Mock sequelize with Jest and sequelize-mock - javascript

I'm building a new project and I'm trying to use TDD as my default methodology and trying to apply it with integration test.
The thing is easy I want to retrieve all the users from my DB.
const UserService = require('../services/user');
module.exports = {
// corresponds to /users
getAllUsers: async (req, res, next) => {
const users = await UserService.fetchAllUsers();
const models = require('../database/models/index'); // I tried also with destructuring
module.exports = {
fetchAllUsers: async () => models.user.findAll(),
and my actual test file looks like
const request = require('supertest');
const SequelizeMock = require('sequelize-mock');
const app = require('..');
const dbMock = new SequelizeMock();
const models = require('../src/database/models/index');
jest.mock('../src/database/models/index', () => ({
user: jest.fn(),
models.user.mockImplementation(() => {
const UserMock = dbMock.define('user', {});
username: 'username',
mail: '',
return UserMock;
describe('Demo test', () => {
it('should respond to users route', (done) => {
.end((err, res) => {
All of this is actually working but when I'm trying to mock the user I TypeError: models.user.findAll is not a function
I need to replace the model.user with the UserMock's value.
Is there anyway to do this? or I should just mock findAll like
jest.mock('../src/database/models/index', () => ({
user: () => ({ findAll: jest.fn() }),

In this case, I was not mocking what I wanted to.
If you wish to mock the models all you need to do is use SpyOn
const { sequelize, Report, User } = require('../../database/models/index');
describe("my test", () => {
it("should just mock", () => {
jest.SpyOn(Report, "count").mockResolvedOnce(6);
In the case that you need to mock like your service
first create jest functions to allow the access from outside the scope of your mock
and then mock it with "double class call"
const BaseService = require('../BaseService');
const mockFecthOne = jest.fn();
() => jest.fn().mockImplementation(
() => ({
fetchOne: mockFetchOne,
// inside your test just
and thats it hope it works.


Expect mocked library function to have been called

I am mocking a function in a library (auth0), this way:
jest.mock('#auth0/auth0-react', () => ({
useAuth0: () => {
return {
logout: jest.fn(),
During my test, how can I expect the logout function to have been called?
Since you are trying to manually mock a node_module, you need to create a mock module file. Manual mocks are defined by writing a module in a mocks/ subdirectory immediately adjacent to the module. In your case the mock should be placed in the __mocks__ directory adjacent to node_modules.
'use strict';
const handleRedirectCallback = jest.fn(() => ({ appState: {} }));
const buildLogoutUrl = jest.fn();
const buildAuthorizeUrl = jest.fn();
const checkSession = jest.fn();
const getTokenSilently = jest.fn();
const getTokenWithPopup = jest.fn();
const getUser = jest.fn();
const getIdTokenClaims = jest.fn();
const isAuthenticated = jest.fn(() => false);
const loginWithPopup = jest.fn();
const loginWithRedirect = jest.fn();
const logout = jest.fn();
export const Auth0Client = jest.fn(() => {
return {
test.ts (in case you are writing test in typescript)
import { mocked } from 'ts-jest/utils';
const clientMock = mocked(new Auth0Client({ client_id: '', domain: '' }));
describe('auth0 test', () => {
it('should check logout is called', async () => {
await my_logout_function();
test.js (in case you are writing tests in javascript)
const clientMock = new Auth0Client({ client_id: '', domain: '' });
describe('auth0 test', () => {
it('should check logout is called', async () => {
await my_logout_function();

Is it possible to mock API calls with Jest in NodeJS without jest.mock('module')?

My NodeJS application has to do some API requests, so I'm mocking their return as my tests are just for my application's business logic. However, there's two things that I quite didn't understand.
I'm using jest's mockImplementation method to change the return of my service, but I can't make it work without calling jest.mock with the service beforehand.
Also, if I try to set automock: true in my jest.config.js, it returns me an error:|
TypeError: Cannot set property 'gracefulify' of undefined
Here's my test.js code in where I'm testing a function that calls automation.js, which has my application logic and make the calls for my services:
const automation = require('../automations/fake.automation');
const mockedBlingProduct = require('../mocks/bling-product.mocks.json');
const mockedShopifyCreatedProduct = require('../mocks/shopify-created-product.mocks.json');
const BlingProductService = require('../services/bling-product.service');
const ShopifyProductService = require('../services/shopify-product.service');
describe('Automation test', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
const blingMockedReturn = jest.fn(() => {
return mockedBlingProduct;
const shopifyMockedReturn = jest.fn(() => {
return mockedShopifyCreatedProduct;
BlingProductService.mockImplementation(() => {
return {
list: blingMockedReturn
ShopifyProductService.mockImplementation(() => {
return {
create: shopifyMockedReturn
it('should return status SUCCESS', async () => {
const result = await
expect(result).toEqual({ status: 'SUCCESS' });
And here's the code of one of my services, keep in mind that the logic behind the API calls is abstracted from the service. In the mockImplementation I'm trying to overwrite the list and create functions inside them:
class BlingPriceService {
async list(query = {}) {
const httpMethod = 'GET';
const resource = 'produtos/page={pageNumber}/json';
const options = {
queryString: query,
urlParams: {
pageNumber: 1,
return blingComponent.request(httpMethod, resource, options);
module.exports = BlingPriceService;
const automation = require('../automations/fake.automation');
const mockedBlingProduct = require('../mocks/bling-product.mocks.json');
const mockedShopifyCreatedProduct = require('../mocks/shopify-created-product.mocks.json');
const BlingProductService = require('../services/bling-product.service');
const ShopifyProductService = require('../services/shopify-product.service');
describe('Automation test', () => {
beforeAll(() => {
jest.spyOn(BlingProductService.prototype, 'list').mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(mockedBlingProduct));
jest.spyOn(ShopifyProductService.prototype, 'list').mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve(mockedShopifyCreatedProduct));
afterAll(() => {
it('should return status SUCCESS', async () => {
const result = await;
expect(result).toEqual({ status: 'SUCCESS' });

JEST Mocking from node modules

I have been trying this for a while and i couldn't find the solution.
I tried a lot of solutions (__ mock __ folder, mockimplementation, mock and more) but i always had the same error client.mockImplementation is not a function
module.exports = (cfg) => new Client(config);
// api.js
const client = require('restclient');
module.exports.doRequest = () => {
const request = client();
const config = {};
request.get('/path/to/request', config)
.then(result => console.log(result))
const client = require('restclient');
const api = require('./api');
jest.mock('restclient', () => () => ({
get: jest.fn(),
describe('testing API', () => {
test('test then', async () => {
try {
restclient.mockImplementation(() => () => ({
get: (url, config) => 'Hi! I\'m mocked',
const result = await api.doRequest();
console.log('result', result);
} catch (e) {
console.log('eee', e);
I could not found the solution, I think I can't mock the const request = restclient() part but i dont know why!!
You were missing to mock the constructor.
This mocks the constructor of restclient
jest.mock('restclient', ()=> jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
/** here you can create and return a mock of request **/

Unable to unit test firebase function in Sinon

I am trying to unit test a JavaScript promise, that contains a firebase query, using mocha, chai, sinon. I am trying to mock the database using sinon rather than actually making a request to the database. However, I am unable to implement it correctly.
Here is my promise in the file '/services/pr_services:
exports.getUserInfo = (userId) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const userProfile = {};
const userProfileRef = database.ref('profiles').child(userId);
userProfileRef.once('value', (snap) => {
if (snap.exists()) {
const userProfileData = snap.val();
} else {
The variable database contains the database configuration like credentials, database url, etc
Here is my code for the test case:
const chai = require('chai');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const database = require('../database');
const services = require('../services/pr_services');
const should = chai.should();
describe('Database functions', () => {
let adminInitStub;
before(() => {
adminInitStub = sinon.stub(admin, 'initializeApp');
describe('get profile info', () => {
it('should return a non empty object', (done) => {
beforeEach(() => {
services.getUserInfo = sinon.stub();
afterEach(() => {
const userId = 'jim123';
const snap = {
name: 'Jim Dani',
address: 'Porto'
const userProfileRef = database.ref('profiles').child(userId);
.then(info => {'object');
.catch(err => {
after(() => {
Can anyone point out where I am going wrong and kindly point me in right direction.

How to stub a function in a module?

I build express app, there is a route A use many middlewares:
// fblogin.js
const saveUser = require('./middlewares').saveUser;
const issueJWT = require('./middlewares').issueJWT;
const exchangeLongTimeToken = (a) => { //return promise to call API };
const retrieveUserInfo = (b) => { //return promise to call API };
const service = {
const asyncAll = (req, res) => {
// use Promise.all() to get service.exchangeLongTimeToken
// and service.retrieveUserInfo
};'/', [asyncAll, saveUser, issueJWT], (req, res) => {
//some logic;
module.exports = { router, service };
And this is my middlewares.js:
const saveUser = (req, res, next) => { //save user };
const issueJWT = (req, res, next) => { //issue jwt };
module.exports = { saveUser, issueJWT };
It works well. But got problem when I tried to write the test.
This is my test, I use mocha, chai, supertest and sinon:
const sinon = require('sinon');
const middlewares = require('../../../../src/routes/api/auth/shared/middlewares');
const testData = require('../../testdata/data.json');
let app = require('../../../../src/config/expressapp').setupApp();
const request = require('supertest');
let service = require('../../../../src/routes/api/auth/facebook/fblogin').service;
describe('I want to test', () => {
context('Let me test', function () {
const testReq = {name: 'verySad'};
beforeEach(() => {
sinon.stub(middlewares, 'saveUser').callsFake((req, res, next)=>{
sinon.stub(service, 'exchangeLongTimeToken').callsFake((url) => {
return Promise.resolve(testData.fbLongTimeToken);
sinon.stub(service, 'retrieveUserInfo').callsFake((url) => {
return Promise.resolve(testData.fbUserInfo);
it('Should return 400 when bad signedRequest', () => {
return request(app).post(facebookAPI).send(testReq).then((response) => {;
What is the problem
You could see that there are 3 stubs, 1 for middlewares.saveUser and 2 for services.XXXX which is in the same file of the route.
The problem is that, the 2 stubs works while the 1 for middlewares.saveUser not work, always trigger the original one.
I think it maybe that when I call the setupApp(), the express will load all the routers it needs, so mock it afterwards won't have a effect, but it
is strange that route.service could be mocked...
How to get the stub work?
The only way to get it work, is to put the stub at the top of test file, just after that middleware require.
I tried:
1. Use 3rd party modules like proxyquire, rewire
2. Use node's own delete require.cache[middlewares] and 'app' and re-require them.
3. Many other tricks.
4. Use jest's mock, but still only works if I put it at the top of the file.
What is the way of solving this problem without putting the stub at the top of the test file? Thanks!
The solution in the question is a bit restricted, since the mock has polluted the whole test suites.
I end up by doing this, The logic is simple, we still need to mock the saveUser first, but then we require all the other variables into the test function rather than require them at the top of the file, more flexible this time. And I add a checkIfTheStubWorks method to check if the stub works, to make sure the whole test works.
const middlewares = require('../../../../src/routes/api/auth/shared/middlewares');
const removeEmptyProperty = require('../../../../src/utils/utils').removeEmptyProperty;
let app;
let service;
let request;
* The reason we need this is:
* If the mock not works,
* the whole test is meaningless
const checkIfTheStubWorks = () => {
const loadAllModules = () => {
service = require('../../../../src/routes/api/auth/facebook/fblogin').service;
app = require('../../../../src/config/expressapp').setupApp();
request = require('supertest')(app);
describe('Mock response from facebook', () => {
let spy1 = {};
let spy2 = {};
let spy3 = {};
const testReq = testData.fbShortToken;
beforeAll(() => {
spy1 = jest.spyOn(middlewares, 'saveUser').mockImplementation((req, res, next) => {
userToSaveOrUpdate = removeEmptyProperty(res.locals.user);
// It must be load here, in this order,
// otherwise, the above mock won't work!
spy2 = jest.spyOn(service, 'exchangeLongTimeToken').mockImplementation((url) => {
// mock it
spy3 = jest.spyOn(service, 'retrieveUserInfo').mockImplementation((url) => {
// mock it
afterAll(() => {
test('Return a JWT should have same length as facebook one', async () => {
const response = await;
// assert this, assert that
