Crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated. chromewebdata/(index)꞉5305:9:5551 - javascript

I just created a new project and have run it for the first time using F5 or Ctrl + F5. The result in Chrome is:
The site can't be reached
I checked the option at the breakpoints for "Exceptions caught" and the following error is displayed.
Without "Exceptions caught" checked, the next error raised:
I tried to run "ng s -o" from the terminal and all work fine. The site is working well on port 4200, but I like to debug.
Here is my launch.json file, all by default:
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "pwa-chrome",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Chrome against localhost",
"url": "http://localhost:4200",
"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"
Why is this happening?

I also had this issue and none of the solutions listed were helpful.
However, the problem was rather easy to solve.
Just go into the Network tab of the Chrome Developer Console. Be sure that the connection is on No throttling and not Offline.

This misleading error message seemingly has nothing to do with Chrome or any deprecated functionality. It can have many root causes and seems to occur whenever connectivity can't be established.
I got this while following the React tutorial for Visual Studio Code. In that tutorial you start by creating a template with npx and then running it with npm start. That worked, and I could see that it was using http://localhost:3000 for the URL in the browser.
However, when I changed the code as the tutorial requested and set a breakpoint to debug, I got the error in the OP's post, both with Chrome and with Edge.
Visual Studio Code was creating a default launch.json file for debugging and populating it like this:
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "pwa-chrome",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Chrome against localhost",
"url": "http://localhost:8080",
"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"
And I needed to manually change the 8080 to 3000 which fixed the problem.
The key for me was configuring the breakpoint to catch the exception like the OP described (note - you can only configure that with the Debug icon selected in the far left icon menu). While the emitted error message is still the misleading "deprecated" one, there was a message that "the site can't be reached" which you can find if you dig a little - as shown here:
I imagine that practically any configuration issue that causes the connection to fail will cause this error. So firewall issues, missing host program, bad configuration (like mine), etc.

I had the same issue and the problem was with the URL. It was https://localhost:8000; in place of http://localhost:8000.
So try checking your URL and routes.

My server was just not running locally. :) Starting localhost solved it.

For me, the issue was a React/Next.js application was not running.
Basically, you have to keep the application running in a separate window/terminal to be able to attach the debugger. This is unlike the other application where it starts from debug console itself.

In my case, it got resolved by closing the browser and recompiling the app.

Instead of launching your application using the option "Launch Chrome against localhost", rather set your application name for launching - Resolved.
See the attached image for more context.

I had this same error and I resolved it by turning off my plugins. Specifically a CORS plugin I have been using.

Try this:
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Chrome against localhost",
"type": "dart"

I've tried many of the solutions suggested, and found someplace else this tip that was helpful:
I was unable to reach http://localhost:3000 from npm start run in a react app. So I tried: and to my surprise it worked!
After some googling, I tried a suggestion to erase my browser cache, so I did it. All cached images and files (Google Chrome) and boom! It worked once again.

I have seen a lot of solutions for this problem, but nothing worked.
After a little debugging and commenting out many parts of the code, I managed to locate the issue.
Basically, it occurs on the backend; not the frontend.
There was an infinite loop that kept responses stuck. Fixing that issue, solved it for me.

I think we should just remove the cookies in that URL:

I displayed a similar message in my debug console and the problem was that the local web server was turned off and therefore unreachable.
I turned on the server in the virtual machine and the app started working again :-)

In my case, I had a Blazor solution and began receiving the "Crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated message". Besides this, I also received a 404 error for the Index.html file!
The cause was that I inadvertently removed the reference in the .Server project to the .Client project. The project compiled fine without the reference, but I guess ASP.NET Core does some sort of reflection-based analysis on the dependencies to dynamically build the route map.
Restoring the reference to the .Client project on the .Server project fixed the problem.

In my case, the problem was because port 4200 was taken by another application (Docker). As soon as I changed the port to 4201 by adding the next structure in the serve section of angular.json file the problem was solved.
"options": {
"port": 4201

This may be of use to someone working on a project that communicates across iframes, I found this warning within a current web application: Crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated.
In my case, the reason was that the resource iframe origin wasn't being served meaning the Iframe request URL was not accessible. When serving the resource the warning disappeared.

I had the error crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated with some PDF files displayed in an iframe.
It was because they had a comma (",") in the filename. After renaming the file, everything was OK.

My problem was in the network settings of my Windows 10 computer, not on the browser. I have tried my URL in another computer and mobile browsers, and it was working fine.
So, I have fixed the issue by resetting my network settings
To do that, go to Settings → Network and Internet → Scroll down to Network reset.
Wait for 5 minute until it restarts.

I faced this issue while debugging in Visual Studio Code for an Angular application.
The probable causes may be the server is not up and listening to port. You may start the server manually by ng serve --port with port number. Also compare the URL in launch.json and compare the port number.

In my case it was caused by uBlock Origin. Disabling it on the website promptly fixed the error.

I was adding links to Amazon Affiliate while all of a sudden I faced this error.
To solve it, just stop your adblocker.

To add another angle to this. I named my JavaScript modules with .mjs. After setting my web server to serve mjs with MIME type application/javascript. I got the error
'crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated.'
None of the answers here helped. To fix it I gave a path to the module.
<script type="module" src="xxx.mjs"></script>
<script type="module" src="./xxx.mjs"></script>
And the error went away.

I ran into this error on three separate Next.js projects. It was the same error in Chrome, Chrome Incognito, Firefox, and Edge.
It happened on a production build (next build && next start) and development server (next dev). After trying a number of fixes – ensuring I was on HTTP, not HTTPS, checking if the port was in use, deleting folder node_modules and running npm install, etc. – the thing that finally worked was restarting my computer...

For aiohttp.
I've stumbled upon this issue with an aiohttp server.
By default it was running on The solution was to change the host and the port to localhost:8080 in file:
web.run_app(app, host='localhost', port=8080)

I had a similar issue. However, I discovered a different solution. It's still worth checking the steps in the GitHub link from the OP’s solution.
The project I was working on was made in an older version, and the launch.json URL had // delimiters. Replacing these with no delimiters resolved the issue.

When I try and follow the steps described on Chrome Debugging with Angular CLI, I get a message that the library is no longer supported and a link to this article:
Request’s Past, Present and Future #3142

I had encountered the same problem in Visual Studio Code when I tried to debug a Python file. I resolved it by deleting the previous launch.json file and create a new one for this file.

I had a similar encounter in a JavaScript project. But I hadn’t learned JSON, but I just deleted the last three commands in
the JSON file that is removed the names "url" and "webroot".

I had the same issue with an app that needed to run navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition in my React application which of course needs HTTPS.
// .env.local HTTPS is set to true
The problem - I was loading the page with HTTP and not HTTPS.
Error Screenshot

Checking point (if you are working with a folder/file)
Check the folder/file name
Remove special characters (the folder/file name does not allow special characters)
Debug you code carefully (Java catch exception can't catch those errors)


Weird CORS errors on fresh vue cli project

I just started building my second Vue project, and for the first time I wanted to use the Vue CLI and NPM rather than just loading Vue via CDN.
Installing the CLI and setting up the project worked without problems, but when I ran "npm run serve" and navigated to localhost:8080 in my browser (latest Firefox) to see if it worked, I got the following error message in my browser console multiple times:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
I also get this error message once right after loading the page:
[WDS] Disconnected!
Does anyone know what these errors mean, why I get them and how I can get rid of them?
The first one seems to be related to some kind of cross-origin call that the app is making using the host's actual IP rather than localhost, but I can't think of any reason why it would, given that I literally just installed and served the example project and did not change anything after running "vue create"
Edit: I am on Ubuntu 19.10 Desktop
First of all, what kind of OS you are working on? If you are working on unix based systems, a service (like nginx) could produce this error. If so, try stopping it.
Afterwards I would try to run your application from vue ui.
Type in your terminal:
vue ui
This starts the web based graphical user interface of vue cli. You can handle your app development from there by starting your service and run your build command.
ATTENTION: you must add (import, NOT create) your project (root folder) to the UI.
If you get the same error inside your browser console, set up a vagrant box. First steps are explained here:
Follow instructions for project setup.
Simplest way would be running
vagrant init
inside your project folder. Therefore you don't have to setup a new project.
After running the init command, try running
npm run serve
or use vue UI instead (as explained above), if you prefer it.
If the problem still exists, more infos about your OS would be helpful.

ERR_INVALID_REDIRECT when running PWA server

I've recently been looking into building a PWA, using angular 6 and Node.js, and have been following the tutorial found here
. I have followed the steps up until the lighthouse portion and upon calling http-server I received a ERR_INVALID_REDIRECT when opening the server. Upon further inspection it appears that I am receiving an unexpected token error. This has led me to believe that there is an encapsulation issue in the program but I have been unable to find anything on the issue. Specifically, I believe the browser is interpreting some JS as HTML but I've had little luck finding where it is occurring. Has anyone encountered a similar issue before? Thank you in advance.
I am able to serve the page up by using the command ng serve --open.
Looking in the developers tool it appears that it request is stalling.
Changing the Authentication in the ISS manager resulted in the same issue.
Unexpected token < in first line of HTML
Final Project:
Try to access to index.html directly, it might be related to
Faced the same issue as well opening a PWA on localhost. As suggested by #ssh-uunen , i tried opening the url by appending index.html at the end and it opened eg:
The issue was due to http-server version (
Try to upgrade/downgrade http-server version in your project.
1.npm uninstall http-server
2.npm install http-server#0.12.0

Error: GET http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js net::ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING, on Ember.js server

I am just getting started with Ember.js at v2.9.0, followed the tutorial on their page, all good, save for one detail: Whenever I tried to refresh or load the development web app on Chrome browser after executing ember server on the cmd, the app would not load in browser and provide the following error most of the time (there were other errors as well but seem to be related to this one):
GET http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js net::ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING
, and one of the related errors is:
Uncaught ReferenceError: define is not defined
at application.js:1
I have searched for this specific error but without luck, I tried some fix hints found, such as clearing some persistent data with the netsh command, doing an npm cache clean bower cache clean, deleting the node_modules and the bower_components folders and reinstalling dependencies; also ensuring that there was no weird proxy configuration in my LAN settings, etc.
I have encountered this error while following the tutorial, and it would kind of be bypassed by refreshing the browser a few times until the app displayed. That was before, but now the refresh does not work when working on an existing application.
I am on:
Windows 10
ember-cli v.2.9.1
node.js LTS v.6.9.1
I need to get going with this rather soon, so any hint to resolve this issue is appreaciated. Thanks!
Might be a conflicting process running... Are you working over a VPN? If so, take a look at

kurento's remote stream is not working

I installed kurento-media-server-6.0 and I turn on media-server and Hello World!(Tutorial 1, Version - node.js). But when I click a start button, Remote stream does not work.
Console >>> TypeError: videoStream.addEventListener is not a function
Please give help to me, who knows why this error happens.
You are missing the appropriate js dependencies at the browser side. This should be fixed executing 'bower install' in the root folder of the tutorial (as specified in the corresponding tutorial documentation), in case of a fresh installation; or executing 'bower update' in case you had the tutorial installed previously.
In addition, double check that tht tutorial is in the appropriate version (6.0.0 tag). Sometimes mixing 5.x client code with 6.x media server generates that type of problems with dependencies.

Getting "Not allowed to load local resource" error while trying to attach a MediaSource object as the source of a HTML5 video tag

I am trying to get this example to work. It works fine when I click the link. But when I try to download the HTML file on my local machine and try the same, it is throwing this error.
Not allowed to load local resource: blob:null/6771f68d-c4b8-49a1-8352-f2c277ddfbd4
The line of code that seems to be causing the issue is this,
video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);
What this line of code is doing is basically trying to set the source of the video tag media element to the MediaSource object. I have tried various permutations without much luck.
I am using Chrome Version 28.0.1500.72 m, which is the latest stable release.
I would appreciate any pointers.
As #dandavis has said, "run it from http: not file".
I'm posting this as an answer for the sake of organization.
For starters:
Running you project from http means having a http server (such as apache or a simple node http-server) and running your project via http://localhost.
Install http-server globally using npm command(provided you have installed Node.js in your system beforehand). Navigate to your file folder in CMD and type http-server. Your app should run in localhost:8080.
