCount = 0;
/// refresh the `calledCount` varialbe after the `time` has been passed
setInterval(function(){ calledCount = 0 }, time);
/// creating a closure that will be called
return function(){
/// checking the limit (if limit is exceeded then do not call the passed function
if (limit > calledCount) {
/// increase the count
callback(); /// call the function
else console.log('not calling because the limit has exceeded');
// how to use
/// creating a function to pass in the throttling function
function cb(){
/// calling the closure function in every 100 milliseconds
setInterval(throttling(cb, 3, 1000), 100);
Adding to the discussion here (and for more recent visitors), if the reason for not using the almost de facto throttle from lodash is to have a smaller sized package or bundle, then it's possible to include only throttle in your bundle instead of the entire lodash library. For example in ES6, it would be something like:
import throttle from 'lodash/throttle';
Also, there is a throttle only package from lodash called lodash.throttle which can be used with a simple import in ES6 or require in ES5.
I've just needed a throttle/debounce function for window resize event, and being curious, I also wanted to know what these are and how they work.
I've read multiple blog posts and QAs on SO, but they all seem to overcomplicate this, suggest libraries, or just provide descriptions and not simple plain JS implementations.
I won't provide a description since it's plentiful. So here's my implementation:
function throttle(callback, delay) {
var timeoutHandler = null;
return function () {
if (timeoutHandler == null) {
timeoutHandler = setTimeout(function () {
timeoutHandler = null;
}, delay);
function debounce(callback, delay) {
var timeoutHandler = null;
return function () {
timeoutHandler = setTimeout(function () {
}, delay);
These might need tweaks (e.g., initially the callback isn't called immediately).
See the difference in action (try resizing the window):
function throttle(callback, delay) {
var timeoutHandler = null;
return function () {
if (timeoutHandler == null) {
timeoutHandler = setTimeout(function () {
timeoutHandler = null;
}, delay);
function debounce(callback, delay) {
var timeoutHandler = null;
return function () {
timeoutHandler = setTimeout(function () {
}, delay);
var cellDefault = document.querySelector("#cellDefault div");
var cellThrottle = document.querySelector("#cellThrottle div");
var cellDebounce = document.querySelector("#cellDebounce div");
window.addEventListener("resize", function () {
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerText = window.innerWidth;
cellDefault.scrollTop = cellDefault.scrollHeight;
window.addEventListener("resize", throttle(function () {
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerText = window.innerWidth;
cellThrottle.scrollTop = cellThrottle.scrollHeight;
}, 500));
window.addEventListener("resize", debounce(function () {
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerText = window.innerWidth;
cellDebounce.scrollTop = cellDebounce.scrollHeight;
}, 500));
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
margin: 10px;
table td {
border: 1px solid silver;
padding: 5px;
table tr:last-child td div {
width: 60px;
height: 200px;
overflow: auto;
table tr:last-child td span {
display: block;
<td id="cellDefault">
<td id="cellThrottle">
<td id="cellDebounce">
Here's how I implemented throttle function in ES6 in 9LOC, hope it helps
function throttle(func, delay) {
let timeout = null
return function(...args) {
if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {, ...args)
timeout = null
}, delay)
Click on this link to see how it works.
I've seen a lot of answers here that are way too complex for "a simple throttle in js".
Almost all of the simpler answers just ignore calls made "in throttle" instead of delaying execution to the next interval.
Here's a simple implementation that also handles calls "in throttle":
const throttle = (func, limit) => {
let lastFunc;
let lastRan = - (limit + 1); //enforces a negative value on first run
return function(...args) {
const context = this;
lastFunc = setTimeout(() => {
func.apply(context, args);
lastRan =;
}, limit - ( - lastRan)); //negative values execute immediately
This is almost the exact same implementation for a simple debounce. It just adds a calculation for the timeout delay which requires tracking when the function was last ran. See below:
const debounce = (func, limit) => {
let lastFunc;
return function(...args) {
const context = this;
lastFunc = setTimeout(() => {
func.apply(context, args)
}, limit); //no calc here, just use limit
Simple solution in ES6. Codepen Demo
const handleOnClick = () => {
const throttle = (func, delay) => {
let timeout = null;
return function (...args) {
if (timeout === null) {
func.apply(this, args);
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
timeout = null;
}, delay)
document.querySelector("#button").addEventListener("click", throttle(handleOnClick, 500))
<button type="button" id="button">Click me</button>
Here's my own version of Vikas post:
throttle: function (callback, limit, time) {
var calledCount = 0;
var timeout = null;
return function () {
if (limit > calledCount) {
if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
calledCount = 0
timeout = null;
}, time);
I find that using setInterval is not a good idea.
With leading and trailing invocations:
const throttle = (fn, ms) => {
let locked = false
return function () {
if (!locked) {
locked = true
fn.apply(this, arguments)
setTimeout(() => {
fn.apply(this, arguments)
locked = false
}, ms)
Test case:
function log({ gender, address }) {
const jack = {
name: 'Jack',
log: throttle(log, 3000),
Array.from({ length: 5 }, () => jack.log({ gender: 'Male', address: 'LA' }))
I made a npm package with some throttling functions:
npm install function-throttler
Returns a version of your function that can be called at most every W milliseconds, where W is wait. Calls to your func that happen more often than W get queued up to be called every W ms
Returns a version of your function that can be called at most every W milliseconds, where W is wait. for calls that happen more often than W the last call will be the one called (last takes precedence)
limits your function to be called at most every W milliseconds, where W is wait. Calls over W get dropped
There is a library suited for this purpose, it's Backburner.js from Ember.
You'd use it so.
var backburner = new Backburner(["task"]); //You need a name for your tasks
function saySomething(words) {
backburner.throttle("task", console.log.bind(console, words)
}, 1000);
function mainTask() {
"This will be said with a throttle of 1 second per word!".split(' ').map(saySomething);
This throttle function is build on ES6. Callback functions takes arguments (args), and still it works wrapped with throttle function. Be free to customize delay time according to your app needs. 1 time per 100ms is used for development mode, event "oninput" is just an example for frequent case of its use:
const callback = (...args) => {
console.count('callback throttled with arguments:', args);
throttle = (callback, limit) => {
let timeoutHandler = 'null'
return (...args) => {
if (timeoutHandler === 'null') {
timeoutHandler = setTimeout(() => {
timeoutHandler = 'null'
}, limit)
window.addEventListener('oninput', throttle(callback, 100));
P.S. As #Anshul explained: throttling enforces a maximum number of times a function can be called over time. As in "execute this function at most once every 100 milliseconds."
In below example, try clicking the button multiple times, but the myFunc function would be executed only once in 3 sec.
The function throttle is passed with the function to be executed and the delay.It returns a closure, which is stored in obj.throttleFunc.
Now since obj.throttleFunc stores a closure, the value of isRunning is maintained inside it.
function throttle(func, delay) {
let isRunning;
return function(...args) {
let context = this; // store the context of the object that owns this function
if(!isRunning) {
isRunning = true;
func.apply(context,args) // execute the function with the context of the object that owns it
setTimeout(function() {
isRunning = false;
}, delay);
function myFunc(param) {
console.log(`Called ${} at ${param}th second`);
let obj = {
throttleFunc: throttle(myFunc, 3000)
function handleClick() {
obj.throttleFunc(new Date().getSeconds());
button {
width: 100px;
height: 50px;
font-size: 20px;
<button onclick="handleClick()">Click me</button>
If we don't want the context or arguments to be passed, then a simpler
version of this would be as following:
function throttle(func, delay) {
let isRunning;
return function() {
if(!isRunning) {
isRunning = true;
setTimeout(function() {
isRunning = false;
}, delay);
function myFunc() {
let throttleFunc = throttle(myFunc, 3000);
function handleClick() {
button {
width: 100px;
height: 50px;
font-size: 20px;
<button onclick="handleClick()">Click me</button>
I also want to suggest a simple solution for when there is only 1 function you know you will call (for example: Search)
here is what i did in my project
let throttle;
function search() {
if (throttle) {
throttle = setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
Search is called on input change event
function throttle(targetFunc, delay){
let lastFunc;
let lastTime;
return function(){
const _this = this;
const args = arguments;
targetFunc.apply(_this, args);
lastTime =;
} else {
lastFunc = setTimeout(function(){
targetFunc.apply(_this, args);
lastTime =;
}, delay - ( - lastTime));
Try it :
window.addEventListener('resize', throttle(function() {
}, 200));
const { now } = Date;
export default function throttle(func, frameDuration) {
let timeout = null;
let latest;
const epoch = now();
function getDurationToNextFrame() {
const elapsed = now() - epoch;
const durationSinceLastFrame = elapsed % frameDuration;
return frameDuration - durationSinceLastFrame;
function throttled(...args) {
latest = () => {
func.apply(this, args);
if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
timeout = null;
}, getDurationToNextFrame());
return throttled;
Simple throttle function -
Note- Keep on clicking on the button , You'll see console log at first on click and then only after every 5 seconds until you're keep clicking.
<button id='myid'>Click me</button>
Javascript -
const throttle = (fn, delay) => {
let lastTime = 0;
return (...args) => {
const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
if((currentTime - lastTime) < delay) {
lastTime = currentTime;
return fn(...args);
document.getElementById('myid').addEventListener('click', throttle((e) => {
console.log('I am clicked');
}, 5000));
We can also implement using a flag-
var expensive = function(){
console.log("expensive functionnns");
window.addEventListener("resize", throttle(expensive, 500))
function throttle(expensiveFun, limit){
let flag = true;
return function(){
let context = this;
let args = arguments;
expensiveFun.apply(context, args);
flag = false;
flag = true;
}, limit);
Here is a bit modernized and simplified version of #clément-prévost answer
function throttle(func, wait, options = {}) {
let timeout = null;
let previous = 0;
const later = (...args) => {
previous = options.leading === false ? 0 :;
return (...args) => {
const now =;
if (!previous && options.leading === false) {
previous = now;
const remaining = wait - (now - previous);
if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) {
if (timeout) {
timeout = null;
previous = now;
} else if (options.trailing !== false) {
timeout = setTimeout(() => later(...args), remaining);
function myFunc(a) {
console.log(`Log: ${a} ${this.val}`);
const myFuncThrottled = throttle(myFunc.bind({val: 42}), 1234, {leading: true, trailing: true})
function throttle(CB,ms=300,Id='Identifier for the callback(CB)'){
Id = Id || ""+CB
var N = throttle.N = throttle.N || {}; // Static variable N to store all callbacks ids and their status
if( N[Id] ) return; // already in the queue to run
N[Id] = 1; // add it the queue
N[Id] = 0; // remove it from the queue
CB(); // finally call the function
}, ms);
for(var i=0;i<100;i++){
// will only output : Hi1
// this function guarantee the callback to run at least once
Some great solutions here already, but I was looking for a modern version with trailing (and optionally leading) executions, with the last passed arguments provided to each function call:
const throttle = (fn, wait=500, leading=true) => {
let prev, timeout, lastargs;
return (...args) => {
lastargs = args;
if (timeout) return;
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
timeout = null;
prev =;
// let's do this ... we'll release the stored args as we pass them through
fn.apply(this, lastargs.splice(0, lastargs.length));
// some fancy timing logic to allow leading / sub-offset waiting periods
}, leading ? prev && Math.max(0, wait - + prev) || 0 : wait);
x = throttle((...args) => console.log(...args));
let n = 0;
x(++n, 'boom');
x(++n, 'boom');
x(++n, 'boom');
if there will be more than one function defining them one by one would not be maintainable so i would suggest use a helper class to keep values for each
class slowDown {
this.last = 0 = function(){
let current =,
shouldRun = (current - this.last) >= timeGap
cb(current - this.last)
this.last = current
// example use
const press = new slowDown(timeElapsed => {
// define function here which you wanted to slow down
console.log("pressed after " + timeElapsed + " ms")
Below is the simplest throttle I could think of, in 13 LOC. It creates a timeout each time the function is called and cancels the old one. The original function is called with the proper context and arguments, as expected.
function throttle(fn, delay) {
var timeout = null;
return function throttledFn() {
var ctx = this;
var args =;
timeout = window.setTimeout(function callThrottledFn() {
fn.apply(ctx, args);
}, delay);
// try it out!
window.addEventListener('resize', throttle(function() {
}, 200));

Firebase clearTimeout not stop the setTimeout

How can I stop a setTimeout function before starting from the onWrite event on a "Firebase Cloud Function"? I try with setTimeout, but the clearTimeout do not stop the setTimeout.
P.S.: I've already raised the script timeout from the Firebase panel from 60 seconds (default) to 360 seconds.
var timeOutOnline = {}; = functions.database.ref('/server/{serverId}/online/time').onWrite(event => {
const serverId = event.params.serverId;
var time =;
var lastDateOnline = new Date( time * 1000);
var dateString = lastDateOnline.toGMTString();
refGet = db.ref('/server/'+serverId+'/online/');
refGet.once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
var onlineSnap = snapshot.val();
if (onlineSnap && onlineSnap.alarm == true) {
sendMail(serverId,false, 'not responding' , 'Server '+ serverId + ' not responding from '+dateString);
} else {
timeOutOnline[serverId] = setTimeout(function() {
sendMail(serverId,true, 'not responding' , 'Server '+ serverId + ' not responding from '+dateString);
}, 21000);
return true;
Now I use promise, but clearTimeout still not working, not clearing setTimeout function. What am I doing wrong?
var timeOutOnline = {}; = functions.database.ref('/server/{serverId}/online/time').onWrite(event => {
const serverId = event.params.serverId;
var time =;
var lastDateOnline = new Date( time * 1000);
var dateString = lastDateOnline.toGMTString();
if(!timeOutOnline[serverId]) {
timeOutOnline[serverId] = [];
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < timeOutOnline[serverId].length; i++) {
if (timeOutOnline[serverId][i]) {
timeOutOnline[serverId][i] = null;
timeOutOnline[serverId] = timeOutOnline[serverId].filter(n => n);
refGet = db.ref('/server/'+serverId+'/online/');
refGet.once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
var onlineSnap = snapshot.val();
if (onlineSnap && onlineSnap.alarm == true) {
sendMail(serverId,false, 'not responding' , 'Server '+ serverId + ' not responding from '+dateString);
} else {
var index = timeOutOnline[serverId].length - 1;
return timeOutOnline[serverId][index].promise.then(function(i) {
console.log('Server '+ serverId + ' not responding from '+dateString);
sendMail(serverId,true, 'not responding' , 'Server '+ serverId + ' not responding from '+dateString);
return true;
function waitForServer(ms) {
var timeout, promise;
promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
resolve('timeout done');
}, ms);
return {
console.log('cancel timeout: '+timeout);
There's a lot of things wrong in this function.
First of all, it's not clear to me why you want to use setTimeout() in this function. In fact, there are almost no valid use cases for setTimeout() with Cloud Functions. Functions are supposed to execute as fast as possible, and setTimeout only really just incurs extra cost to your processing. Cloud Functions does not enable you to run "background work" that survives past the invocation of the function - that's just not how it works.
Second of all, you're performing async work here, but you're not returning a promise to indicate when that work completes. If you don't return a promise that's resolved when your work completes, your function is highly likely to exhibit strange problems, including work not completing as you'd expect.

how do i create a RXJS pausable data flow that doesnt reset on each resume?

i have tried out the documented example for RXJS pausable and while it pauses ok it resets on resume. how do i modify the example below to have my stream resume from where i paused it rather than reset?
var pauser = new Rx.Subject();
var source = Rx.Observable
var subscription = source.subscribe(
function (x) {
$("#result").append('Next: ' + JSON.stringify(x) + '<br>');
function (err) {
$("#result").append('Error: ' + err);
function () {
var paused = false;
$("#result").click(function() {
$(this).append("mouse clicked");
paused = (paused === false) ? true : false;
this is giving me the following output:
Next: {"value":0,"interval":1002}
Next: {"value":1,"interval":1000}
Next: {"value":2,"interval":999}
mouse clicked
mouse clicked
Next: {"value":0,"interval":1001}
Next: {"value":1,"interval":999}
Next: {"value":2,"interval":1000}
As mentioned in the pausable documentation, pausable is to be used on hot sources.
One way to make a source hot is to use share. However, this will not work as is in conjunction with pausable because share will disconnect its source when it has no subscribers, which will happen when you will pause.
So here are two ways to make this work. One is to use share and keep a dummy subscriber so that share never disconnects from its source as there will always be at least one subscriber. The second way is to use publish, and connect the observable once all the wiring has been made.
Example 1 with dummy subscriber:
var pauser = new Rx.Subject();
function noop(){}
var source = Rx.Observable
var pausableSource = source.pausable(pauser);
var subscription = pausableSource.subscribe(
function (x) {
$("#ta_result").append('Next: ' + JSON.stringify(x) + '<br>');
function (err) {
$("#ta_result").append('Error: ' + err);
function () {
var paused = false;
$("#result").click(function() {
$("#ta_change").append("mouse clicked\n");
paused = !paused;
Example 2 with connect:
var pauser = new Rx.Subject();
var source = Rx.Observable
var pausableSource = source.pausable(pauser);
// source.subscribe(function(){});
var subscription = pausableSource.subscribe(
function (x) {
$("#ta_result").append('Next: ' + JSON.stringify(x) + '<br>');
function (err) {
$("#ta_result").append('Error: ' + err);
function () {
var paused = false;
$("#result").click(function() {
$("#ta_change").append("mouse clicked\n");
paused = !paused;

Wait until setInterval() is done

I would like to add a small dice-rolling effect to my Javascript code. I think a good way is to use the setInterval() method. My idea was the following code (just for testing):
function roleDice() {
var i = Math.floor((Math.random() * 25) + 5);
var j = i;
var test = setInterval(function() {
document.getElementById("dice").src = "./images/dice/dice" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1) + ".png";
if (i < 1) {
}, 50);
Now I would like to wait for the setInterval until it is done. So I added a setTimeout.
setTimeout(function(){alert("test")}, (j + 1) * 50);
This code works quite okay.
But in my main code the roleDice() function returns a value. Now I don’t know how I could handle that... I can’t return from the setTimeout(). If I add a return to the end of the function, the return will rise too fast. Does anyone have an idea, of how I could fix that?
Hmm, okay I understand what the callback does and I think I know how it works but I have still the problem. I think it’s more of an "interface" problem...
Here is my code:
function startAnimation(playername, callback) {
var i = Math.floor((Math.random() * 25) + 5);
var int = setInterval(function() {
var number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);
document.getElementById("dice").src = "./images/dice/dice" + number + ".png";
if(i < 1) {
number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);
addText(playername + " rolled " + number);
document.getElementById("dice").src = "./images/dice/dice" + number + ".png";
}, 50);
function rnd(playername) {
var callback = function(value){
return value; // I knew thats pointless...
startAnimation(playername, callback);
The function rnd() should wait and return the value… I’m a little bit confused. At the moment I have no clue how to going on... The code wait for the var callback... but how I could combine it with the return? I would like to run the animation and return after that the last number with rnd() to another function.
You stumbled into the pitfall most people hit at some point when they get in touch with asynchronous programming.
You cannot "wait" for an timeout/interval to finish - trying to do so would not work or block the whole page/browser. Any code that should run after the delay needs to be called from the callback you passed to setInterval when it's "done".
function rollDice(callback) {
var i = Math.floor((Math.random() * 25) + 5);
var j = i;
var test = setInterval(function() {
var value = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);
document.getElementById("dice").src = "./images/dice/dice" + value + ".png";
if(i < 1) {
}, 50);
You then use it like this:
rollDice(function(value) {
// code that should run when the dice has been rolled
You can now use Promises and async/await
Like callbacks, you can use Promises to pass a function that is called when the program is done running. If you use reject you can also handle errors with Promises.
function rollDice() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const dice = document.getElementById('dice');
let numberOfRollsLeft = Math.floor(Math.random() * 25 + 5);
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
const diceValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 1);
// Display the dice's face for the new value
dice.src = `./images/dice/dice${diceValue}.png`;
// If we're done, stop rolling and return the dice's value
if (--numberOfRollsLeft < 1) {
}, 50);
Then, you can use the .then() method to run a callback when the promise resolves with your diceValue.
rollDice().then((diceValue) => {
// display the dice's value to the user via the DOM
Or, if you're in an async function, you can use the await keyword.
async function takeTurn() {
// ...
const diceValue = await rollDice()
// ...
Orginally your code was all sequential. Here is a basic dice game where two players roll one and they see who has a bigger number. [If a tie, second person wins!]
function roleDice() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
function game(){
var player1 = roleDice(),
player2 = roleDice(),
p1Win = player1 > player2;
alert( "Player " + (p1Win ? "1":"2") + " wins!" );
The code above is really simple since it just flows. When you put in a asynchronous method like that rolling the die, you need to break up things into chunks to do processing.
function roleDice(callback) {
var i = Math.floor((Math.random() * 25) + 5);
var j = i;
var test = setInterval(function(){
var die = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1);
document.getElementById("dice").src = "./images/dice/dice" + die + ".png";
if(i < 1) {
callback(die); //Return the die value back to a function to process it
}, 50);
function game(){
var gameInfo = { //defaults
"p1" : null,
"p2" : null
playerRolls = function (playerNumber) { //Start off the rolling
var callbackFnc = function(value){ //Create a callback that will
playerFinishes(playerNumber, value);
roleDice( callbackFnc );
playerFinishes = function (playerNumber, value) { //called via the callback that role dice fires
gameInfo["p" + playerNumber] = value;
if (gameInfo.p1 !== null && gameInfo.p2 !== null ) { //checks to see if both rolls were completed, if so finish game
giveResult = function(){ //called when both rolls are done
var p1Win = gameInfo.p1 > gameInfo.p2;
alert( "Player " + (p1Win ? "1":"2") + " wins!" );
playerRolls("1"); //start player 1
playerRolls("2"); //start player 2
The above code could be better in more of an OOP type of way, but it works.
There are a few issues for the above solutions to work. Running the program doesn't (at least not in my preferred browser) show any images, so these has to be loaded before running the game.
Also, by experience I find the best way to initiate the callback method in cases like preloading N images or having N players throw a dice is to let each timeout function do a countdown to zero and at that point execute the callback. This works like a charm and does not rely on how many items needing to be processed.
var game = function(images){
var nbPlayers = 2, winnerValue = -1, winnerPlayer = -1;
var rollDice = function(player,callbackFinish){
var playerDice = document.getElementById("dice"+player);
var facesToShow = Math.floor((Math.random() * 25) + 5);
var intervalID = setInterval(function(){
var face = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
playerDice.src = images[face].src;
if (--facesToShow<=0) {
if (face>winnerValue){winnerValue=face;winnerPlayer=player}
if (--nbPlayers<=0) finish();
}, 50);
var finish = function(){
alert("Player "+winnerPlayer+" wins!");
var preloadImages = function(images,callback){
var preloads = [], imagesToLoad = images.length;
for (var i=0;i<images.length;++i){
var img=new Image();
img.src = images[i];
<img src="" id="dice0" /><img src="" id="dice1" /></body></html>
To achieve that goal, using vanilla setInterval function is simply impossible. However, there is better alternative to it: setIntervalAsync.
setIntervalAsync offers the same functionality as setInterval, but it guarantees that the function will never executed more than once in a given interval.
npm i set-interval-async
() => {
return doSomeWork().then(
() => console.log('Bye')
Example with Promises & setIntervals.. this is how I created a 'flat' chain of functions that wait until the other is completed...
The below snippet uses a library called RobotJS (here it returns a color at a specific pixel on screen) to wait for a button to change color with setInterval, after which it resolves and allows the code in the main loop to continue running.
So we have a mainChain async function, in which we run functions that we declare below. This makes it clean to scale, by just putting all your await someFunctions(); one after each other:
async function mainChain() {
await waitForColorChange('91baf1', 1400, 923)
console.log('this is run after the above finishes')
async function waitForColorChange(colorBeforeChange, pixelColorX, pixelColorY) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let myInterval = setInterval(() => {
let colorOfNextBtn = robot.getPixelColor(pixelColorX, pixelColorY)
if (colorOfNextBtn == colorBeforeChange) {
console.log('waiting for color change')
} else {
console.log('color has changed')
}, 1000)
//Start the main function
