How I can use my React Native app on Iphone? - javascript

I am bulding my first react native app to give as a present of Mother's Day to my mother. But I found a problem, how can I install the app in my mother's iphone? I don't want to pay the 99$ dollar fee yet to Apple Developer Program. How can I do that for free and not depending of my computer?

First, with react-native, you have to open the XCode project of your app, located on ios/projectname.xcworkspace. Then, you can achieve this by connecting the iPhone on your Mac computer, and simply build/run the app on the iPhone real device by using XCode. This will install the application on the iPhone. After the build, your app will be installed on the iPhone and will run without your computer.
You can find more informations about building app on iPhone with XCode, with the followed documentation:


How can I publish to the Apple app store my expo application?

I have finished to write a react-native application written with the help of expo SDK and I want to build my final .apk and .ipa for testing them with real devices.
During the development, I have used one iPhone 6 and one Galaxy S9 real devices using the expo application.
So far, I managed to build from Debian the signed apk but I didn't find a way to get an .ipa from my Debian linux system.
I can't have xcode installed but if needed I can rent a mac online and submit the ipa from there.
I have already followed those guides:
This guy says:
Is it possible…sure. The only thing a Mac is needed for is XCode for actually uploading your IPA to AppStore. I do not own a MAC personally, so I rent an online one via MacInCloud.
What are the steps to build an .ipa on expo?
This is super simple if you are using the managed workflow (not sure if this is the case?).
expo build:ios
You will then get a link which will allow you to download the .ipa once it has been built on the expo servers.
Open your MacInCloud mac, download the .ipa from the link provided, and then upload it to the AppStore using the Transporter app.

React native application release build install on Simulator but not on device

I have done all provisioning profile setup on excode with manual Provisiong profile and my build is succeeded on xcode also running on simulator with release build but when I create ipa file and its not installing on device almost on 75% its stops and nothing happen.
My Xcode version is 9.2 with iOS 11.2 I'm installing on iOS 12.1.2 iphone device. Is anything I'm doing wrong?
For provisioning profile and generate certificates + add App ID with UDID I have done exact procedure.
If you're signing your ipa file using an AppStore certificate, you can't install it directly on your iPhone without passing through Apple's review or AppStore first. So, maybe there's two solutions for your problem:
Build your app as Release and sign with a Development certificate; or
Sign your release app with an Ad-Hoc certificate;
Furthermore, Ad-Hoc certificates enable you to install your live app directly into a limited number of devices without passing through AppStore. I think that's what you want.
See more on Apple's site.
And there's also this link.

How to build for ios on Windows (react-native)?

Is there any opportunity to build react-native project for ios on Windows? Is there any service for it?
Unfortunately Not possible for iOS as of now (If you are not going to use MAC on VMware).
However you can use for Android & read More details here.
NOTE: This guide focuses on Android development. You'll need a Mac to build iOS apps.
As React Native on iOS requires a Mac and most of the engineers at
Facebook and contributors use Macs, support for OS X is a top
priority. However, we would like to support developers using Linux and
Windows too. We believe we'll get the best Linux and Windows support
from people using these operating systems on a daily basis.
Therefore, Linux and Windows support for the development environment
is an ongoing community responsibility. This can mean filing issues
and submitting PRs, and we'll help review and merge them. We are
looking forward to your contributions and appreciate your patience.
As of version 0.14 Android development with React native is mostly
possible on Linux and Windows. You'll need to install Node.js 4.0 or
newer. On Linux we recommend installing watchman, otherwise you might
hit a node file watching bug.
You can use a cloud build service, such as Circle CI or Mobile Center, to build iOS react-native applications and even automatically run Appium tests. The feedback cycle would be much longer than on your local machine, though.
Some folks choose to break the Apple EULA and run MacOS in a VirtualBox as a kind of "hackintosh" virtual machine on their Windows PCs. This supposedly works very well, and runs at near-native build speeds.

Cordova - app crashes on both iOS/Android after an OS upgrade

This is an issue that's affected a hybrid app built using Sencha Touch and another hybrid app built using Ionic. Both apps are packaged using the latest version of Cordova to generate the iOS and Android binaries.
I install the app on a device running, say Android 5.1.1. Open the app, it works fine. Then I upgrade the device to Android 6.0. Open that app and it freezes/crashes. Only solution to this problem is to uninstall the app and re-install on Android 6.0, which is a major inconvenience for the user.
Anyone else experience this same issue? I Googled but got nothing in the search results.
Just upgrade your application with the help of latest cordova pack with existing playstore key generated for your existing app. Try it may work but not sure.

Running Meteor mobile app on physical Android device

I'm having an hard time trying to run my Meteor app on my Android device (LG G2).
I googled for answer and didn't find anything like what I encounter. I followed the instuction and everything went fine, added the Android platform to my project and ran it with meteor run android-device. The device LG G2 is plugged with a USB cable to the machine I'm building and running the app with, and the device has USB debugging enabled. Everything seem to be fine, my terminal indicates:
Started proxy.
Started app on Android Device.
I20150530-16:38:11.280(3)? - waiting for device -
Started MongoDB.
Started your app.
App running at: http://localhost:3000/
No error indication, nothing suspicous, but the app doesn't come up on the device. Nothing happens. Anyone has a clue? I tried to give my own IP and port to the command without a change.
You need to set the USB connexion on your android device as "camera". Whith my s4 mini I had the same symptoms and that was the solution.
I'll list what I've done to solve it, because it's a mix of all the solutions I got here.
I'm using Ubuntu, and LG G2 as device.
I created the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules. file with
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="1004", GROUP="plugdev" inside. (Detailed instructions here on step 3:, thank you #ChristianFritz). Pay attention that "1004" is the vendor
ID of LG.
I realised that for some reason I didn't have the ADB on my machine so I couldn't use adb devices and connect with my device. I followed this guide: to install the missing ADB (linux section).
I got an error: adb server is out of date. killing... which terminated connection between the device to the machine, but after following #yoh advice, I changed my USB connection from MTP to PTP and tried again. This time worked.
Managed to run my app successfully on physical LG G2 after those steps using Ubuntu.
