Why all methods in chain executed at the same time? - javascript

Why all methods in chain executed at the same time? I wrap method in setTimeout. What I did wrong?
I know how to do this with promises but I'm learning chaining technique.
const delay = function delay(func) {
return function(...args) {
setTimeout(() => {
return func.apply(this, [...args]);
}, 2000);
return this;
class TimePopup {
constructor() {
this.firstMethod = delay(this.firstMethod);
this.secondMethod = delay(this.secondMethod);
this.thirdMethod = delay(this.thirdMethod);
console.log('This is the constructor');
firstMethod(val) {
console.log('This is the First Method', val);
secondMethod(val) {
console.log('This is the Second Method', val);
thirdMethod(val) {
console.log('This is the Third Method', val);
new TimePopup()

The issue you have is that delay does not schedule things to run relative to each other. Each thing is delayed exactly the time it's called, so new TimePopup().firstMethod(1).secondMethod(2).thirdMethod(3); will call all three methods at the same time and each is delayed the same amount of time relative to the call time. Then all three fire after two seconds.
Instead, you need to process them sequentially. Similar to this answer of mine, you can use create a promise queue to handle the sequence. Each method adds to the chain instead and there is a delay between before it's executed:
const wait = ms => () =>
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
let queue = Promise.resolve();
function delay(func) {
return function(...args) {
queue = queue
.then(() => func.apply(this, [...args]));
return this;
class TimePopup {
constructor() {
this.firstMethod = delay(this.firstMethod);
this.secondMethod = delay(this.secondMethod);
this.thirdMethod = delay(this.thirdMethod);
console.log('This is the constructor');
firstMethod(val) {
console.log('This is the First Method', val);
secondMethod(val) {
console.log('This is the Second Method', val);
thirdMethod(val) {
console.log('This is the Third Method', val);
new TimePopup()
A slightly more reusable approach is to create the delay functions on demand, so you can have different queues for different tasks. This can look like this:
const delayMaker = delayBetween => {
let queue = Promise.resolve();
return function delay(func) {
return function(...args) {
queue = queue
.then(() => func.apply(this, [...args]));
return this;
/* ... */
const delay = delayMaker(2000);
const wait = ms => () =>
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const delayMaker = delayBetween => {
let queue = Promise.resolve();
return function delay(func) {
return function(...args) {
queue = queue
.then(() => func.apply(this, [...args]));
return this;
class TimePopup {
constructor() {
const delay = delayMaker(2000);
this.firstMethod = delay(this.firstMethod);
this.secondMethod = delay(this.secondMethod);
this.thirdMethod = delay(this.thirdMethod);
console.log('This is the constructor');
firstMethod(val) {
console.log('This is the First Method', val);
secondMethod(val) {
console.log('This is the Second Method', val);
thirdMethod(val) {
console.log('This is the Third Method', val);
new TimePopup()

In the pre-promise days one popular approach was to pass around a next function which is supposed to shift the next queued task from the stack and run it. A simplified example:
class App {
funcs = [];
use(func) {
return this
next() {
if (this.funcs.length)
function delay(func) {
return function (next) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
(new App())
.use(delay(() => console.log(1)))
.use(delay(() => console.log(2)))
.use(delay(() => console.log(3)))


Use async iterator triggered by a custom function in main scope

What I want to do is to create an iterator, which is only triggered when an external function is called, say an external event.
An iterator that simply waits for custom events.
function createIteratorWithFunction() {
var thingThatResolves;
var asyncIterable = {
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
next() {
return (new Promise((resolve, reject) => asyncIterable.thingThatResolves = (resolve))).then(_ => ({
value: _,
done: false
return () {
return {
done: true
return asyncIterable;
iter = createIteratorWithFunction();
(async function() {
for await (let val of iter) {
<button onclick="iter.thingThatResolves('execute');iter.thingThatResolves(3)">execute next!</button>
As you can see, it only resolves 'execute', but not 3, of course because promises can't be resolved more than once, and it only is updated asynchronously, I understand this, but since the iterator is async, how would I create a queue, so that any values that could've synchronously been triggered are retrieved by next(), as well?
I have this feeling that there's a more elegant solution involving promise chains, but it's escaping me at the moment. :-) See inline comments:
function createIteratorWithFunction() {
// Our pending promise, if any
let promise = null;
// The `resolve` function for our `pending` promise
let resolve = null;
// The values in the queue
const values = [];
// The async iterable
const asyncIterable = {
add(value) {
// Add a value to the queue; if there's a pending promise, fulfill it
const r = resolve;
resolve = pending = null;
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
async next() {
// If we don't have a value...
while (!values.length) {
// ...we need to wait for one; make sure we have something
// to wait for
if (!resolve) {
pending = new Promise(r => { resolve = r; });
await pending;
// Get the value we waited for and return it
const value = values.shift();
return {
done: false,
return() {
return {
done: true,
return asyncIterable;
const iter = createIteratorWithFunction();
(async function() {
for await (let val of iter) {
document.getElementById("execute").addEventListener("click", () => {
<button id="execute">execute next!</button>
One of the key things here is that an async iterable can have overlapping iterations, and it has to not get confused by that. This implementation avoids that by creating the promise it'll wait on synchronously if it needs one.
function createIteratorWithFunction() {
// Our pending promise, if any
let promise = null;
// The `resolve` function for our `pending` promise
let resolve = null;
// The values in the queue
const values = [];
// The async iterable
const asyncIterable = {
add(value) {
// Add a value to the queue; if there's a pending promise, fulfill it
const r = resolve;
resolve = pending = null;
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return {
async next() {
// If we don't have a value...
while (!values.length) {
// ...we need to wait for one; make sure we have something
// to wait for
if (!resolve) {
pending = new Promise(r => { resolve = r; });
await pending;
// Get the value we waited for and return it
const value = values.shift();
return {
done: false,
return() {
return {
done: true,
return asyncIterable;
const iter = createIteratorWithFunction();
(async function() {
for await (let val of iter) {
console.log("first:", val);
(async function() {
for await (let val of iter) {
console.log("second:", val);
document.getElementById("execute").addEventListener("click", () => {
<button id="execute">execute next!</button>
I'm never happy when I have to make the promise's resolve function accessible outside the promise executor function (the function you pass new Promise), but as I say, the elegant solution with promise chains is escaping me. I sense strongly that it's there...somewhere... :-)
Another idea & way of doing this, you could use custom events, one advantage is that the code is much easier to reason with.
Below I've knocked up a simple example, it also allows you to cancel the iterator & handle errors. makeIter simple gives you 4 functions,
add = use this to add an item to the itterator.
iter = this is the iterator you can for await on.
done = if were done, you can call this and let the GC do it's thing.
error = allows you to put an error into the iterator, you can test this by un-commenting the last line.
To prevent any race conditions I've simply used a stack..
function makeIter() {
const obj = new EventTarget();
const evName = 'my-iter';
const stack = [];
obj.addEventListener(evName, e => {
async function *iter() {
while (true) {
await new Promise(r => resolve = r);
while (stack.length) {
const s = stack.shift();
if (s.resolve) yield(s.resolve);
if (s.reject) throw s.reject;
if (s.cancel) return;
function ev(p) {
obj.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(evName, {detail:p}));
return {
error: (e) => ev({reject: e}),
done: () => ev({cancel: true}),
add: item => ev({resolve: item}),
iter: iter()
const test = makeIter();
(async function () {
try {
for await (const item of test.iter) {
} finally {
console.log('iter done');
setTimeout(() => test.add('there'), 100);
setTimeout(() => {test.add('1'); test.add('2'); test.add('3'); }, 200);
setTimeout(() => test.add('4'), 400);
setTimeout(() => test.done(), 1000);
//setTimeout(() => test.error(new Error('oops')), 1000);

Javascript class chaning with Promise [duplicate]

I am trying to make a method sleep(delay) in method chaining. For this I am using setTimeout with Promise. This will require any method following the sleep to be inside the then.
Right now I am calling the function like
lazyMan("John", console.log).eat("banana").sleep(5).then(d => {d.eat("apple");});.
Here is my code
function lazyMan(name, logFn) {
return {
eat: function(val) {
return this;
sleep: function(timer) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`Sleeping for ${timer} seconds`);
}, timer * 1000);
}).then(d => this);
lazyMan("John", console.log)
.then(d => {
Is there a way I can modify my function to call it like lazyMan("John", console.log).eat("banana").sleep(5).eat("apple") and get the output in same order
I have gone through Add a sleep method in a object method chain(JS)
You can keep a promise for your "task queue", so anything that needs to be done, will be added onto there via .then(). This provides a fluent API for scheduling stuff.
function lazyMan(name, logFn) {
let taskQueue = Promise.resolve();
const addTask = f => {
taskQueue = taskQueue.then(f);
return {
eat: function(val) {
addTask(() => console.log(`Eating [${val}]`));
return this;
sleep: function(timer) {
addTask(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log(`Start sleeping for ${timer} seconds`);
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`End sleeping for ${timer} seconds`);
}, timer * 1000);
return this;
lazyMan("John", console.log)
Note that this change means that every action is technically asynchronous. However, that's at least uniform, so it's less of a chance of a surprise when keeping it in mind.

Clear all kind of intervals

Imagine the scenario in which you have the main function which executes 2 functions which start intervals. These functions are imported as a NodeJS module and executed. Then in the main function after some time you clearIntervals. Also, note that there we'll be more intervals in the main function in the future.
So the main function is
(() => {
const intervals = [];
setTimeout(() => {
intervals.forEach(id => clearInterval(id));
}, 1200)
One of these methods is simply
const intervalFoo = () => {
return setInterval(() => {
console.log('interval simple')
}, 500);
module.exports = intervalFoo;
but the second one contains some asynchronous code which can perform longer than interval gap but I don't want it to start before the previous "iteration" didn't finish. The solution in this kinda situation is to clear interval by id at the beginning and then reassign it at the end (but within the body) of interval. So the code of asyncInterval.js is:
const sleep = require('./utilities/sleep');
const intervalFoo = () => {
let intervalId;
const checkE2Interval = async() => {
console.log('interval async');
await sleep(120); //some long action
return intervalId = setInterval(checkE2Interval, 100);
return intervalId = setInterval(checkE2Interval, 100); //returning id
module.exports = intervalFoo;
(sleep is just a promise which resolves after timeout time given as argument)
The issue about this is that I'm returning intervalId from asyncInterval.js also in the interval and my problem is that I don't know how am I suppose to clear this thing.
Provide cancellation functions rather than providing raw handles, and pass your function an object with a flag it can check for whether it's been cancelled:
function mySetInterval(callback, ms, ...args) {
let token = {
cancelled: false
function wrapper(...args) {
callback(token, ...args);
if (!token.cancelled) {
id = setTimeout(wrapper, ms, ...args);
let id = setTimeout(wrapper, ms, ...args);
return function cancel() {
token.cancelled = true;
Since 0 is an invalid timer ID, we can safely use it as a flag that the interval has been cancelled. Note that there is a slight difference between chained setTimeout (above) and setInterval (setInterval's handling of the delay between intervals is...interesting.) Also note that nothing above prevents the function being called while it's paused on sleep. To do that, you'd have to have a guard and to have the function specifically support async functions:
function mySetInterval(callback, ms, ...args) {
let token = {
cancelled: false
let running = false;
async function wrapper(...args) {
if (!running) {
running = true;
await callback(token, ...args);
running = false;
if (!token.cancelled) {
id = setTimeout(wrapper, ms, ...args);
let id = setTimeout(wrapper, ms, ...args);
return function cancel() {
token.cancelled = true;
Use that function instead of setInterval.
In your async function, if it never has reason to stop itself:
const intervalFoo = () => {
const checkE2Interval = async(token) => {
console.log('interval async');
await sleep(120); //some long action
// If you had more logic here, you could short-circuit it by checking token.cancelled
return mySetInterval(checkE2Interval, 100); //returning id
If it does have reason to stop itself, save cancel:
const intervalFoo = () => {
let cancel = null;
const checkE2Interval = async(token) => {
console.log('interval async');
await sleep(120); //some long action
// If you had more logic here, you could short-circuit it by checking token.cancelled
// If you wanted not to continue the timer, you'd call cancel here
return cancel = mySetInterval(checkE2Interval, 100); //returning id
Then, where you need to cancel:
(() => {
const cancellers = [];
setTimeout(() => {
cancellers.forEach(cancel => cancel());
}, 1200)
Live Example:
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
function mySetInterval(callback, ms, ...args) {
let token = {
cancelled: false
function wrapper(...args) {
callback(token, ...args);
if (!token.cancelled) {
id = setTimeout(wrapper, ms, ...args);
let id = setTimeout(wrapper, ms, ...args);
return function cancel() {
token.cancelled = true;
const intervalFoo = () => {
let cancel = null;
const checkE2Interval = async(token) => {
console.log('interval async');
await sleep(120); //some long action
// If you had more logic here, you could short-circuit it by checking token.cancelled
// If you wanted not to continue the timer, you'd call cancel here
return cancel = mySetInterval(checkE2Interval, 100); //returning id
(() => {
const cancellers = [];
setTimeout(() => {
cancellers.forEach(cancel => {
}, 1200)
Live Example with the running flag:
const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
function mySetInterval(callback, ms, ...args) {
let token = {
cancelled: false
let running = false;
async function wrapper(...args) {
if (!running) {
running = true;
await callback(token, ...args);
running = false;
if (!token.cancelled) {
id = setTimeout(wrapper, ms, ...args);
let id = setTimeout(wrapper, ms, ...args);
return function cancel() {
token.cancelled = true;
const intervalFoo = () => {
let cancel = null;
const checkE2Interval = async(token) => {
console.log('interval async');
await sleep(120); //some long action
// If you had more logic here, you could short-circuit it by checking token.cancelled
// If you wanted not to continue the timer, you'd call cancel here
return cancel = mySetInterval(checkE2Interval, 100); //returning id
(() => {
const cancellers = [];
setTimeout(() => {
cancellers.forEach(cancel => {
}, 1200)
You can generalize this further, but you get the basic idea.

Wait for a functions to finish in sequence Javascript

I have three functions prints 20,30,10 as per setTimeout how should i make them print 10,20,30 order using promise
How to write these callbacks to print right order.
P.S. : This is not a duplicate question. Thanks !
var A = function(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 2000);
var B = function(callback) {
var C = function(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
function runTask() {
var wait = ms => new Promise ((resolve,reject) => setTimeout(resolve, ms))
var FuncA = wait();
FuncA.then(() => A(function () {}))
. then(() => B(function () {}))
.then(() => C(function () {}));
I'm not 100% sure I understood your question. But, here it is based on what I understood. You weren't doing anything with the callback so I didn't pass them.
In your code function B didn't have a delay.
function delayAsync(ms) {
return new Promise(p_resolve => setTimeout(p_resolve, ms));
async function A(callback) {
await delayAsync(2000);
if (callback instanceof Function) {
async function B(callback) {
if (callback instanceof Function) {
async function C(callback) {
await delayAsync(200);
if (callback instanceof Function) {
function runTask() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
await A();
await B();
await C();
runTask().then(() => console.log('done'));
If you want to stick with Promises, you could create a helper function that performs a setTimeout but returns a Promise. This will preserve the order of console logs:
const setTimeoutAsync = (fn, ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), ms));
var A = function(callback) {
return setTimeoutAsync(() => {
}, 2000);
var B = function(callback) {
var C = function(callback) {
return setTimeoutAsync(() => {
}, 200);
function runTask() { // refactored since A now returns a Promise
return A(() => {})
.then(() => B(() => {}))
.then(() => C(() => {}));
Alternatively, if you'd like a clean solution and don't mind adding a third party module, you could use async-af, a library for chainable asynchronous JavaScript methods that I maintain:
const setTimeoutAsync = (fn, ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), ms));
var A = function(callback) {
return setTimeoutAsync(() => {
}, 2000);
var B = function(callback) {
var C = function(callback) {
return setTimeoutAsync(() => {
}, 200);
// to run in parallel you would omit `series`, but
// since you want to run the tasks in order include it:
function runTask(...tasks) {
return AsyncAF(tasks).series.forEach(task => task(() => {}));
runTask(A, B, C);
<script src="https://unpkg.com/async-af#7.0.11/index.js"></script>

How to build an event generator in JavaScript

I am trying to build a way to create a generator which can yield DOM events. More generally, I want to create a way to convert an event system to an async system yielding events.
My initial code example works, but I can see an issue with lifting the resolve function from the Promise so that I can call that function once the event comes in.
class EventPropagation {
constructor(id) {
const button = document.getElementById(id);
let _resolve;
button.addEventListener("click", event => {
if (_resolve) {
let _listen = () => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
_resolve = resolve;
this.subscribe = async function*() {
const result = await _listen();
yield result;
yield * this.subscribe();
async function example() {
const eventPropagation = new EventPropagation("btn");
for await (const event of eventPropagation.subscribe()) {
// call the example function
My question is: Is there a better way of building something like this? There are a lot of things to think about, like multiple events coming in at the same time or cleaning up the listener and the subscriptions. My goal is not to end up with a reactive library but I do want to create small transparent functions which yield events asynchronously.
Edited 14 dec 2017 (Edited in response to Bergi's comment)
Async Generators
Babel and a few plugins later; async generators aren't a problem:
const throttle = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const getData = async() => {
const randomValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5000 + 1);
await throttle(randomValue);
return `The random value was: ${randomValue}`;
async function* asyncRandomMessage() {
const message = await getData();
yield message;
// recursive call
yield *asyncRandomMessage();
async function example() {
for await (const message of asyncRandomMessage()) {
// call it at your own risk, it does not stop
// example();
What I want to know is how I transform a series of individual callback calls into an async stream. I can't imagine this problem isn't tackled. When I look at the library Bergi showed in the comments I see the same implementation as I did, namely: "Store the resolve and reject functions somewhere the event handler can call them." I can't imagine that would be a correct way of solving this problem.
You need a event bucket, here is an example:
function evtBucket() {
const stack = [],
iterate = bucket();
var next;
async function * bucket() {
while (true) {
yield new Promise((res) => {
if (stack.length > 0) {
return res(stack.shift());
next = res;
iterate.push = (itm) => {
if (next) {
next = false;
return iterate;
;(async function() {
let evts = evtBucket();
evts.push(Date.now() + '++');
}, 1000);
for await (let evt of evts) {
My best solution thus far has been to have an internal EventTarget that dispatches events when new events are added onto a queue array. This is what I've been working on for a JS modules library (including used modules here). I don't like it... But it works.
Note: This also handles the new AbortSignal option for event listeners in multiple places.
export function isAborted(signal) {
if (signal instanceof AbortController) {
return signal.signal.aborted;
} else if (signal instanceof AbortSignal) {
return signal.aborted;
} else {
return false;
export async function when(target, event, { signal } = {}) {
await new Promise(resolve => {
target.addEventListener(event, resolve, { once: true, signal });
export async function *yieldEvents(what, event, { capture, passive, signal } = {}) {
const queue = [];
const target = new EventTarget();
what.addEventListener(event, event => {
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('enqueued'));
}, { capture, passive, signal });
while (! isAborted(signal)) {
if (queue.length === 0) {
await when(target, 'enqueued', { signal }).catch(e => {});
* May have aborted between beginning of loop and now
if (isAborted(signal)) {
} else {
yield queue.shift();
The example provided by NSD, but now in Typescript
class AsyncQueue<T> {
private queue: T[] = [];
private maxQueueLength = Infinity;
private nextResolve = (value: T) => {};
private hasNext = false;
constructor(maxQueueLength?: number) {
if (maxQueueLength) {
this.maxQueueLength = maxQueueLength;
async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
while (true) {
yield new Promise((resolve) => {
if (this.queue.length > 0) {
return resolve(this.queue.shift());
this.nextResolve = resolve;
this.hasNext = true;
push(item: T) {
if (this.hasNext) {
this.hasNext = false;
if (this.queue.length > this.maxQueueLength) {
(async function () {
const queueu = new AsyncQueue<string>();
setInterval(() => {
queueu.push(Date.now().toString() + "++");
}, 1000);
for await (const evt of queueu) {
