Why do these white seams appear on my meshes in AFrame? - javascript

I import a GLB scene (with baked textures) in AFrame using THREEjs but for some reason these white lines appear on my objects (check example photo bellow).
The walls are actually grouped meshes so I can somewhat understand why the lines appear, but I cant understand why it happens on the objects too. When I upload the same scene on the THREE.js/editor the white seams don't appear so I assume its a setting that AFrame sets automatiacally?
Each object is a single material with a single "map" texture. Does anyone know why it happens and how to avoid it? Thank you in advance!
An example photo of the white seams. They appear in the perimeter of each unwrapped UV part

Your model has an issue with the alpha buffer. Once you disable its usage in the renderer, the mentioned white lines dissapear
<a-scene renderer="alpha: false"
Check it out here


ThreeJS: Putting a light inside a box for a glowing effect

I'm trying to recreate this glowing box from Beat Saber in ThreeJS:
I started by creating a shape in Blender and exporting an OBJ. I've loaded it in Three, as just a geometry:
Next I needed some lighting. I tried using a RectAreaLight, positioned inside but facing outwards, and this works alright:
My problem is that, compared with the screenshot above, it doesn't really seem like it's glowing, it just looks like a bright white triangle on a red cube. I'm not sure how to get the light to "spill" outside, like in the screenshot. Maybe I need to use a different kind of light?
what are you looking for is done usally by pixel shaders.
Take a look at glow and bloom shaders like:

Reuse image in three.js textures

I'm trying to load with three.js the same image in a large number (~ 1000) of bidimensional shapes but with different offsets in every shape.
I've taken this demo from the official website and customized it into this other demo, with all my shapes and a random background texture.
The problem is that if I clone the texture once per shape the page eats a lot of RAM and it ends up crashing.
You can see this in action by going in the javascript and changing the comments in the addShape function (you'll find the instructions in the code).
I've done some research and found some results, like this open issue or this older question where it's recommended to clone the texture; anyway nothing seems to work in my example.
Am I doing something wrong? It's changed something since these last posts about this problem?
Maybe I´m misunderstanding the problem, but why don´t you change the UV coordinates of the individual shapes to align the texture and use just one texture?
From documentation:
Array of face UV layers, used for mapping textures onto the geometry.
Each UV layer is an array of UVs matching the order and number of
vertices in faces.
To signal an update in this array, Geometry.uvsNeedUpdate needs to be
set to true.

Including an image with Three.js

I'm actually trying to include a .jpg image into my 3D scene. All solutions i have found consisted in apply those images on meshes as texture : but then the scene does not look like well. Indeed, we can see the mesh border whether it be a plane or sphere... I just want to see the image. Does exist it another solution ?
On my application, i want to rotate an airplane around the earth, and the problem is about including this airplane.
Thanks for your help :)
Perhaps the class THREE.Sprite will accomplish the effect you want. THREE.Sprite can display an image, and can use either screen coordinates (e.g. canvas coordinates) or it can be part of your 3D scene, but a sprite image is always facing the camera. If you want the image to rotate, you do need to use it as a texture on a mesh. Whatever you decide to do in the end, I've posted a bunch of tutorial-style examples at http://stemkoski.github.io/Three.js/ that may help. Good luck!

Three.js CanvasRender problems: faces flicker in and out

I am drawing two relative simple shapes and the geometry of them do not overlap.
Here is the code sample:
The Three.js Trackball is in there so you can click and drag to spin the objects around in 3d space. The problem is that as the objects rotate some faces disappear revealing the object below. A slight more rotation and the missing face returns, but others have gone missing.
I've tried BasicMaterial, Normal Material and LambertMaterial with both SmoothShading and Flat Shading. I have tried the scene with and without lighting. Moving the objects farther apart seems to correct the issue, but in the given example code the meshes do not overlap and should not have this problem. Problem happens in both Chrome and Firefox.
I imagine that switching to the OpenGL renderer would resolve the issue, but for compatibility we need use the Canvas renderer.
Any help or ideas appreciated.
This is a limitation of CanvasRenderer. Unfortunately per pixel z sorting is not available in CanvasRenderer so it basically tries to sort the whole polygon instead. Depending of where you're looking from the center of one polygon may be closer than the polygon on the side and so it "jumps".
The only solution right now is using WebGLRenderer. I'm working on a new renderer for context2d which hopefully will solve this without requiring webgl but it will still take some time.

Background with three.js

Can anybody help me with three.js?
I need to draw background, something, like a THREE.Sprite, but it neet to be UNDER any 3d object, that will draw later. I have a camera, that can be move only on Z axis.
I tryed to use:
cube mapping shader - PROBLEM: artefacts with shadow planes, it's unstable draw
THREE.Sprite that dublicate camera moving - PROBLEM: artefacts with shadow plane - it have a edge highlighting OR drawing only other spirtes without objects.
HTML DOM Background - PROBLEM: big and ugly aliasing in models.
What can I try more? Thanks!
You could maybe try drawing in several passes, i.e. making a first render of the background scene to a buffer, and then a second one over the first "buffer". Maybe using the buffer as background (painting it in 2D with an orthographic projection, and disabling depth buffer writes in that pass).
I haven't tried it myself with three.js, but that's how I'd do that with "traditional" OpenGL.
If you want a "3d" background i.e. something that will follow the rotation of your camera, but not react to the movement (be infinitely far), then the only way to do it is with a cubemap.
The other solution is a environment dome - a fully 3d object.
If you want a static background, then you should be able todo just a html background, i'm not sure why this would fail and what 'aliasing in models' you are talking about.
