Othello Game Switching Turns Doesn't Work in React.js - javascript

I'm working on an Othello game in React and I've already implemented the code to switch player turns. It does switch from one to another(between white and black). But if there's no move available for the upcoming player, the turn stays the same. I though I had it all done but now I came across to such a case when trying out the game, and although it does switch player turns regularly, my code does not consider keeping it the same when necessary. Do you know why? How can I solve it?
Here's my code:
Where I change it:
setWinnerAndTurn() {
const history = this.state.history.slice(0, this.state.stepNumber + 1);
const current = history[this.state.stepNumber];
const squares = current.squares.slice()
const blackSquares = []
const whiteSquares = []
// Check for a winner
for (var row=0;row<squares.length;row++) {
for (var col=0;col<squares[row].length;col++) {
if (squares[row][col] === 'black') {
} else if (squares[row][col] === 'white') {
// Debug
const total = [blackSquares,whiteSquares]
const movesAvailable = [[],[]]
for (var t=0;t<total.length;t++) {
const currentArray = total[t]
const returned = this.checkElementsAround(currentArray)
for (var r=0;r<returned.length;r++) {
// Debug
if (blackSquares.length + whiteSquares.length === squares.length * squares[0].length || (movesAvailable[0] === [] && movesAvailable[1] === [])) {
// Declare a winner
if (blackSquares.length !== whiteSquares.length) {
winner: (blackSquares.length > whiteSquares.length) ? 'black' : 'white'
} else {
winner: 'tie'
} else {
// Change turn
if (movesAvailable[0] === []) {
blackIsNext: false
} else if (movesAvailable[1] === []){
blackIsNext: true
} else {
blackIsNext: !this.state.blackIsNext
And where I call the function:
render() {
<GameBoard squares={current.squares} onClick={(row,col) => {
const elems = this.checkElementsAround(this.checkMoveValidity())
for (let el=0;el<elems.length;el++) {
const turning = this.checkTurningStones(elems[el].directions)
if (turning.length !== 0) {
if (row === elems[el].coordinates[0] && col === elems[el].coordinates[1]) {
for (var t=0;t<turning.length;t++) {

Solved the problem, but don't know how. That's strange...
Here's the Code:
setWinnerAndTurn() {
const history = this.state.history.slice(0, this.state.stepNumber + 1);
const current = history[this.state.stepNumber];
const squares = current.squares.slice()
const blackSquares = []
const whiteSquares = []
// Check for a winner
for (var row=0;row<squares.length;row++) {
for (var col=0;col<squares[row].length;col++) {
if (squares[row][col] === 'black') {
} else if (squares[row][col] === 'white') {
const valids = this.checkElementsAround(this.checkEmptySpaces())
// checkEmptySpaces returns all the empty spaces in the game
// checkElementsAround returns all the objects in all directions if there's initially an element in that direction
const movesAvailable = [0,0]
for (var t=0;t<2;t++) {
const isBlack = (t === 0) ? true : false
for (var v=0;v<valids.length;v++) {
const valid = valids[v]
const turned = this.checkTurningStones(valid.directions,isBlack)
if (turned.length !== 0) {
if (blackSquares.length + whiteSquares.length === squares.length * squares[0].length || (movesAvailable === [0,0])) {
// Declare a winner
if (blackSquares.length !== whiteSquares.length) {
winner: (blackSquares.length > whiteSquares.length) ? 'black' : 'white'
} else {
winner: 'tie'
} else {
// Change turn
if (movesAvailable[0] === 0) {
blackIsNext: false
} else if (movesAvailable[1] === 0){
blackIsNext: true
} else {
blackIsNext: !this.state.blackIsNext
Where I used it:
<div className="master-container">
<GameBoard squares={current.squares} onClick={(row,col) => {
const elems = this.checkElementsAround(this.checkEmptySpaces())
for (let el=0;el<elems.length;el++) {
const turning = this.checkTurningStones(elems[el].directions, this.state.blackIsNext)
if (turning.length !== 0) {
if (row === elems[el].coordinates[0] && col === elems[el].coordinates[1]) {
// Debug
// handleMove -> You give an array of coordinates and it does turn them
// setWinnerAndTurn -> Our function
// checkTurningStones -> I give it the output of checkElementsAround as a parameter, it does return the elements that are to be turned upside down
Actually I know how I fixed it; the thing is that since most of my conditional statements depend on the values returned from some of my functions, when used inappropriately, some conditional statements would never return true. That's what I solved.


How to check all input has value and do something

i have these inputs and i wanted to check every one of them has value then do something;
const tch_family_name = document.getElementById('tch_family_name');
const tch_lastname = document.getElementById('tch_lastname');
const tch_name = document.getElementById('tch_name');
const tch_phone = document.getElementById('tch_phone');
const first_alph = document.getElementById('first_alph');
const second_alph = document.getElementById('second_alph');
const third_alph = document.getElementById('third_alph');
const tch_bday = document.getElementById('tch_bday');
const textarea1 = document.getElementById('textarea1');
and I'm checking they have value or not like this
function checkEmpty(check) {
for (i = 0; i < check.length; i++) {
if (check[i].value == "" || check[i].value == " " || check[i].value == null) {
} else {
//mainInfo button id
mainInfo.addEventListener('click', () => {
test = [tch_family_name, tch_lastname, tch_name, tch_phone, first_alph, second_alph, third_alph, tch_bday, textarea1]
now how to do something when all input have value;
I tried else if() but it gave an incorrect result for example when first input don't value then it wont add inputErrorBorder class to a second or third inputs.
Please help;
One of the easiest ways to add this to your current setup is to add a flag variable to the checkEmpty function and return that value. Then process the results in the EventListener
checkEmpty With hasEmpty Flag
function checkEmpty(check) {
let hasEmpty = false;
for (let i = 0; i < check.length; i++) {
if (check[i].value === "" || check[i].value === " " || check[i].value == null) {
hasEmpty = true;
} else {
return hasEmpty;
Using hasEmpty flag from checkEmpty
mainInfo.addEventListener('click', () => {
let test = [tch_family_name, tch_lastname, tch_name, tch_phone,
first_alph, second_alph, third_alph, tch_bday, textarea1];
let hasEmpty = checkEmpty(test);
if (!hasEmpty) {
// All Have Value
} else {
// Something has missing value

Converting working functional Javascript Tic Tac Toe game to Class based to practice OOP

I'm making an exercise for myself to better understand OOP design by taking a working Javascript functional Tic Tac Toe game with AI to a Class based one. I'm getting stuck on the usual issues with what to put where in classes, single source of truth, loose coupling, etc. Not looking for complete answers here but perhaps some hints on a better strategy?
Here is the original working functional TTT:
import "./styles.css";
// functional TIC TAC TOE
// Human is 'O'
// Player is 'X'
let ttt = {
board: [], // array to hold the current game
reset: function() {
// reset board array and get HTML container
ttt.board = [];
const container = document.getElementById("ttt-game"); // the on div declared in HTML file
container.innerHTML = "";
// redraw swuares
// create a for loop to build board
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
// push board array with null
// set square to create DOM element with 'div'
let square = document.createElement("div");
// insert " " non-breaking space to square
square.innnerHTML = " ";
// set square.dataset.idx set to i of for loop
square.dataset.idx = i;
// build square id's with i from loop / 'ttt-' + i - concatnate iteration
square.id = "ttt-" + i;
// add click eventlistener to square to fire ttt.play();
square.addEventListener("click", ttt.play);
// appendChild with square (created element 'div') to container
play: function() {
// ttt.play() : when the player selects a square
// play is fired when player selects square
// (A) Player's move - Mark with "O"
// set move to this.dataset.idx
let move = this.dataset.idx;
// assign ttt.board array with move to 0
ttt.board[move] = 0;
// assign "O" to innerHTML for this
this.innerHTML = "O";
// add "Player" to a classList for this
// remove the eventlistener 'click' and fire ttt.play
this.removeEventListener("click", ttt.play);
// (B) No more moves available - draw
// check to see if board is full
if (ttt.board.indexOf(null) === -1) {
// alert "No winner"
alert("No Winner!");
// ttt.reset();
} else {
// (C) Computer's move - Mark with 'X'
// capture move made with dumbAI or notBadAI
move = ttt.dumbAI();
// assign ttt.board array with move to 1
ttt.board[move] = 1;
// assign sqaure to AI move with id "ttt-" + move (concatenate)
let square = document.getElementById("ttt-" + move);
// assign "X" to innerHTML for this
square.innerHTML = "X";
// add "Computer" to a classList for this
// square removeEventListener click and fire ttt.play
square.removeEventListener("click", ttt.play);
// (D) Who won?
// assign win to null (null, "x", "O")
let win = null;
// Horizontal row checks
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i += 3) {
if (
ttt.board[i] != null &&
ttt.board[i + 1] != null &&
ttt.board[i + 2] != null
) {
if (
ttt.board[i] == ttt.board[i + 1] &&
ttt.board[i + 1] == ttt.board[i + 2]
) {
win = ttt.board[i];
if (win !== null) {
// Vertical row checks
if (win === null) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (
ttt.board[i] !== null &&
ttt.board[i + 3] !== null &&
ttt.board[i + 6] !== null
) {
if (
ttt.board[i] === ttt.board[i + 3] &&
ttt.board[i + 3] === ttt.board[i + 6]
) {
win = ttt.board[i];
if (win !== null) {
// Diaganal row checks
if (win === null) {
if (
ttt.board[0] != null &&
ttt.board[4] != null &&
ttt.board[8] != null
) {
if (ttt.board[0] == ttt.board[4] && ttt.board[4] == ttt.board[8]) {
win = ttt.board[4];
if (win === null) {
if (
ttt.board[2] != null &&
ttt.board[4] != null &&
ttt.board[6] != null
) {
if (ttt.board[2] == ttt.board[4] && ttt.board[4] == ttt.board[6]) {
win = ttt.board[4];
// We have a winner
if (win !== null) {
alert("WINNER - " + (win === 0 ? "Player" : "Computer"));
dumbAI: function() {
// ttt.dumbAI() : dumb computer AI, randomly chooses an empty slot
// Extract out all open slots
let open = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (ttt.board[i] === null) {
// Randomly choose open slot
const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (open.length - 1));
return open[random];
notBadAI: function() {
// ttt.notBadAI() : AI with a little more intelligence
// (A) Init
var move = null;
var check = function(first, direction, pc) {
// checkH() : helper function, check possible winning row
// PARAM square : first square number
// direction : "R"ow, "C"ol, "D"iagonal
// pc : 0 for player, 1 for computer
var second = 0,
third = 0;
if (direction === "R") {
second = first + 1;
third = first + 2;
} else if (direction === "C") {
second = first + 3;
third = first + 6;
} else {
second = 4;
third = first === 0 ? 8 : 6;
if (
ttt.board[first] === null &&
ttt.board[second] === pc &&
ttt.board[third] === pc
) {
return first;
} else if (
ttt.board[first] === pc &&
ttt.board[second] === null &&
ttt.board[third] === pc
) {
return second;
} else if (
ttt.board[first] === pc &&
ttt.board[second] === pc &&
ttt.board[third] === null
) {
return third;
return null;
// (B) Priority #1 - Go for the win
// (B1) Check horizontal rows
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i += 3) {
move = check(i, "R", 1);
if (move !== null) {
// (B2) Check vertical columns
if (move === null) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
move = check(i, "C", 1);
if (move !== null) {
// (B3) Check diagonal
if (move === null) {
move = check(0, "D", 1);
if (move === null) {
move = check(2, "D", 1);
// (C) Priority #2 - Block player from winning
// (C1) Check horizontal rows
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i += 3) {
move = check(i, "R", 0);
if (move !== null) {
// (C2) Check vertical columns
if (move === null) {
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
move = check(i, "C", 0);
if (move !== null) {
// (C3) Check diagonal
if (move === null) {
move = check(0, "D", 0);
if (move === null) {
move = check(2, "D", 0);
// (D) Random move if nothing
if (move === null) {
move = ttt.dumbAI();
return move;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ttt.reset());
Here is what I have so far of my class based version:
import "./styles.css";
class Gameboard {
constructor() {
this.board = [];
this.container = document.getElementById("ttt-game");
this.container.innerHTML = "";
reset() {
this.board = [];
build() {
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
const square = document.createElement("div");
square.innerHTML = " ";
square.dataset.idx = i;
square.id = "ttt-" + i;
square.addEventListener("click", () => {
// What method do I envoke here?
class Game {
constructor() {
this.gameBoard = new Gameboard();
this.player = new Player();
this.computer = new Computer();
play() {
class Player {
class Computer {
class DumbAI {
const game = new Game();
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", game.play());
My HTML file is very simple with only a <div id="ttt-game"></div> to get started and CSS file is grid.
The biggest issue I'm having is capturing the squares in Game. And where should I put eventListeners ? (my next project is to do a React version).
Here's what I think, good, maintainable and testable code looks like: a bunch of small, self-contained functions, each with as few side-effects as possible. And rather than have state spread around the application, state should exist in a single, central location.
So, what I have done is decompose your code into small functions. I have pulled the state into a single store that enforces immutability. No weird half-way houses - the application state changes, or it doesn't. If it changes, the entire game is re-rendered. Responsibility for interacting with the UI exists in a single render function.
And you asked about classes in your question. createGame becomes:
class Game {
constructor() { ... },
start() { ... },
reset() { ... },
play() { ... }
createStore becomes:
class Store {
constructor() { ... }
getState() { ... },
setState() { ... }
playAI and playHuman become:
class AIPlayer {
constructor(store) { ... }
play() { ... }
class HumanPlayer {
constructor(store) { ... }
play() { ... }
checkForWinner becomes:
class WinChecker {
check(board) { ... }
...and so on.
But I ask the rhetorical question: would adding these classes add anything to the code? In my view there are three fundamental and intrinsic problems with class-oriented object orientation:
It leads you down the path of mixing application state and functionality,
Classes are like snowballs - they accrete functionality and quickly become over-large, and
People are terrible at coming up with meaningful class ontologies
All of the above mean that classes invariably lead to critically unmaintainable code.
I think code is usually simpler and more maintainable without new, and without this.
import { createGame } from "./create-game.js";
const game = createGame("#ttt-game");
import { initialState } from "./initial-state.js";
import { createStore } from "./create-store.js";
import { render } from "./render.js";
const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
function start({ store, render }) {
createGameLoop({ store, render })();
function createGameLoop({ store, render }) {
let previousState = null;
return function loop() {
const state = store.getState();
if (state !== previousState) {
previousState = store.getState();
export function createGame(selector) {
const store = createStore({ ...initialState, el: $(selector) });
return {
start: () => start({ store, render })
export const initialState = {
el: null,
board: Array(9).fill(null),
winner: null
export function createStore(initialState) {
let state = Object.freeze(initialState);
return {
getState() {
return state;
setState(v) {
state = Object.freeze(v);
import { onSquareClick } from "./on-square-click.js";
import { winners } from "./winners.js";
import { resetGame } from "./reset-game.js";
export function render(store) {
const { el, board, winner } = store.getState();
el.innerHTML = "";
for (let i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
let square = document.createElement("div");
square.id = `ttt-${i}`;
square.innerText = board[i];
square.classList = "square";
if (!board[i]) {
square.addEventListener("click", onSquareClick.bind(null, store));
if (winner) {
const message =
winner === winners.STALEMATE ? `Stalemate!` : `${winner} wins!`;
const msgEL = document.createElement("div");
msgEL.classList = "message";
msgEL.innerText = message;
msgEL.addEventListener("click", () => resetGame(store));
import { play } from "./play.js";
export function onSquareClick(store, { target }) {
const {
groups: { move }
} = /^ttt-(?<move>.*)/gi.exec(target.id);
play({ move, store });
export const winners = {
HUMAN: "Human",
AI: "AI",
STALEMATE: "Stalemate"
import { initialState } from "./initial-state.js";
export function resetGame(store) {
const { el } = store.getState();
store.setState({ ...initialState, el });
import { randomMove } from "./random-move.js";
import { checkForWinner } from "./check-for-winner.js";
import { checkForStalemate } from "./check-for-stalemate.js";
import { winners } from "./winners.js";
function playHuman({ move, store }) {
const state = store.getState();
const updatedBoard = [...state.board];
updatedBoard[move] = "O";
store.setState({ ...state, board: updatedBoard });
function playAI(store) {
const state = store.getState();
const move = randomMove(state.board);
const updatedBoard = [...state.board];
updatedBoard[move] = "X";
store.setState({ ...state, board: updatedBoard });
export function play({ move, store }) {
playHuman({ move, store });
if (checkForWinner(store)) {
const state = store.getState();
store.setState({ ...state, winner: winners.HUMAN });
if (checkForStalemate(store)) {
const state = store.getState();
store.setState({ ...state, winner: winners.STALEMATE });
if (checkForWinner(store)) {
const state = store.getState();
store.setState({ ...state, winner: winners.AI });
Running version:
const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
const winners = {
HUMAN: "Human",
AI: "AI",
STALEMATE: "Stalemate"
function randomMove(board) {
let open = [];
for (let i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
if (board[i] === null) {
const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (open.length - 1));
return open[random];
function onSquareClick(store, target) {
const {
groups: { move }
} = /^ttt-(?<move>.*)/gi.exec(target.id);
play({ move, store });
function render(store) {
const { el, board, winner } = store.getState();
el.innerHTML = "";
for (let i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {
let square = document.createElement("div");
square.id = `ttt-${i}`;
square.innerText = board[i];
square.classList = "square";
if (!board[i]) {
square.addEventListener("click", ({ target }) =>
onSquareClick(store, target)
if (winner) {
const message =
winner === winners.STALEMATE ? `Stalemate!` : `${winner} wins!`;
const msgEL = document.createElement("div");
msgEL.classList = "message";
msgEL.innerText = message;
msgEL.addEventListener("click", () => resetGame(store));
function resetGame(store) {
const { el } = store.getState();
store.setState({ ...initialState, el });
function playHuman({ move, store }) {
const state = store.getState();
const updatedBoard = [...state.board];
updatedBoard[move] = "O";
store.setState({ ...state, board: updatedBoard });
function playAI(store) {
const state = store.getState();
const move = randomMove(state.board);
const updatedBoard = [...state.board];
updatedBoard[move] = "X";
store.setState({ ...state, board: updatedBoard });
const patterns = [
[0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7,8],
[0,4,8], [2,4,6],
[0,3,6], [1,4,7], [2,5,8]
function checkForWinner(store) {
const { board } = store.getState();
return patterns.find(([a,b,c]) =>
board[a] === board[b] &&
board[a] === board[c] &&
function checkForStalemate(store) {
const { board } = store.getState();
return board.indexOf(null) === -1;
function play({ move, store }) {
playHuman({ move, store });
if (checkForWinner(store)) {
const state = store.getState();
store.setState({ ...state, winner: winners.HUMAN });
if (checkForStalemate(store)) {
const state = store.getState();
store.setState({ ...state, winner: winners.STALEMATE });
if (checkForWinner(store)) {
const state = store.getState();
store.setState({ ...state, winner: winners.AI });
function createStore(initialState) {
let state = Object.freeze(initialState);
return {
getState() {
return state;
setState(v) {
state = Object.freeze(v);
function start({ store, render }) {
createGameLoop({ store, render })();
function createGameLoop({ store, render }) {
let previousState = null;
return function loop() {
const state = store.getState();
if (state !== previousState) {
previousState = store.getState();
const initialState = {
el: null,
board: Array(9).fill(null),
winner: null
function createGame(selector) {
const store = createStore({ ...initialState, el: $(selector) });
return {
start: () => start({ store, render })
const game = createGame("#ttt-game");
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
font-size: 0;
div.container {
width: 150px;
height: 150px;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px red inset;
div.square {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 26px;
color: gray;
text-align: center;
line-height: 50px;
vertical-align: middle;
cursor: grab;
display: inline-block;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px black inset;
div.message {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: 26px;
color: white;
text-align: center;
line-height: 100px;
vertical-align: middle;
cursor: grab;
position: fixed;
top: calc(50% - 50px);
left: 0;
height: 100px;
width: 100%;
background-color: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.7);
<div class="container" id="ttt-game"></div>

Asynchronous function is not working in order of process

I'm working with asynchronous javascript in NodeJS. I have a function, that modifies it's parameters and then resolve and emits to SocketIO client. The problem is, the function doesn't process the lines in order, it makes some process first and some process after it, I think it is just about asynchronous JavaScript problem, but I can't understand what to do for solve this.
My function,
const processStylesAndImages = (target, targetSlug, id, socket, styles, images, protocol, CSS, DOM) => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let { coverage } = await CSS.takeCoverageDelta();
let { nodes } = await DOM.getFlattenedDocument({ depth: -1 });
styles = styles.filter(style => !style.isInline && style.sourceURL.trim().length > 0);
for(let style of styles) {
style.mediaQueries = [];
let m;
while(m = mediaQueryRegex.exec(style.css)) {
startOffset: m.index,
endOffset: m.index + m[0].length,
rule: style.css.slice(m.index, m.index + m[0].length),
used: true,
rules: []
style.used = [];
while(m = charsetRegex.exec(style.css)) {
startOffset: m.index,
endOffset: m.index + m[0].length,
used: true,
styleSheetId: style.styleSheetId
while(m = importRegexVariable.exec(style.css)) {
startOffset: m.index,
endOffset: m.index + m[0].length,
used: true,
styleSheetId: style.styleSheetId
let fontFaces = [];
while(m = fontFaceRegex.exec(style.css)) {
fontFaces.forEach((m, index) => {
let pushed = false;
let props = css.parse(style.css.slice(m.index, m.index + m[0].length)).stylesheet.rules[0].declarations;
let fontFamily;
let fontWeight = null;
props.forEach(prop => {
if(prop.property == 'font-family') {
if(prop.value.startsWith("'") || prop.value.startsWith('"')) {
prop.value = prop.value.slice(1);
if(prop.value.endsWith("'") || prop.value.endsWith('"')) {
prop.value = prop.value.slice(0, -1);
prop.value = prop.value.toLowerCase();
fontFamily = prop.value;
} else if(prop.property == 'font-weight') {
fontWeight = prop.value;
if(fontWeight == null || 'normal') fontWeight = 400;
if(style.sourceURL == 'https://www.webmedya.com.tr/css/font-awesome.min.css') console.log(fontFamily, fontWeight);
nodes.forEach(async (node, nodeIndex) => {
let { computedStyle } = await CSS.getComputedStyleForNode({ nodeId: node.nodeId });
computedStyle = computedStyle.filter(item => {
return (item.name == 'font-family' || item.name == 'font-weight') && (item.value !== '' || typeof(item.value) !== 'undefined');
let elementFontFamily;
let elementFontWeight;
computedStyle.forEach(compute => {
if(compute.name == 'font-family' && compute.value !== '' && typeof(compute.value) !== 'undefined') {
elementFontFamily = compute.value.toLowerCase();
} else if(compute.name == 'font-weight') {
if(compute.value !== '' && typeof(compute.value) !== 'undefined') {
if(compute.value == 'normal') {
elementFontWeight = 400;
} else {
elementFontWeight = compute.value;
} else {
elementFontWeight = 400;
if(elementFontFamily && elementFontWeight) {
if(elementFontFamily.includes(fontFamily) && (elementFontWeight == fontWeight)) {
if(!pushed) {
startOffset: m.index,
endOffset: m.index + m[0].length,
used: true,
styleSheetId: style.styleSheetId
pushed = true;
console.log('Pushed', style.css.slice(m.index, m.index + m[0].length));
let parsedSourceURL = url.parse(style.sourceURL.trim());
if(parsedSourceURL.protocol === null && parsedSourceURL.host === null) {
if(style.sourceURL.trim().startsWith('/')) {
style.sourceURL = `${target}${style.sourceURL.trim()}`;
} else {
style.sourceURL = `${target}/${style.sourceURL.trim()}`;
style.parentCSS = "-1";
style.childCSSs = [];
style.childCSSs = getImports(style.css, style.sourceURL.trim(), target);
coverage.forEach(item => {
if(item.styleSheetId.trim() == style.styleSheetId.trim())
style.mediaQueries.forEach((mediaQuery, index) => {
style.used.forEach((usedRule, usedIndex) => {
if(usedRule.startOffset > mediaQuery.startOffset && usedRule.endOffset < mediaQuery.endOffset) {
style.used[usedIndex] = false;
style.used = style.used.filter(item => {
return item !== false;
style.mediaQueries = style.mediaQueries.filter(item => {
return item.rules.length > 0;
style.mediaQueries.forEach((mediaQuery, index) => {
mediaQuery.rules.sort((a, b) => a.startOffset - b.startOffset);
style.used = style.used.concat(style.mediaQueries);
delete style.mediaQueries;
style.used.sort((a, b) => a.startOffset - b.startOffset);
let compressedCss = "";
if(style.used.length > 0) {
style.used.forEach(usedRule => {
if(usedRule.rule && usedRule.rules.length > 0) {
let queryRule = usedRule.rule.match(/#media[^{]+/)[0];
compressedCss += queryRule + '{';
usedRule.rules.forEach(item => {
compressedCss += style.css.slice(item.startOffset, item.endOffset);
compressedCss += '}';
} else {
compressedCss += style.css.slice(usedRule.startOffset, usedRule.endOffset);
style.compressedCss = compressedCss;
styles = preTraverse(styles, targetSlug, id);
debug('CSS Dosyaları İşlendi!');
fs.readFile(`./data/${targetSlug}/${id}/cimg/statistics.json`, async (err, data) => {
if(err) reject(err);
try {
data = JSON.parse(data);
await CSS.stopRuleUsageTracking();
await protocol.close();
if(typeof(styles) !== 'undefined' && styles.length > 0) {
debug('IMG Dosyaları İşlendi!');
socket.emit('log', { stage: 6, images, data, styles });
resolve({ images, data, styles });
} else {
debug('IMG Dosyaları İşlendi!');
socket.emit('log', { stage: 6, images, data, styles: [] });
resolve({ images, data, styles: [] });
} catch(e) {
Results when the functions starts for some parameters,
fontawesome 400
Pushed #font-face{font-family:'FontAwesome';src:url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=4.7.0');src:url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=4.7.0') format('embedded-opentype'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0') format('woff2'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0') format('woff'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.7.0') format('truetype'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg?v=4.7.0#fontawesomeregular') format('svg');font-weight:normal;font-style:normal}
Pushed #font-face{font-family:open sans;font-style:normal;font-weight:300;src:local('Open Sans Light'),local('OpenSans-Light'),url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v15/DXI1ORHCpsQm3Vp6mXoaTa-j2U0lmluP9RWlSytm3ho.woff2) format('woff2');unicode-range:U+0460-052F,U+20B4,U+2DE0-2DFF,U+A640-A69F}
Pushed #font-face{font-family:open sans;font-style:normal;font-weight:300;src:local('Open Sans Light'),local('OpenSans-Light'),url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v15/DXI1ORHCpsQm3Vp6mXoaTZX5f-9o1vgP2EXwfjgl7AY.woff2) format('woff2');unicode-range:U+0400-045F,U+0490-0491,U+04B0-04B1,U+2116}
The expected result is,
fontawesome 400
Pushed #font-face{font-family:'FontAwesome';src:url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=4.7.0');src:url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=4.7.0') format('embedded-opentype'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0') format('woff2'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0') format('woff'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.7.0') format('truetype'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg?v=4.7.0#fontawesomeregular') format('svg');font-weight:normal;font-style:normal}
Pushed #font-face{font-family:open sans;font-style:normal;font-weight:300;src:local('Open Sans Light'),local('OpenSans-Light'),url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v15/DXI1ORHCpsQm3Vp6mXoaTa-j2U0lmluP9RWlSytm3ho.woff2) format('woff2');unicode-range:U+0460-052F,U+20B4,U+2DE0-2DFF,U+A640-A69F}
Pushed #font-face{font-family:open sans;font-style:normal;font-weight:300;src:local('Open Sans Light'),local('OpenSans-Light'),url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v15/DXI1ORHCpsQm3Vp6mXoaTZX5f-9o1vgP2EXwfjgl7AY.woff2) format('woff2');unicode-range:U+0400-045F,U+0490-0491,U+04B0-04B1,U+2116}
The function is skips the for loop at line 6 in JSFiddle. It behaves like asynchronous process, but I want to it behave like synchronous.
You should await the new Promise((res, rej) => { promise on line 39 in your fiddle. You create a promise with .then() and .catch() handlers which you run it within your loop, but don't await it. Meaning, the promise is triggered, but the code continues to the next iteration already.
So try to add await in front of that new Promise(...) on line 39 and run it.

How to query almost the entire postgresql database for a property on every item? (Using sequelize and Node.js)

I'm trying to scan through an entire tree in my database, looking for two properties ('title' and 'id') for every item, and then I need to check if there's a linked database table below the current table, and if so, I need to perform the same actions on that table.
Once I get the whole tree, I need to insert those into a master variable that I can then import elsewhere throughout my web app.
(I'm at the point where I'm pretty sure I'm reinventing the wheel. I've searched the Sequelize documentation, but if there's a simple solution, I didn't see it.)
Here's the relevant portions of my current code (it's not fully working yet, but should give the idea).
(You can find the full project repository by clicking this link here.)
const buildTopicTreeFromCurrentDatabase = (callback) => {
let topicTree = [];
let isFinished = false;
const isSearchFinished = new Emitter();
console.log(`emitter created`);
isSearchFinished.on('finished', () => {
console.log(`the search is done`);
if (isFinished = true) {
callback(null, this.primaryTopicsShort)
/* need to go back and refactor -- violates DRY */
this.primaryTopicsShort = [];
.then((primaryTopics) => {
if (primaryTopics.length === 0) {
return callback('no Primary Topics defined');
for (let i = 0; i < primaryTopics.length; i++) {
this.primaryTopicsShort[i] = {
title: primaryTopics[i].title,
id: primaryTopics[i].id,
secondaryTopics: []
PrimaryTopic.findById(this.primaryTopicsShort[i].id, {
include: [{
model: SecondaryTopic,
as: 'secondaryTopics'
.then((currentPrimaryTopic) => {
if (currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics.length !== 0) {
for (let j = 0; j < currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics.length; j++) {
this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j] = {
title: currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics[j].title,
id: currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics[j].id,
thirdTopics: []
SecondaryTopic.findById(this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].id, {
include: [{
model: ThirdTopic,
as: 'thirdTopics'
.then((currentSecondaryTopic) => {
if (currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics.length - 1 === j) {
if (currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics.length !== 0) {
for (let k = 0; k < currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics.length; k++) {
this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].thirdTopics[k] = {
title: currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics[k].title,
id: currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics[k].id,
fourthTopics: []
ThirdTopic.findById(this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].thirdTopics[k].id, {
include: [{
model: FourthTopic,
as: 'fourthTopics'
.then((currentThirdTopics) => {
if (currentThirdTopics.fourthTopics.length !== 0) {
for (let l = 0; l < currentThirdTopics.fourthTopics.length; l++) {
this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].thirdTopics[k].fourthTopics[k] = {
title: currentThirdTopics.fourthTopics[l].title,
id: currentThirdTopics.fourthTopics[l].id,
fifthTopics: []
FourthTopic.findById(this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].thirdTopics[k].fourthTopics[l].id, {
include: [{
model: FifthTopic,
as: 'fifthTopics'
.then((currentFourthTopics) => {
if (currentFourthTopics.fifthTopics.length !== 0) {
for (let m = 0; m < currentFourthTopics.fifthTopics.length; m++) {
this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].thirdTopics[k].fourthTopics[k].fifthTopics[m] = {
title: currentFourthTopics.fifthTopics[m].title,
id: currentFourthTopics.fifthTopics[m].id
.catch((err) => {
.catch((err) => {
.catch((err) => {
.catch((err) => {
.catch((err) => {
There are a few problems with this code.
First, I need to be using a DRY and recursive solution, since the database structure may change in the future.
Second, I've played around a lot with the 'finished' emitter, but I haven't figured out yet how to place it so that the event is emitted at the end of searching the database, and also so that I don't cycle back through the database multiple times.
I've been working on the following recursive solution, but the hours keep stretching by and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere.
const buildDatabaseNames = (DatabaseNameStr, callback) => {
let camelSingular = DatabaseNameStr.slice(0,1);
camelSingular = camelSingular.toLowerCase();
camelSingular = camelSingular + DatabaseNameStr.slice(1, DatabaseNameStr.length);
let camelPlural = DatabaseNameStr.slice(0,1);
camelPlural = camelPlural.toLowerCase();
camelPlural = camelPlural + DatabaseNameStr.slice(1, DatabaseNameStr.length) + 's';
let databaseNameStr = `{ "capsSingular": ${"\"" + DatabaseNameStr + "\""}, "capsPlural": ${"\"" + DatabaseNameStr + 's' + "\""}, "camelSingular": ${"\"" + camelSingular + "\""}, "camelPlural": ${"\"" + camelPlural + "\""} }`;
let names = JSON.parse(databaseNameStr);
return callback(names);
const isAnotherDatabase = (DatabaseName, id, NextDatabaseName) => {
where: {
id: id
.then((res) => {
if (typeof res.NextDatabaseName === undefined) {
return false;
} else if (res.NextDatabaseName.length === 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
.catch((err) => {
const searchDatabase = (first, i, current, next, list, callback) => {
if (typeof first === 'string') {
first = buildDatabaseNames(first);
current = buildDatabaseNames(current);
next = buildDatabaseNames(next);
if (first === current) {
this.first = current;
let topicTree = [];
const isSearchFinished = new Emitter();
console.log(`emitter created`);
isSearchFinished.on('finished', () => {
console.log(`the search is done`);
callback(null, this.primaryTopicsShort);
.then((res) => {
current.camelPlural = res;
if (if current.camelPlural.length !== 0) {
for (let j = 0; j < currentParsed.camelPlural.length; j++) {
if (first === current) {
this.first[i].current[j].title = current.camelPlural[j].title,
this.first[i].current[j].id = current.camelPlural[j].id
next.camelSingular = []
} else {
this.first[i]..current[j].title = current.camelPlural[j].title,
this.first[i].id = current.camelPlural[j].id,
next.camelSingular = []
let isNext = isAnotherDatabase(current.)
searchDatabase(null, j, next, list[i + 1], list, callback).bind(this);
} else {
callback(null, this.first);
.catch((err) => {
I decided to stop and ask for help, as I just realized that in order to make the properties (this.first[i].current[j].title = current.camelPlural[j].title) on each recursive iteration accurate, I'll have to do a JSON.stringify, alter the string for the next iteration, place all the required iterations of itinto a variable, pass it into the next recursion, and then do JSON.parse again afterwards. It seems like I'm making this ridiculously complicated?
Any help is appreciated, thank you.
While I wasn't able to make a recursive, generic solution, I did at least find some result.
const buildTopicTreeFromCurrentDatabase = (callback) => {
let topicTree = [];
const isSearchFinished = new Emitter();
isSearchFinished.on('finished', () => {
if (isFinished === 0) {
callback(null, this.primaryTopicsShort);
/* need to go back and refactor -- violates DRY */
this.primaryTopicsShort = [];
let isFinished = 0;
isFinished = isFinished++;
.then((primaryTopics) => {
isFinished = isFinished + primaryTopics.length;
if (primaryTopics.length === 0) {
return callback('no Primary Topics defined');
for (let i = 0; i < primaryTopics.length; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
var isLastPrimary = false;
this.primaryTopicsShort[i] = {
title: primaryTopics[i].title,
id: primaryTopics[i].id,
secondaryTopics: []
PrimaryTopic.findById(this.primaryTopicsShort[i].id, {
include: [{
model: SecondaryTopic,
as: 'secondaryTopics'
.then((currentPrimaryTopic) => {
isFinished = isFinished - 1 + currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics.length;
if (i === primaryTopics.length - 1) {
isLastPrimary = true;
if (currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics.length === 0 && isLastPrimary) {
} else if (currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics.length !== 0) {
for (let j = 0; j < currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics.length; j++) {
if (j === 0) {
var isLastSecondary = false;
this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j] = {
title: currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics[j].title,
id: currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics[j].id,
thirdTopics: []
SecondaryTopic.findById(this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].id, {
include: [{
model: ThirdTopic,
as: 'thirdTopics'
.then((currentSecondaryTopic) => {
isFinished = isFinished - 1 + currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics.length;
if (j === currentPrimaryTopic.secondaryTopics.length - 1) {
isLastSecondary = true;
if (currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics.length === 0 && isLastPrimary && isLastSecondary) {
} else if (currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics.length !== 0) {
for (let k = 0; k < currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics.length; k++) {
if (k === 0) {
var isLastThird = false;
this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].thirdTopics[k] = {
title: currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics[k].title,
id: currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics[k].id,
fourthTopics: []
ThirdTopic.findById(this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].thirdTopics[k].id, {
include: [{
model: FourthTopic,
as: 'fourthTopics'
.then((currentThirdTopic) => {
isFinished = isFinished - 1 + currentThirdTopic.fourthTopics.length;
if (k === currentSecondaryTopic.thirdTopics.length - 1) {
isLastThird = true;
if (currentThirdTopic.fourthTopics.length === 0 && isLastPrimary && isLastSecondary && isLastThird) {
} else if (currentThirdTopic.fourthTopics.length !== 0) {
for (let l = 0; l < currentThirdTopic.fourthTopics.length; l++) {
if (l = 0) {
var isLastFourth = false;
this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].thirdTopics[k].fourthTopics[k] = {
title: currentThirdTopic.fourthTopics[l].title,
id: currentThirdTopic.fourthTopics[l].id,
fifthTopics: []
FourthTopic.findById(this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].thirdTopics[k].fourthTopics[l].id, {
include: [{
model: FifthTopic,
as: 'fifthTopics'
.then((currentFourthTopics) => {
isFinished = isFinished - 1 + currentFourthTopics.fifthTopics.length;
if (l = currentThirdTopic.fourthTopics.length - 1) {
isLastFourth = true;
if (currentFourthTopic.fifthTopics.length === 0 && isLastPrimary && isLastSecondary && isLastThird && isLastFourth) {
} else if (currentFourthTopic.fifthTopics.length !== 0) {
for (let m = 0; m < currentFourthTopic.fifthTopics.length; m++) {
if (m = 0) {
var isLastFifth = false;
if (m === currentFourthTopic.fifthTopics.length - 1) {
isLastFifth = true;
this.primaryTopicsShort[i].secondaryTopics[j].thirdTopics[k].fourthTopics[k].fifthTopics[m] = {
title: currentFourthTopic.fifthTopics[m].title,
id: currentFourthTopic.fifthTopics[m].id
if (isLastPrimary === true && isLastSecondary === true && isLastThird === true && isLastFourth === true && isLastFifth === true) {
isFinished = isFinished - 1;
.catch((err) => {
.catch((err) => {
.catch((err) => {
.catch((err) => {
.catch((err) => {
I eventually learned that the root of the problem I face was in the asynchronous nature of the database calls.
To prevent the final callback from getting fired before all the calls were complete, I used something called a semaphore. It's a thing used often in other languages, but not often used in JavaScript (so I hear).
You can see how it works by looking at the variable isFinished. The value starts at zero and goes up for every entry it retrieves from the database. When it finishes processing the data, the code subtracts 1 from the total value. The final callback event (in the emitter), can only go off once the isFinished value returns to zero.
This isn't the most elegant solution. As #Timshel said, it probably would have been wiser not to design this database portion not have so many different tables.
But this solution will do for now.

Why my array data does not print in render function REACTJS?

I am stuck in reactjs.
I have a function in which there is an array containing some values, but when I want to access that array in render function and pass it using props to another function, it returns a blank array.
what should I do to resolve this problem?
Like this:
In Function:
this.usersAnswerXML = ["ID0", "ID1", "ID2"]
In Render:
this.usersAnswerXML = []
Here is my code, what am I doing wrong?
handleSplitContentClick(contentId, selectionType) {
let isCorrect
if (selectionType == 'selected') {
const index = this.correctAnswers.indexOf(contentId);
if (index > -1) {
if (this.correctAnswers.length === this.userCorrectAnswers.length &&
this.userUncorrectAnswer.length == 0) {
isCorrect = this.correct
} else {
isCorrect = this.incorrect
} else {
isCorrect = this.incorrect
} else if (selectionType == 'disselected') {
const index = this.correctAnswers.indexOf(contentId);
if (index > -1) {
this.userCorrectAnswers.splice(index, 1);
isCorrect = this.incorrect
} else {
this.userUncorrectAnswer.splice(index, 1);
if (this.correctAnswers.length === this.userCorrectAnswers.length &&
this.userUncorrectAnswer.length == 0) {
isCorrect = this.correct
} else {
isCorrect = this.incorrect
this.userAnswerXML = this.userCorrectAnswers.join(',')
this.usersAnswerXMLs = this.userAnswerXML + ',' +
this.usersAnswerXML = this.usersAnswerXMLs.split(',')
if (window.uaXML) {
this.userAnswerXML = window.uaXML
console.log(this.userAnswerXML + "data")
// this.usersAnswerXML = window.uaXML
this.userAnswerXML = "<smans type='4'><div id='textID0' userAns='" +
this.usersAnswerXML + "'></div></smans>"
$("#special_module_user_xml").val(this.userAnswerXML )
} // Editor's note: this is an extra curly brace
render() {
if (this.props.remedStatus) {
console.log("inside remed")
return (
correctAnswer ={this.ansString}
} else {
return (
<div className="previewtemplate" style ={template}>
} // Editor's note: another extra curly brace
} // Editor's note: another one again
