Math Bot keep data and sum them | Discord.js - javascript

I want to make a command that prints the number that I wrote plus the 50% of that number. For example, !te 100 prints 150.
I did this but the problem is that I don't know how to make the command to keep all the numbers that I used with this command and when I execute the !sum command sum all those numbers and with the !clear command clear the data so I can add more numbers to sum (WARNING the numbers that I found the 50% plus the number).
Here is my code:
bot.on("message", (message) => {
if (message.content.includes("!te")) {
let ppis = message.content.substring(botprefix.length).split(" "); / 100) * parseInt(ppis[1], 10)) + parseInt(ppis[1], 10))

If you're okay to store these in memory and start with nothing on every bot restart, you can use a simple collection or a map to keep track of the numbers that users sent. You can use the author's ID as the key and an array of the numbers sent by them as the value:
const map = new Discord.Collection();
client.on('message', async (message) => {
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || return;
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
if (command === 'boost') {
if (!args[0] || isNaN(args[0])) {
return'You have to provide a number');
// add the 50%
const amount = parseInt(args[0], 10) / 2 + parseInt(args[0], 10);
if (map.has( {
map.set(, [, amount]);
} else {
map.set(, [amount]);
return`\`${amount}\` added`);
if (command === 'sum') {
if (!map.has(
return'It seems you have no numbers yet. Maybe add some?');
const sum = map.get(, b) => a + b, 0);
return`The sum is \`${sum}\``);
if (command === 'clear') {
const removed = map.delete(;
? 'Numbers are cleared'
: 'It seems you have no numbers yet. Maybe add some?',


Math method that does not send negative numbers

I'm currently making a Discord bot using JavaScript, the bot features many commands, but I just came across this flaw, the flaw concerns the Math.Random() object, except it sometimes returns negative numbers, does anyone have a solution to this using one of the methods?
Here's the code::
let db = require(`quick.db`)
module.exports = {
name: "rob",
description: "Rob your friends to get money",
category: "economy",
usage: "rob [member]",
timeout: "1 minute",
run: async (client, message, args) => {
let victim = message.mentions.members.first()
if(!victim) {
return`:x: Please specify a member to rob!`)
let victimW = await db.get(`wallet_${}`)
if(victimW === null) {`:x: That user doesn't have money in his wallet, are you sure you want to rob him?`)
let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
if(random < 30) {
let victimWallet = await db.get(`wallet_${}`)
let userWallet = await db.get(`wallet_${}`)
let amount = Math.floor(Math.random() * victimWallet);
const messages = [`POG! You robbed **${victim.username}** and got **${amount}** :coin:!`, `oo seems like you robbed **${victim.displayName}** and got **${amount}** :coin:!`]
const randomMessage = messages[Math.floor(Math.random() * messages.length)];
await db.set(`wallet_${}`, amount - victimWallet)
await db.set(`wallet_${}`, userWallet + amount)
} else if(random > 30) {
let authorWallet = await db.get(`wallet_${}`)
let wallet1 = await db.get(`wallet_${}`)
let amountPaid = Math.floor(Math.random() * authorWallet);
const message1 = [`Pfft noob, you got caught and paid **${victim.displayName} ${amountPaid}** :coin: lol!`, `lel ure such a noob, you paid **${victim.displayName} ${amountPaid}** :coin:!`, `u suck and you paid **${amountPaid}** :coin: to **${victim.displayName}**, such a noob lol!`]
const randomMessage1 = message1[Math.floor(Math.random() * message1.length)];
await db.set(`wallet_${}`, (amountPaid - authorWallet));
await db.set(`wallet_${}`, (amountPaid + wallet1));
It all works except sometimes it just sends a negative number, can anyone tell me a math method that make sure the number isn't a negative?
You should verify the amount to steal before stealing it
if (random < 30) {
let victimWallet = await db.get(`wallet_${}`)
let userWallet = await db.get(`wallet_${}`)
let amount = Math.floor(Math.random() * victimWallet);
//Check the amount of victim wallet, return if not enough coins to steal
if (amount > victimwallet) {
console.log("Not enough coins to steal") return;
const messages = [`POG! You robbed **${victim.username}** and got **${amount}** :coin:!`, `oo seems like you robbed **${victim.displayName}** and got **${amount}** :coin:!`]
const randomMessage = messages[Math.floor(Math.random() * messages.length)];
await db.set(`wallet_${}`, amount - victimWallet)
await db.set(`wallet_${}`, userWallet + amount)
If the point is just to make the output to always positive, you can try this "if condition"
var x = -10 //change it with any number
if (x < 0){
x = x * -1
console.log(x) //it should will always show positive number
alternatively you can always use Match.abs(x)
var x = -10;

My ship command doesn't work with mentions

I am trying to make ship command, I have almost everything done but when I use it there are two problems:
It takes first half from both words (I want to take first half from the first word and second half from the second one)
When I mention 2 people then my bot doesn't respond
My code looks like this:
function getRandomIntInclusive() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 - 1 + 1)) + 1;
if (!args[0]) return"Podaj pierwszy argument!")
if (!args[1]) return"Podaj drugi argument!")
if (args[0] || args[1]) {
var FirstUser = args[0]
var SecondUser = args[1]
if (message.mentions.members.first()) {
const FirstUserSliced = FirstUser.user.username.slice(0, FirstUser.user.username.length / 2)
const SecondUserSliced = => { return user.user.username.slice(user.user.username.length / 2) })
const SecondUserName = => { return user.user.username })
} else if (FirstUser || SecondUser) {
const FirstUserSliced = FirstUser.slice(0, FirstUser.length / 2)
const SecondUserSliced = SecondUser.slice (SecondUser.lenght / 2, SecondUser.length / 2)
const SecondUserName = FirstUserSliced + SecondUserSliced
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.addField(`Ocena shipu:`, `${getRandomIntInclusive()}%`)
Let me answer your problems:
1.It takes first half from both words (I want to take first half from the first word and second half from the second one)
In your code you have this row slice(SecondUser.lenght / 2, SecondUser.length / 2), let's assume you wrote lenght here(StackOverflow), and what it does is it cuts the first half, otherwise if you had that typo it would notify you.
When I mention 2 people then my bot doesn't respond
Because you have that if statement if (message.mentions.members.first()) where it doesn't get into the MessageEmbed so if you mention someone it goes to the first if statement and can't send a message because there is no message.
I wrote an easier version of your's code so it's easier to understand.
function GetHalfText(first, second) {
return first.substring(0, Math.floor(first.length / 2)) + second.substring(Math.floor(second.length / 2), second.length);
function Match(arg){
return arg.match(/<#!?(\d{17,19})>/);
const {mentions, guild} = message
if(args.length < 2) return"You must enter two arguments")
const FirstArg = Match(args[0]) ? guild.members.cache.get(Match(args[0])[1]).user.username : args[0];
const SecondArg = Match(args[1])|| guild.members.cache.get(Match(args[1])[1]).user.username || args[1];
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`${GetHalfText(FirstArg, SecondArg)}`)
.addField(`Ocena shipu:`, `${getRandomIntInclusive()}%`)

embed.fields[1].value: Must be 1024 or fewer in length. embed.fields[2].value: Must be 1024 or fewer in length

I am creating an event for messageUpdate, and everything is working "perfectly" fine, except when someone sends a message that contains more than 1024 characters, it returns an error as addField has a character limit.
How could I possibly make the bot send an error if the message that has been edited has reached the limit ?
if(oldMessage.cleanContent.length >= 1000) return channel.send("Too long");
if(newMessage.cleanContent.length >= 1000) return channel.send("Too long");
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.addField("Old Message", `${oldMessage.cleanContent}`, true)
.addField("New Message", `${newMessage.cleanContent}`, true)
(Posting this message so the question can get answered)
Judging from what you posted in the comments, this should be right. (I'm not the greatest dev so, feel free to yell at me if it's wrong)
const oldMessage = oldMessage.cleanContent
const newMessage = newMessage.cleanContent
if (oldMessageContent.length >= 1000) return channel.send("Too long");
if (newMessageContent.length >= 1000) return channel.send("Too long");
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.addField("Old Message", `${oldMessage.cleanContent}`, true)
.addField("New Message", `${newMessage.cleanContent}`, true)
You can also use a loop to add more fields for every 1024 characters
for (let i = 0; i < oldMessage.cleanContent.length; i += 2000) {
const cont = oldMessage.cleanContent.substring(i, Math.min(oldMessage.cleanContent.length, i + 2000));
embed.addField("Old Message", cont);
for (let i = 0; i < newMessage.cleanContent.length; i += 2000) {
const cont = newMessage.cleanContent.substring(i, Math.min(newMessage.cleanContent.length, i + 2000));
embed.addField("New Message", cont);

Predict JavaScript string from incorect input

I'm currently programming a Discord bot, and was wondering if it is possible to predict the wanted command if the input was incorrect.
For example, I have this list of words :
and if the user inputs "hepl", would it somehow be possible to "guess" they meant to type help ?
One option would be to find a command whose levenshtein distance from the input is 2 or less:
const getEditDistance=function(t,n){if(0==t.length)return n.length;if(0==n.length)return t.length;var e,h,r=[];for(e=0;e<=n.length;e++)r[e]=[e];for(h=0;h<=t.length;h++)r[0][h]=h;for(e=1;e<=n.length;e++)for(h=1;h<=t.length;h++)n.charAt(e-1)==t.charAt(h-1)?r[e][h]=r[e-1][h-1]:r[e][h]=Math.min(r[e-1][h-1]+1,Math.min(r[e][h-1]+1,r[e-1][h]+1));return r[n.length][t.length]};
const commands = ['help','meme','ping'];
const getCommand = (input) => {
if (commands.includes(input)) return input;
return commands.find(command => getEditDistance(input, command) <= 2);
(2 is just a number, feel free to pick the tolerance you want - the higher it is, the more commands will be guessed at, but the more false positives there will be)
You can find hits and show many words in suggestion. If you want same you can use to show most hit word.
const words = ["help", "meme", "ping"];
const getHits = (word, wordToMatch, hits = 0) => {
if (!word.length || !wordToMatch.length) return hits;
let charW = word.slice(0, 1);
let index = wordToMatch.indexOf(charW);
if (index !== -1) {
return getHits(
String(wordToMatch.slice(0, index) + wordToMatch.substr(index + 1)),
hits + 1
return getHits(word.slice(1), wordToMatch, hits);
const getMatch = mword => {
return words.reduce((m, word) => {
m[word] = getHits(mword, word);
return m;
}, {});
const sort = obj => {
return Object.entries(obj).sort(
([_, value1], [__, value2]) => value2 - value1
.as-console-row {color: blue!important}

Discord.js Level System

My 'problem' is more of a feature I am looking to add, I used this guide:
I changed the code a little to mainly give you a random amount of XP, I am looking to edit how much XP is needed to level up.
Right now it is a static amount, being 5000 needed to level up. I am trying to make it increase the amount needed to level up by an extra 5000 each time you level up.
Currently, it works like this:
Level 1 to 2 = 5000 total XP needed
Level 2 to 3 = 10000 total xp needed
Currently, the amount needed to level up is always 5000 between each level.
This is how I want it to work:
Level 1 to 2 = 5000 total XP needed
Level 2 to 3 = 15000 total XP needed
Which will be 5000 to level 2 and then 10000 to level 3 and so on (increasing the amount needed by 5000 each time you level up)
I spent the best part of 2 hours trying different things, and mainly looking at the code being completely out of my depth.
I believed that doing something like this would work, but I have no idea if it's correct
if (score.level == '1') {
nextLevel = 5000
if (score.level == '2' {
nextLevel = 10000
I highly doubt this is correct, otherwise, my message event would be very long, as I plan to have 100 levels
The code in its entirety:
let score;
if (message.guild) {
score = bot.getScore.get(,;
if (!score) {
score = {
id: `${}-${}`,
points: 0,
level: 1,
const xpAdd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 50;
const curxp = score.points;
const curlvl = score.level;
const nxtLvl = score.level * 5000;
score.points = curxp + xpAdd;
if (nxtLvl <= score.points) {
score.level = curlvl + 1;
const lvlup = new MessageEmbed()
`Congrats ${}`,
.setTitle('You have leveled up!')
.addField('New Level', curlvl + 1); => {
timeout: 10000,
The code as-is works fine and as expected, but as-is is not very good, as there is no reward from going from level 30-31 as it's the same amount of XP needed to get from level 1-2
Here's a little formula which should do the trick (if I understand your problem correctly):
const nxtLvl = 5000 * (Math.pow(2, score.level) - 1);
This gives the following xp requirements to level up:
1->2: 5000
2->3: 15000
3->4: 35000
4->5: 75000
5->6: 155000
Try something like this:
const levels = [0, 5000, 15000, 30000, 50000, 75000];
nextLevel = levels[score.level];
#Dan you mean like this:
nextLevel = 5000 * Math.round( score.level * (score.level + 1) / 2 );
Here Is Code I'm Using
But Problem Is I Can't Add Or Remove XP
Also I Made It With Scratch So I'm Being Mad Understanding This
let Discord;
let Database;
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
Discord = DiscordJS;
Database = EasyDatabase;
} else {
Discord = require("discord.js");
Database = require("easy-json-database");
const delay = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), ms));
const s4d = {
client: null,
tokenInvalid: false,
reply: null,
joiningMember: null,
database: new Database("./db.json"),
checkMessageExists() {
if (!s4d.client) throw new Error('You cannot perform message operations without a Discord.js client')
if (!s4d.client.readyTimestamp) throw new Error('You cannot perform message operations while the bot is not connected to the Discord API')
s4d.client = new s4d.Discord.Client({
fetchAllMembers: true
s4d.client.on('raw', async (packet) => {
const guild = s4d.client.guilds.cache.get(packet.d.guild_id);
if (!guild) return;
const member = guild.members.cache.get(packet.d.user_id) || guild.members.fetch(d.user_id).catch(() => {});
if (!member) return;
const channel = s4d.client.channels.cache.get(packet.d.channel_id);
if (!channel) return;
const message = channel.messages.cache.get(packet.d.message_id) || await channel.messages.fetch(packet.d.message_id).catch(() => {});
if (!message) return;
s4d.client.emit(packet.t, guild, channel, message, member,;
var member_xp, member_level;
s4d.client.login('My Dumb Token').catch((e) => {
s4d.tokenInvalid = true;
s4d.tokenError = e;
s4d.client.on('message', async (s4dmessage) => {
if (!((s4dmessage.member) {
member_xp = s4d.database.get(String(('xp-' + String(;
member_level = s4d.database.get(String(('level-' + String(;
if (!member_xp) {
member_xp = 0;
} else if (!member_level) {
member_level = 0;
s4d.database.set(String(('xp-' + String(, (member_xp + 1));
member_xp = member_xp + 1;
if (member_xp > 100) {
s4d.database.set(String(('level-' + String(, (member_level + 1));
member_level = member_level + 1;['Congratulations, ', s4dmessage.member, 'you jumped to level ', member_level, '!!'].join(''))));
if ((s4dmessage.content) == '-level') {[s4dmessage.member, ', you are currently level: ', member_level].join(''))));
} else if ((s4dmessage.content) == '-xp') {[s4dmessage.member, ', you need ', 100 - member_xp, ' to jump to level ', member_level + 1].join(''))));
